Chapter 149

The Ministry of Magic faced unprecedented chaos. It was the first time both the minister and the assistant positions were simultaneously vacant. Moreover, the fact that this situation arose in the wake of an unsavory incident left the entire Ministry of Magic in an awkward position. It was only natural for the gathered department heads to raise their voices in the meeting room.

Mind your words and actions.

No, how can you exclude the Magic Support Department from the investigation team!?

I didnt say we would exclude them. I said we would prioritize other departments when forming the investigation team.

Isnt that the same thing? When such an incident occurs, it is the role of the Magic Support Department to allocate personnel. This is an overreach by other departments!

Then, is it even conceivable for the direct subordinate department of Minister Wesleigh, who attempted to harm His Highness Gale, to continue the investigation? You lot should just shut your mouths and stay put.

If you had properly served the minister, this wouldnt have happened! What was the Magic Support Department head doing until this incident occurred?

Ha! We are mages! We are one family!

Watch your words! Wesleigh is practically a traitor!

Kwang! Bang!

The sound of document folders slamming against tables echoed from various directions. Only Hale, the head of the Magic Operations Department, sniffled and rummaged through his pockets. As the meeting dragged on, he muttered about needing a smoke.


At that moment, the door opened, cutting through the commotion. It was Ian. The department heads had been attending a personnel meeting at the time and had not witnessed the scene firsthand. Among those who had, only Ian had confronted Wesleigh. Thus, he had attended the Emperors emergency meeting as the Ministry of Magics representative and was now returning.

Ian, youre here?

Yes. Im a bit late.

No, youve done well.

Hale pulled out a chair, gesturing for Ian to sit, and tapped the backrest. Behind him, Tommy and Nakina were also half-dazed, clinging to each other. One could surmise that a fierce debate had taken place here, just as intense as the Emperors emergency meeting.

Theres blood on your sleeve.

Ah, its fine. Its not mine.

Ian responded to Hales question with a light smile. Everyone was closely observing their whispered exchange, not missing a single moment. They all wore expressions of dying curiosity about the disciplinary measures to be imposed on the Ministry of Magic.

Ian, what did they all say?

Convey it in detail. Dont leave out a single thing.

Why did they only summon a newly entered recruit? Goodness.

It means they dont trust the other mages.

Thanks to Minister Wesleigh, our position has become truly, truly extraordinary! Dammit!

The heads of each department couldnt resist interjecting, but Ian sat down and meticulously straightened his attire.

Dont keep us in suspense!

Do I appear to be deliberately keeping you in suspense?

Ian furrowed his delicate brows at someones question. In an instant, the atmosphere froze. Everyone assumed that an unusual punishment had been handed down and fell silent.


Only Hale, who had seen through Ians deception, was an exception. He chuckled and chewed on his cigarette. He didnt know what the youngest member was thinking, but Ian had playfully wiggled his fingers under the table.

Gale has regained consciousness. Did you know?

What? You mean he has come to his senses?

He hasnt suffered any major injuries?

Yes. He appeared to have no issues with mobility.

Then, the, the curse? Did it truly take hold?

As everyone asked with tension, Ian simply nodded with a serious expression. Various exclamations burst forth from those around him. Their worst fears had become reality.

Without a doubt, this is a crisis threatening the very existence of the Ministry of Magic.

What about the documents related to the forbidden magic?

Ian, keep talking. Include all the details if possible.

This was precisely why Ian had deliberately put on a heavy air.

Currently, Ian was the sole person conveying the imperial courts intentions, and he was also the only one connected to Mariv, who was rising to power. The imbalance of information would naturally translate into power, and this was a step closer to securing the position of the next minister.

Its not a matter of the Ministry of Magics existence, but of Bariels existence. Therefore, the imperial court sought to confirm the truth through the truth serum administered to His Highness Gale. They have ordered that all currently stored serums be disposed of and freshly produced for submission.

At his words, everyones gaze turned to the relevant department heads. A freckle-faced woman, startled, blinked her eyes.

Uh, by when?

It was Akorella, the head of the Mana Stone Management Department.

