“Enough! So this is why you couldn’t clear the fifth quest!”

At the stronghold of evil, Elizabeth immediately recognized Leeha’s predicament! The reward skill for Black Bass’s fifth quest was essentially an ‘escape skill’. A last resort survival skill that allowed one to move their body regardless of spatial locks. However, it could only be used within the maximum range of Black Bass and didn’t allow for teleporting to coordinates or stored locations in a crystal ball. Nonetheless, it was more than enough to escape from the range of ordinary attacks!

Thus, when Elizabeth approached and Leeha was in a dire situation yet couldn’t escape, Elizabeth realized it at that moment. Leeha hadn’t learned the fifth skill.

“Cheh! If you were going to teach me, you could have been nicer about it!” grumbled Leeha, pulling himself together.

Once teleported, Leeha had only one task.

“Urgh, damnable dinosaur, let’s see if you can withstand this.

[Platinum Shield]. If Toon closes its mouth now, I’m dead!”

From Toon’s mouth roof, Leeha began by using his protective skills.

[Bah, begone, false dragon… Huh?]


Leeha narrowly managed to stabilize himself atop the speaking Toon. Throughout the ordeal, Toon’s gums and rough skin kept harassing Leeha, but he paid it no mind. With the Platinum Shield in place, he wouldn’t die in one hit. To break it, a consistent level of high damage would be required.

It was for this reason that Leeha was able to boldly grab onto Toon’s fangs to support his own body.

“Are you done?”

[Hmm? Th-this voice, is it Leeha?]

Leeha barely held back his burst of laughter.

“No, who else would it be? What kind of question is that?”

And at that moment, the duration of [Spy Hero Kojobu’s Glasses] ended. The moment Toon, an outsider, doubted the identity of the target, meaning Jellypong wasn’t Leeha, Jellypong returned to its original state.


[“You, what are you!”]

Leeha had made Jellypong into a strength type for this very reason. In case Toon, consumed by rage, attacked towards Jellypong, it needed to have a form with high defense and stamina to withstand as long as possible.

Toon’s thought process momentarily paused, but that moment lasted less than 0.5 seconds.

“It’s over, you damned dinosaur.”

But it was enough.

Leeha’s multi-warhead shot didn’t require casting.

  • !!

From the mouth of the dinosaur, thirty-six bullets were fired. There was nothing left to block the attack. The bullets, fired at close range, were enough to completely shatter the dinosaur’s hard bones. They tore through the throat and the roof of the mouth, exiting from the back of Toon’s head.

The giant dinosaur’s body began to turn into light.

“Je, Jellypong!”


Jellypong zipped—! and clung to Leeha’s body. Like a bulletproof vest, it enveloped Leeha’s entire body, absorbing all the physical shock damage as Toon collapsed.


As Toon’s massive body fell, causing the earth to tremble, what caught the eye was the endless white radiance emanating from Leeha’s body and the system notification window.

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

[Your level has increased.]

[You have obtained the “Bluebeard’s Great Ire” achievement.]

[You have obtained the “Fall of the Giant Monster Commander” achievement.]

[You have obtained the “End of the Saurus Traitor” achievement.]

[You have obtained the Supreme Rule Over Emotions – Fear Domination achievement.]

“Phew, how many are there exactly? It’s hard even to count.”

Just from the level-up notification that he hadn’t even fully checked yet, Leeha’s mouth was nearly agape, and to make matters even more dizzying, there were even four achievement-related notifications popping up.

Toon truly lived up to his name.

He was the first to make Leeha experience the terror of being targeted, and he was one of the key figures who caused all users the most trouble by bringing them up to the New Continent. His death undoubtedly brought immense value.

[Everyone, please congratulate! The third in command of the Demon King’s Army, Bluebeard’s side, the supreme commander of the giant monster Dinosaur Toon, has been confirmed dead!]

[Slayer: Leeha, Musketeer, affiliated with the nation of Fibiel]

The alarm spread simultaneously across Middle Earth.

“Shouuuuld I reconsider what I am about to say?”

“So what happened exactly?”

“When the ‘Count’ wasn’t around, I took a moment to shine, tying up the knights for a while. Heh.”

“I already knew that. No, what deal did you make with Bluebeard? And where on earth did Toon go?”

“Uh, was there really a deal? It was just a chat. And how would I know where Toon has gone-“


Unable to watch Prea hemming and hawing any longer, Chiyou slammed the desk forcefully.

The spirit mage with white snow-like hair feigned surprise, but her expression remained amused.

“For heaven’s sake, why get so angry?”

“Prea. We both know everything there is to know, so can we just drop this charade?”

“Uh? What do you mean?”

Prea puffed her cheeks and tilted her head, causing Chiyou to grind her teeth.

‘That bitch… I shouldn’t have welcomed such a person from the start. What on earth did she do to get closer to Bluebeard?’

When Chiyou reconnected after her death, the situation had already changed significantly.

It was Prea who had started to show her capabilities and began receiving Bluebeard’s favor, while Chiyou had been disregarded to the point of not being called upon by Bluebeard at all.

What exactly had she done?

Chiyou wanted to question Prea, but until the bond with the [Holy Spirit] was formed, she had to summon and maintain Toon’s illusion to distract the knights, so she never got the chance to press her directly. And today, finally, in their newly moved hideout, Chiyou got the opportunity to confront Prea.

Of course, Prea had not been sincere or complete in her answers to Chiyou’s questions, and her irritating attitude had made Chiyou explode with anger.

“If you keep being so uncooperative, I won’t let it go. You must have made some kind of deal with Bluebeard and, surely, it involves mystical creatures?”

“Well, as you think.”

