
Chiyou and Prea exchanged glances.

In the midst of this confusion, they instinctively tried to figure out what had happened from each other.

Of course, they had no idea. It took them quite some time to realize that the killer’s name was Leeha, indicating how panicked they were.

“Let’s see, the level is… Whoa! Twelve? This is insane. This is crazy for leveling up this much. Toon, that was a disastrous gift! Haha.”

A single hunt led to a level up of twelve!

Leeha clicked his tongue as he saw his level now at 245.

It had been hard to level up since reaching the 200s, but he never imagined he’d go up by twelve at this moment.

“What about the achievement – no, checking achievements isn’t the priority now.”

Leeha looked down at the colossal corpse that had fallen to his blade.

The corpse of Toon, turning into light, could disappear at any moment.

What’s important right now?

“Obviously, looting!”

What items could come from Toon’s corpse? Leeha quickly pulled out a wire saw, scissors, and a dagger from his bag.

In the semi-automatic looting system of Middle Earth, one had to make movements towards a corpse to get the items. Leeha started to rush towards Toon’s long arms when suddenly his body staggered.

Kijung: Woah, woah! Eoooong-aaaah?

Shin Nara: Leeha-ssi! What Toon? Where? You caught Toon?

Bobae: It was just Leeha being a ranker.

Seeing this, the title ‘Ghoul’ seems rather embarrassing now.

Hyein: Haaa… Just give me the coordinates. I want to see for myself.

Tale: Hehe, there’s a limit to how much you can surprise people… But Leeha is always an exception.

The overlapping voices were clear to Leeha.

The first to contact him were Kijung, Shin Nara, and the rest were members of Byulcho.

“I can’t help but enjoy startling people. Heh.”

Leeha thought, for a moment, if he was possessed by the spirit of Petyr. Just as he was about to reply, he felt the buzzing of a new message.

Hwayeon: Leeha? You caught Toon? The Toon? You should have said something before going after a large monster! I was stockpiling items with extra damage against large monsters for a profit – your hunt cost me!

Hwajung:Oppa. That’s mean. I wanted to go too. So unfair.

Luger: What the hell? Was Toon even shown on the map? I’m sure I didn’t see it! Where is it, exactly!?

Kidd: You always manage to surprise people. Seeing the headmaster’s impressed expression makes me want to show you the taste of my [Silent Shot].

The second group of respondents were Ram Hwayeon, Ram Hwajung, Luger, and Kidd.

While the first group expressed pure admiration, the second group seemed to be concerned with profit and loss.

“Always such shameless people.”

Between Ram Hwayeon’s slyly demanding loot and Kidd’s subtly threatening stance, Ram Hwajung’s and Ram Luger’s overt sulking made the former group seem more cunning.

Blaugrunn: Leeha! Not telling me anything! Can you believe it? The Lord suddenly goes, ‘Huh? Isn’t that Toon right there?’

Do you have any idea how surprised I was!?

Leeha: Eh, eh? Blaugrunn? You must be with Bahamut right now, right?

The third whisperer was Blaugrunn. Hearing his words, Leeha felt unexpectedly flustered.

“[Hallucination] wasn’t just a simple illusion summoning, was it?”

Were the illusions ‘seen’ by the summoned ‘Bahamut’ being transmitted to the real ‘Bahamut’?!It was also the first time Leeha had heard about this.

“Lord is having a blast,” they said.

“Phew, well, that’s good then. But, why does Blaugrunn-ssi’s voice sound so gloomy?”

“…Because the reason Lord is having fun… is because from now on, Bluebeard will never leave you alone, Leeha-ssi.”

“What, what? This-“

“Such a troll!”

To think the leader of the metal dragons found amusement in others’ misfortunes! However, Leeha had a vague feeling about it. Although he hadn’t checked all the details of the achievement, he had clearly seen the notification for the first one.

“The very name of the achievement gave off that vibe.”

[Achievement: Bluebeard’s Great Ire(S)]

Glory be to you! You have led one of Bluebeard’s highest-ranked aides in the Demon Army, “Le’s throne to death! Only two creatures are directly linked to Le’s spirit and hold the highest ranks within Bluebeard’s forces: the dinosaur Toon, third in rank, and ‘Bathory, the Blood Maiden,’ second in rank. By killing one of the two, you have incited Bluebeard’s wrath. Though we believe you not to be easily vanquished, please proceed with caution. There’s nothing more dangerous in this world than an old man’s obsession. He will never give up on you.

Rewards: Stat points 25

+10% additional damage to monsters affiliated with Bluebeard’s forces

Alert function when Bluebeard is nearby

You are the first registrant of the achievement [Bluebeard’s Great Ire (5)].

The first three registrants will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the existing effect will be increased by 200%.

Effect: Stat points 50

+20% additional damage to monsters affiliated with Bluebeard’s forces

“Wow, class $! Ah~ but…?”

The words ‘There’s nothing more dangerous than an old man’s obsession,’ and ‘He will never give up on you,’ sucked the joy out of the achievement, making it hard to purely enjoy.

“So, there’s an alert function for when Bluebeard is nearby. Guess I should be thankful for that.”

But what use would the alarm be, Leeha wondered. Though uncertain of its functionality, if it was Bluebeard, even multiple alarms wouldn’t prevent him from easily taking Leeha’s head.

Blaugrunn: Moreover, I can’t go there even with soul resonance. Summoning and appearances won’t work, so please be extra cautious.”

Leeha: Ah, so Blaugrunn-ssi can’t come either. Seems like a place completely sealed off from anything related to space.”

Blaugrunn: Yes. Even the Lord said it wouldn’t be easy.”

