Chapter 274 CH 268: THANK YOU...

In the backyard of Adam's home, where the party was being held, Cecilia looked on with clear emotions in her eyes as many of the few people she appreciated in the world had been reunited here in her own home. 

Adam, Theresa, Shuri, and Makarov. 

Then, while she was not close to others – such as Viktor, Yui, Makoto, and Susanne – she was still happy to have more people around the place than not. It was always good to have more people to make the party more exciting.

The party was actually arranged in such a way that many short tables were placed together to create a more extended table formation to promote intimacy among the participants. This kept everyone close and at arm's reach which helped to mingle with everyone pretty easily.

Everyone attending the party was already seated with Cecilia at the head of the table.

On her right was Adam, followed by Makarov, then finally Viktor and Susanne.

On her left was Shuri, followed by Theresa, and then Makoto and Yui.

"So, Cecilia, shall we start with a small speech?"

When Makarov proposed for her to make a speech, everyone grinned while Cecilia hesitated for a moment before standing up with a glass in her hand.

She was now wearing a dress that was a blend of midnight black and wine red and went really well with her current complexion. It was in no way the most beautiful dress in the room, but this did not affect her appearance and only complimented it, giving her a simple and down-to-earth vibe that went well with Cecilia's overall mannerisms.

A rare happy smile formed on her face for the first time in a while. This was different from her usual more manly way of acting out in the regular. It was a true soft smile, of the likes she generally only showed to Adam and no one else over the long years of isolation.

"To start it all… I want to say thanks to all of you guys for taking the time off from your busy days and coming here to partake in the small arrangement we have made. I know it isn't easy for all of you to be here so I am incredibly thankful to have you all in my presence."

Cecilia closed her eyes, she did not really know what to say right now. She had prepared no speeches beforehand and her mind had gone blank when she had been asked to give a speech…

And due to that… she simply decided to say what she held and believed in her heart.

"I am mostly rambling right now so I am sorry for that if I follow no particular order in this makeshift speech that I am forced to give all of a sudden. But… Thanksgiving is a day when we need to give our thanks, right? Now that all of you guys are present, I realize that I have many people I really need to thank in my life.

"Makarov… Thank you for organizing this party. Without you, and knowing me, we would most likely be eating pizza right about now."

Everyone chuckled under their breaths at her words but Cecilia was not finished yet, "Thanks for accepting my request. Because of me, you moved thousands of miles with no hesitation and came to this foreign place with your grandson. I will be eternally grateful for everything you have done for me and continue to do so."

Makarov owed her a great deal. But did that really matter? In this world, how many people actually honored the debt they had accumulated over the years? How many of them would actually do what Makarov had done for her and was doing for her on a regular basis?

The number was so small that it was truly insignificant…

"If there is someone else I need to thank more than anyone in this garden, it's you Shuri, my dear friend…"

After she was done with Makarov, Cecilia moved to Shuri.

"Shuri. I think between the two of us, our relationship has gone past the level of giving a simple thank you and calling it a day. You are basically family right now and I see you as my sister in all but blood."

A soft smile formed on Shuri's face at the words that came out of her friend's mouth.

"For twenty years that I have been in this foreign place, you took care of me and my son. You fed us, gave us shelter, and even helped me find a job. Well, multiple jobs… Heh, at this point, you are more like my husband than anything else."

Everyone laughed heartily while Shuri's smile turned into an amused scowl. 

Once everyone calmed down once again, Cecilia continued on with a more serious note, "I was really down on my luck back then. I was alone with Adam and I was lost about where I could even start on this huge land. My life now would be very different if I had not met you back then, my dear friend."

Back then, Cecilia was a young girl who barely understood the world for all the power she had. She was then given a kid to raise and take care of.

It had been overwhelming, soul-crushing, and mind-numbing all at the same time and then some. As if that wasn't enough, she was afflicted with that curse, and every year… she had to suffer and see the power she had accumulated over the years, the power that was her everything at one point, dwindling before her own eyes. Going from one of the strongest people in the world to nothing more than a simple mortal had not been easy.

She could not count the number of times she simply wished to let everything go and give up. The days when she cried in pain alone and cursed the world with all she had, had been too numerous for her to count on one hand.

Those were really dark days. Days were when many dangerous thoughts crossed her mind.

But she never gave up.

One reason for that was without a doubt, her own mental strength. But, she understood more than anyone else how flimsy such strength was without anyone to act as a support.

"Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being a friend and my family. Thank you for pulling me up even when I was falling into the deepest and darkest depths of life. Meeting you and helping you back then was without a doubt one of the best things I ever did."

She took Shuri's hand in hers and squeezed it slightly. There were many things that could not be explained in words but this small squeeze was enough to say thousands of words. It took all they had to simply not bawl their eyes out in front of everyone present…

The atmosphere was becoming warmer with that speech. Theresa watched in silence as Cecilia spoke on about her life and pain. Even though details were not given, she could picture the scene quite vividly with her eyes.

She could not imagine what had happened to Cecilia. But it must have been hard for her. Back then, Cecilia was barely older than Makoto was now and had to fend for herself alone with no support from anyone but herself.

'You must have really suffered, my foolish sister…'

She thought quietly. Her will to not let the old bastards from the family ever bother Cecilia again became further strengthened as she thought about the difficulties and sufferings of her sister over the years.

Once Cecilia calmed down slightly from the emotional high she took a deep breath and looked at Adam, 

"The last one I need to say thanks to here… My Little Baby. He blushes even as I call him that actually…"

Adam covered his face and once again everyone smiled at the scene. Cecilia had a great talent as an orator and thanks to her charisma, even without meaning to, she could affect those listening to her.

"I am sorry for making you embarrassed. But you need to know that… It doesn't matter how old you become. Be it now, in ten years, forty, or even a hundred years, you will always be my baby."

This was how mothers were. How good mothers were…

Sometimes a little too smothering though. But always wishing nothing more than the best for their children.

That was a mother's love…

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