TL: xLordFifth


“The personnel from Blue Marlin are to return immediately.”

Did Alexander have the same thought as Hyein? He thought differently again. Leeha’s plan was not only uncertain. It was also the ‘only’ method at this point. Even if the possibility was low, it was more in line with Alexander’s personality to break through if there was a way.

“Tomorrow morning, head in the direction the mermaids told. We will enter the waters of the Dragon Palace.”

On the 42nd night of the voyage, the Blue Marlin and New Serpent slowly turned their bows.

It was the calm before the storm.

“There are still 3.5km left, but there are already thunderclouds..”

The lumps of dark clouds in the sky were quite surprising to Leeha. The storm brought wind and rain and sent thunder and lightning as if it was circulating in place with the sea.

“You shouldn’t be this surprised, hyung.  Hyung is the one who needs to go into the sea.”

“Even though we are entering from a different direction than the last time, the fishmen will soon catch up.”

Kijung and Bobae, both experienced players, grinned as they watched Leeha being surprised by the gradually rising waves. It was not like they were happy, but it was to relieve some of the tension.

Fernand, Drake, and Guard Captain Sea Bream decided to move in a different direction from their last escape route and enter the seas of the Dragon Palace.

“That’s right. The moment something enters the waters of the Dragon Palace, those inside the Dragon Palace will know.”

“Can’t other mermaids come out to help?”

“They will be guarding the last line of defense in the Dragon Palace inner city. Since we have to prepare for invasions from the left and right as well as from above, we probably don’t have the resources. Worst of all, they are probably not even sure if I’m alive… I wonder if they haven’t been breached yet…”

Sea Bream trailed off. In Anderson’s case, he was accidentally found collapsed from exhaustion while running away from a fishman, but Sea Bream’s case was different.

‘He must have made a desperate escape to gather helpers to eradicate the fishmen. There’s a reason he was teary-eyed when he saw Drake.’

He must have wanted to borrow strength from the humans accompanying Drake so much.

Even though he knew what information people wanted, he must have been so anxious that he had to offer it as ‘advanced compensation’.

‘If this mermaid Sea Bream had been a little better at negotiating, we would have been in big trouble. No, if he did that, would we really have ignored his quest? Heuhue.’

Being relaxed while thinking about trivial things, Leeha looked around.

“Will team a be okay?”

“They will be okay even if they don’t sleep.  We just have to move forward unconditionally.”

“Kiskis, that’s right. Even the logout rotation has been reduced to 6 people, so we have to run at full capacity… They won’t be able to do anything even if they are not okay.”

For this operation, three teams were randomly divided, the first of which, Team A, boarded two ships and the goal was to continue heading east through the central part of the waters of the Dragon Palace.

In the meantime, their mission was to prevent attacks by the fishmen and protect the ship so that they could sail to the new continent without any problem.

“Besides, the center of the waters of the Dragon Palace was about 20 days away from the outskirts at the current speed of this ship. If we assume that the storm and the sea area are a circle and consider the 20-day radius, it means that it would take 20 days to escape, and a total of about 40 days until we finally escape the area of the Dragon Palace… I can’t believe we have to get through that with less rest.”

It seemed like whining. Considering the constant threat, it was naturally impossible to maintain the current logout rotation. Therefore, they had no choice but to take special measures to keep each group’s login time the same until they left the waters of the Dragon Palace while reducing rest time by half.

“Still, we have to think positively. To put it simply, doesn’t the 60-day voyage distance mean that it’s the middle of the ocean? Because we know that the location of the new continent is to the east!  In other words, if we leave the waters of the Dragon Palace and go east for 40 more days, you will be in the new continent!”

Last night, after hearing Leeha’s plan, Fernand made a calculation. It was the only news that could provide strength to the members of the new continent expedition.

Approximately 40 days from the old continent to the waters of the Dragon Palace. And from the outskirts to the center approximately 20 days at the current ship speed. In other words, the answer was that the central part of the Dawn Sea was 60 days away from the old continent.

