TL: xLordFifth


After confirming that turning the buff on and off was possible, Leeha turned the buff off for a while, and then an idea came to his mind. It was always a place to ‘trade’, but with this buff….

‘Kukukuku, should I test it there before turning it off? To get some information.’

Leeha left the palace with a dignified attitude and headed for the Holy Grill. All along the way, the NPCs were extremely courteous toward Leeha, making him proud. However, not all NPCs lowered their heads. Leeha was getting drunk with the buff and walked with footsteps as light as a feather, and the NPC who did not bow to him whispered somewhere.

Leeha encountered the NPC, the young man wearing a robe with the emblem of the magic corps in it, a few times while walking through the palace and he was whispering through the air as he looked at Leeha near the entrance of the royal palace.


“Oh, Ha Leeha-ssi.”

Since he had already been confirmed on the first floor, his voice was even more dignified as he called to Madam Ju.

Not only the waiters and waitresses at the Holy Grill Capital Branch but also the NPCs who came to eat saw Leeha and carefully lowered their eyes.


“……What are you doing?”

Leeha coughed loudly in front of Madam Ju and puffed out his chest, but she only tilted her head.


Following her, Blaugrun, who was on Leeha’s shoulder, also tilted his head. Leeha was taken aback for a moment but cleared his throat quickly and sat down in a chair, crossing his legs.

“Cough! Ahem! Hmm!”

“……What are you doing? That creature on your shoulder looks like a dragon. Are you here to brag? Heuheung, it’s a bronze dragon hatchling. It’s definitely a precious creature.”

Madam Ju did not even bow to Leeha. Afterward, Leeha glanced at Blaugrun on his shoulder, and unlike other NPCs asking what it was, she clearly spoke in a way that clearly said that she was from an intelligence guild. Seeing that attitude made Leeha feel ridiculous.

“Have you been well?”

“What? I’m not that laid-back. If you’re here to ask something about that dragon, ask. If you just want to chat, we can chat next time.”

Madam Ju gestured to Leeha with an annoyed expression.

“Ah, no, I didn’t come to ask about dragons…. Are you really fine? Does respect appear in your mind when you see me, or something dignified suddenly-”

“Hmmm. Not in the least? Ha Leeha-ssi’s skills are amazing, but isn’t there a bit of a distance from words like dignity, respect, and the like?”


It was only then that Leeha realized the dignity of the head of the intelligence guild, which handles information in the Holy Grill. It meant that her continental reputation exceeded 3,000 and that his dignity did not work on Madam Ju.

“Tsk, it didn’t work. I thought it would be a little more comfortable in the future.”

“Heuheung, there’s no way it’s going to be comfortable. It’s never easy to manage a city. With how much the floating population is. Congratulations Ha Leeha-nim, the true lord of Gaza City.”

“That, I didn’t mean to tell you that, but you heard it already?”

“Oh my, after making use of our guild so much, you are still ignoring us like that?”

Madam Ju smiled casually.

‘I don’t need the respect of everyone else, but I need Madam Ju’s respect.’

Leeha just left the royal palace and went straight to this place. It was a relatively leisurely walk, but it took less than 20 minutes. But the information already arrived at that time.

“So, what’s the matter?”

“Well…… I can’t ask someone to play with me if they don’t keep up with my rhythm. As you already know, I became the lord of Gaza City. So, it is city-related-”

“Hmmm, I’d like to tell you too, but it would be more accurate to hear directly from Gaza’s office rather than the information from us, right? We don’t really update city-related information daily.”

“Huh? For madam, who sells information at a high price, isn’t that a very lukewarm response?”

“In a situation where we want to build a greater trust in the true lord of the castle, it is only natural that we don’t hand over false information.”

Madam Ju shrugged. Rather, it was certain that her attitude made Leeha feel that she was trustworthy.

‘Well, I have been taking advantage of this place since the beginning. Friendliness is intimacy, and she’s certainly trustworthy.’

“I’ve never been a lord of a castle, so it’s hard to say, but there must be a lot of aides. You will be able to do business through them.”

“Hmm, in other words, something like a steward?”

“Steward……. Well yes. But don’t use that word in front of them”

Seeing her wink and give tips, Leeha smiled for a moment. He needed, to go and get information about Gaza City himself, so what else can he do here?

“Then, can I ask you another question?”

“As much as you like. If only you pay for it.”

“It’s about this guy on my shoulder.”


Leeha shrugged his shoulder and Blaugrun made a sound. She looked at Blaugrun with serious eyes, not saying that she was cute.

“About the hatchling……. What are you curious about?”

“How can I make it grow faster? I already know that there are juvenile and adult levels. When will a hatchling get to that level, and if quick growth is not possible, when will it be possible to communicate and use magic? I want to know.”

Leeha quickly spoke. In the past, he would have laughed and joked a little but Leeha’s attitude changed without realizing it.

Even if there was no dignity buff, Leeha is becoming an expert in dealing with people.

“What’s the price?”

Of course, it wasn’t just the voice and tone that changed.

“Holy Grill’s Gaza City Branch.”

Even in negotiations, Leeha showed a really skillful attitude without any bargaining skills. Madam Ju, who was doing a lot of things, stopped completely.

