TL: xLordFifth



“Watching that charge attack, Alexander seems like the main character.”

“Hmm, wow, what a savory smell.”

“…Is that really your impression after seeing that skill, Kijung-ssi?”

Although Bobae scolded Kijung as he wrinkled his nose, it was actually a positive sign.

“Keke, well, considering it’s an ancient-class dragon causing such a ruckus… though they only caught one, we can do as well.”

“Awesome! There, Jin-nim! Is the fire magic you mentioned last time ready?”

“Countdown 15 seconds! Let’s go together!”

This signaled a resurgence of energy among the previously stunned players. As the magician players began casting their skills, Pei Wu, ‘Bald Panda’, and the brothers, Daoist Baeju and Daoist Mu also leaped out of the ship. “We will lure them away so they cannot approach the ship!”

“In the New Serpent, we’ll target the ones starting on the left first – 1, 2, 3, 4. Give us a signal before using area skills!”


Even while swiftly moving across the water, they managed to plan and execute with ease.

But they weren’t alone. Dragon Tamer Yongyong and his pet, Summoner Elmi with his summons, and Jin Gonggong also began distracting the Krakens by attacking their tentacles while transforming them into flying objects.

The krakens, moving towards the ship, couldn’t continue their approach. Though they weren’t receiving significant damage, losing their ‘means of attack’ – their tentacles – made further movement difficult.

“[Iron Wire Net]”

“[Whirlwind Kick]”

The martial artists skillfully dodged the squids’ tentacles, which danced through the air trying to grasp them.

Catching the martial artists, with their swift and small movements, was nearly impossible for the squids in the water.

“Jin-nim!? Are you ready?”

Pyro had already finished casting, trembling as he called out to Elementalist ‘Jin’.

With a full mana charge, a slight loss of concentration could cause an involuntary release of the skill, but even in such a situation, his control was impeccable.


“We’ll help too.”

“Just tell us the number, arsonist.”

Kid and Luger also approached as Pyro’s big mouth opened from side to side.

“Awesome, then target number twoooo—“

The New Serpent, which had been sailing steadily, seemed to shudder from the impact.

Pyro, a descendant of the Fire Mage Hero; Jin, a descendant of the Elementalist Hero; Kid and Luger, descendants of the Musketeer Heroes.

The skills of these four poured forward like fire, leaving no tentacles in their path.


Unable to bear the pain, the main body of the Kraken surfaced, and as Luger reloaded his cannon, a voice swiftly approached from behind. “Hard leash done, pissed off, ”

“Lee-Lee Jiwon, you ba-“

“[Corona Jet]!”


Lee Jiwon, like lightning, precisely struck the Kraken’s eye with his black sword.

Not stopping there, he twisted the sword as if to burrow into the eye, executing a brutal move. This gruesome act was an attack on the kraken’s instant death point, a product of Lee Jiwon’s experience with super-large monsters. The Kraken turned into light in an instant. “Epic experience points! Thanks! Good job!”

“You- you bastard, just like last time with Igor! Stop, you damn-“

Luger, furious, was about to chase after him, but Lee Jiwon had already disappeared using flight magic.

Luger, boiling with rage, redirected his anger towards another kraken. It wasn’t just about blocking or fighting back.

Even as battle-specialized players were in action, news of a perfect division of labor according to each profession’s characteristics was being communicated between the two ships.

“Phew, at least the traps on the stern are all set. If the kraken’s tentacles touch them, they’re toast.”

“I’ve completed the shield fragments too! I’ll ensure the Blue Marlin’s mainmast won’t break!”

“Totems have been placed around each corner and the helm of the New Serpent.”

“If anyone’s HP is low, come to me! I’ll take all the hits for you! Damn, those count as melee attacks, right?”

“I also have Guardian Saint’s Sword, I can refill HP and MP!”

Witnessing their best skill arrangements for the ‘New Continent Expedition’, Fernand shivered momentarily. This team was indeed ‘real’.


More difficult than before by tenfold?

Their team now was at least a hundred times stronger than the first New Continent Expedition!

“It doesn’t matter, you damned squids!”

Fernand, overwhelmed, shouted as if clearing years of pent-up frustration, but the krakens didn’t respond.

“Hakit, Hakyuuuut-!”

“Hakyu, Hakyu!”

As the aggravating merfolk started popping up here and there, the atmosphere of the sea changed slightly.

“Kok, what’s this- Brother!”

“Dongsaeng-ah! [Blocking Art]!”

Shiiik, Daaak!

A talisman thrown by Daoist Baeju attached to a black line approaching Daoist Mu. It was supposed to neutralize the skill like a dispel, but the black line didn’t stop. “Oh?”

In an instant, the black line reached Daoist Mu.


With a dull sound, Daoist Mu’s body plunged into the sea.

