Chapter 173: The Impatient Marshal

On Earth.

In the middle north part of Asia, on the outskirts of an inconspicuous town in the former Russian Federation, a manor was covered in a layer of golden yellow because of the sunset.

Seeing the huge virtual screen in front of him fall into darkness, Marshal Chemekov turned to look at the bright red sunset outside the window. After looking at it for a moment, he closed his eyes, raised his hand, and pinched his eyebrows.

It was not because of exhaustion.

As an extremely powerful Star-Grade Martial Artist, he did not feel exhausted just because he had held a two-hour meeting. One had to know that he had once set an extremely powerful record of working for five consecutive days and five nights without any rest.

It was purely because every time the joint conference of the Federation’s military headquarters was held, there would always be endless arguments and even more arguments ahead. It made him, the commander-in-chief of the highest-ranking military in the federation, feel vexed every time because he had to balance the relationships in all aspects and consider the balance of benefits.

If possible, he was actually very unwilling to be the commander of the Federation Army.

To Marshal Chemekov, who loved to show his value on the battlefield, sitting behind and playing with those damned and shameful politics was the thing he hated the most.

In comparison, he would rather be a general at the front line who commanded the troops. It was even much better for him to be a small soldier who charged into the battle.

However, he could not.

He was the only Star-Grade Martial Artist in the Federation Army and the only Star-Grade Martial Artist who was willing to stay in the army for a long time.

Among the Federation Army who revered martial arts and achievements, no one was more qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the Federation Army than him.

For the sake of the overall situation and the honor of the entire Federation Army, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only be forced to sit in this position and waste time in these meaningless meetings every day.

Of course, to be fair, the meeting that had lasted for two hours could not be considered a complete waste of time. The main topic discussed in the meeting was an important matter that might determine the development of the Federation Army in the next few decades. There could not be any mistakes.

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Ever since the “Foundation Martial Skill Promotion Act” was promoted, there was a trend for martial arts everywhere in the federation. Many children and young people who were not interested in martial arts in the past threw themselves into the ranks of martial artists.

This commotion naturally affected the Federation Army.

According to the estimations of the staff officers in the conference room, among the young people who joined the Federation Army in the next few years, the proportion of martial artists would grow higher and higher, and their levels would also grow higher and higher.

This would clearly affect the overall combat strength of the Federation Army, so the military had to make the corresponding change in strategy.

The suggestion given by the policy planning meeting room was to greatly popularize one or a few fixed cultivation methods and martial techniques in the Federation Army. Coupled with the overall tactical literacy of the federation soldiers, they could unleash even stronger combat strength in battle at the same time.

This proposal itself was not bad, but in the specific process, it would shake the control of the soldiers in the various factions in the Federation Army. Naturally, it caused countless rebounds, causing the representatives from the various tribes to argue for two hours without confirming it.

Marshal Chemekov was fed up with this situation.

In his opinion, as long as he could increase the combat strength of the Federation Army, that was good.

Those vermin of the Federation Army who only cared about their own interests should be chased out!

However, he could not do it.

Even if he had been the commander-in-chief of the federation for nearly ten years and had already become a Star-Grade Martial Artist for more than fifteen years, he was a super figure who stood at the top of the Earth Federation in the eyes of everyone. However, there were some things that he still could not do.

Just as he would take more care of the military officers of the federation’s original Russian descent, the generals and officers of the other factions in the army would clearly obtain more benefits for the subordinates of their faction. This was very normal.

In the end, although the Earth Federation had joined the large family of the Milky Way 760 years ago because it had been discovered by the civilian fleet of the Declan Empire, and then faced powerful external pressure to unite into an Earth Federation in a short period of time, the conflict between the various factions from within was far from over.

“How troublesome!”

Marshal Chemekov took a deep breath and calmed himself.

He had sat in this position for nearly ten years but had yet to get used to this situation of mutual deception and power struggles. This proved that he was indeed not a material suitable for this position.

Almost instinctively, he hated those guys who liked to play tricks.

This was the same for Mu Yutong.

It was precisely because he knew that Mu Yutong had played those small tricks on Chu Nan and used him like a tool that Marshal Chemekov pitied this kid and was willing to help him.

Of course, one of the main reasons was because Xio was willing to lower his head and ask him to help Chu Nan.

When he recalled Xio’s display of weakness to him, Marshal Chemekov could not help but smile.

“It’s not easy to make that old guy, Xio, lower his head to me.”

In his opinion, the happiest days were the days when he fought with Xio in the military camp.

Although he faced the danger of dying on the battlefield every day, his days were especially fulfilling. The relationship between his comrades was also abnormally harmonious, much better than facing those annoying fellows every day.

When he thought of his life in the military camp, Marshal Chemekov thought of his life in the military camp where he cultivated desperately and tried to improve himself in order to survive.

Then, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

“Heh, that kid wants me to help him break through the Cosmic Heaven’s Gate? But can he endure the pain I’ve experienced?”

Chu Nan’s body suddenly trembled and blood seeped out of all his exposed skin. In an instant, he turned into a bloody person.

“Damn, I’ve overestimated them.”

The “they” Chu Nan spoke of was not some strange thing, but the last few fine meridians in his body.

After spending three hours opening up the remaining 21 major meridians and 93 secondary meridians that had yet to be opened, Chu Nan’s next action was to open all the remaining fine meridians.

This was a crazy action.

Compared to the thick and main meridians that affected the main activity of the human body, as well as the slightly weaker secondary meridians that controlled all the details of the human body, the much smaller fine meridians were almost impossible to see with the naked eye if one cut open the body.

If a major meridian was severed and could not be treated in time, ordinary people might even die directly.

If a secondary meridian was severed, the physical activity of the corresponding part of the human body would be greatly limited.

However, if a fine meridian broke, in fact, most of the time, other than causing some pain, it would at most make a very small portion of the body feel abnormal. The effect on the entire body was minimal and could almost be ignored.

To martial artists, being able to open up enough major meridians and secondary meridians was enough for their Internal Breath to affect every part of their body through the flow of these meridians. Then, they could rely on this to completely refine and increase their bodies, reaching the final perfect Overlord Body and using this to charge into an even stronger level.

Therefore, in comparison, the fine meridians were almost completely ignored by all martial artists.

Wanting to open all of them?

Was he crazy?

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