The sooner the better, of course. However, I have conveyed that I require at least a fortnight, so as long as you meet that deadline, it should suffice.

Upon Ians response, she barely managed to release a trembling sigh. Given the gravity of the situation, she had been worried about being asked to produce it within a day or two. At that moment, one of the murmuring department heads raised his hand and asked Ian a question.

What other sanctions are being imposed on the Ministry of Magic?

Nothing specific has been handed down. After all, we must investigate the forbidden magic ourselves. Once His Highness Gales curse has been identified, related matters will be brought up again. In any case, it is believed that the independent and exclusive authority enjoyed thus far will be significantly reduced.

Then, wouldnt it be wise to hastily select the next minister amid this turmoil?

Indeed. Even if its temporary, that would be best. Everyone may be in disarray, but times like these call for unity!

Having a representative will make it easier to express our stance. I agree!

However, lets exclude the Magic Support Department, which was directly under Wesleigh. In this situation, if a minister from the Magic Support Department emerges, it would be tantamount to supporting Wesleigh, wouldnt it?

Under the scrutinizing gazes of the mages, the Magic Support Department head and its members simply bit their lips. Though frustrated, they had no words to refute. The department heads exchanged glances and cleared their throats.

Chang, the head of the Magic Research Department, is willing to run as a candidate.

I have no intention to do so.

The Mana Stone Management Department also abstains.

Is it alright even if the candidate isnt a department head?

Why? Are you planning to run?

If theres no issue with it. Since even the Research Department, known for burying their noses in books, is fielding a candidate, Im gaining confidence.

Ha! Look at that insolent tone. Hey! Educate your subordinates properly! If I become the minister, youll be demoted immediately.

Hahaha! Thats the funniest thing Ive heard today.

Bang bang! The meeting room once again erupted into chaos. The chatter of those registering as candidates, those keeping them in check, and those uninterested mingled together, creating a cacophony. Hale belonged to the latter group.

Shall we go grab a meal once this is over?

Department Head Hale, arent you going to register as a candidate?

Nah, I wont. I absolutely despise the idea of stamping documents. I cant even communicate properly with those high-ranking folks in the imperial palace. I have no desire to do so either.

Tommy and Nakina seemed to share the sentiment. They exchanged cigarettes and stared at Ian with wide eyes.


Our youngest seems to want to do it.

After going head-to-head with Wesleigh, he must have found it worthwhile.

Ah, the kids got talent. Seriously. I acknowledge it.

May I do it?

In truth, permission wasnt necessary. Regardless of what they said, Ian was determined to proceed. He was merely asking out of courtesy and formality. However, Hale responded indifferently, as if it didnt matter at all.

Do it.

The permission was granted without hesitation. Ian turned to look at Tommy and Nakina. The two of them simultaneously nodded, as if to say he was asking about trivial matters. It was the complete opposite atmosphere compared to the other departments, where shouts and screams echoed.

Yeah. If you want to do it, then do it.

If you become the minister, allocate some budget to our department. No, dammit, were out in the field, but our equipment is too lacking.

Oh, thats a good idea. But what should we call you if you become the minister? Little Minister?

Minister, you idiot.

Ah. Gasp! Then I wont have a junior anymore?

Thats right. Youre inevitably going to remain the youngest forever.

Th-then I oppose!

Tommy abruptly stood up but was forced to sit back down by Nakinas shin kick. Hale quickly raised his eyebrows, signaling Ian to register as a candidate.


Ian Hielo from the Magic Operations Department. Im registering as a candidate.

As Ian stood up and made his declaration, the murmuring came to an abrupt halt. They had expected it, but the atmosphere suggested that what was bound to happen had finally arrived. The department heads exchanged glances and asked the Magic Operations Department.

Not Department Head Hale, but you, Ian Hielo?

Thats correct. Is there a problem?

No, theres no problem. No problem, but

Chang, the first to register as a candidate, stroked his beard, pretending to ponder deeply. Those exchanging glances with him were the department heads who had abstained. It was evident that they had already established their own factions and were firmly eyeing the position of the next minister.

