TL: xLordFifth


Leeha swung the mineral he picked up with one hand and threw it.

Leeha didn’t know it, but in fact, the 130g of Blessed Mithril was more expensive than the value of ‘Castle Van Cowl’ that Minis was trying to give Fibiel.

In other words, Leeha threw an item that was more expensive than Castle Van Cowl.

‘Orichalcum, orichalcum!’

[Pink Diamond]

Weight: 4g

Description: Pink diamonds enhance divine power and are four times stronger than ordinary diamonds.

[Red Sapphire]

Weight: 2.7g

Description: Red Sapphire, which is three times more powerful than ordinary sapphires, enhances ice and water magic.

“Not this!”

Swish, swish!

Not even a handful of jewels came to his sight. With the two things that just flew away, it would have been possible to buy a small village. They were very rare items, and their effects were also good, but Leeha was not satisfied with them.

In addition to that, 21 adamantium pieces, a few kilograms of ordinary mithril, and all kinds of precious metals and minerals flashed in front of his eyes…. After rummaging for a long time, a piece of description finally caught Leeha’s eyes.


Weight: 470g

Description: A mineral that can control mana. It is not from this world.

“Uwooooh! Great!”

It also weighed over 300g! He wanted to see if there was a bigger lump than this, but he could not afford to because he spent more than 40 minutes just rummaging through the precious metals! Leeha only had 1 hour and 20 minutes to look for two items that would be useful to him.

“Equipment, equipment, equipment!”

He did not need a weapon because he already had Black Bass, and in addition, he could also depend on Bottleneck, his accessories were also not bad, so if there was anything he wanted to change right away, it was his hat and boots.

‘I’m still wearing the Brown Bear cap and boots, it’s amazing that I haven’t died yet.’

There were countless eye-catching items such as armor with all kinds of patterns in it, and even a one-handed sword that emitted fire from its blades’ edge intermittently.

He wanted to see the item description but he had limited time! Leeha couldn’t hide his surprise even while looking at anything and checking only their approximate level.

‘There are no normal-ranked items! In the first place, there are no rare items here. Is it because it doesn’t fit the name ‘treasure warehouse’ to store them?’

No matter what he picked up, everything was hero-rank or higher! In other words, there are a lot of weapons on the same level as what Kidd and Luger used.

‘Good, then these boots first-’

The first thing Leeha picked up was a pair of black leather boots.

[Boots worn by fallen hero of the Second Human-Demon War]

Defense: 1,950 


Agility +18, Movement Speed Increased by 11%

Dark Magic Resistance +35%, Damage Received from Divine Magic +50%

Requirements: Strength 150 or higher, Agility 1,500 or higher, Intelligence 150 or higher 

Description: Boots worn by the heroes 

During the Second Human-Demon War. The battalion commander of the Special Warface Battalion, who led his battalion against the Demon King’s army, had to sacrifice his life to the demons.

There are rumors that it was in order to save his subordinates, but it could not be confirmed. Because all his subordinates also joined the Demon King’s army. There was a record of three divisions of the Human Alliance having one battalion that was stained with demons.

Additional Effect: When 2 or more sets are configured, it is possible to command monsters stained with demonic energy(the number of targets is adjusted according to the total stat points).

(Total Stat points: 2,997/ Number of monsters that can be commanded: 599)

“Wow……? A hero is a hero-”

A hero who joined the Demon King’s army instead of mankind.

True to its description, the resistance to Dark Magic increased, but the user will take additional damage from Divine Magic.

However, it was not the basic effect that caught Leeha’s attention.. It wasn’t a huge increase in defense or speed.

“No, what is this set effect?”

Can monsters be commanded if two or more of the set were equipped? The first thing that came to Leeha’s mind was Crolang.

‘The authority to command monsters, Crolang, and the northern troll village! Besides, it sounded like I could command 1 for every stat point…’

Leeha couldn’t help but be surprised to see his cumulative total stat points. No matter how many additional effects he received, how was it close to 3000?!

‘If only I could take these boots and one more item, and the Blessed Mythril from earlier-’

Isn’t it a mineral that could make all good beings kneel?

What kind of synergy would it create with these boots? If he had all of them, wouldn’t he be able to command both of the Demon King’s monsters and God’s NPCs?

And right now, I could instantly command 600 monsters!

‘This is crazy, just looking at the words makes me feel like a demon king.’

Leeha was greatly tempted, but it was a challenging choice. Most importantly, he didn’t have the authority to take them all.

He could only choose two items. Additionally, the blessed mythril did not have a detailed description.

‘It’s not something that can be tested…. There’s no time! I will keep this, and pass on that!’

Leeha set aside the boots first and started rummaging through the mountain of items again.

Even he, who had permission to take 3 items was troubled, then what about Pei Wu who could only take one? How did he feel to have to give up on such a huge number of items, items that were unheard of throughout Middle Earth?

‘No, if he took a bracelet after seeing it, what kind of bracelet could it be?’

Bracelet? Right now, Leeha had not even seen a bracelet yet. Leeha thought that Pei Wu might have found a legendary item.

