“Gaeryong-nim, Eunchon-nim! Is something wrong?”

“Ah, no. There’s no problem with the boundaries and the road ahead is fine. It’s foggy, but we can still look at the map.”

Ram Hwayeon came back again and asked a question, and an answer came right away. Because they have grasped the situation with reconnaissance and map in advance. Even if their mouth were talking lightly, they had done their jobs properly.

“What are the two guilds going to do after the war is over?”

“Us? I don’t know. Dragon Knights don’t really have a special schedule.” 

Ram Hwayeon looked at the two guild masters alternately.

“That’s great! Then would you like to do one more thing with us?”

“What is it?”

“Hwahong, sooner or later will-”

Kkakakak- Dudududug-.

……Hmmm? What…… Did you guys hear that?”

Ram Hwayeon stopped talking. Eunchon and Gaeryong opened their guild windows and the friend windows at the same time to check the status of their guild members.

“There’s nothing particularlty suspicious.”

“But there was definitely  a noise.”

Eunchon’s hand turned to his side. His hand gripped a totem that looked like a wooden harubang. The fog was even thicker than before.

“Conduct a thorough search around, widen the range, and shout loudly to understand the situation-”


Before Gaerong could finish his command, a scream was heard from beyond the fog.

“What was that! Report, quickly!”

Gaeryong and Eunchon each held their heads and whispered quickly. What happened to whom? What was the sudden scream!?

Kkakak- Kkakakak-. Clang, clang, clang.

However, a reply did not come.

The positions of the other guards on the friend window also quickly started disappearing. Logged out due to death. It was certaine there something was happening.

“Who are you!”

Gaeryong also opened his friend window. However, the thick fog that was thick enough for you to touched it swallowed even his voice.

Dududuk, ddudukkakaka-.

“Who are you! Come out!”

Ram Hwayeon, Gaeryong, and Eunchon. Even though the three of them were close together, the fog was so thick that they were not able to see each other. It was then that someone dragging his feet shone faintly beyond the mist.

“Hmm, hmmmmm, How long have they been here? Has it been about an hour since they started breathing?”

“After all, they were players that did weird things.”

“Maybe because they were the only ones who smelled like rotting corpse? Puhaha!”

“If you don’t want to be made into one of those rotting corpses, shut up.”

“That’s what I was about to say! Damn it, if it wasn’t for that woman, I-”

Two people faintly shone in through the fog, no, one person, and one skeleton were talking to each other.

Ram Hwayeon and Eunchon knew who one of the voices belonged to.


“Ahahaha! Right. We haven’t dealt with them yet.”

“Let’s go ahead and deal with them then. Dance, my children.”

Crowley wore sunglasses on his forehead-! The person next to him beckoned. Two sihouettes were seen through the og, and the other silhouettes began to appear around them as well.

1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 27, 37, 129, 283-

“N-Necromancer! Faust!”

“Ram Hwayeon-nim! Step back! We’ll face him! Heeeup-!”

Gaeryong raised his spear. There was a red tint on his spear and another spear made of mana was created next to the actual spear.

One, two, three, four mana spears were created in an instant and every a spear was called, Gaeryong’s arms swelled as if they would explode.

“Javelin Phantom!”

And then he slammed his arms as if in protest. The mana spears floating next to the spear pierced through the mist in an instant.

Pasasasak- Pasasasat!

Along with the sound of bones breaking, the silhouettes around them disappeared in an instant.

“You’re still moving, what happened?”

“Oh really? hasn’t it been over an hour? Did the concentration get too high?”

“Anyway……. That’s why you’re called crazy.”

“S-shut up! You don’t know the greatness of my alchemy! There can’t be anything wrong with my alchemy! Your magic must have been mixed wrong!”

Crowley yelled as Faust frowned. The two people was talking about something that seemed like nonsense.

“Who are they?”

“I have no idea. There are only two of them.”

