“No way, how are we able to match that?”

“So! That’s what they have been waiting for! T-there’s someone over there! Someone planning-”

“Did they know when Alexander is going to max level and waited for it? It’s not like an operator is doing the plan.”

“It’s possible to ask! When can he do it, how can he do it!”

“If you were the one asking, do you think he would answer your question? How much experience do you have, where are you hunting, and when do you think you will level? Isn’t he number 1?”

A commotion spread among the users gathered in the tent in an instant.

The NPCs, including Commander-in-Chief Granville, were taken aback by the news of an unknown user reaching max level.

“If the person asking the question is Alexander-class, wouldn’t it be possible?!”

And at the words of someone shouting, the voices of the users stopped.

“If it’s Alexander-class……is it the rankers? In Minis, there’s Petyr, Faust, and Shiyou. Faust is now on Marching Plain, and Chiyou is a Dancer, right? As far as I know, she’s also an assassination expert. The same goes for Petyr…”

“No, it’s the opposite, isn’t it? If the rankers ask, will Alexander answer? The top 10 are like rivals to each other.”

“They may have asked if it’s needed to win this war!”

“That’s right! Well, doesn’t Minis have a king or something? Asking something like an order or something like that…

“Then who? Who did that?” 

“……I don’t know either.”

“W-why are you bringing things up that you don’t know and lower the morale!”

“Because! Wouldn’t it be possible to plan a strategy or do anything with that kind of assumption?”

“That’s not what I’m saying-”

The chaotic discussion began again.

In the end, the conversation went in circles and it all came back with only speculations.

What increased were more complicated and dizzying speculations, and even if we put our heads together in place, we could not come up with a clear answer.

Leeha, Kijeong, and Ram Hwayeon also quietly gathered their thoughts while listening to the chaotic discussions of the gathered users.

‘These are words that make some sense. But again, it’s just a guess.’

They could not understand the situation.

It was necessary to read the enemy’s mind only with the information they had so far. The sad thing was that there was not much information given.

If they were lucky, new information would be added immediately.

If they could call it luck.

“Hurry-! It’s urgent from our country!”

Step step step-!

The tent door swung wildly and a soldier rushed in.

He was frowned upon for ignoring even basic etiquette, but looking at his expression, they didn’t seem to have the time to question such a thing.

“What is going on?”

“At Dike Beach- We have discovered Kraven’s fleet at Dike Beach! Additionally, the fleet at Kraven’s forefront is called the 9th fleet, the Serpent Fleet!”

All users who had been murmuring about Alexander’s business until recently closed their mouths.

At that time, when other users were only in a hurry to be surprised, only a few people biting their lips to the point of turning white realized the seriousness of the situation.

‘As expected…… The trio of Minis-Igor-Kraven is interconnected. No, at this level, Alexander’s level-up timing should never be dismissed as a coincidence. The guess that someone said earlier is almost certain.’ 

It was at that moment that they confirmed that someone had set up an operation with an information network large enough to cover the entire continent and deceive the entire Fibiel.

“……Are you sure it’s the Sea Serpent?”

“The patterns on the main sails have been checked! T-that is, what appeared on Dike Beach is the enemy’s main fle-” 

The messenger’s neck twitched. Leeha’s assumption was somewhat correct. There was just a bit of a drop in quality.

It was also because it was not known who was in charge of the 9th Fleet, the Serpent Fleet, that appeared. “-‘The Second Storm’, Drake! Currently, the fleet they had on Dike Beach was significantly inferior! It is said that they are rushing to create a defensive line as all the main forces who were dispatched to Dike Beach have disappeared!”

Minis and Kraven did not just exchange information. There were talented people who could move as one body even with a simple exchange of information.

“What about Hwajeong?”

“T-that person. She suddenly moved to another place-”

“Ahh, are you saying that you were pushed back because Ram Hwajeong wasn’t there? Was the national fleet that bad?”

Fibiel’s navy was by no means weak. However, Kraven’s navy and Commander-in-Chief leading the attack, the Second Storm, Drake, were just too strong opponents.

“Besides, Hwajeong must also have gone to stop the invasion of Fibiel- Phew, that’s fine. Don’t talk about it.”

“Th- that-……. Sorry.”

Ram Hwayeon was angry at the messenger. Her aura frightened the messenger.

‘The fact that Hwajeong disappeared from Dike Beach means that she has returned. She would have gone to Castle Dale with Jacheong.’

However, she couldn’t be assured. Most of Hwahong’s forces were annihilated by Faust and Crowley. Those who remained for the operation of the castle were smart, but their level in Middle Earth was somewhat lacking.

Would it be possible to stop Igor and Czar with the only defenses lacking in quality and quantity? If one simply looked at the ranking fight, it was a fight between the 3rd and 9th ranks.

‘She should be okay…”

The users were almost in a state of panic. What should they do? And it was not the users who would decide.

“Actually, the fox of the prairie…. is still the same.”


Commander-in-Chief Granville whispered softly.

“I mean, it’s still the case that people gossip because they’re weak…. Heh, advisor!”


