TL: xLordFifth


“Captain Drake says that he can’t use his skills right now! It’s in cooldown!”

After Lee Jiwon’s shout, another user finished checking/ They could not create another storm.


Alexander looked around. What if he couldn’t use a skill? Should they turn the bow into a storm again to deal with the approaching monsters? Seeing Alexander’s head turn, Bailephus spoke first.

[We can’t do that.]

“Of course, partner. I guess we have no choice but to move forward again.”

They didn’t know how long the battle would last. Most importantly, there was no need to kill them all. Alexander once again reminded himself that the main point of their operation was to increase their speed as much as possible and concentrate on throwing them off as they did last time.

“Puhihit, giant squid!  There must be over two thousand dishes that can be made with squid in our country!”

“Oh my, so Petyr, will you cook for me?”

“Stop talking nonsense and just dance.”

“So rude.  Now, everyone!  Let’s work hard this time too, [Socializing Dance]!”

Chiyou’s footsteps lightly touched the deck of the Blue Marlin. As expected, the attention of many users was focused on her dance, which was accompanied by the sound of musical instruments that seemed to come from somewhere. However, the attention that was focused on Chiyou soon shifted to the buff she had given.

“Oh……? What is this?”

“Wow!  This is really amazing. This is a buff, right?”

“I-isn’t it a normal buff?  Did you just try to raise your right arm?”

“Wow, amazing.  How did you know?”

It was a buff that the new continent expedition members had received for the first time in their lives.

“The oracle sees the future through map-” 

“- the dancer’s is like a ‘dance’…”

“You mean you can feel the other person’s movements?”

“Does this mean that monster attacks could also be predicted and read at least one second in advance?  This is an incredible skill.” 

Different jobs, but the same effect. This was one of the reasons why Chiyou was able to overpower other users with her quick movements even before they could move. Chiyou did not show it even though she heard their admiration and praise. She just smiled gently.

‘It’s a shame I had to reveal it already, but Shin Nara’s view of me isn’t good at all… ugh, it can’t be helped.  This time, I will help with all my might.’

It was at that time that Shin Nara’s axe-like gaze towards Chiyou was lifted.

As the name of the skill she used, “Socializing Dance”, no one on the New Continent expedition could be fooled when it came to manipulating and managing human relations.

“They have reached 680m.”

“Wa… I don’t have to look at the map anymore.”

“That…  Is that? Are the waves splitting over there?”

“What- hey, it looks like some kind of robot will appear.” 

The users were unable to concentrate on Rubini’s words. There was no longer a need for a map.

The monsters haven’t even come out of the sea surface yet.

However, thanks to their gigantic size and the force of their approach against the ocean current, they created a scene that made it look like the sea surface was split in half.

There was no need to worry about what they were…


The Blue Marlin sped up. Drake from the New Serpent saw this and slowed down. The two ships moving side by side suddenly lined up in a row. And it was almost at the same time that the starboard guns of the ships opened.





With the same but different shouts from the Kraven users, the culverins fired.


A chain of bullets crashed into the sea surface. The users fell silent as they saw the spray rising with a roar that felt like the sea was about to explode. Was it serious? Did it hit? What happened? 

“It hit.  But-“

“Uwoooooo! Great! Aren’t the Kraven users are pretty good?!”

“Huh? Pirates!  He is a privateer in name and in reality!  If he can’t even hit a 30m squid, him being a captain-“


There was nothing on the sea surface. So, ‘how’ did it make a sound? Was it a roar of such magnitude that broke through the sea that impeded the transmission of sound and spread through the air…? The excited users quickly fell silent. Hook also couldn’t continue his words and kept his mouth shut.

“Rubini-nim?  Could it be that what you were trying to say earlier… They hit the target but-” 

Bobae felt a chill run down her spine. Rubini’s head slowly turned towards Bobae.

“Yes… it didn’t do any damage.  And now- it’s coming up!” 


Crash, crash, crash-!

Giant squid legs began to pop out of the sea.

“Ship defense formation!  Run side by side again!  We must protect each other’s flanks!”

The Blue Marlin moved beside New Serpent again as Burke ordered. With just one attack, Burke, a skilled sailor, could tell. The Kraken was not an enemy to be dealt with artillery or anything like that.

“It’s big!”

“It’s thick!”

“It’s long… and there’s so many!”

“Everyone, what are you doing?!  Hurry up and fight!”

Bobae roared as she heard the exclamations of the users jumping out like dominoes. She pulled her bowstring without hesitation, but where should she shoot? Her hand trembled, aiming everywhere at the sea.

‘Where should I shoot? The Kraken is a squid-shaped monster- if it’s a squid, it has 10 legs!’ 

One squid had 10 legs. There were 14 Krakens. The number of legs sticking out of the sea surface already exceeded 100.

