TL: xLordFifth


NPCs who couldn’t come back to life, NPCs belonging to their cities who hadn’t even been appointed yet, were dying. For the first time while playing Middle Earth, Leeha felt unbearable humiliation and anger.

“You’re dead, You——fucking——bastards! Soul Link!”

Hwaaaaa–! With the explosive red light, Kuma immediately set fire to its body.

“Kuma! Take care of all the dregs, Blaugrun-ssi, get to safety! Igor, I will kill you myself!”

Click-! Leeha pulled the bolt while giving instructions to Koma and Blaugrun. His firing was quick enough to happen simultaneously with loading.


It was shot at Igor, reducing their distance to 300m.


The distance was by no means far, and if it was only 300m, it was possible for Leeha to fire at speed close to rapid fire with increased accuracy rate and firing speed.

Not to mention, it only took 0.36 seconds for the bullet to reach the target, but Igor’s movements were so fast that even a hot-headed Leeha was flustered. He dodged the bullet with a reaction time faster than 0.36 seconds.

“Kyahahaha, do you think you can handle me now when you couldn’t handle me before? It’s not even funny!”

His exclusive weapon, the huge sawblade-like sword that Leeha had cracked the rear of at the northern troll settlement, had already been fixed. Igor, who was holding a sword coated in blood jets with increased cutting power, rushed toward Leeha.

‘He avoided it?! And that- damn it, damned that Blue Beard!’

There was no way Leeha would not have noticed. Most importantly, because he was with the chimeras. It meant that Igor also became a member of the Demon King’s army and received some kind of buff!

Leeha jumped and quickly opened the character window. It was something he wanted to save to equip a legendary item he liked someday, but he couldn’t afford to save it anymore.

Name: Ha Leeha / Race: Human

Job: Musketeer / Level: 173 (0.3%)

Title: Fearless / Achievement: 107

HP : 5,930(4,151) / MP: 1,335


Strength 334(+249)

Agility 2,338(+918)

Intelligence 148(+97)

Constitution 215(+122)

Mind 52(+42)

Remaining stat points: 346

He only leveled once. However, the stats that had already been added and the available stat points’ were qualitatively and quantitatively different from the ‘one level difference’.

‘No matter what happens, I will kill that bastard.’

Leeha gritted his teeth hard enough to make a sound, putting all of his stat points into agility.

Igor got faster? Good. Because Leehe was confident that he could go even faster.

His agility quickly reached 2,684.

Leeha immediately pulled the bolt and opened fire… He felt his moving arm suddenly accelerate to the point where he thought it was shaking the air.

If it wasn’t for the stabilizer, it would have been so fast that it would be difficult to aim properly.

“Die, Ha Lee-”

“You die.”


“-Kokeok-! What is this!”

Igor managed to turn his head. He wanted to brush it off, but he wasn’t able to. With the difference of less than 1cm, Leeha’s bullet passed Igor’s neck! However, that attack alone forced Igor to slow down for a moment.

Because he could feel the ‘damage’ from the attack that didn’t even touch him.

‘Splash damage? No. It’s not splash damage. That feeling…… is just the wind. Wind?! I-it was just a wind pressure from the bullet-……?’

Igor quickly opened his character window and checked if his hp actually reduced, but he couldn’t believe it even when he saw it with his own eyes.

‘Can that be called attack power!? At that level, a mere graze could kill me! What the heck is that attack power-’


In the meantime, Leeha, who had increased the distance fired another shot. Igor boasted the bravery of a Russian brown bear, but he couldn’t approach Leeha recklessly after taking damage from something that didn’t even touch him.

Igor naturally did not know Leeha’s attack power. Leeha’s current agility was 2,684. It was equal to Black Bass having 21,472 attack power. The dark elves’ skill, Forbidden Rage, applied additional damage which further increased it to 25,766. There were more than 20 levels of difference between Leeha and Igor, which activated the effect of the title Fearless.

A total of [33,496] attack power. If one excluded skills and only looked at normal attacks, Leeha’s attack power was among the highest in Middle Earth. An attack power power of 30,000 that magicians could barely reach by casting their single-target attack spells. It meant that Leeha could attack and reload in less than a second. Leeha ran as he looked at Igor. Even while running backward, Leeha’s speed was not slow.


“You bastards made a mistake today. Did you know where you came-”

“All of Czar, charge! Destroy the city after killing Ha Leeha!”

Yes, sir! 

He tried to fire at Igor but the environment did not allow him to. Czar, who had been destroying everything, began to narrow the encirclement toward Leeha in an instant. Of course, being surrounded was nothing short of frightening.

“-These crazy moth bastards——-!”


Leeha and Koma roared together. Koma’s roar froze the movements of some of the Czar members. It was the abnormal status ‘fear’.

Following that, Leeha also cast a skill. Delicate hand movements and Eagle’s Eye. The Black Bass cried, the hummingbird screechs, and the needle gun shouted. As Leeha shot each of them one by one Czar’s members died.

In the first place, it was hard to believe that one person could shoot that much, and it was difficult to dodge with body reaction unless they were at Igor’s level.

