TL: xLordFifth


“Ha Leeha-ssi…? Could it be for me-“

“Ah, well, it’s not like that. Haha. Why are you so surprised by this? It’s a shame that I raised my hand for no reason.”

Leeha walked to Alexander’s side. Leeha looked at the expedition members sitting in a circle one by one. The gazes looking at him contained many emotions. Not only doubt, but also worry, concern, and even relief… Leeha smiled and responded to each and every look.

There was a little bit of worry, but at least the smile didn’t disappear from Leeha’s face.

Leeha opened his mouth with a smile, the enthusiasm that represented confidence.

“Wouldn’t the best way be to clear the [Mermaid Quest] and catch up with the new continent expedition again?”

“That’s not possible. What are you talking about?! Eong-ah, you idiot, sit down quickly-“

“That’s not it, Kijung-ah.”


“I can do it.”

“You can do it?”

Kijung asked quietly, looking at Leeha’s expression reassured him. In the quiet cabin, Leeha tilted his head.


“I was wondering if you would end it with ‘maybe’!

It was probably natural for Kijung to scream. Even Shin Nara sighed with an anxious expression. Chiyou bit her lip slightly. If Ha Leeha, who was such a thorn in her eye, came forward and decided to become a scapegoat, it would be normal to feel good…

‘What are you thinking? Do you want to clear the mermaid quest? There is no way. There is no way in this situation! Is he claiming that he still has something hidden? If he did, he would have used it a long time ago. Even when subduing the Demon King’s agents, there was nothing different from now. No, he gained the missile-like skills…’

Was he saying that he believed in something like that?

‘That can’t be possible. However, there was no way that several hidden skills like that could have been created… What are your intentions, Ha Leeha? What are you planning to do again?’

Leeha’s words and actions were beyond her understanding, and as the head of the Shinobigumi and the best information guild master in the old continent, she did not miss Leeha’s words and actions. Most importantly, wasn’t one of the main reasons she participated as a member of the New Continent expedition team to observe the Three Musketeers one by one? However, if Leeha fell here, one of her goals would not be achieved.

‘Tsk… damn it, damn it! Damn you, damn you bastard!’

In a sense, Leeha’s unexpected behavior hurt Chiyou the most.

This was even more so than getting pointed at by the Black Bass or getting her tavern destroyed. As evidence, Chiyou had a hard time even acting, unlike usual. She glared at Leeha with an expression of blatant discomfort. Fortunately for her, the members of the expedition team, including Leeha, were not looking at her.

“Ha Leeha-ssi… Thank you very much.” 

Beneath the oracle’s mask, Rubini’s face showed signs of joy. Her hands trembled as she held Leeha’s hand. 

“That- well, yes, well…”

Leeha struggled and tried to pull his hand away, but it wasn’t an easy task. However, Leeha’s heart was too kind to just say coldly, ‘I didn’t do it because of you, so don’t misunderstand.’



It was inevitable that Shin Nara and Ram Hwajung’s faces were distorted. Blaugrun also went near Shin Nara and complained to Leeha.

“No, that- anyway! I’m talking about it because it feels like the best move. Really!”

“Haha, are you saying that clearing the mermaid quest on your oown is the best way?”

“Yeah.  That’s right.”

“… Do you know what happened to bullets in water?”

He was not firing from outside water into the water.

If it was in the sea, it meant that he had to shoot underwater and at objects in the water!

A normal handgun could only travel 2-3m, and a normal rifle could only travel about 5m.

A bullet traveling faster than the speed of sound would lose its strength when fired underwater. This was unavoidable due to the nature of bullets, which relied on rotational forces as one of the foundations of acceleration.

“Of course. Even if it is the Black Bass or Sniper Rifle, the range will be reduced to around 10m. Even if you hit it from 2m away, monsters like the fishmen won’t die.”

Kidd asked because he was worried, but even Leeha was aware of that.

“At least you can shoot the Black Bass, but those gunpowder toy guns are completely useless. Well, you would know that even if it were just an ugly head, right?”

“You’re noisy, Luger. Of course, I know. Are you afraid I said I was doing it without thinking?”

Wasn’t he uglier? And he had the conscience to say that. It was a clear fact that Luger, who had applied pomade even in the middle of the sea, was more handsome than Leeha.

“Hoo, do you have any thoughts? I didn’t know.”

Luger chuckled as he heard Leeha’s answer. He warned that neither the needlegun pistol nor hummingbird pistol could not be used. Leeha could feel the concern contained in Luger’s sarcastic tone.

“Ha Leeha.”

“Hmm… Bailephus-nim, do you have any waterproofing magic?”

“Of course.  However, how are you going to get back?”

“You know.”

Blaugrun flying above Leeha’s head grinned. What if he left Blaugrun on one of the two ships and used the appearance skill? Wouldn’t it be possible to come up from the deep sea floor?

“Indeed. But time will be an issue. Even though you are partners, unless you are connected through the soul, you cannot escape the restriction.”

“I see. Well, there are other ways than that.”

Leeha also had to keep in mind the possibility of being delayed in clearing the quest or exceeding the skill range while hesitating on the seabed.

Of course, with Leeha’s calculation, that wouldn’t happen.

‘If it takes that long at the bottom of the sea… I’m going to die anyway.’

After talking with Bailephus for a moment and confirming his escape method, Leeha immediately turned around.

“Okay, if it’s decided, let’s go! Fernand-ssi said he put it on hold, but it would be a big deal if the quest disappeared for no reason, right?”

Leeha went out of the cabin brightly and energetically. Users who did not know the escape method Leeha had and what plan he had could not help but look at Leeha with strange expressions. He might end up becoming a victim and incur a penalty, and he didn’t even want some kind of compensation in return. Now, it was not important whether Leeha could clear the quest.

