TL: xLordFifth


Kidd estimated that his current intimacy with the Gorilla Paleos NPCs was roughly around 80%.

“Even at this level, if I can’t get answers, it seems I’ll have to wait until it reaches 100%. Sigh… I guess I have to keep chatting for a couple more hours. There’s no other way.”

But Kidd had to do it. Glancing at the friend window, Kidd saw that Luger was still on the surface, and Leeha was wandering around the underground city.

“I’ve taken the first step. When dealing with specific NPC races, the one with the most information is naturally the boss. You should have targeted Jorje. Hoho.”

Kidd opened the bag again and started a conversation with Jorje. He needed to reach 100% intimacy as soon as possible. This was especially crucial to unlock Kaztore’s Laboratory No. 7.

“Sigh, sigh.”

“Can we do more? We can’t even see the forms of the Rhinodilos properly now. Maybe we should continue tomorrow—”

“No. It’s not allowed. Three more. Just three more to catch.”

“But if something goes wrong even once, our tribe is in danger.”

“Then I’ll bet my life on it. Please, eldest brother.”

Luger was so desperate that he even used the phrase “please.” As the moonlight faded, not only the pitch-black gorilla paleos but also the pitch-black rhynodilos were barely visible.

It was crucial to maximize sensitivity and shoot, much like shooting without seeing them properly. The proposal to act as bait for aggro had been made for the sake of the tribe, but Luger stubbornly clung to his pride.

“Now, it’s just three more to go. Kidd may be a blockhead, but since he’s with Jorje, he’s surely steadily making progress. Leeha… What can that idiot do? Is he still wandering inside the city after more than twelve hours, unable to figure out how to increase intimacy?”

Luger quickly checked the friend window and laughed.

“If Leeha fails, the only competitor is Kidd. Moreover, I have only three left. If they respawn once, it’ll be over.”


Finally, a vibration came!

Luger revealed his white teeth and loaded the bullets.

“Three! Just three more, and we can teleport immediately! Trust me, big brother!”

“Got it. Everyone, prepare to return! Be prepared for any situation!”



Two Gorilla Paleos, other than the eldest brother, stood by Luger.

Gwaa, gwaa!

What emerged from the ground were four Rhinodilos! It was good news for Luger.

“Che, Ha Leeha, if you have nothing to do, you should have come up and helped.”

However, at the last moment, Luger hesitated. If he mistakenly hit the gorilla paleos NPC… it would undoubtedly result in instant death. That would likely bring the intimacy he had built up so far to rock bottom.

Only then did Luger appreciate the presence of Leeha. It was a moment when a companion who could be the ‘eyes in the darkness’ was desperately needed. Especially, memories of teamwork with Leeha when he played the role of the control tower resurfaced.

In the darkness, a perfect time freeze.

Moreover, the precise shots led to perfect hits in the forest filled with trees. This was what Luger wanted the most right now.

“Are you ready, Luger?”

“…Yeah, it’s not the time for such thoughts.”


“I’ll finish it in one shot! Huu!”

Luger shook off his weak thoughts and exerted strength. Then he pulled the trigger.

The roar echoed at regular intervals.

One, two, three, and four times.

There were some close calls, but the Gorilla Paleos NPCs were not hit.

Luger had truly exerted more than 150% concentration to barely achieve this.

“…Really, a hundred in just one day…”

“Hehe, hehehe… Of course. I am a man who keeps his promises.”

Luger stood up and extended his hand to the eldest gorilla paleos. Along with the quest completion notification, a triumphant sound echoed in his mind. Bam!

“Therefore, we have come all the way to this distant, distant new continent.”

“Ukit! Ukit! It was fun! It was an interesting human! Humans are truly amusing!”

Ugly Jorje clapped with both hands and even clapped with his feet. Clap^^!

With the resounding applause, Pangpang also echoed in Kidd’s mind.

Finally, they achieved 100% intimacy. Without receiving any special quests, they managed to reach this level through various methods of gift attacks and increasing favorability. Compared to users without know-how, who take a week or more just to improve their relationship with a specific group through proper communication with human tribes, the accomplishment of the Three Musketeers was quite speedy!

“I know that spending a tremendous amount of money doesn’t make it fair. I also know that achieving this even after trying various methods to increase favorability and gift attacks is still slower compared to ‘The user closest to NPCs, Dame Shin Nara.’ But, hehe, at least this time, I won.”


After the resonating Pangpar sound subsided, Kidd checked the notification.

Achievement: Underground Gorilla(B+)

Congratulations! You have successfully gained complete intimacy with Jorje and his Paleos on the Erica continent. Your outstanding achievement in fostering trust between Paleos in the Erica continent, where interaction among Paleos is minimal, will be widely recognized.

Reward: Strength +13, Agility +2, Erica Continent Common Fame +15

“B+ grade only, huh… Ha Leeha said that Aibex and Hudid were around A-grade, it seems.”

Kidd had heard that abilities varied depending on the mystical creature. It was natural for the grade of the achievement to change based on the mystical creature’s abilities.

In the midst of this, it was puzzling that the achievement grades for Aibex and Hudid were not explicitly mentioned.

Although they handled bows, their forms were that of gorillas. It was an achievement that mainly boosted strength, which wouldn’t be particularly beneficial for Kidd.

“Well, it’s better than nothing. Above all, it’s the first in the Hall of Fame—”


The door to the sanctuary where Jorje resided opened abruptly.

“Ukit?! Ukkak! Who dares—”

“Stop, Luger! Even if it’s you, such disgrace cannot be tolerated in front of the Guardian Deity!”