“……You haven’t been there yet, are you even allowed to say that? I like Leeha-ssi, but I don’t care about a man who writes empty checks……”

“I am the true lord of the city. Looking at the quality of information, we can lower the tax rate a little for the first three months.”

“Do you think we can get something to eat in there?”

“You already know that there is a large floating population, but it’s new. Moreover, the location is not in Fibiel, but in Minis. From Holy Grill’s standpoint, which does not update city information every day, it would be possible to create a branch on Minis’ side, no, in fact, it can be a second head office.”

As Madam Ju lifted her chin, Leeha threw the last bait which was overpowering…

“Most importantly, Madam said it herself. ‘I want to build a relationship of greater trust with the actual lord of the castle.’.”

Madam Ju’s smile grew wider. It was to the extent that Leeha was momentarily taken aback by the expression on her face, resembling a teacher’s attitude toward her student.

“Ten days.”


“Give me ten days. I’ll gather all the data about dragons and hatchlings. Will you really give us a three-month tax rate benefit?”

“The quality of the data will confirm the answer.”

“Tsk, you didn’t even make an oral promise… Ha Leeha-ssi really doesn’t know how to pamper anyone. All right! I will tell you everything I can about a hatchling’s growth! Okay?!”

Information related to dragons was handled at the highest level in Middle Earth.

The reason why Leeha came to Holy Grill was because he couldn’t gather the information by himself, but things worked out better than he thought.

It was because he obtained the highest level of information that the NPCs in the intelligence guild could handle, and even received a definite answer that he would open a branch of the Holy Grill in Gaza.

“I, Ha Leeha, the city lord of Gaza will serve you wholeheartedly.”

Only then did Leeha show his playful attitude again and reach out to Madam Ju. It was a moment when Leeha realized that he had become a decent user whom the head of the intelligence guild could not push. It’s just a pity that he spent quite a bit of time here.

Everything was already over now. As long as you enter with dignity, Leeha would be able to enjoy your authority as the lord of the castle!

‘Since Lerik said he would tell information about Gaza in advance, he must have prepared for it to some extent.’

Leeha also spent quite a bit of time inside the Holy Grill. About an hour and a half after Leeha was officially appointed as the true lord of the castle.

“Where are you going?”

“Cough. I will go to Gaza City.”

“Gaza city, a city of Fibiel- excuse me, but are you the lord of the Gaza city?”

Leeha took a dignified pose and lowered his voice. The female NPC at the warp gate asked carefully, bowing her head as she tried to calculate the fee.


“The lord of the territory has free access to the warp gate between the capital and the city. Could you please step on the magic circle?”

“Ah, really?”

His dignity collapsed in an instant, but the NPC’s attitude did not change.

‘Isn’t that great? I think this is the first time I the warp gate NPC’s attitude change and be respectful for once  ever since I started playing Middle Earth.’

No matter how he changed his items and got achievements, they were quick to respond as if handling civil complaints. Leeha was convinced that these NPCs did not even have the concept of intimacy! The power of the ‘dignity’ buff was definitely different.

“Fibiel’s city, Gaza, 1 person. We wish you a pleasant trip.”

Dak-! When the female NPC stamped the staff, Leeha felt a floating sensation.

He would finally go to a new place, somewhere that he might have to spend the longest time in Middle Earth!


Run away!

Water! Water! We have to put out the fire in the building! Hurry!

Damn it, the fire brigade is already dead! The Gaza knights were on the verge of annihilation!

Chimera! Stop the chimera- Kuheok!

The capital- ask the capital to send reinforcements-kehoek!

A new landscape unfolded before Leeha’s eyes, a city he had never seen before even during the war, and now, it was burning.

“O-Ohhh? What is this?”

Before he could even be aware of what was happening, his body already moved.

Before Leeha knew it, he took a magazine from his bag and inserted it into the Black Bass, click-! Blaugrun responded to the sound.

[Kyuu! Kyuu!]

“W-hat- chimera?”

Flap, Blaugrun’s wings pointed toward a direction and Leeha saw a lumpy monster that passed between buildings.

‘Are the chimeras here? That’s nonsense! Here- this isn’t even in the edge of Minis, how -’



A building suddenly collapsed with a roar. And a large number of people jumped over the collapsing one-story building.

“Prioritize the NPCs! Stay in formation and kill the NPCs!”

“As for the users, decapitate the men and throw the women toward the chimera! With the most horrible memory of death, they will never visit this city again! Attack until they are traumatized!”

Even though they wore black masks and black clothes, the voices of the giants were clearly etched in Leeha’s mind. Moreover, their purpose was to clear after listening to their shouts.

They were aiming for the NPCs rather than users, and the act of pouring oil and burning buildings was not just PK, but for the sake of destroying the city itself.

“Kuhahaha! Break everything! Beat them all down and set them on fire so that that damned bastard can’t have them!”

He shouldn’t scream. In times like these, a sniper must remain calm. He must never reveal his position. He should aim for the enemy slowly. All of that knowledge and information disappeared. Leeha’s mind went blank.

Leeha’s focus was fixed on the giant who shouted last.


“Kuhahahat, you’re here! I’m here! Call and the protagonist will appear! I will get back my achievement today, you damned gunslinger bastard!”

The giant’s movement was sharper than usual but Leeha did not notice it. All he could see was a city being destroyed and NPCs dying.

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