“It’s not time to think about it, shoes, shoes!”

Shaking his head, Leeha focused on digging into the piles of items again.

Even if he looked at it, all of the boots that were likely to be worn by magicians or plate-type boots that were likely to be worn by warriors were excluded, and paper shoes appeared in between, raised Leeha’s curiosity, but he did not look at the detailed explanation.

Bailephus: Ha Leeha, I need your strength.

It was then that he heard a strange voice.

Leeha immediately recalled who the voice belonged to. He did not stop his movement searching for shoes. 

Leeha: Bailephus…-nim?

It was then that a pair of shoes caught his eye. The calf boots that went beyond the ankle and covered half of the calf, and the dark green pattern on the soft brown-toned leather, seemed to somehow feel the energy of being with nature.

‘A tree root? Is it a tree vine pattern?’

Bailephus: I need your strength. Is it okay?

Bailephus’ voice came again. At this moment, even the gold dragon was a nuisance to Leeha.

To interrupt this golden shopping(?) time.

Leeha: Yes, it is okay.

Leeha should have realized. What it meant for the gold dragon’s polite request. Leeha’s body, holding the boots with tree vine patterns disappeared.


Leeha looked around. He was not in the royal treasury where gold and silver treasures were piled up like a mountain until just a moment ago!

He was now in a gloomy cave, with tapestries hanging all over the walls and a light magic cast, so it wasn’t actually gloomy, but Leeha’s mood was gloomy.

“Huh? Ohhh? What!?”

“Thank you for answering my call.”

He was next to a middle-aged golden dragon wearing golden armor, Bailephus, who was polymorphed into human form. Of course, he wasn’t the only one there.

There were people around the circular table who he had never seen before, such as those wearing silver armor, those wearing brown leather jackets, those wearing robes and holding sticks, etc. 

Of course, Leeha did not notice them.

“W-what? Where is- the royal palace?”

“Royal Palace? This is the king of the metal dragons, the Dragon Lord-”

“No, what Dragon Lord! What about my items?!”

“What do you mean by that?”

Bailephus’ brows twitched. The gold dragon seemed a little offended, but that was how Leeha was. He already knew it in his head. However, it was not something that his heart could admit.

“Did you summon me? No way?”

“Of course.”

“P-please, send me back, quickly!”

“I can’t send you back. I can’t specify the location coordinates of where you were just now-”

“No, don’t say that! Under the royal palace! Get me back to Fibiel’s royal palace basement- hurry up, I don’t have time!”

He hurriedly waved his hands but Bailephus could not understand right away.

“I don’t know what you mean, Ha Leeha. On behalf of the strangers who have entered this place, I command you to not behave erratically anymore. Act like someone with dignity.”

It was the man sitting behind Bailephus who spoke to him. The figure of Alexander, a man holding a long spear, came into Leeha’s eyes.

“No way, no way, no way…”

Is this what it meant to lose strength in your legs? The opportunity that might never happen again in Middle Earth disappeared into thin air. Leeha, unable to control his staggering body, went to Alexander’s side and sat down with a slump.

“My items……. My treasures…”

Could it be said that it was a fortune among misfortune? Leeha’s hand held the brown boots he had picked up last.

While the people seated around the table still looked suspiciously at Leeha, an old man with a long white beard wearing a white robe looked at Leeha with a faint smile.

“Heuheu, does he really have the power to solve this problem, Bailephus?”

“Yes, Lord Bahamut!”

Platinum dragon Bahamut, King of the Metal Dragons, the Dragon Lord, which only one of the metal dragons can reach!

Leeha was not able to appreciate his appearance ordinary users could not even see.

‘This fucking gold dragon, you should have told me in advance what you will do before summoning me, how the hell would I know what it meant if you tell me that you need my strength? And Alexander ordering me to act properly as a human representative, he’s not my fucking boss to order me around-‘

and so on.

Of course, no matter how much he grumbled inside, it didn’t ease his anger.

Additionally, the opportunity would no longer come back, and the situation had changed. Besides, isn’t this a dragon lair. Leeha had to calm down and pull himself together as much as possible. 

It is not possible to hit a target that has already passed by pulling the trigger again. Real snipers were people who rediscover new opportunities.

“Come to think of it, this is…

“Are you coming to your senses now?”

“Ah, yes. I apologize for being rude just now, Bailephus-nim.”

Leeha bowed his head toward Bailephus, and the middle-aged man in golden armor nodded with a benevolent expression.

Having already gone through the Blaugrun incident, his intimacy with the gold dragon had increased.

“It’s okay. Humans always make mistakes like that. Greet them first. This is the leader of the metal dragons, Lord Bahamut.”

Since they were sitting at the round table, there was no main seat, but it was clear to Leeha. It was a well-known fact that when polymorphing into humans, the dragon’s appearance changed according to their age. Many of them looked young in Leeha’s eyes, and he was the only old man aside from the middle-aged Bailephus.


“He sure is an eye-catching human being, Bailephus. He has an unusual ability. In addition, he had already released three of [Black Bass]’s seals …. Good. It’s really good. Amazing. Aren’t you as good as Alexander?”

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