“But what you want isn’t just Bluebeard’s power. Considering that item you asked me to find…”

“Did you find it?! Did you find that item?!”

Prea suddenly lurched forward, taking Chiyou by surprise.

Just moments ago, she was acting like a master of push-and-pull, and now exposing her true intentions like this?

‘This woman is truly unpredictable… Whether this is an act or not, it’s not funny that I can’t even tell.’

The only person who could procure what Prea so passionately wanted was ultimately Chiyou herself. So, Prea had no choice but to be under Chiyou’s influence again, yet she made it this evident?

When negotiating, it’s basic not to show how desperately you need something, even if you do. Sometimes acting like a master negotiator, other times begging like a child, Prea. Chiyou licked her lips looking at this white wood elf.

“I haven’t found it yet, but I’m nearly done tracking down the materials. It’s said to be an item that doesn’t even exist in Minis.”


“I can’t say yet… but it’s related to Kraven, from what I’ve heard from one of Minis’s chromatic dragons. Somewhere deep under the sea…? It’s not somewhere you’d go anyway. Once the materials are more clearly identified, I’ll let you know.”

Chiyou wore the expression of someone who had caught the wind.

Asserting that the reins of the situation were clearly in her hands, Prea nodded compliantly at Chiyou’s authoritative face.

“Understood! I’ll be waiting.”

“So… Toon? What happened to him? I’ve heard Master Kay of Byulcho has been making waves lately, is it related to that?”

Chiyou had already grasped a considerable amount of information.

Fortunately, she didn’t know yet that it involved [2nd Job Change, Holy Knight]. But from what she had seen of Byulcho and the Paladins, she had sensed that a significant quest was involved.

“Who knows? If it’s related, then it is, if not, then it’s not.”

“If you keep going on like this…”

“No, no! Really, that’s why I’m telling you. Toon has gone back to the village where he was born and raised.”

Prea narrated what she had heard obediently.

Though she couldn’t possibly know about ‘being born and raised,’ as long as it involved his homeland, Prea didn’t think she was necessarily lying.

Upon hearing the full story from Prea, Chiyou’s eyes widened remarkably.

“A kingdom of dinosaurs exists?”

“So I’ve heard. I really don’t know any more than that. Bluebeard did instruct Toon to go there, though…”

“You should have said that earlier! Where? Where is such a place?”

“Where did you say it was again~?”


“, I’m just kidding! You really do get too angry, Chiyou unnie.”


Just the act of calling her ‘sis’ was enough to irritate Chiyou.

“Damn it, not only do you pique my curiosity like Leeha, but you also infuriate me just as much. It’s maddening!”

Chiyou, who remained calm under any provocation, couldn’t help but feel a rising anger in front of Prea. Why could she not suppress this surge of anger?

“It’s the Far East… Something about the easternmost part? Beyond that, even I don’t know!”

“Far East…”

Chiyou tried to send a message to Sasuke. Or, at least, she tried to.


“Oh dear, oh dear. Chiyou! It’s been a while.”

“My lord, the Count, I greet you.”

“Oh, Bluebeard, long time no see!”

Suddenly, Le appeared in Chiyou’s new hideout. While Chiyou bowed her head, Prea merely waved her hand in greeting.

It was a truly peculiar scene. Bluebeard too recognized the oddity of their relationship.

“Keke, what a family tree we have here! Well, this is good. I had something to ask of Chiyou anyway.”

Bluebeard pulled up a chair and sat down with a laugh.

Chiyou bit her lip as she listened.

It was as if she was being treated as the most unnecessary person in the room.

A situation she had never encountered back on the Old Continent.

“I’m aware there have been some troublemakers recently.”

“It’s Master Kay. A templar affiliated with the PBY state, quite close to the Papacy.”

“Ah! I knew it! I had a feeling that guy would cause problems.”

“What kind of problems do you mean?”

Despite being cautious, it was natural for them to exchange questions in the absence of other players or any sign of the 1480.

Especially if it was about a second class change, it was something any player from Byulcho would be curious about, and the Chiyou had shared at least the minimum information.

“The key word is ‘Holy Knight’” but as the messenger of Ghibrid, acting as its eyes and ears, the manticore.

That everything it saw and heard was reported back to Ghibrid was unknown even to Chiyou.

“Holy Knight?”

Chiyou pondered the word that had come out of Bluebeard’s mouth.

It was a word she had never heard before.

“You don’t know it yet, huh. Investigate it. Whether the templar causing trouble now becomes a Holy Knight or not, that’s the question. Damn, it has something to do with the representative of God.”

“A Templar becoming a Holy Knight… Understood. I’ll focus all efforts on the Ezwen Church State.”

But Bluebeard had given enough ‘hints’.

If becoming a Holy Knight meant a second class change and had connections with the Pope, it was evident that digging into the Ezwen Church State would shine a light.

“Yes, yes. And as for Prea—Cough!?”

Bluebeard, who was about to speak to Prea, suddenly clutched his head.

“My lord?”

“Oh, what’s wrong?”

Seeing Bluebeard in pain was a first for both Chiyou and Prea, truly surprising them.

However, Le could not continue speaking.

“Ah, the pain… Who…?”


As Bluebeard muttered in pain with a scrunched-up expression, Chiyou and Prea eventually came to understand why.

[Everyone, please congratulate! The third in command of the Demon King’s Army, Bluebeard’s side, the supreme commander of the giant monster Dinosaur Toon, has been confirmed dead!]

[Slayer: Leeha, Musketeer, affiliated with the nation of Fibiel]

TL’s Corner:

If you find any grammar issues, errors, or unintelligible sentences, feel free to leave a comment or join our discord server so I can rectify any mistakes I made.

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