And what did it mean if the distance from the old continent to the center was 60 days?

If the Sea God really created the Dragon Palace in the ‘center’, there would definitely be a ‘new continent’ 60 days from there!

‘It was probably the Buoy that Fernand-ssi saw during the first expedition to the new continent.’

Fernand’s experience of seeing seagulls flying and the land shimmering in the distance naturally became an act of confirmation of the ‘Buoy’.

“Are you going to comfort Team A now Ha Leeha-ssi?” 


“T-that’s right, but you know it can’t be helped, right? Because in Team B, there is no one else who could do it except Hyein-ssi! I heard that Bailephus-nim decided to provide some help with mana and space.”

“Still… I will resent you for a long time.”

Hyein’s gloomy eyes looked at Leeha. Team B’s leader was Hyein! When passing through the central part of the waters of the Dragon Palace with NPC workers and materials to build a mana relay tower, their goal was to mass teleport all of them to the ‘Buoy’!

‘According to the practice conducted in the old continent, the time it takes to build one mana relay tower was approximately 4 days.’

If Burke and Drake used their skills and ran for 4 days in the sea without any obstacles, the distance would have been enormous.

“You can come back safely, right?”

“Ha Leeha-ssi, you sound like you will be able to return safely. If I link up with Baileiphus… we can come back exactly 100 hours away.”

This means that even with the help of Bailephus, the limit for Hyein to be able to use mass teleport again and return with the NPCs was exactly 100 hours.

The time required to build the relay tower was 4 days or 96 hours, so in the end, there were only 4 hours to spare.

However, like Hyein’s scolding, now was not the time to worry about anyone.

“We’re entering soon. Anderson! You prepare as well.”

“Yes, guard captain-nim!”

“Alright. We need to prepare as well. Please come this way.”

This is because the last team, team C, Leeha, and the mermaids, were in a position to jump into the sea after entering the waters of the Dragon Palace.

“About 1 nautical mile to the waters of the Dragon Palace! It’s coming soon! Searchlight is ready!”

“All Kraven users, stay alert!  After the NPCs go to build the mana relay tower, we have to run even harder!”

The shouts of the main mast’s watch tower and the shouts of Hook created a commotion on the ship.

“Sea Bream, please move with me for a moment.”


Leeha, who was bound by the Water Ring, moved with Sea Bream, and called Bailephus.

Bailephus, who had been preparing breathing magic in advance, widened his eyes for a moment when he heard Leeha’s words.

“You only need waterproof magic?”

“Yes.  I don’t need to breathe. Please waterproof all the items in my bag and Black Bass.”

Leeha’s honest feelings were that he wanted to entrust it to someone, but Black Bass was impossible to trade.

He had no choice but to carry it on his back.

“If you don’t need breathing magic, I can put on as much waterproofing as you want. I’ll walk you right away.”

This was the first thing he believed in when Leeha decided to do this quest. Breathing magic lasted only a few hours at most. However, what about himself?

[Achievement: Recognized by the Son of the Sea God(A)]

Reward: 17 Stat Points, and the ability to be able to breathe underwater.

It was possible to breathe underwater. Although he had never tested it before, Leeha believed that the system would be no different from the one on the ground.

“We are about to enter the waters of the Dragon Palace!  Captain Drake-nim!”


Drake’s clothes were different from before. Rather, it was a familiar sight to the users.

The coat that Leeha had been wearing all along fluttered even more beautifully with its original owner.

Sometime later, blue mana particles gathered into Drake’s body.

“[Perfect Storm].”



“Amazing.  It really disappeared as if erased by an eraser.”

“The scope is not that wide.  Well, there’s no need to make it wider, right?  Just two ships need to pass…”

A blue sky appeared above the sea full of dark clouds. The sea was so completely different from the turbulent sea around it that it felt awkward for those looking at it. However, it was also the waters of the Dragon Palace. Even in the blue sea, fishmen could swim as much as they wanted.

“Entering the waters of the Dragon Palace!”


