TL: xLordFifth


What can he do to quickly increase intimacy with them? As his anxiety grew, Leeha’s mind wasn’t working properly.

“Hmm… What could it be? Maybe I should start with something like cleaning? Cleaning the village?”

[ Kyuuuu, Kyuuu.]

Blaugrun nodded.

“Well, even Blaugrun agrees. Then? How about a hunting quest? I might be able to do it as quickly as Luger.”

[ Kyuuuuuuu…]

“Oh! Shall I help with the construction? With Blaugrun and me, and even Koma and Jellypong, we could quickly move things, couldn’t we?”

Blaugrun fluttered its wings, circling above Leeha’s head. The untransformed gorilla paleos were staring at Leeha, their heads cocked.

Compared to their impressive stature after transformation, they looked infinitely humble. There was even a somewhat amusing resemblance to the ugly Jorje. Leeha found it amusing.

[ Kyuu Kyuu! Kyuuu, Kyuuu!]

“Ah… Sure.”

Watching the gorilla paleos gathering like spectators, Leeha suddenly had a thought.

Leeha: Nara-ssi! Can I ask you something…?

Leeha always checked thoroughly.

After a while, Leeha, who was standing in the middle of the street in Gorilla Paleo’s Underground City, started walking around the city with a smile on his face.

[Kyuuu! Kyuuu Kyuuu!]

Leeha laughed joyfully, and the gorilla paleos were intrigued, but Blaugrun remained their favorite.

The vibration of the earth once again shook Luger’s legs. Now, the intensity of the vibration alone could roughly be estimated.

Already nine hours had passed, and the sun on the Erica continent was setting, just before nightfall.

“Get ready. In a moment—”

“Seven to eight, huh?” 

“-Indeed. Across the sea, are they learning such knowledge? It has been quite some time, but you can already discern the number of rhynodilos. It takes us several years of training to accurately estimate the numbers, yet—”

“Not all humans from across the sea are the same.”


Luger inserted the cartridge, adjusting his posture. In the distance, a gorilla paleo was busy running around here and there.

“I’m something special. [Artillery Reinforcement: Flat Cannon].”

Crack, crack, kwack!

Like a fountain of mud, the rhynodilos were overflowing and splashing into the air.


The whale-like wailing could not resonate until the end. Part of it was due to the overwhelming roar that drowned out the cries, but more importantly, there were projectiles that completely shattered its abdomen, making it impossible for it to continue wailing.

“Hehe, eight of them. Good, good. Call more, quickly! Another thirteen ahead!”

Luger had no regrets. Not only did the gorilla paleos attract aggro, but the experience points were also increasing, albeit slightly!

Although it was regrettable to give all the loot items to the gorilla paleos, it meant nothing to Luger.

The eight rhynodilos chased after the gorilla paleo that had disturbed their nap, but before they could get close, one by one, Luger’s projectiles turned them into mincemeat.

“Impressive. Your weapons have developed so much.”

“Don’t compare it to those primitive bows. Can’t you see that the forms are completely different? Not to mention the difference in destructive power is beyond imagination. The arrows of you guys are at best equivalent to Kidd’s revolver bullets.”

Luger snorted, but the gorilla paleo, whose familiarity had already increased significantly, also snorted in response.

“Heh, don’t underestimate us. If our friend gives us weapons, we can become much stronger too.”

“Haha! It’s unlikely that we know who that friend is. How many [Cobalt Blue Pythons] do you think he has? Moreover, you guys-“

“Oh! Come to think of it, it seems I saw something similar twenty years ago. Um, um. I guess that’s why I thought you guys might be our ‘friends.’”


Luger’s projectile soared through the air, but it missed the rhynodilo. Considering the mere 500m distance, it was an unusually low hit rate.

“…What? What did you see?”

Luger’s focus was completely disrupted by the words of the large gorilla paleo just now.

“Something similar to this… you saw it twenty years ago?”