“Open the map for the war situation. They will be here any minute now.”

“I understand!”

“We have to regroup right now. No, not just regroup.”

A holographic map floated in the air. And a new hologram window appeared in front of some people.

“It’s necessary to redeploy our forces.”

[Defense War – Dike Beach Campaign – Special Mission-1]

Description: ‘It’s impossible to send a large force to the enemy because the Marching Plain is blocked. Additionally, the whole army cannot turn back because Minis is in front. All we can send is you, the most elite unit. We have to stop the invasion of the Kraven Navy, especially the amphibious corps that Drake brings.’

The situation abruptly changed. Fibiel’s Pillar, Granville, seeks to stop Minis-Kraven’s combined operation.

Content: Block the landing of Kraven’s fleet for 20 days, or kill 4 Kraven Fleet admirals (0/4)

Reward: Contribution according to regional defense contribution, additional contribution +1,500

Condition for Failure: Successful landing of Kraven’s navy in Dike Beach

Penalty for failure: War contribution -5,000

– Would you like to accept??

“Byeolcho Special force, go to Dike Beach immediately and support our allies.”

Granville’s voice echoed quietly. Of course, the target was Byeolcho Special force, including Leeha and Kijeong.

“The ones going…… are only us?”

“It is a pity that the main unit cannot send a large number of troops.”

Granville calmly said, “Yes, you’re the only one going.”. It wasn’t like Leeha did not know his heart. Marching Plains was blocked, so they can use Sentinel Mountain or Witchmore Riverside, but they cannot send large forces there. The road was narrow and it was a detour, so it will take a long time. The most fundamental problem would be that the 1.66 million troops gathered here could not be reduced.

‘With the words ‘Minis is in front’…… As expected, Granville is planning to launch a full-scale attack.’

He knew. Now that it had become a race against time. It may be a battle of whether Fibiel’s capital or Minis’ capital would be captured first.

‘It means that Igor will be blocked by Ram Hwajeong, and the entire Kraven army needs to be delayed by Byeolcho Special force somehow.’

Whether Marching Plains was blocked or not, whether Alexander will come or not, it is not yet known. Does he think that there would be no problem as long as he captures Minis’ capital before that?


Kijeong made an anxious voice, but Leeha couldn’t answer. What was the best option.. How can they carry out this war most efficiently?

‘It’s a quest. Would it be fine to accept it? It just means that I have to do it.’

What if I don’t go and stay here?

Judging by Granville’s reaction, the entire Dike Beach area is sure to lose. In a situation where the commander-in-chief of Kraven Kingdom came in with the main forces directly, the navy, which lacked Fibiel’s main forces, would not be able to stop it.

If they lose like that, it would be all over. The advance from Dike Beach to Aelstock would be quick.

‘But is it really going to be a defeat like this?’

A mere contribution is meaningless.

‘If we get defeated, would the country be destroyed? Or will it lead to another story? Damn, I don’t have many choices anyway.’

Leeha knew that he could not refuse the quest. As he nodded at Kijeong, Tale and Biyemi’s expressions became determined.

“Byeolcho Special force will defend the entire area of Dike Beach.”


Seeing Leeha’s firm expression, Pei Wu briefly put a moved expression.

After that, a brief meeting was held on the reorganization of the formation, which had been stretched by the combined forces of Sentinel Mountain army and Witchmore Riverside army, and then all the operational meetings ended.

“Are you really going?”

When it was night, Ram Hwayeon asked Leeha with an anxious look.

“I have to go, so I will go.”

“You-  only- you’re going to Dike Beach with only 30 people?”

“Originally, there weren’t many people in Hwahong with Ram Hwajeong and Jacheong, right?”

“I-it’s isn’t the same! Hwajeong was originally good at wide-area attacks! But you-”

They had Biyemi, but he was not a wide-area magician as well. Rather, he should be viewed as a magician closer to being an assassin.

With the exception of a few healers, they had a completely melee-oriented party.

The performance in Naval Battles, which must be fought on a ship, is not very good.

“It’s okay. Because I already have a plan. I prepared some things just in case.”

“……Well, if it’s what you have decided, then that’s it.”

“Oh, you believe in me now? Haha, if you’re like that then I will feel comfortable and good too. Ram Hwayeon, I am worried about you. You are okay, but what about the Marching Plains supplies or Castle Dale?”

“We could negotiate with the Royal Palace again regarding supplies. Since Hwajeong is there, Castle Dale will be able to hold out for a while.”

She was determined to take risks from the very beginning It’s unfortunate, but Ram Hwayeon was also prepared. Ram Hwayeon looked at Leeha, who was preparing, with an urgent expression on her face again. Her eyes were certainly filled with concern.

“Can you really go? There’s a high risk of encountering them to cross the Marching Plains.”

“Don’t worry. Be careful as well.”

Ram Hwayeon’s expression changed for a moment after hearing Leeha’s words, but before Leeha could even realize it, she turned her head. She didn’t want to show her face to Leeha.

“Kijeong-ah! Are you ready?”

“Yes. Everything is prepared, eong-ah.”

“Okay then-”

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