“Are you saying that our guild members were beaten by two people? It doesn’t make any sense even if they’re rankers or outsiders-”

Was it possible? Besides, if there were only two people, Gaeryong, Eunchon, and Ram Hwayeon would have a chance to win. The moment the three of them exchanged glances, Eunchon’s casting ended.

“Earth’s Bless-”

[You are now in a ‘sealed’ status.]

[All skills will not activate for 10 minutes.]

“-ing! Huh?”

And a notification popped up for the three people.

Euncheon tried to stamp the totem on the ground, but his magic did not activate.

They heard the voices of Crowley and Faust, who were having a verbal spar in the distance, again.

“Kekeke, I got it! I got it! I think there’s a difference in activation time depending on the level!”

“That’s why you need to study your skill thoroughly You shamelessly got the alchemist job by mixing potions with your fist.”

“I, I don’t want to hear that from someone like you who doesn’t even properly salt the corpses!”

Eunchon’s face turned blue.


Gaeryong also tried to use his skills again, but there was no reaction.

“……This fog! This fog can-”

However, he couldn’t continue talking anymore. The movements of Gaeryong and Eunchon suddenly stopped. It was then that the necklace hanging around the neck of Ram Hwayeon glowed.

[Paralysis status has been applied.]

[You cannot move for 3 minutes.]

[Slow status have been applied.]

[All movement speed has been reduced by 40% for 5 minutes.]

“- not block your skills?,maybe, but it would even be enough to kill you? Kahahaha!”

Along with Crowley’s laughter, there was a sound of crackling, cracking, and crashing bones. There was also the sound of clashing armor.

The corpses rose, and the armor and weapons there were wearing turned into iron golems.

How many of those could the two of them handle? The two men led a large army with unknown numbers that were hidden by the fog.

Eunchon and Gaeryong sensed their end.

Ram Hwayeon also finished analyzing the situation while looking at the slowly approaching enemies.

“Gaeryong-nim, Eunchon-nim! There’s no scroll to unlock the skills! We’re also paralyzed-”

Ram Hwayeon pulled out a abnormal status removal scroll and tore it on the two of them.

“Ram Hwayeon-nim? You’re mov- ah, as expected, the light from earlier was from the Guardian’s Necklace!”

The skill seal cannot be removed.

With those words, Gaeryone and Eunchon understood. They would be able to barely move, but they would not be able to use their skills. And a shaman without skills is nothing more than a burden, and Gaeryong won’t last long.

The masters of the two guilds realized who they had to protect in an instant.

“Then run away! We won’t last long!”

“Run away quickly, Ram Hwayeon-nim”

“Good luck to the both of you!”

Ram Hwayeon ran without looking back. Even if she remained, nothing would have changed. Most importantly, she knew her priorities right now.

It wasn’t just Faust or Crowley. Because she heard another whisper in the chaos. An urgent message came from a guild member who had entered the Marching Plains from Fibiel.

‘I-Igor is at Castle Dale.’

Just by hearing that, Ram Hwayeon was able to fit the puzzle together. All she could think of was that she had to tell them this information quickly.

Minis’ main ranker, Faust, teamed up with Crowley to aim for the supply that they had been ‘waiting for’. In addition, Igor invaded the northern part of Fibiel at the same time as they were defenseless.

What if this was all someone’s plan? (ed: no duh, there’s no more what if here)

‘The main forces might be in danger! I will leave the castle to Hwajeong-.’

She heard the whisper from a guild member from Castle Dale.

The information should have reached her younger sister and Jacheong, so Castle Dale will be left to them.

Defending the castle was important, but if this supply operation, which involved a significant portion of Hwahong, failed, she would not gain anything.

Ram Hwayeon pushed her feet toward Minis beyond the fog. Seeing the skeletons and iron golems closing in, she had no choice but to prepare herself.

