Leeha decided to approach cautiously.

Such good fortune and leveling up won’t happen again, so Leeha couldn’t use all of the available stat points.

Most importantly, what awaits Leeha was [Brown Bess]. He will soon

get the musket used by one of the legendary Three Musketeers, so it would be unfortunate to leave it in the warehouse if his stats did not fit.


Strength: 118(+88)

Agility: 1,000(+242)

Intellligence: 103(+52)

Constitution: 145(+52)

Mind: 40(+30)

Remaining stat points: 72

‘There’s still 72 left? That’s equivalent to 14 levels. Wow……

If the members of Czar or Igor saw Leeha’s stats,

the might complain. It was unbelievable considering he was only at early level 100s.

“Let’s start with Dale Castle.” Leeha held his musket, with a smile on his face. A city he had a stake in! What if he leveled up in the dungeon there?!

“He, hehe, hehehe.”

“What, what, this person?”

“Look out. He might be a psychopath.” With their head bowed, they avoided Leeha’s gaze.

Whether they liked it or not, Leeha did not hide his joy.

“Good- uh!!! Before that~! I need to buy more gunpowder.”

The days when Leeha grumbled at the 4 copper gunpowder seemed so far away. Leeha, who opened his bag, could not help but be surprised again.

Because the necklace that gave off a black light, which Leeha had forgotten due to the shock of his stats, was shown in his bag again.

“That’s right, Igor’s necklace……. Oh, should I send

a thank you letter to Igor? Hehe.” Leeha picked up the necklace.

[Heroic Necklace with Dark Elf Essence]

Defense: 320

Effect: Strength +8, Agility +12, Skill- Forbidden Rage can be used, Dark Magic Resistance +50%

Requirement: –

Description: A necklace made by condensing Dark Elf’s magical power. Unable to come out into the world of light

they presented this necklace to the agent who would destroy all wood elves on their behalf.

Additional Effect: Intimacy with Dark Elf +100%, intimacy with wood elf NPCs -50%

‘Hero…… Class……

Hero was a level higher than rare. It was also an item related to a specific NPC race!

‘Besides, 100% intimacy with just one item? What about the 50% Dark Magic Resistance! That’s a complete scam’

This is the item of a special ranker? Even if there were hundreds or thousands of warlocks or dark magicians, they wouldn’t be able to deal with Igor. There’s also the 320 defense

‘I think the shield that came out of the Brass Golem had 400 This necklace has 320…

Now that I saw this, I’m embarassed. How much would it have been if all the defense power of the items Igor was wearing added up?

‘How did I catch that monster? If it wasn’t for Ram Hwajeong’s magic•

he would have been able to kill everyone there, with blood even dripping from his mouth.

Leeha, who felt a renewed fear of Igor, trembled. Of course, that trembling was also mixed with joy and excitement.

Because he would be able to use one of those terrifying items for himself from now on.

“Goodbye, Kobold Chieftain Necklace. Thank you for everything.”

Leeha immediately removed the bone necklace and equipped the black necklace.

[Skill- Forbidden Rage acquired.]

‘This skill. What is this?’

And Leeha checked the newly created skill.

[Forbidden Rage]

Description: Brings the wrath of a dark elf to kill a target, even at the cost of one’s life.

Effect: Increase attack power by 20% until dispelled(reduce total HP by 40%)

Mana: 300

Cooldown: 24 hours

It was a skill that had neither level nor grade. A skill that sacrificed 40% of total health and increased attack power by 20%.

‘As expected of Middle Earth, the exchange ratio is 1:2, but… isn’t this incredible?! What does 20% attack power mean- what in dog’s name is that!’

Leeha recalled Igor’s fighting style. Igor was a warrior who used blood.

He sacrifices his blood in order 

to increase his attack power, and absorbs the blood of those he hunts.

‘Its synergy with this skill is very good.’

40% reduction in total health is a huge loss…… maybe he used the skill in the last battle. Because without Pei Wu, there would have been no one who could pose a threat to him on the battlefield.

‘It probably is true. That must have been why he got killed so easily.’

Even if someone with a ranged job acquired this skill

it could not be used carelessly.

Ranged users already have very low health, what would happen if their total health was reduced by 40%? Unless they were someone who had a risky playstyle, this item would have been auctioned by users who value stability……. It wasn’t true for Leeha.

“Musketeers aren’t like that anyway.”

They were determined to die if they can’t kill their target in one shot. The item suits him well.

He didn’t know how much gold it was,

however, Leeha decided not to sell it.

‘If I used the skill, my HP would drop to 2400, but that’s nothing.’

Leeha’s current health was 3,980. The handicap was so severe that his vision darkened, however, Leeha decided to endure.

“Forbidden Rage.”

[Skill- Forbidden Rage has been used.]

