Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chapter 174 - A Thousand Meridians Working at the Same Time

Chapter 174: A Thousand Meridians Working at the Same Time

Firstly, even if he opened the fine meridians and let his Internal Breath circulate in them, he would not be able to obtain an obvious increase in strength because the fine meridians were weak.

If he had the time, he might as well let his Internal Breath circulate in the other meridians for a cycle.

Secondly, even if he was really so free that he wanted to open the fine meridians, there were millions of them in the body of an ordinary person. If he wanted to open them one by one, it was an extremely terrifying amount of work. He would not be able to complete it until death.

Since there was not enough benefits and required a terrifying amount of time, naturally no martial artist would waste their time on this.

Just like the Nine Revolutions Technique, all the Internal Breath cultivation methods that Chu Nan knew were actually similar to the Nine Revolutions Technique. They chose a method that could affect the trajectory of Internal Breath in the entire body and open up the various major meridians and secondary meridians needed to open up the trajectory of this Internal Breath. From there, they could achieve the effect of tempering the body and increasing the strength of the Internal Breath.

According to the difference in the Internal Breath cultivation method, the cultivation effects of every martial artist were different in their meridians.

However, no matter what, no internal cultivation method would try to open up all the main and secondary meridians. No martial artist would do this because it was completely pointless.

Opening up the last bit of fine meridians was something that could not be imagined, unless this martial artist was really crazy.

Of course, Chu Nan was not crazy.

The greatest problem that other martial artists encountered was that opening their meridians and refining them into shape required a large amount of time to cultivate. Therefore, they had to choose the Internal Breath cultivation method and cultivation method that was most suitable for them and could allow them to increase their cultivation speed the fastest.

However, Chu Nan’s current situation made it impossible for him to increase his strength according to the normal method. Otherwise, he would not have the time to complete the Overlord Body tempering before his body was completely fixed. It would be almost impossible for him to break through the Cosmic Heaven’s Gate in the future.

Most importantly, Chu Nan had the powerful data ability of an A.I.. With this ability, the time needed to open and refine a meridian was far less than ordinary martial artists.

He could even rely on his powerful data ability to perform multiple procedures at the same time and open dozens of meridians in a row.

Therefore, after clearing the remaining main and secondary meridians, Chu Nan did not hesitate to target the fine meridians.

However, he had miscalculated.

Chu Nan originally thought that the fine meridians were countless times smaller than the main and secondary meridians, so the strength of the Internal Breath needed to open them would definitely be much lower. Therefore, he simply divided a trace of Internal Breath into a hundred strands in a row and surged into a hundred different fine meridians in his body, planning to open them all at once.

However, he did not expect that he had still overestimated these fine meridians.

When he divided into a hundred strands of Internal Breath that were clearly ridiculously weak and surged into these fine meridians, they instantly crushed these weak meridians, causing his entire body to bleed and turn into a bloody person in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the effect of the fine meridians on his body was too weak. Coupled with the fact that he had chosen the fine meridians to be distributed in different parts of his body for safety reasons, it would not have a chain effect. Apart from the pain that felt like needles in his entire body, there was nothing serious.

Chu Nan could not be bothered to clean the blood vessels on his body. He focused his mind and considered for a moment. From his dantian, there was an abnormally weak trace of Internal Breath. Then, he carefully probed the tip of a meridian that was connected to the secondary meridians.

This time, he controlled this weak Internal Breath to test the entrance of the fine meridian.

A needle-like pain arose again, allowing Chu Nan to confirm that this trace of Internal Breath was still too powerful for this fine meridian.

Then, he pulled out an even weaker trace of Internal Breath from his dantian.

After experimenting like this for more than ten times, Chu Nan adjusted his Internal Breath to at least ten times weaker than before and finally successfully rushed into the fine meridian. He did not cause any abnormalities and only felt an extremely weak swelling feeling from his meridians.

This feeling was the feeling of his meridians being opened. Chu Nan was already very familiar with it.

After carefully controlling this extremely weak Internal Breath to pass through this fine meridian, Chu Nan heaved a sigh of relief.

The facts had proven that the fine meridians were the same as the main and secondary meridians. They could also be opened, but because they were too weak, they needed to be more careful.

Next, Chu Nan tested a few other fine meridians and successfully tested the difference between the fine meridians. The strength of the Internal Breath suitable to open them was the greatest and could even be dozens of times inferior.

This discovery made Chu Nan feel a little troubled.

There were millions of terrifying meridians in his body. If he were to test them one by one, it would really be impossible to complete them until he died of old age.

“Therefore, in the end, we can’t use normal methods.”

Chu Nan sighed and calmed himself down. He focused his mind and pulled out a strand of Internal Breath from his dantian. It was instantly divided into 200 extremely weak Internal Breaths that flowed into 200 different fine meridians.

Due to the previous test experience, there were only a mere 13 fine meridians that he could not endure this time. The rest were all successfully passed by his Internal Breath. There were even some meridians at the end that were relatively stronger. After the Internal Breath flowed, there was no reaction at all.

Chu Nan focused again and pulled out another strand of Internal Breath from his dantian. It was instantly divided into an even more exaggerated 400 Internal Breaths.

Among them, 200 strands of Internal Breath flowed into the 200 fine meridians that had been tested previously. 13 strands of Internal Breath were adjusted to a high-frequency vibration state by it and began to repair the damaged fine meridians. The other 187 strands of Internal Breath had different strengths and entered the corresponding 187 fine meridians, allowing them to suffer slight damage but not too much.

Through the data he had gathered previously, he determined the precise data needed to open his meridians. Then, he adjusted the appropriate Internal Breath to impact his meridians. This was the standard method for Chu Nan to open his meridians.

As for the other 200 Internal Breaths, they rushed into the other 200 fine meridians and repeated the process in them.

Therefore, as he carried out data testing, he repaired and unblocked it while continuously tempering the fine meridians that he had opened up. Towards the end, Chu Nan actually separated and maintained a thousand strands of Internal Breath flowing continuously in his body. At the same time, he worked to open and destroy the thousand fine meridians.

With so many different strengths and even different vibration frequency Internal Breaths flowing through his meridians at the same time, it was impossible for any martial artist to control them. However, Chu Nan could accurately control them and also play a corresponding role in the thousand fine meridians.

This was the power that was equivalent to the data ability of the A.I. system.

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