The place he had been moved to was a large yard that was likely to be used as Dale Castle’s dance hall or for events.

“I have brought him, Jacheong-nim.”

“Ohh, thank you. Thank you for your effort.”

“It was nothing. Then.”

The Dale Castle knights bowed to Jacheong and headed for the castle gate. Leeha was taken aback by their reaction. Usually, they say something.

“The Dale Castle Knight doesn’t seem to have anything to do with intimacy. They are not NPCs who give out quests, but literally Dale Castle’s NPC guards. 

“Ah, yes.”

As if reading Leeha’s thoughts, Jacheong spoke.

Leeha was greeted by  a middle-aged man wearing light armor in his 40s, mid-40s or maybe early 40s? Leeha instantly scanned the man who was standing in an upright manner in front of him. He was on the younger side considering he held a high position in the Ramlong group, Leeha looked at Jacheong, and Jacheong looked at him as well. Then took out a piece of paper, held it,  and spoke.

“Ha Leeha, nationality: Korean, age: 30 years old. The appearance is almost identical to the current character…… Is that right?”

“What? What?”

“What is your illness? Do you have any family history of genetic  disease?”

“W-what are you talking about?”

Jacheong asked without hesitation. Even though Leeha did not answer, Jacheong quickly filled out the checklist after seeing Leeha’s reaction. For Leeha, it was just absurd. What was this? all of a sudden?

“It’s just an investigation. It says here that you ‘were’  a member of the Korean army, what are you doing now?”

Jacheong tilted his head and looked at Leeha. His expression was similar to a teacher conducting a survey or a human resource manager interviewing a new employee.

When Leeha did not speak, Jacheong nodded and continued speaking to himself.

“I see. You seem to make a living from Middle Earth. Hmm, the price of gold is stable now, but in fact, it is still true that it is somewhat burdensome to make a living here. Even the best game in the world would meet its end…… but anyway, it’s good. Where did you go to college? What is your major?”

“W-wait! Investigation? Do I have any obligation to tell you? Besides, what are those materials? Did you do a background check on me?”

Leeha was more curious about why Jacheong was curious than the fact that knew his details.

Of course, he felt bad. Did they do a background check without telling him?

However, even after Leeha asked, Jacheong’s expression did not change.

“Hmm? Background investigation? It’s only natural if you want to become a member of the Ramlong group.”

“Member? It’s not the Hwahong guild, but the Ramlong group? But I did not apply to that company, did I?”

Ramlong group? He did not even send his resume, so what was he talking about? When Leeha showed signs of displeasure, Jacheong smiled strangely.

“Oh, so!  you didn’t know yet?”

“No, about what?. What do I need to know?”

“Hmm. Well. In any case, Ha Leeha-nim won’t be losing anything. Whether it’s Ram Hwayeon-nim or Ram Hwajeong-nim, I wanted to know-”

“Shut your mouth, Jacheong! Flame Strike!”

“I will kill you. Ice Blast.”

While Jacheong smiled and nodded, two girls from Dale Castle flew into the air.

With red and blue hair fluttering in the air, they launched the magic.

“C-cough! Ram Hwayeon-nim, Ram Hwajeong-nim?!” Both Leeha and Jacheong knew that the magic was not just to shut Jacheong’s mouth.

The magic cast was ‘explosive’ magic, and what was worse was that Jacheong was near the castle, and wasn’t he close to Leeha too?

As Jacheong tried to save himself, he reached out to Leeha. Jacheong was a level 200 dealer-tank user. It would be difficult to block the magic, but he could avoid it. Even if he got hit, he could live. But what was he doing?

‘He’s in the low 100s. If it’s Ram Hwajeong’s magic, even if he only gets swept by Ram Hwayeon-nim’s magic – the splash damage-’

He might die!

Jacheong immediately looked at Leeha. If he was a step late, he could hug Leeha and take a leap!

“Dodge, Ha Leeha-”

“Ugh! Didn’t you think about me!”

However, Leeha’s action was ahead of Jacheong’s thoughts.

The magic that flew towards them was an explosive type, but it was a ‘single target magic’. It was not a wide area magic.

And Leeha had seen it once before. How did Tale react to the magic Ram Hwajeong shot before?

Leeha took a step back and grabbed the musket on his shoulder. Like an honor guard, he turned the gun once, got down on his knees, and aimed. His target was the Ice Blast.


After firing he moved before the smoke could even disappear, he put the musket on his back and he pulled the needle-gun pistol out.

He supported his right arm by putting his left arm under his right wrist which was used  to aim at the Flame Strike, bang-!

It was a continuous movement as if he was dancing.

Leeha’s movement was quick and smooth like flowing water.

The mana aggregation was broken in just two shots, it was enough to disperse the magic.

“……Oh my goodness…… As expected, it wasn’t a coincidence that you killed Igor……”

“C-crazy! Did you get rid of them? What the hell was that speed?”

“Pretty. great.”

All three of them had no choice but to open their mouths wide. It was well deserved.

Leeha’s consecutive motions of pulling out the musket and shooting, and pulling out the pistol, and shooting were done in just 1.8 seconds. It was less than 2 seconds.

“Wow, haa! Hey…… You girls! Look at the people before using magic!”

Of course, from Leeha’s standpoint, it felt like a life-threatening feat. It was fortunate that he had preloaded, otherwise, he had no choice but to use the Force Barrier.

As he calmed his pounding heart, Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajeong came down from the air, and Leeha realized. Just now his movements were extremely fast. Even if he could shoot one of them, he thought he would not be able to shoot the other one.

Leeha was surprised and bewildered to find out that his movements were noticeably faster.

‘Why am I so fast? No, it wasn’t just about speeding up.’

It was fast and accurate. Rather than being swayed by the incredible speed, it felt like all of his physical abilities had improved.