Czar’s members, who had been subjected to such an absurd attack, tried to hide behind the building, but Leeha did not miss them. The eagle pulled out the meerkat out of the burrow and tore it apart. Pooook-! A Czar’s member’s arm was cut and stumbled for a moment before turning gray.

‘What- One shot, one kill……’

Czar’s members and Igor, whose stats rose with the power of demons, could not help but click their tongues at Leeha’s crazy skills. In the face of Leeha’s cold anger, their burning momentum could only be extinguished.

“Good. Back off! Step back! Get that bastard!”

Despite being shocked, neither the Czar members nor Igor were discouraged. As Leeha raised his Black Bass again, a frivolous voice was heard from the other side of the corner.

“Kahahaha! Is that it? Is that the lord? If I catch him, will I become the lord of the castle?”

“Shut and and work with us, Crowley.”

“Heheng, there’s nothing to be afraid of as long as you have demonic power. Besides, this place- the ingredients here are all over the place!”

Hiiiik-! Crowley, wearing sunglasses, picked up a vial and threw it.

The vial shattered when it hit the rubble of a destroyed building Suddenly, a small amount of the solution spilled out and hit the stone. It also touched a tree.

Kudodok, kudodok……. The ingredients started sticking together, making an unpleasant noise.

Leeha was able to recognize it gradually taking shape. The materials were mixed and the appearance was unsightly, but if it was that size and the power it naturally possessed, it would not be funny at all.


The golem was 14m in size and it felt more like a robot.

“……Ah…… it’s really making me tired for only just the first day.”

‘I thought it wasn’t that guy, but-’

Kuuuuung, its weight seemed to shake the earth with just one step. Besides, the giant golem isn’t the only bothersome thing.

‘Crowley and Faust are good at magic. Not only the undead but also the gnomes themselves are also able to use magic, there’s also the chimeras. No, not only the chimeras, but also Czar, who reorganized the battle lines, and Igor, who leads them.’

The third in the ranking and the Russian army led by him was only a ‘part’ of the Demon King’s army. In order to push out some power, Leeha threw all kinds of skills and bullets, including his soulmate Koma.

What would happen if all the power started rushing in?

Imagining the intimidating feeling of the giant golem and the overwhelming power of the enemy made Leeha regain his composure. The only thing that he would get with dealing with this situation with anger is death. And what if he died now?

‘Gaza city will disappear from the map. damn it…’

He had to rally the surviving Gaza Knights and counter, 

but it was too late for that. The enemies were deep in the city and there was not much room for Leeha to move around.

Was there any help around? Gaza City was within Minis. It would take a long time for Fibiel’s reinforcements to arrive.

What, how much, and how far could Leeha go?

‘How far could I take it?’

Click, Leeha quickly fired one shot. As large as it is, his action was clearly visible. It was a speed that could not be called slow by any means, but it was enough for Leeha to respond.

Baaaaaang——-! With a loud shout, the golem’s chest cracked and smashed. A mix of stones and tree debris flowed down, but that was all.

‘I even caught the brass golem in one shot…. Does it mean it is stronger than a field boss? As long as it is a golem it should have a core-’

Leeha did not know which part of the golem should he shoot. After that, it was as Leeha had worried about. After firing one or two shots, a grrrrrr sound was heard from the alley behind Leeha’s current location as well as the alley beside it. It meant that he was fully surrounded by the chimeras and undead.

‘Damn it…’

Using the stabilizer and his right hand to support the Black Bass, Leeha took out the hummingbird with his left hand and aimed it at the surroundings. Enemies literally surrounded him at all sides and did not come closer, but could get to him at any moment. Of course, it was not because they were afraid of Leeha.

“Are you that Ha Leeha?”

It was then that a voice came from beyond the giant golem. The owner of the voice could not be seen, but Leeha knew his identity.


Leeha uttered his name calmly but with anger.


“The voice is still alive.”

“You crazy bastards, what did I do to you that you came here?”

“Huh, oh my, oh my. This is the attitude of humans. They only remember how they suffered and are completely unaware of the damage they had done. You don’t know what you did to me?”

“Did I kill a bastard like you in the Marching Plains? Since I was also on a quest, isn’t that natural? Even revenge like this because of that-”

“It isn’t the only one. I couldn’t forget the dragon either. You interrupted my quest and took away my things. Wouldn’t you be the same if I interrupted your quest and took away your things?”

During the Kuzgunak’sh quest. It was Faust who had been instructed by Blue Beard to steal the red dragon’s intact corpse.

However, while Leeha interfered, it was Bailephus who took Kuzgunak’sh’s dragon heart and threw it away.

Faust even pointed that out.

“You damned bastard.”

Besides, Igor and Crowley had already made it clear. Leeha will be the ‘castle lord’ of this place.

‘There was no continental notification. How did they know so quickly? Could it be that someone from ‘outside the table’…?’

The demon king’s army, including Faust, already knew which castle Leeha had been granted exclusive rights to commercial activity. That was less than two hours ago.

It was natural for Leeha to think about the hidden enemy during the national war.

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