Luger adjusted his posture, making the Cobalt Blue Python more visible to the large gorilla paleo.

Although it had been shown numerous times over the past few hours, it was a gesture to show it properly once again.

The large gorilla paleo stared intently at Luger’s weapon.

“Well, it’s a bit different. Hmm, but there seems to have been something similar…”

“Remember it clearly, ape.”


“Oh, no. eldest brother. Remember it properly.”

As the large gorilla paleo chuckled, Luger shot back, but in the current situation, the overwhelming ‘underdog’ was Luger.

In other words, if Kidd or Leeha had seen this scene, it would be something they could tease and play with for a long time.

While the large gorilla paleo seemed to be trying to recall memories with snorting and puffing, the answer Luger wanted didn’t come easily.

“Wooooo——! Shoot quickly! Hurry!”

It might have been due to the distant cries of another gorilla paleo.

The gorilla paleo, still being chased by the rhynodilo, waved its arms and called out to Luger and the big one.

“…Such a bother.”

Luger adjusted his posture again and aimed at the rhynodilo. Having to deal with such a critical situation and hunt monsters!


As if venting frustration, Luger’s bullet pierced precisely through the rhynodilo’s neck. Yellow fluid gushed out from the rhynodilo that had almost caught up with the gorilla paleo.

“Ugh! Tsk, tsk, tsk!”

The gorilla paleo, showered with bodily fluids, shook itself off vigorously. The consequences of its impulsive action had to be faced.

“Did you really have to shoot like that, Luger?”

“The aim—uh, the aim was a bit off, and that’s how it happened. Sorry about that.”

The furrow on the forehead of the eldest gorilla paleo twitched. Just hearing his stern voice indicated that the recently raised familiarity for completing the quest had been somewhat reduced.

Since the situation predetermined the increase in familiarity per gorilla, the task of capturing twelve more increased to seventeen.

‘Had to bite off more than I could chew. Darn it. I thought I could finish in two hours…’

The time when thirty rhynodilos appeared was only once, when the trio went on a rampage.

Now that he knew that more than ten didn’t spawn at once, the difference of four meant waiting for one more regeneration.

His temper had tripped him up in the end.

“Twenty years ago, that must have been when the Demon Kings’s forces passed through here.”

“Yeah, that’s right. They definitely crossed this land. If our friends hadn’t helped us fifty years ago, we would have been wiped out. Even the guardian deity was on edge because of those guys who didn’t even flinch at cannon fire.”

Listening to the big gorilla paleo’s story, Luger smirked.

“Someone with a weapon similar to this was among them?”

“Well… Hm, I can’t remember exactly. Probably something like that.”

The big gorilla paleo spoke with a tone of uncertainty.

It seemed like he was hesitant to admit it as if forcing himself to say it after denying it beforehand.

However, those words made Luger’s thoughts even more complicated.

‘Darn it, I almost understand that this ‘friend’ is Kaztor, but I have no idea about the position. If they helped these monkey bastards fifty years ago and came with the Demon King’s army twenty years ago? No, if that’s the case, Kaztor is on the side of the demons. These guys wouldn’t have feared the Demon King’s army at the time.”

The quick correction from ‘made them scared’ to ‘made them tense’ suggested that the gorilla paleos likely confronted the Demon King’s forces.

“It’s definitely Ghibrid and Pyrot Cocri that made these bastards frightened… But these beings are pretty strong, but still, they couldn’t stand against the Demon King’s Fragment.”

Moreover, he discovered that the combat power varied among mystical creatures. The strong ones were at the level of Ancient Dragons, while the weak ones couldn’t match Adult Dragons.

In Luger’s eyes, the ugly Jorge was far from Ancient-class.

“Then, is Kaztor a separate entity from the Demon King’s forces on the New Continent? If so, what’s this weapon that’s similar to the Cobalt Blue Python? What is it?”


Once again, the vibration was fortunate for Luger.