“What? Did you level up? It is rare even in our guild to see a reaction like that…”

“Well. I think it’s because of the increased agility…… I don’t know. No, before that! No matter how many castles you’ve got, is it okay to use offensive magic inside the castle? I almost died!”

“T-that…… So-rry, that! So why were you talking about useless things with Jacheong?”

“Who? Me? I just listened! I don’t even know what it was about!”

Ram Hwayeon got embarrassed and angry. It was ridiculous from Leeha’s perspective.

He only went to Dale Castle to get to the dungeons, but then he got forced to come to the castle, and then he heard something ridiculous about himself and almost died. Who was angry with whom?

“Jacheong! Stop right there, what the hell were you trying to talk about?”

“T-that…… Haha,  I thought it would be helpful later if I knew beforehand… Hwayeon-nim to Leeha-nim-”

“Ahhhh!!! Ahhhh!! Stop, stop!” Ram Hwayeon waved her arms and stopped Jacheong’s words.

Seeing this, Leeha couldn’t help but laugh out loud. There were times when even Ram Hwayeon was like that.

‘She’s even pretty cute…… What do you mean cute? What kind of cute girl throws a Flame strike without knowing the explosion range!’

As Leeha shook his head, he felt the hem of his robe being pulled.

“Hmm? R-Ram Hwajeong-….ssi?”

When he turned around, he saw a little girl with blue hair pulling his clothes tightly.

She had a face that always seemed to be frozen. A little lady who wondered if the difference between smiling and getting angry was about 1mm from the corner of her mouth. For Leeha, Ram Hwajeong was more difficult to deal with than Ram Hwayeon.

“Crystal ball and scroll. You have to hide your stats.”

“Oh? W-wait…… ? What’s this?”

Ram Hwajeong took something out of her bag and handed it to Leeha.

The flustered Leeha did not want to receive it,  but he couldn’t refuse when he saw the items he held in his hands.

The crystal ball that recorded the location, Leeha wanted to buy it before but couldn’t because he had no money.

‘Isn’t this a high-end one? What are all these scrolls?’

In addition, there were special scrolls that could only be purchased from the wandering merchant Arkan.


“I bought it a while ago.”

“Oh, I see! You bought it a while ago so you are giving it! How many people would be able to understand what you said?”

Ram Hwayeon was not satisfied with her younger sister’s answer at all, but she was not able to refute the words that followed.

“……I want to give it to oppa.”

At the unexpected words coming out of the youngest princess’s mouth, Jacheong and Ram Hwayeon’s faces hardened.

“You want to give it to me? Ha, haha…… I should say thank you, right? I will use it well, thank you.”

As Leeha thanked her, the Ice Witch’s face turned red as if it was getting burnt. She hid behind Ram Hwayeon’s back.

In Dale Castle’s front yard, the three stunned people looked at each other awkwardly.

A normal conversation was only possible after the brief disturbance had finally subsided.

“Why did you come to Dale Castle? Are you already trying to exercise your right? It’s still a long way from getting settled.”

“No way. Do you think I’m that stupid ? I came to check the ‘Sealed Underground Waterway Dungeon’.”

“Are you over 130 already?”

“No, I’m still under 120.”

“Hmm, well, since you’re famous, you should be able to find a party.”

Especially in Dale Castle, because there was nobody who wouldn’t recognize Leeha.

“Huh? I won’t join a party.”

“What? You said you’re not even level120 yet? But you’re saying that you would go to a level 130 dungeon alone?”

“Yes. What are you so surprised about ?”

“T-this… besides, dungeons are different from Igor! It’s not about shooting from a distance. If you want to solo safely, at the least-”

“140, no, you should be around level 145. I know.”

Ram Hwayeon wasn’t able to keep up with Leeha’s words. The confident man’s eyes shot into Ram Hwayeon’s face.

Leeha was prepared to that extent. He also wanted to test how much stronger his current self was.

“Then should I guide you?”

“Yes. No! Jacheong, go in and do your job. I will take you.”

“Huh, okay.”

“D-don’t smile mischievously! I will guide him and get back right away, so by then, finish organizing all the tax rates of each item!”

“Yes, okay, Don’t worry and take your time.”

Jacheong just smiled and disappeared despite the excessive work orders, and Ram Hwayeon took the lead after fanning herself with her hands for a while.

“Did you bring a return scroll?”


“What about your weapon and bullets? Is it enough?”

“Of course.”

“Are all your skills no longer in cooldown?”

“Of course.”

“Potions? Do you have any?”

“I don’t. No, but are you my mom? Why are you asking questions like that? I’m not a kid who is going to a picnic for the first time.”

“Cough- I was just curious! Curious! Curious! How can you go into a dungeon without any potions! Wait a minute, the potion is-”

“Here, oppa.”

Before Ram Hwayeon could even go through her bag, a red bottle appeared in Ram Hwajeong’s hand.

“Oh? T-Thanks.”

After Leeha received the potion, Hwayeon looked at Hwajeong for a moment before walking again.

It goes without saying that as soon as they got out of the inner gate, people appeared from everywhere.

“It’s Ram Hwayeon-nim! And there’s Ram Hwajeong-nim as well”

“Wow, isn’t that Ha Leeha-nim in the back?”

“Amazing! I guess Hwahong scouted him? No, there’s no guild mark anywhere…”

“Hwahong will really eat up all of the Fibiel Kingdom. Damn.”

Leeha was embarrassed and lowered his head, but for Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajeong, it was a daily routine.

Did they think that people around them were folding screens? They raised their heads proudly, not even paying attention to their chatter.

‘As expected, they have the boldness that could kill. Is this a family characteristic? When you’re a child of the Ramlong group, you wouldn’t even feel the gazes around you.’

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