The attitude that allowed him to confidently and resolutely face the situation. Awe and respect for that confidence began to spread among the users.

“… What would you do?”

Sea Bream looked anxious as he watched the humans pour out of the cabin. A gold notification window appeared in front of the users again.

Since the discussion was already over, there was no time to worry about the reward any further.

[Cleaning the Purification Pool]

Content: Eliminate the source of the contamination inside the ‘Purification Pool’ owned by the Undine clan.

Condition of Failure: User’s Death, Sea God’s Death, Sea Bream’s Death

“Are you sure it’s going to be okay, Ha Leeha-ssi?”

“Yes. I will tell you exactly what I hear. Please come back, Monseiur Fernand.”

Fernand nodded and pressed the refuse button. Other users did the same.

Only Leeha took a step toward Sea Bream and pressed the accept button.

“I will help you.”


As soon as he pressed the accept button, another notification appeared.

[You have agreed to the ‘Water Ring’ restrictions.]

A sky-colored string was created connecting the body of Leeha and Sea Bream.

The magic that went beyond a simple state was like the ‘Seal of Protection’ used by Kijung. Binding the caster and the target into one fate. Only the caster can cancel it.

[The ‘Water Ring’ Restricts your movement.]

[Caster: Sea Bream]

[You cannot move away from the caster until it is lifted.]

‘He’s an NPC so he won’t break his promise, right?’ It’s really the worst thing to think that a user would bet on something like this.’

That was why consent was needed. Leeha nodded and accepted the fate he had agreed to.

“Then let me know. Where is the center of the Dawn Sea that connects the old continent and the new continent?”

Sea Bream: To be precise, it is not known whether it connects the old continent and the new continent.

Leeha: -Huh? This is different from your promise!

Sea Bream: Isn’t that why I didn’t say it first?  I have not confirmed with my own eyes whether the new continent is there, so I can’t say for sure that it is the midpoint.

Leeha: Cough, if that’s what you meant… okay. Anyway, since you are taking responsibility for your words, please tell me now. Where is the central part of the ocean?

It wasn’t difficult to guess what Leeha was doing. Therefore, all members of the expedition were quietly waiting for Leeha’s conversation to end.

Sea Bream looked directly at Leeha and gave him the quest’s advanced compensation.

Sea Bream: It’s the Dragon Palace.

Leeha: The Dragon Palace? Is it the waters of the Dragon Palace that we are going to now?

Sea Bream: Exactly. It is said that when the Sea Gog built the Dragon Palace, he built in the middle of the seas. As proof, he erected an ‘immobile island’, or buoy, at sea level in a straight line from the Dragon Palace.

Leeha: Buoy… As expected, it is of ‘God’ level, so the size is clear. A buoy the size of an island.

Sea Bream: Of course. Even though it is not connected to land, the island never moves. Just as the Sea God’s crown shines on its own, that island also shines with the Sea God’s power.



Shin Nara asked, but Leeha didn’t even have time to answer her.

The place inside the waters of the Dragon Palace that they must proceed to from now on was the Dragon Palace! Above the Dragon Palace was the center of the sea, and there was even an island that did not move!

“Hey, this-!  We, we didn’t have to accept the quest!”

“Ah, aaaaahhhhh!”

That was their plan in the first place! Drake would partially remove the typhoon and advance with the acceleration skill! Whether they took the mermaids with them or abandoned them, they would definitely see the island called ‘Buoy’!

‘No, no, I don’t think so.’

They would not have known that it was an immobile island. Additionally, there was no guarantee that they would go to its exact location. It meant that there was a greater possibility that they would not have noticed if they didn’t accept the quest. Most importantly was the reason why they were looking for the midpoint.

‘We need to build a mana relay tower there.’

But how? Once they entered the waters of the Dragon Palace, they could not stop.

They had to take the NPCs and load materials into a small boat, go to the island called ‘Buoy’, and build the mana relay tower… The Blue Marlin and the New Serpent could not be stopped.

“It looks like you got a troublesome answer.”

Leeha turned his head at the voice asking softly. It was a person with a slender build holding a cane. Another idea suddenly occurred to Leeha. 



“If you could see the place you need to teleport to, you can teleport there even if you have never been there, right?”

“Hmm…. I have to calculate it in advance, but nothing is impossible.”

“Mass teleportation along with NPCs?”

“It may consume a lot of mana, but… nothing is impossible.”

“With materials?”

“What are you trying to say?”

Hyein got an ominous premonition. But it was already too late. Because Hyein was already actively working in Leeha’s head.

“Okay! Everyone, gather!  First of all, I will convey what I heard without skipping anything!  I’ll tell you what we should do accordingly, starting with the draft.”

“Wait a minute!  What is okay?!  Ha Leeha-ssi!”

Leeha told the expedition team about the plan to build the mana relay tower along with the information he received from Sea Bream.

From the construction of the mana relay tower to entering the Dragon Palace, clearing the quest, and returning.

While Leeha talked, others were surprised while others were worried by the idea. Some people thought they were lucky that they were not selected, while others had sharp eyes shining.

The only thing that was certain was that all plans were uncertain, but no user voiced that anxiety out loud. Because the die had been cast.

“Kiskis, you reall are a great person. Halihali-ssi, a lot of people would go crazy if you ever join our guild.”

“What makes me even more upset is that I can’t stop Leeha-hyung when he says things like this.”

Biyemi and Kijung sighed.

“Right. Because he had proven it again and again… You should call it amazing….”

Hyein who was next to them, also had no choice but to agree with Kijung’s words.

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