With a heavy ring, the captains of the Blue Marlin and New Serpent simultaneously used acceleration skills. Leeha was even a little excited to see a sight that did not exist in the real world. However, the excitement and joy of traveling did not last even for a day. Just 9 hours after entering the waters of the Dragon Palace, Leeha and the users discovered the sea surface splashing with water.

“A swarm of fishmen appeared!  Everyone, prepare for battle—–!”

“Sea Bream-nim, Anderson-ssi!”


“Yes, I’m ready.”

The two mermaids and Leeha approached the stern of the New Serpent.

Huu, huu take a few deep breaths. Leeha shouted to the users prepared for battle.

“Then, please take care of Team A and Team B!”

“Eong-ah!  See you again later!”

“Stop talking nonsense and take care of yourself! Let’s go!”

The plan was perfect. If it weren’t for the crying that was heard from behind the moment Sea Bream jumped.

[Kyuu! Kyuuuu!]

Flap, flap, a creature rushed at Leeha at high speed with a flapping sound!

“Huh? Ohhh!?” If Blaugrun-ssi comes with me, I won’t-“

Leeha hurriedly turned around and tried to stop Blaugrun, but Sea Bream had already jumped into the sea. The distance of the [Water Ring] was 20m.


Like the end of a stretched rubber band, Leeha got tugged! And was dragged into the sea without sound. With the small sound of splashing, the struggle of the three teams of new continent expedition members began.

“Eup, euuuuup!?”

Adapting to the sea was difficult enough, but Blaugrun also followed along!

[Kyuu! Kyuu!]

Even though Leeha was fumbling, Blaugrun was fine. Even after entering the water together, the dragon’s eyes were bright.

“It is indeed a dragon. I heard that races that do not breathe air are not affected even in water-“

“Eup, wooum?”

Sea Bream nodded as if he had seen something rare.

“Hehe, that’s right. Ha Leeha-nim, are you ready?”

Even the nearby Anderson. They swam quickly and moved quickly. They were literally like fish in water, but Leeha needed some time to adapt.

“Euuup, haaa… Heeuuup, Haaaa….”

His breathing became easier. Just like on land.

‘But I can’t speak! Damn it, what kind of achievement is this?’

He could literally only breathe. Leeha was once again surprised by the harshness of Middle Earth and quickly found another way. Because whispering was possible in Middle Earth.

Leeha: Let’s go!

Leeha slowly turned his head around and looked at the underside of the ship moving away.

An alarm sounded only when a new object entered the waters of the Dragon Palace. In other words, if they got out of the ship after getting in and before they got caught by the fishmen, the risk of being caught decreased.

In a way, Team A was also bait for Teams B and C.

Sea Bream: Hold on tight.

Anderson: I will take care of dragon-nim!

Leeha held on to Sea Bream, and Anderson hugged Blaugrun. It was Middle Earth, where people were only allowed to breathe underwater and unable to speak, so it was absurd to hope that Leeha’s swimming skills would improve.

Fortunately, they had talked about it in advance. The two mermaids quickly swam away, waving their tails. Unlike the stormy sea surface, the undersea was extremely calm. The further down, the quieter the sea, and gave Leeha an unfamiliar feeling.

‘It’s a little painful that Blaugrun-ssi followed after me, but it can’t be helped. It’s a blessing in disguise.’

Even while Leeha was admiring the surroundings, he couldn’t stop worrying about how to get back. Looking at another method that he mentioned to Baileiphus in passing.

‘This should be as powerful as the appearance skill… It was possible to break through the space barrier in the national exhibition, but it will be possible this time as well?’

Leeha activated his skill.

Leeha: Kidd! Luger! Turn on chain teleport! I’m going on that ride later!

Kidd: What are you talking about, I’m busy—

Luger: Bullshit!

The sailing distance was about 43 days, and they were on the 45th day of their voyage, Leeha smiled as he listened to Kidd and Luger’s whispers.

Leeha: kilkil, thank you for your hard work!

Kidd and Luger could not reply and could only listen to Leeha’s teasing. However, it was still unknown who would suffer more.

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