Chapter 273 CH 267: EVERYONE HERE (2)

When Adam opened the door for the second time today, he was immediately greeted by the sight of Makoto and Theresa – his cousin and aunt respectively from his mother's side of the family – as he had expected.

Now that Cecilia had become much younger looking than before and had a much more healthy complexion, what looked to be only small similarities between the two sisters had somehow now changed into a sort of uncanny similarities that made the pair of sisters almost indistinguishable from each other.

Adam almost had the impression that this was in fact Cecilia playing a prank on him right now and would have even believed that to be the case here if not for the names that were showing up on Theresa's status screen above her head. 

"Welcome to the both of you in our home. I hope you had a good trip."

Both Theresa and Makoto were stunning as usual. Theresa was currently clad in a white toga gown with strips of red that was running along the borders of the dress that melded on the insides of it to form a unique and elegant look that gave the usual Theresa a very enchanting look. The gown was embedded with golden laurels on her waist and she also had a black jacket above her shoulders which was left hanging there, showing her well-sculpted shoulders and collarbones to the beholder. 

Overall, she fused a certain elegant and punk theme of clothing into one to create her own unique style and aura that perfectly fit her image.

Makoto had not changed her clothes particularly. She was still wearing the same black and white kimono that seemed to be made into a makeshift maid uniform. She was also holding an "umbrella" in her hand that was a bit in the current season. 

Noticing the peculiar look that Adam was giving to Makoto, Theresa waved her hand and spoke up, "Forgive the girl, will you? I told her that she should wear something nice but she refused all the way."

Makoto had a steady glint in her eyes as she spoke in an almost emotionless tone, "My clothes are good… for fighting."

"Why do you think you will have to fight here?"

"Los Angeles… Weird… Too many incidents."

Both Adam and Theresa grimaced at her as there was not much they could say about this other than to agree with her views about this accursed place.

"Hahah… Anyway, we don't really have a dress code for today… Come in, mom has been waiting for you both."

"Thanks. So, just where is that muscle-brained sister of mine?"

"On the second floor."

The moment Adam answered, Theresa had to stop all of a sudden as they reached the living room space of the home. There, she could see Yui sitting there, waiting for them to arrive and she immediately stood up and gave her a small bow as a greeting. 

"Heh. So you are dealing with them again?"

"Hello, Director. Hope you have been keeping well in the recent harsh times."


A voice interrupted them and from above the staircase, Shuri came down with a confused look on her face.

"What the… Cecilia? How did you…? Huh..?"

Her eyes opened wide when she saw Theresa standing there when she should have been up the stairs. Her head twirled and she looked at the door behind her but sure enough, it was still closed, indicating that Cecilia was still inside of her room.

"....Wait. You aren't Cecilia, are you?"

Shuri was utterly confused right now but it didn't take long for her to deduce that she was, in fact, not facing her long time friend Cecilia right now but someone related to her.

Even though their looks were extremely similar, the way they stood, and the aura around them were completely different from one another. If Cecilia was the fiery flames then the one standing before her was the frigid ice, complete opposite of each other. She didn't exactly know how to explain it in words but she could say with absolute certainty that this person was not Cecilia.

"Shuri, this is Theresa. She is mom's little sister."


Shuri was so surprised that her mouth opened wide into a big 'O.'

But who could blame her really? In the twenty years of knowing Cecilia, this was the first time she finally saw a member of her family other than Adam. In the past, she even thought that Cecilia was in fact an orphan and had no one besides Adam as her family. It seemed like she had been wrong in that assumption of hers.

In a way, this was a historical moment for her to meet the family of her friend for the very first time.

"Forgive me for my manners. Hello…"

She walked rather fast and went down the stairs to come and share a handshake with Theresa.

She was extremely happy that her friend had managed to get into contact with her family again and from the fact that Cecilia had even invited them, then they should be in a relatively good relationship with each other.

"Ah. Yes, Hello. Shuri, right? Cecilia told me a lot about you."

She smiled and shared a warm hug with Shuri.

"Thank you for taking care of that dunce for all this time. It must have been hard…"


After Shuri came down, Adam found himself progressively unable to participate in the discussion that was progressing between the three women.

Thankfully, he was not the only one to struggle it seemed.

"You seem rather lost there."

He spoke while sitting in a corner with Makoto next to him. Even in such a setting, her nerves were so taut that he felt like they would snap at any moment with the slightest pressure.

"I have to keep guard. That is my duty."

She spoke quietly and had no intention to participate in the discussion among the women in front of her. Not only was she not truly comfortable with conversations in general but she also had her duty to fulfill at all times.

Adam nodded, not willing to disturb her but then she seemed to have noticed something in him which made her frown heavily.

"You feel weaker than before."

Adam nodded, not surprised that she was able to feel his temporarily weakened state.

"I just sealed most of my powers."

"Sealed? Ah…"

She nodded, seals and whatever of sorts were very common in the lands of Japan as this was the main way the exorcists fought…

She wondered what reasons pushed him to do such a thing as to seal most of his powers, even if temporarily.

Looking at him from the corner of her eyes, she had to admit that he was making her progressively more curious about him.

He might become her master in the future after all. The kind that she would be serving as a servant rather than a student. So knowing more about him wouldn't hurt now, would it?

The problem was that… even though she wished to talk to him, she did not really know what to talk about at this moment.

She had never been invested in human relationships and she had become even more withdrawn when she had been recognized as the new Lightning Blade and the master of the Divine Weapon of Mei, the greatest prodigy of the Kaminari Family.

"Say, Makoto. Later on, would you like to train with me? I have my first mission incoming and I could use some help…"

Makoto, who had been agonizing about a way to start the conversation, was more than elated to hear him speak first.

Furthermore, training was something that she really liked and easily converse about. Then again, it was the only hobby she had in her life. So she had no way of refusing his request. She hoped to use this occasion to get deeper insights into his strength.

 The fight that they had last time had in no way satisfied her. Not only had she been limited due to the nature of the fight and to keep things fair, she was sure that she had not seen everything that Adam had on him due to the abrupt ending…

"Good. Let's start the day after. I feel like we will be too tired tomorrow to do anything."

Makoto was confused but once she gazed at her Master who was already opening the fridge and searching through the numerous cans of beers, she nearly facepalmed herself in frustration.

After a short discussion with Makoto, Adam stood up and went to wash himself from the tiredness of the day and to get ready for the event. 

He knew that Vitor would also want to take a bath but thankfully, he was still busy introducing his girlfriend to Makarov. He would have to use the small bath to join everyone as soon as he was able to.

The bath itself did not take long and back down Cecilia was already ready and started mingling with everyone.

When Adam also came back after a short but thorough shower, everyone present had been surrounding Theresa and started chattering away like no tomorrow.

Thanksgiving was finally starting in full swing with everyone gathered.

(AN: I am getting mentally tired lol. Nodded off while writing this. anyway there is two more chapters incoming. I poured my emotions in them Haha. even though it isn't thanksgiving thanks everyone for the support. I finally reached the minimum number of Priv readers necessary to reach 10k. Obviously would like to get more. But I am happy I am getting so much support despite the rocky start of the Story. The next chapter will also be thanks to you.)

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