TL: xLordFifth

ED: Not done


A sharp roar came after a while, a white dot rapidly enlarged from the peak of the snow-covered Mountain. Faust quickly cast a spell.

“Bone Shield! Body Bunker!”

With the double casting, it felt like his mana was drained in an instant, but with Blue Beard’s amplification, it wasn’t too much of a burden.

A shield of bones and a wall of corpses instantly appeared in front of Faust.

[Who dared to step into my lair! I will freeze your soul!]


Blue energy appeared in front of the flying silver dragon’s chest.


What followed was a freezing breath comparable to liquid nitrogen.

Faust was attacked by a breath so cold that it froze the surrounding water vapor and turned them into hailstones. The bone shield and body bunker blocking its path began to freeze in an instant.

“Kuwaaaa, please save me!”

Faust intuitively knew, his mana was amplified and strengthened, but it was too much to block a dragon’s breath!

It was only able to withstand an adult dragon’s breath for a moment. If he continued to stay there, he would freeze, and seeing the body bunker turn into a wall of ice, the white lizardia turned around and ran.

[Stop, you bastard! A lizard that handles corpses dare to invade a silver dragon’s lair! With that filthy mana!]

The silver dragon cut off its breath and increased its flight speed. He could not take the shame of missing a dying enemy on the ground.

[Not even that false courage would be left-]


“You talk a lot, silver youngling.”

As soon as it got out of its barrier, a person appeared next to the silver dragon’s head.

The man with red-shaved hair holding two curved swords, Kuzgunak’sh, snorted as he looked at the silver dragon.

[-Hmm?! Y-You-]


“Haha, nothing is easier to cook than a dragon that is outside its lair. Didn’t the dung fly warn you not to get out of your lair?”

Another person teleported beside Kuzgunak’sh.

Le had a gentleman’s top hat, a blue beard, a silver cane with a shiny handle, and even a smile on his lips.

[Y-you bastards, aren’t you afraid of Bailephus-nim!?]

The silver dragon was startled and tried to use dragon words, but the level of the enemies he had to deal with was too high.

In an instant, Blue Beard’s figure floating in the air moved around the dragon at such a speed that even his afterimage could not be seen.

“Now, all mana passages have been blocked. What are you going to do when you can’t even contact that dung fly Bailephus?”

The silver dragon was also a metal dragon. However, instead of going back into the barrier and leaving traces, the dragon, which had more courage than wisdom, chose to fight back. No, perhaps, he knew that even if he tried, he would not be able to enter the barrier alive.

He should have heeded Bailephus’ warning.

To not leave the lair even if there was provocation or abnormality. Fight within the reach of the lair’s barrier that strengthened its power. That way, no matter what happened, other clans would be able to investigate what happened. Because all records were kept of the beings who entered the barrier.

Bailephus gave sufficient warning at the metal dragon clan meeting, but unfortunately, their enemy was a dragon. He knew very well how the warning would be given, and what kind of provocation was needed to make them move.

[I am the silver dragon Silvergeld! Even though you are a Fragment of the Demon King and a red dragon, I won’t be easy!]

“The bronze youngling that had just reached adulthood knew how to measure his strength well but you, someone from the silver clan and had lived for a thousand years…. don’t know how to measure your strength properly.”

“Goodbye, silver youngling.”


The silver dragon’s resistance was futile.

Kuzgunak’sh’s curved swords scattered the lights in the air, and after a few seconds, the silver dragon’s head had already been separated from its body.


And Faust, who was on the ground, watched.

He was thrilled, no,it was a feeling closer to fear. Could Alexander, the strongest person in Middle Earth that he knew, defeat them?

‘No, let’s not get crazy like Alexander…. No matter how crazy that chuunibyou guy is-’

There was a difference between the first person to reach the maximum level in Middle Earth and the first person to ascend. And the person who shows the difference was on his side. The thrill and fear that Faust felt quickly turned into joy and pleasure.

‘Now, I will become the strongest among the users.’

There was nothing to fear if he was with them. Faust pledged his allegiance to Bluebeard once more.

“How many have we collected so far?”


“Then how many are left”


Kuzgunak’sh answered Bluebeard’s question. While cutting off the silver dragon’s head and ripping out its dragon heart.

“About that, blocking a dragon’s mana passage is not a big deal. Are we going to finish all of it today?”

“That’s right. If Silvergeld’s death is known, the metal dragons will completely hide”

“This, it feels like you are doing a losing business.”

“You’re saying that but, you’ve never done business before, old man.”

“I have never done it, so what? Cough, now, Faust! Let’s go to the next place!”

Considering their skills, it was truly a joke. Faust listened quietly to them and nodded quickly.

“Yes, count-nim!”


“Ahhh! T-that! You don’t have to do that! Just tell me the location of the palace warehouse!”

Seeing the guards’ expressions change as soon as Leeha touched the crystal ball, Leeha quickly spoke. k happens happens all acc xxx xxx xxx call, He wondered if it would be like that every time he entered the royal palace, but the NPCs, who didn’t say anything about it, were really trying to do the protocol again.

“The palace warehouse? Are you talking about the royal treasury?”

“Yes. Under my authority as a recipient of the Medal of Honor…… I would like to use the royal treasury.”

Leeha wondered if he could say it like that. He had the authority, but while Leeha worried for a moment that he might have asked too brazenly, before he knew it, the guards were contacting someone.