“-And that was how I got here. Faust’s undead appeared from all over the place, and Crowley’s abnormal status kicked in from time to time…”

It was fortunate that she was able to use chain teleport to get to Leeha after crossing Minis’ border.

Telling the story was easy, but she had barely come this far with much difficulty because of the sacrifice of the two guild masters. If it weren’t for the two of them, Ram Hwayeon would have died in the Marching Plains.

Those who have gathered in the tent were surprised for various reasons.

Igor had attacked the north of Fibiel.

Crowley had created a potion that was able to spread fog over the vast Marching Plain, that could cause abnormal status to semi-rankers like Gaeryong and Eunchon in a wide range.

What was worse was that the two, famous for their rivalry, had worked together.

‘Also…… Castle Dale has been attacked, there’s no way Ram Hwajeong would stay still. If Ram Hwajeong left Dike Beach, there would be no rankers on Dike Beach. Unless there’s a particular outsider-’

“That place was also empty.”

What if Kraven launched a massive attack at this time? Leeha fet his back getting colder.

“Then what should we do? Should we turn back? It’s hard to fight without supplies”

“What if we turned back and fall into Crowley’s Mist? We might have to fight the undead and iron golems that spawns endlessly without any potions or scrolls!”

“Is there anyone behind it? Who’s giving them directions?”

“But this is too… much. In such a huge battlefield, the communication and movement between each other is not smooth, they should not be able to exchange information-”

The murmurring in the tent escalated instantly. At the word ‘information’ that came to mind, Leeha’s head flashed.



“Have you seen Sasuke recently?”

“No? Why are you asking all of a sudden?”

“……Nothing. It’s nothing.”

Was it wrong? Most importantly, Leeha did not know the identity of the Shinobi-gumi. However, what if the guild is putting its forces behind Minis this time around? Wouldn’t it be possible to establish and carry out such a large-scale information manipulation and schemes? Not to mention Sasuke, no one from the Midnight Circus had appeared yet!

What if Shinobi-gumi’s information gathering and manipulation, and the Midnight Circus’ mobility was combined? What if there was a person who could lead all of Minis?

‘……Am I overthinking it? Or is it really all one big scheme.’

Fibiel was robbed while the house was empty.

Crowley and Faust cut off their supplies from behind.

Leeha changed his point of view. If someone is really operating behind Minis, what would they do at this point.

‘Then what’s next? Can they take it over there next?’

Since the supply is cutoff, will they exhaust and kill the 1.66 million troops? No, it’s not a real war, it’s Middle Earth. It would be hard to go that route

In the end, they would need to hit it all at once. A serious clash wll happen in the end.

‘It means that those who have been on the defensive till now will counterattack. How? Still, one side has 1.2 million and the other has 1.66 million. Fibiel will still prevail.’

Fibiel may be destroyed by Igor, or Faust and Crowley’s forces approaching them from the Marching Plains may attack the 1.66 troops before they could devour Minis’ Capital.

Did the one behind Minis also take it into account?

As Leeha’s mind endlessly thought about strategy and tactics, a fanfare resounded in everyone’s head.

“Breaktrough- Is there no other way? Huh? What are you all looking at?”

The NPC advisor asked.

Of course, the fanfare was only heard in the heads of all ‘users’.

The NPCs could not know how the users who lost their focus and stared blankly into the air were feeling.

“……This, this. This was the reason! It was to buy time!”

“Then they were not getting pushed, did they let us push through? To get us all this way?!”

“The back is blocked- now ‘he’ is coming from the front……?”

Most users realized this by now.

Why did Minis repeatedly retreat from the Marching Plains.

What was the meaning of the enemy’s operation, which was carried out simultaneously?

This is what they were waiting for!

[Congratulations everyone! The first Maximum Level achiever had appeared.]

[Alexander, Dragon Knight. Level 300, Minis Country]

[Other users, please do your best not to lose!]


Kidd pushed his hat down while barely able to say a single word.

To be continued…

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