Amidst the tumultuous sounds of Jorje’s outrage, another voice could be heard in the background. Though dimly lit, Kidd recognized the silhouette of the big brother Gorilla Paleos. And the person being scolded by the big brother Gorilla Paleos.

Even in the subdued lighting, it was clear enough who had forcefully opened the door as if ready to break it down.

“Damn it, where is that arrogant Ha Leeha! It said it’s near the Guardian Deity’s residence!”

“Luger… What are you doing?”

“Kidd, this idiot!”

“Idiot? Do you want wind holes all over your body?”

Kidd was getting annoyed too. Luger’s reckless mode, not seen for a while, was indeed hard to adapt to.

“I don’t want to hear lectures from someone who hasn’t even achieved the achievement yet! Bring Ha Leeha here!”

“Who hasn’t achieved the achievement yet? I’m number one—no, huh?” Luger, spouting frustration like a drunkard, uttered a sentence that struck clearly into Kidd’s ears.

‘Someone who hasn’t achieved the achievement yet.’

Did he really just say that?

The one who said those words should have achieved the achievement, shouldn’t they? Kidd hastily checked the achievement window that they had neglected to look at.

Achievement: Underground Gorilla

The third registrant for the achievement. The first three registrants of the achievement will be recorded in the hall of fame, and an additional 200% of the existing effect will be applied.


Strength +26

Agility +4

Erika Continent Common Fame +30

“Hell, god! Third place!”

“Hmm? Did you really achieve it? Well, even if you did, being in last place is natural. Did you think you could be first with that trickery?”

Although it was called a trick, Kidd, who had achieved 100% intimacy at an incredible speed, couldn’t really refute Luger’s words.

In reality, Kidd was the third registrant. Essentially, wasn’t Kidd in the last place among the three musketeers?

“Then, Luger, you’re first—no… Is the reason you’re looking for Leeha…”

Kidd could understand Luger’s frustration.

The reason Luger, who tried to raise intimacy with the most risky action, was in a frenzy had only one explanation.

Thump, thump, thump.

Amidst the chaos of Luger causing a commotion at the Guardian Deity’s residence and Luger rampaging, a quiet footstep spread.

“Hey, perfect timing, everyone? While I was coming this way, I saw Luger jumping in. How… did everyone achieve the achievement? Did you hit 100% intimacy?”

With a calm expression, Leeha opened his mouth while placing a sleeping Bronze Dragon Hatchling on top of his head.


Both Luger and Kidd shouted simultaneously.

Leeha’s attitude was enough to thoroughly understand their situation. After all, he had been silent until now to surprise them!

“Kik, so who’s complaining? Obviously, I’m going to be the first one.” 

Luger, who had risked dealing with the rhynodilos, was second. Kidd, who had endured financial bleeding and offered all kinds of tributes to Hahee, was third.

How in the world did Leeha manage to be first?

“What kind of trick did you use? I’ve never seen you outside…”

“Yes, indeed. Moreover, with the boss Jorje here, how did you, Ha Leeha, manage to be so fast?”

Luger and Kidd rushed toward Leeha in disagreement.

Looking at their determined expressions, Leeha barely held back his laughter.

“If I were to give you a hint, it’s the same for both humans and paleos. There’s only one way to quickly gain love.”

“What on earth is that? If you don’t tell us quickly, I’ll blow everything around your mouth away. You won’t be able to speak again—”

“Oh? If it comes to that, you won’t be able to talk at all, right? Kik, do as you please~ Give it a try.”

Leeha leaned his face toward the jaws of the Cobalt Blue Python. Luger tried to pull it away, but there was no way he could really pull it.

The laughter of the victor echoed loudly from the Guardian Deity’s residence of the Gorilla Paleos a moment later.

Leeha’s secret to achieving 100% familiarity the fastest was, in a way, quite obvious.

‘The fastest way to gain love from people? Obviously, it’s feeding them! I’m not the richest person in the city, but managing just the nearby ten miles is enough.’

Whether it’s a person or an animal, the most reliable method is to fill their stomachs, as Leeha thought.

Leeha: Is that so?

Nara: Of course. But can Leeha-ssi do that?

Leeha: Hehe, come to think of it, I’ve never treated Nara-ssi. I’ll treat you next time.

Nara: Really?! Oh… then do it outside Middle Earth, not in Middle Earth. Can you do it outside?

Leeha: Huh? Outside? Well… the ingredients are different, so you might need to get used to it, but I think it should be possible. Probably.

Nara: Wow, really, really? You’ll do it? I heard that you’ve become popular as a charming guy lately, Leeha-ssi.

Shin Nara’s excited voice echoed in Leeha’s mind. It was quite a pleasant resonance, but still a bit embarrassing.

Leeha: Hmm… I didn’t learn it to become a charming guy, but thanks for the information anyway!

Nara: I’m really thankful. The red goat already reached 100%, and now I’m on my way to the black cranes. I’ll have to visit those gorillas later. Thank you, Leeha-ssi!

Leeha: Uh, oh, yes.

Leeha finished whispering with Shin Nara.

Despite having a pleasant conversation, the farewell was somewhat unsatisfactory.

‘He already reached 100% with the Red Goat? Unbelievable…’

Even Leeha found it hard to believe what had happened. What kind of strategy did she use to raise it so quickly? However, he didn’t want to ask that much. If he became closer to Shin Nara someday, he would naturally find out.

“We just need to focus on our tasks. Blaugrun, are you ready?!”

[Kyuu! Kyuu!]

“Pick out ingredients that gorilla paleo friends will like, and especially ones that Blaugrun thinks are the most delicious and fresh! Particularly those with a good ‘scent’!”

[Kyuu, Kyuu-!]

Blaugrun fluttered around Leeha’s head in a restless manner.

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