‘Good. If the regeneration speeds up, I can complete the quest faster. Haha, I should be satisfied with gaining information one step ahead of those fools and losers. Having one more puzzle piece for the combination is an enormous benefit.’

When Kaztor’s Laboratory No. 7 opened, while Kidd and Leeha were still lost, he could move ahead first.

Luger chuckled and inserted another bullet. Of course, he wasn’t the only one having such thoughts.

“So… the ‘friend’ who came fifty years ago spread that amazing technology to Jorje-nim and the paleos.”

“Yeah, yeah! Wukit, My ability is ‘the joy of work’! There were times when I was just being exploited by other mystical creatures, but thanks to that friend, we could establish a new territory in the vast underground and put an end to a life oppressed by other mystical creatures.”

“And spreading teleportation skills – no, even magic…”

“Wukit, wukit! It was simple. I didn’t have much to pass on to my children compared to other mystical creatures! What I did for that friend was nothing special, but that friend bestowed everything upon us. Wukit, wukit… That friend is like a benefactor of life, just like you.”

The voice of the ugly Jorje became more somber.

Kidd took out another sparkling gold piece from the bag and handed it to Jorje. His crying immediately intensified with just that.

“Wukat! Wukit!”

Every time Jorje received a piece of precious metal, he immediately used it to adorn himself. Whether it was a gold bracelet, which he put on his finger, or a gold piece that he inserted into his dense fur.

Of course, it didn’t make him look cool. It just made his pitiful appearance even more comical.

The recent statement seems to be a hint… Feeling a sense of camaraderie in a life of persecution. It’s quite evident that it’s the ‘Dark Elf’ race.

Kidd and Luger also heard the story told to the Dark Elf elder. Misunderstood and persecuted, the pitiful race had to retreat far, far away, even to the unexplored lands—the Dark Elves.

Among the NPC races of the old continent, only the Dark Elves can feel such camaraderie. Naturally, the probability of it being Kaztor is exponentially high when considering specific individuals.

Kaztor, in order to dispel the misunderstandings about the Dark Elf race, conducted precise investigations and left the tribe to make its members free and happy.

‘Fleeing at least 100 years ago, wandering for 50 years on the old continent, researching, and then successfully arriving after estimating the location of the new continent 50 years ago. Is that how we should see it?’

It goes without saying that it was impressive. No NPC race had thought about the new continent, but how did he pinpoint this place and move here?

‘At that time, he already had magical skills beyond dragon level. The hint that he shaped dragons with mana and showed them to them suggests some connection between Kaztor and dragons. Of course, it could have been just a ‘show’ to captivate their interest, but…’

He couldn’t know the relationship between Kaztor and the dragons. However, it was a fact that 50 years ago, he was powerful at the level of dragons.

The Dark Elves, who couldn’t find a proper ship, would have come here using mana. Considering that, Kidd also knew that it would require being at least ‘Ancient Gold Dragon Bailephus’ level.

He wondered what it felt like.

Kidd briefly imagined Kaztor. He would have had as much knowledge in mana. Within the Dark Elf tribe, he was set to be called a ‘genius.’

What kind of research did he conduct after coming to the new continent? Why did he come here for research, and why did he show such mercy to the Gorilla Paleos, feeling camaraderie with them?

“Showing mercy… Mercy? Is it really because of mercy? Or…”

Kidd glanced at the smiling Jorje, who seemed to be in a good mood. Then he asked, “What did you do for that friend, Jorje?”

“What?! I did nothing. I just helped him find the place he wanted and occasionally assisted him when he asked for help. In return, I received this spacious underground space and various technologies. It’s quite fortunate, I must say.”

“When he asked for help occasionally, what did he want?” 


“Oh, no. It seems like unnecessary meddling. I apologize.”

When Jorje made a stern face, Kidd quickly lowered his head. Personal intimacy couldn’t be confirmed numerically unless the notification window popped up, but he could roughly estimate it from his long Middle Earth life.

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