“Mu, Mu! Damn-“

Before Daoist Baeju could react, a white line stretched horizontally before him. By the time he realized it was too late, he was already airborne. Their vision blurred red as they crossed between the kraken’s tentacles.

Taken down by a mere physical attack.

The black line shot vertically, and the white line, sweeping horizontally, re-entered the sea.

Puhwaak! Puhwaak!

Shortly after, water splashed again.

At first, it seemed like pillars had risen, but what the players saw were four vertically elongated pupils.



Black serpent and white serpent. Every flick of their tongues, the light shone from their vertically elongated eyes. Their glare was so intense that it seemed it could even pierce Rubini’s oracle  mask.

“Hyuk! Garit-! Haki!” Hakyukukukyukyukyukyu——|Hakikakikakikaki——! 

When the merfolk, thrilled, began swimming noisily, the two Serpents started approaching the ships.

Leeha: The Kraken’s weakness is the torso, where its eyes are?

“That’s right. Understanding the body structure of a squid makes it simple… However, if one mistakenly believes the top triangle to be the brain, it will be a tough battle.”


Leeha nodded.

According to Kijung’s recent whisper, it seemed the New Continent Expedition did not need to worry about that.

‘Lee Jiwon and everyone else are like monsters when it comes to finding weaknesses. The problem might be what just happened.’ Kijung’s last whisper.

“Ah, the sea snakes-‘ The communication stopped there.

‘That’s definitely not ordinary.’ Although the team had to save time, Leeha kept talking to Sea Bream.

Leeha: What about the Serpents? What’s their weakness?

“[Adorned with a shining crown, pulling a twin-chariot, ruling the seas – the Sea God’s glory and power are told in this sea. Within the Dragon Palace’s waters, the shining crown represents the Sea God’s power, and outside, it’s the twin chariot.”


It was hard to understand, but Sea Bream had some understanding of the nuance to some extent. 

“Exactly, those two beings, adorned with glory, pulling the twin chariot, are the Serpents… Indeed, they are the literal strongest. No sea creature in the ocean can defeat the Serpents. The giant moray eels are just their snack, and even the Giant Albatross, occasionally descending near the sea surface, gets snatched up and eaten. Krakens? They spray ink and flee upon facing Serpents.”


“There’s no weakness. Flame? Water? Ice? Electricity? No magic works on them. And their skin, harder than the deepest sea rock? The biggest problem is that. They’re not beings that human weapons can affect.”

Sea Bream had a complex expression.

The Serpents, embodying even the Sea God’s power, were a source of pride for the Undine race. But the current situation?

It became a problem. If the humans were annihilated by the overly powerful Serpents… then it was their turn to face trouble.

“What? Skills don’t work? Then how are they supposed to just fight? If they just fight, will it become mutual destruction and die together?”

Perhaps they just had to find a way to buy time.

Sea Bream’s complex expression and Anderson’s gloomy face didn’t deter Leeha.

He kept striving for more information, communicating everything to Kijung and the other players.

Leeha: Then, is there no way to defeat them, even if it’s not their weakness? Do we just have to fight blindly? It’s the primitive way of raiding! It would be great if there was a more efficient method given the circumstances, but if not, we’ll have to do it that way.

‘No, there must be a way. If it’s as Sea Bream says, we might be facing a difficulty level beyond a high-ranking boss, perhaps even greater than an adult white dragon raid… It’s too much to ask us to beat them without any kind of strategy.’

The interrogation of Sea Bream continued relentlessly.

Meanwhile, the users on the ship were desperately hoping for Leeha to obtain such information even a minute sooner.

“Hurry up and say something!”

Leeha’s impatience was growing by the second.

“[Ice Blast!]”

“[Salamander Rush]!”

The spells of Ram Hwajung and Jin were cast swiftly.

The serpents did not even flinched from the lizard-shaped flame, and condensed ice.

And in a flash, they darted off the surface.



When their eyes seemed to flicker for a moment, the skills of Ram Hwajung and Jin were already nullified.

“Damn, it’s a failure!”

“No way, what are we supposed to do if our skills don’t work?”

As Bobae and Kijung felt helpless, two figures burst out from the water onto the New Serpent.

“Pant, pant, Lady Raphaela! Please start with healing the Taoist brothers!”

“Pant, pant, ever since the serpents got involved, the merfolk and the Kraken have become more rampant! If we don’t deal with this quickly, it will be hard to even lure them! Right now, Lord Alexander and Lady Beilephus are the only ones holding back the entire Kraken!”

Pei Wu and ‘Bald Panda’, who was carrying one user each, also shook their heads down.

Now, it was becoming more and more difficult for the other users to keep the monsters from approaching the ships.

There were still 10 krakens left.

It meant that the gold dragon was dealing with them alone.

They managed to return to the ship after luring the Krakens, but they were not allowed even the slightest time to rest.

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