“Could you wait a moment, please? I have contacted the Vice Minister of Finance in charge of the royal treasury.”

“Vice Minister of Finance?”

“Yes. Except for the Vice Minister and Minister of Finance, the general public is not allowed to enter the royal treasury-”

“I see…”

Leeha did not know much about the ranking in the royal palace, but he still had a little knowledge of it. Words such as minister and vice minister came out, it must mean that they were not people with low positions.

It was not a public matter, and they had to call such a person in order to enter the royal treasury.

‘Grunt, it’s not like I want to be hated for no reason. Without notice…. Wouldn’t it be better to call Pei Wu-nim later and go with him? Besides, I thought it was just a warehouse,

but it was a treasury?’

Hmm, a smile appeared on Leeha’s face, that looked like it was saying ‘I like that at least’.

After waiting so anxiously and excitedly at the entrance of the palace, a man in a robe came running with the hem of the robe fluttering.

“Ha Leeha-nim? Are you Ha Leeha-nim?”

“Ah, yes. I am Ha Lee-”

“It is such an honor to meet the recipient of the Medal of Honor! My name is Lerik, the vice-minister of the royal treasury.”

The vice-minister of treasury introduced himself as Lerik, and grabbed Leeha’s hand with both hands and shook it passionately.

And Leeha’s anxiety was unfounded. Was it inconvenient to go back and forth to the royal storage just for one person? It wasn’t.

“I see, Lerik-nim, n-nice to meet you.”

Except for those with managerial authority, the palace warehouse was a place that was not accessible to anyone other than the royal family.

It was a great and glorious job for the finance minister to serve the national hero who had the authority to pick three items there.

“Come, come, let’s go! Let’s go! Only Pei Wu-nim and Granville-nim came, and Ha Leeha-nim didn’t, so I was worried every day!”

Lerik grabbed Leeha’s arm and entered the palace.

Even at the moment of being dragged away by him, Leeha, seeing the guards standing in attention, wanted to sigh.

“I guess it would be underground?”

“Yes, it is in the deepest part of the underground of the central palace, where even that greedy dragon cannot enter without permission, that we have created the royal treasury. His Majesty only visits it occasionally, so no one has come lately. Excluding Pei Wu-nim and Granville-nim.”

“I see……. What did Pei Wu-nim and Granville-nim get?”

“Pei Wu-nim took a bracelet, and Granville took armor and a horse.”

“Horse? Are there any horses here? Didn’t you say it was the treasury?”

“It was a creature made of magic. It was the first time I saw it in action… It doesn’t get tired, it’s faster than a normal horse, and it can even fly low.”

“Really? Is there such a thing?”

“Yes. It’s the first time I have seen it move. It was a strange thing.”

He was amazed at Lerik’s explanation while going downstairs.

That kind of means of transportation?! No, that’s not enough for transportation. If it came into the hands of Leeha, it would be an excellent fighting tool.

‘If only I could fix the Black Bass properly while riding it……. I would really become a tank. Aww, such a shame! I should have come here first!’

When encountering enemies such as Midnight Circus, he only needed to ride it and quickly retreat, point the muzzle, and pull the trigger!

No matter how rugged the terrain would be, it was a magical creature that could fly so it would not be affected.

Leeha imagined the scene for a while and asked Lerik.

“Do you have any more?”

“Unfortunately not.”

“Tsk…. I see.”

Leeha and Lerik descended for a long time, while Leeha swallowed his regrets.

By the time the surrounding was so dark and gloomy that one would believe it was a dungeon instead of a treasury, Lerik finally took out a key and held it.

“Here we are. This is the royal treasury.”

“I am looking forward to it.”

“The recipient of the Medal of Honor, Ha Leeha-nim, can get three items regardless of type.

There will be three of them regardless of weight, so please choose well. Select three items and put them in your bag, and you will automatically be returned here. You have two hours to choose after entry.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Are there any precautions before going in? After Leric kindly explained, he inserted the key into the wall.

“Hold the key.”

“Ah, where should I-! Waaaaah!?”

Shyuuuuuk-! As soon as Leeha held the key, his body was teleported..

Leeha’s body, which was just in front of a door underground, was already relocated into a huge cavity.

“Oh my goodness…”

The place was full of gold and silver treasures. There was a reason for naming it ‘Royal Treasury’ rather than simply a royal warehouse.

Leeha admired briefly before confirming the time.

“Two hours is too short!”

Step, step, step, Leeha stepped on the gold coins on the floor and ran while scanning the surroundings.

‘It is a warehouse, but it was not just roughly piled up. It is surely organized. Most importantly, Orichalcum!’

Fortunately, he was able to quickly find it. Gold coins and jewelry on one side, and finished equipment on the other. Leeha had the luxury of stepping on gold coins and ran toward the gold coins and jewelry.

‘This is what it sounds like when stepping into gold.’

The chararal, chararal, chararal sound was pleasant.

Stepping on the sliding gold coins and running, Leeha picked items at random.

‘Item description, item description.’

[Blessed Mithril]

Weight: 130g

Description: A mithril that has been blessed by god. All good beings kneel in front of the material containing God’s providence.

‘……Huh? If it received God’s blessing, shouldn’t it block all demons or something like that? If so, what could be done with Bluebeard?’

Leeha picked up a translucent mineral that glowed softly, but it was not what he wanted.

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