Leeha: Hmm… If Bahamut can’t make it, then Bluebeard probably can’t either. Then I guess I don’t need to worry. Got it. I’ll contact you again when I return.

Blaugrunn: Oh, and a message from the Lord! ‘Since you’ve killed Toon, go to the far east. You might find what you’re looking for there.’

He didn’t elaborate on what he meant, though. Please return safely!”

Leeha processed Bahamut’s message while filing Toon’s nails. It wasn’t entirely unexpected.

“The far east, the extreme east.”

Where was Toon originally heading?

The ‘Kingdom of the Dinosaurs’ where he was from, was said to be in the far east.

“But what I want… How do they know what I’m seeking? Does he know I’m looking for Elizabeth?”

Right now, what Leeha wanted was to encounter Elizabeth. However, connecting his direction to travel east with Toon’s ‘far east’ was not straightforward.

“If they’re both part of the Demon Army- no, it’s hard to see it that way.”

If Leeha plainly assumed Elizabeth and Toon were allies, it would be difficult for him to act rashly.

“That means I have to see the two as opposing sides before I can move freely… but wait, Toon’s homeland- no, hold on.”

Leeha’s hand, which was filing Toon’s nail, briefly stopped.

Why did Toon choose to return to his homeland at this moment?

“Let’s assume there’s a place filled with dinosaurs like him… The destructive power of each individual would be no joke: Then? There must be a reason they haven’t been recruited as allies before.”

Leeha turned on his system window and nodded.

It wasn’t that they hadn’t been recruited; it was that they couldn’t be until now.

[Achievement: End of the Saurus Traitor]

[Congratulations! You have confirmed the existence of a species thought to be extinct, mentioned only in legends: the “Saurus.”

Even though it was through death that Toon’s identity as a Saurus was revealed, the mere confirmation of his identity will make every archaeologist and biologist cheer!

What is the societal structure of the Saurus, and how do they live? The historians of Middle Earth await your next move.

Rewards: Stat points 25

+20% increase in affinity with the Saurus royal family

Passage rights within the Saurus nation

[End of the Saurus Traitor] You are the first to register this achievement.

The first three registrants will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the existing effect will be increased by 200%.

Effect: Stat points 50

+40% increase in affinity with the Saurus royal family


The name of the achievement itself was telling.

The ‘Traitor’ of the Saurus tribe.

What was the reward? From the perspective of the Saurus tribe, it was as if Leeha had killed a member of his own species.

Nevertheless, the rewards for the achievement included ‘Royal Family Affinity’ and ‘National Transit Authority’.

“In other words, Toon must have been a significant problem within the Saurus tribe. That’s why Toon couldn’t take an easy way out from the beginning… But they really gave it a random name. Saurus is just a dinosaur, right?”

Leeha finished looting Toon’s corpse with a hollow laugh.

[You have acquired the Legendary Sharp Claw of a Saurus.]

[You have acquired the Legendary Sharp Claw of a Saurus.]

[You have acquired the Legendary Skin of a Gigantic lizard.]

[You have acquired Legendary Bone from Toon, which is impervious to strikes (a piece of the breastplate).]

[You have acquired Legendary Bone from Toon, which is impervious to strikes (a piece of the breastplate).]

[You have acquired Legendary Bone from Toon, which is impervious to strikes (a piece of the breastplate).]

[You have acquired the Legendary Vocal Cord of Toon.]

“Whew… if you exclude a few things that passed for dinosaur meat, this is it. Everything, absolutely everything’s legendary.”

They couldn’t be used immediately.

But to think that all these material items were of legendary quality!

What kind of items could one craft from these using which methods!?

Leeha examined the details of the items.

Two claws that could be used as swords or spears, one skin that could be turned into a coat, and three bones that could be modified into armors or shields.

“Indeed. As expected, the reason why attacks couldn’t penetrate must be because of the bones. No matter how much one strikes the flesh and muscles, ultimately, it seems nearly impossible to breach the bones. With this size, it might not even be necessary to transform it into a shield. Just using it as it is should suffice.”

The fact that the fragments of the bones were this large made Leeha admire Toon’s size anew.

“And the last item… the vocal cord? I didn’t expect the vocal cord to appear. Are they suggesting I mimic it?”

Considering Toon’s size, it would only make sense if even its vocal cord bone was as big as Leeha’s torso. However, now that it was reduced to an item, Toon’s vocal cord wasn’t that large.

‘It’s almost the size of a trumpet, though.’

Leeha crammed the items into the bag.

Leeha was worried that the breastplate, torn from Toon’s chest, would be too big to fit into the bag, but fortunately, that was not the case.

“Everything fits except for a musket. It seems musketeers were discriminated against from that point, damn it.”

Leeha slung the bag over his shoulder and moved on. There were still two achievements he hadn’t checked, but honestly, he just wanted to get out of here.

Even Bahamut couldn’t teleport immediately from this place. Although he verified that fact, he couldn’t guarantee that Bluebeard wouldn’t be able to come as well.

“I need to find a teleport point quickly… If I die carrying all these and drop them – I can’t even imagine what would become drop items!”

The thought of dying while carrying all these legendary material items and dropping them was truly horrifying.

“Jellypong! Let’s hurry!”


With the 3-dimensional maneuver of Jellypong Flight, Leeha’s body began to move quickly. Shwoosh, shwoosh!

A very faint gaze followed Leeha as he moved swiftly. From their distant position, Leeha appeared as a mere dot. However, both observers were watching Leeha without the aid of any auxiliary items, using only their naked eyes.

Of the two watching, a man spoke, “Lucky we don’t need to go help, huh, honey?”

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