As Ians presence and stature grew, the existing department heads had no choice but to feel nervous. There was nothing more dreadful than having a newcomer as their superior.

Please speak.

Viscount Ian Hielo. You are undoubtedly a noble who has been granted a territory by His Majesty the Emperor. Moreover, you have made some notable achievements in the absence of us department heads.

Ian slowly nodded, as if attentively listening. The groundwork laid before pointing out a problem should not be used carelessly, but the speaker seemed unaware of that.

This acknowledges that you have demonstrated clear capabilities among those present at the scene, excluding the department heads.

He continued to subtly emphasize that Ian would not have been able to step forward if the department heads had been present.

Hale sniffled and surveyed those exchanging glances with Chang. It was impressive how he had managed to lay the foundation for his faction amidst the chaotic situation.

Ian merely shrugged his shoulders and retorted.

I fail to see the problem even more so.

However, Ian. Your status has an expiration date, doesnt it? I believe I heard it was 1 year.

Expiration date? What do you mean by that?

Ah. Quite a few here are unaware. Ian Hielo is the illegitimate son of the former Brats Margrave. Everyone knows that the man was beheaded for treason. By reporting his fathers crimes, the Emperor was able to suppress the traitor, so naturally, both rewards and penance must be paid.

The reward was the new surname Hielo and the position of a lord, while the penance was a tribute of 10,000 gold coins. And that, too, within a year.

If he fails to pay the tribute of 10,000 gold coins within a year, he will be stripped of his title and become a slave of the imperial palace. Well, have you secured a means of livelihood? If not, it will be troublesome for many. We have never even heard of a mage who is a slave, let alone a minister-turned-slave. There is no dishonor quite like this.

Indeed! If that happens, it will be a disgrace to the Ministry of Magic.

A slave as the minister of the Ministry of Magic?

My good man, its problematic for him to even be a candidate for minister, not just the minister itself. Imagine how ridiculous the Ministry of Magic will appear in the future.

Those hearing about Ians predicament for the first time erupted into a fierce commotion. Hale, Tommy, and Nakina also turned to look at Ian, sighing inwardly.


However, there was no hint of agitation on his face. Rather, he seemed to be enjoying the situation, wearing a faint smile.

Ian Hielo, is everything Chang said true?

Its all true.

Then I will reject your candidacy.

Me too! I also reject it!

Let me affirm that there will be no issue in securing the tribute.

Dont lie! Arent you currently relying on someone named Romandro from the administrative department for lodging?

It seems you have quite an interest in me, Department Head Chang.

Chang frowned in disbelief at Ians composed response. Ian turned to Akorella, the head of the Mana Stone Management Department, and asked.

I have a question. What is the current market price of Luron stones?

Lu-Luron stones? I havent checked todays price.

A rough estimate will suffice. Let me ask again. For approximately 80 kilograms of Luron stones, how much would it amount to?

I cant calculate it right away, but, well, it would likely exceed the Ministry of Magics budget for several years.

Akorella tilted her head, wondering why he was asking about that. Then, she suddenly shouted in excitement. Her quiet voice was nowhere to be found, replaced by the outcry of a mana stone-crazed scientist.

No way! Are you saying you have that much Luron?

A Luron deposit has been discovered in Hielo Territory. By officially supplying it to the Ministry of Magic, I will promptly settle the tribute. With this, there should be no issue at all.

Th-Thats a lie!

Ian laughed at Changs one-dimensional denial.

Why would I lie about that? I will settle the tribute within today or tomorrow. Then, I am a noble granted a territory by His Majesty the Emperor and the only mage who demonstrated prowess at the scene. Wouldnt that make me sufficiently qualified? Dont you agree?

Of course! With 80 kilograms of Luron stones, I will gladly cast my vote!

Department Head Akorella, calm down.

Calm down? Do I look like I can calm down right now!?

Akorellas eyes rolled back as she screamed like a madwoman, and Ian simply nodded. As you can see, there was no problem, so he meant for them to add his name to the list of candidates.

I! I support him!

Department Head Akorella!

Ian had already secured one vote.

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