“Hmmm, [Spread Arrow]!”

In that case, she shot all of them first! The result of Bobae’s passionate mindset scattered across the sea. The split arrows were stuck in the squids’ legs, which were as thick as the masts of the Blue Marlin and New Serpent.

“Good, did it work?!”

However, the movement of the squid’s legs did not change.

How much damage was done? No user could distinguish between the screams of the Kraken and the gunshots. Crossing between the two ships with the sounds of the skills echoing everywhere, Fernand shouted loudly.

“No way! The legs are no use! Of course- if you cut off the leg, the attack will be neutralized, but it won’t be effective!  It’s weak point is its body. Those damn Krakens!  Just keep the legs in check as much as possible and avoid them!  The main body must rise, and then you would deal the fatal blow!” 


“It can’t be helped!  You have to make sacrifices against them!  Because they are incredibly tenacious, their squid-like nature also applies in combat-!  Save your skills and just keep them in check.  The most important thing is timing!  And evasion ability requires you to survive until the timing!  And it shouldn’t cause any damage to the ship!” 

Fernand exclaimed. Users were momentarily confused as they heard him pour out words in a different way from usual.

“This time….”

Fernand’s feelings were bound to be different from other users. The reason why the first new continent expedition had to turn back was because of the Kraken. Since it was barely a voyage that dealt with various sea creatures, there were no ships to sacrifice.

Thanks to the system where the ship with the user Fernand was given priority, other ships eventually sacrificed themselves, but the Kraken did not even look at them. Even though the ships were sacrificed, the Kraken pursued Fernand’s ship relentlessly.

‘In the end, we barely escaped by throwing a few injured NPCs into the sea… I still can’t forget the humiliation of that time.’

He knew it was a game, but the tension, crisis, and camaraderie came from being in a situation where they couldn’t go any further. Fernand had already felt it all forcibly during the first new continent expedition. By that kraken.



Fernand’s shout was as loud as the kraken’s roar.

“W-what is it?”

“The first new continent expedition was destroyed because of just one kraken!  This time there are fourteen!  Do you know what I mean?!”

Even with simple calculations, it meant that the difficulty increased by 14 times. Moreover, this time, there were also fishmen and unidentified serpents with them. A sense of tension ran down the users’ spines.

Although the squid’s legs approached like a haze, the destructive power of each blow was by no means weak. Moreover, users should lure the krakens’ attacks, avoid them, and shoot their skills into the kraken’s main body, but they should also prevent damage to the ‘ship’?

“Are you scared, Fernand?”

Flap— flap—!

Alexander’s voice was heard from the skies above the New Serpent.

“It’s not that I am scared-“

“Don’t worry.”

The leader of the expedition, and the first in the rankings knew exactly what he had to do at that moment. Something that instilled confidence. No matter who the enemy was or how many monsters they faced for the first time. He instilled confidence that could deal with others! 

[ This is my first time seeing so many krakens.  I would have liked it if the silver guy had seen it.]

“I guess he won’t be able to see it anymore.”

[I guess so. Heuuuuuurm—-!] 

“Into the water!”

“Hakit- I’m so happ, so happy-!”

The fishmen who were swimming around the krakens hurriedly jumped into the water.



However, the ancient-class gold dragon’s breath was not that easy to dodge.

Where the ultra-high heat of the breath, which evaporated water, passed, only cloudy vapor remained, rising like a haze. Along with a few charred squid legs. Was the kraken and serpent raid difficult?

The person who blew away Fernand’s, the mermaid NPCs’, and Leeha’s worries like dust was Alexander, with his dragon, Bailephus.


Before the steam could disappear, a squid’s head popped out of the water.

Was it the guy hit by Bailephus’ breath?  It didn’t matter.

“[Judgement of Justice].”


Alexander’s spear stretched like a pole, and white light began to gather at its tip. His unique skill was powerful enough to cause Faust trauma when he saw it! It was not a skill given to a dragon knight. It was given only to those who protect ‘justice’, slay demons, and enforce goodness!  Lee Jiwon also climbed onto the mast and drooled.

“Let’s go.”

Alexander grabbed Bailephus by the neck and put the spear under his arm. The gold dragon, Alexander, and his spear shot toward the kraken as if they were originally one.

Kiiiiii, kiyaaaaaaak-

The kraken was struck by light but there was nothing it could do. Its burnt legs did not listen.

Just like instinct, the kraken opened its mouth toward the light that was coming toward it.

“Shut up, squid.”

And as one, Alexander and Bailephus flew straight toward the kraken’s maw. It was an incredibly destructive force that entered the kraken’s mouth and came out the back of its head.

It wasn’t big enough to swallow Bailephus wholly, so the kraken’s head was completely shattered immediately after the charge.

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