[Total health has been reduced by 40%.]

[Attack power has increased by 20%.]


An exhilarating feeling ran over his body. Although his HP had been reduced, it did not feel like he lost his strength. Like the word ‘Rage’ suggested, he felt boiling inside.

“Let’s go.”

Leeha grabbed Hummingbird and headed out of the capital.

Hummingbird’s attack power alone was 4,760, with the skill activated, it was now 5,712. Leeha was not afraid of anything.

“I’m a level 57 tanker! I’m looking for a party! I have a ticket! Invite me!”

“We are looking for a magician with an Intelligence of 750 or higher! We currently have four people~ We’ll test you if you want to join!”

“Healer-nim, please come! Please! Sir!! Please!! If you’re level 150 we will let you join unconditionally!”

Seeing the people all over the stronghold, Leeha felt a little bit cramped. It had more people than Berfort, the most popular city near Sentinel Mountains.

Users at various levels

were preparing to hunt.

“Waa……. In a place like this, There was no way one can’t have money.”

Leeha, who had been involved in the fight to get this place, visited for the first time. Does it mean that I would get some of the money these people spend here?

“Anyway, she’s a great girl. Hahaha, and I’m great as well……

10% of that as an income is always welcome! He couldn’t help but laugh.

Leeha walked around in a wild manner 

as he naturally saw the crowded people as his moneymakers.

“I’m looking for a magician! Level 130 or higher mag- ack!”

“Ah, this. I’m sorry.”

Like that, the person got his feet stepped on while the other person was distracted. The user who got stepped on looked down and made an exaggerated reaction.

“What? wahh, my feet hurt!”

The assimilation rate was unknown, but it couldn’t have hurt that much. How could a person come back when they get killed if they have such a reaction to getting stepped on?

However, Leeha couldn’t argue. Either way, it was his fault. It was fortunate that it was not recognized as PK.

“I’m sorry-”

“Huh? S-s-s-sir?!”


The expression of the user, who had been staring at Leeha, gradually loosened. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened. His nostrils flared.

“Ha Leeha!! You’re Ha Leeha right?! The Marksman, Ha Leeha!!! T-this is the silver gun!”

The noisy Dale Castle square became quiet in an instant.

Not only did the constant shouting disappear, but even the moving users stopped their feet. All their eyes focused on one place. Leeha’s eyes rolled round and round.

“Whoah! This is amazing! It’s Ha Leeha!!”

“Sir! Sir! What’s that gun? Is that the gun that caught Igor? How much attack power does it have?”

“Wow, fuck! I need to take a screenshot. Ha Leeha-nim! Please look here! The marksman!!”

“What did you get for killing Igor? Did he drop his sword? How much was that bastard’s sword?”

“Sir! What’s your relationship with Ram Hwayeon? Are you dating?”

Different from the quiet capital. This is Dale Castle.

The users who stopped by here were at least interested in the guild who would own the castle, and they would inevitably know about Leeha.

“H-hold on! Aack! Don’t push!” People flooded in like water as if the place where Leeha was located was a drain.

Leeha found it difficult to resist as words were thrown at him, and random friend requests appeared in front of him.

“K-kuwaaah- W-where, where are you touching! Where are you touching me!”

Leeha’s body was getting pressed as if he was about to get crushed.

The users touched Leeha’s cheeks, arms and lower body(?) with such determination that it seemed like touching him would grant them a level. It was then that a huge explosion was heard.

Hyoooo- Bang!



Everyone back off! Everyone back off!

Armored NPCs floated in the air.

Although not at the level of Sacred Knights, the Defense Knights protecting the castle had the skill to protect it.

It was also the reason why Hwahong and Byeolcho Alliance chose it instead of a normal city. Unlike the city’s security forces, the castle was inhabited by knights. It had a higher level of power in terms of defense.

“Those who cause confusion in Dale Castle would not be forgiven. Everyone back away.”

The users who surrounded Leeha backed away.

“Are you Ha Leeha-nim?”

“Ah…… Yes. I am.”

“Please follow me. Jacheong-nim is waiting for you.”

“What? Waah-! What, don’t you have any intimacy with me? Besides, if it’s Jacheong-”

Before Leeha could finish speaking, one of the knights grabbed him and flew in the air. Due to a Dale Castle-related achievement, he had 50% increased intimacy with its NPCs, however, he was treated harshly!

Whether Leeha grumbled or not, the knights of Dale Castle just headed for the castle.

“Cough, I wanted to add him as a friend.”

“But why did they take him to the castle?”

“Isn’t it true that he’s dating the castellan?”

“Castellan? Ram Hwayeon-nim? Hey, that’s ridiculous. No…… really?”

A new gossip was made in the place where Leeha disappeared.

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