Chapter 148

Under the shade of the lush green foliage, two men stood facing each other.

Occasional breezes whipped through, allowing brief flashes of sunlight to seep in and dance slowly. Ian sensed that while no one was visible nearby, Gales aides and guards were hidden, concealing their presence.

Sir Ian. First, I must express my gratitude for saving me that day. No one else could stand up to Wesleigh, but you succeeded. Truly praiseworthy.

It wasnt for Gales sake, nor because Ian needed him, that he rescued the man. He simply did what only he could do in that moment. With countless eyes watching the situation unfold, Ian had merely taken the natural course of action.

However, his manner of speech has become significantly softer. It means he has a keen understanding of his current predicament.

Though Ian hadnt observed him for long, Gale typically carried a hint of arrogance and confidence in his demeanor.

But now, each word was uttered with great caution, as if he were treading on thin ice. With Wesleigh gone and his status drastically narrowed due to the curse, perhaps it was to be expected. After all, a single misstep could spell his complete downfall.

Do you have a matter to discuss, Your Highness?

Sir Ian. I remember that night. Do you recall it as well?

He was referring to the night they entered Gales palace. That very night marked the beginning of everything that had transpired thus far. Ian lowered his head, pausing briefly before responding. Frankly, he had little need for Gale at this point.

If Your Highness remembers, then I, too, shall remember.

A Gale unable to keep Mariv in check should simply fade into the annals of history. Why would Ian bring along one who had been defeated in the balance of power?

I particularly remember that you do not consider Mariv a suitable candidate for the throne.

Gale approached slowly, lowering his voice, as if the words he spoke from this point on should never be allowed to escape on the winds.

Wesleighs curse is real. However, it is not a threat to Bariel, but a trial imposed solely upon me. I will never, ever yield to Mariv. I would rather choose death than succumb to such a fate.

The mere thought seemed to repulse him. In his lowly growling voice, Ian sensed a murderous intent. And suddenly, he realized that Gale was one who had instigated a rebellion in the past.

He has a history of it. If he fails to overcome the current situation, he may not hesitate to rebel once more.

It serves as a kind of trigger. A situational trigger that compels one to directly act upon the grave crime of rebellion.

Having continued to work behind the scenes, targeting the former Brats and courting the nobles, Gale could potentially set things in motion before everything unraveled.

Just as you revealed Wesleighs forbidden command magic to me, I, too, shall share something beneficial with you.

Gale snapped his fingers lightly, signaling for Ian to focus on his words. It was a gesture to commence a deal. Gale, backed into a corner, and Ian, contemplating which path to take. The wind blew again, and the secret deal was drowned out by its howling.


Before the current debacle, Mariv had sent someone to acquire the truth serum. The timing was the day after you entered Marivs palace and pledged your oath.

Ian furrowed his brows and nodded. Despite his earnest acting and oath-taking, it seemed he had failed to sever the deep-seated distrust in Marivs heart.

And for whom do you think it was intended?

You believe it was for me.

It doesnt appear to be solely my own thought.

I concur.

Having boldly declared his intention to act as a double agent, perhaps it was only natural. Gale smirked at Ians straightforward response. With that, what each of them needed from the other had been laid bare.

To involve myself in the production of the truth serum?

You have not only gained a foothold in the Ministry of Magic but also serve as a major supplier of Luron stones. I believe it would not be a difficult task for you.

It was true. Moreover, if it proved inconvenient, Ian could even cast a spell to render the serum ineffective. It might take some time, but considering the duration needed for a new batch to be produced, there would undoubtedly be no issue.

In the end, the only ones who must consume the truth serum before Mariv are the two of us. Sir Ian, you have clearly stated that you do not follow Mariv. Wouldnt this arrangement be mutually beneficial for us both? Dont you agree?

However, Your Highness, the two of us will not simultaneously stand before His Highness Mariv.

Ian also smiled back at him, indirectly implying that the justification for assisting Gale was too flimsy. But Gale continued as if he had anticipated such a response.

While that may be so, if I were to be purged, there would be no one left to challenge Mariv. Not even my father would be an exception. You dont strike me as someone who would bow down for a lifetime under one unfit for the throne. In that scenario, do you believe you could defy Mariv?

It would be easy to deal with Gale first. However, if this led to Mariv perfectly consolidating power, it could prove difficult in the future. After all, the one Ian truly sought to promote was one of the twin princes.

There could be nothing more troublesome than his own misguided choice leading to a reversal in the imperial succession.

It would be best to eliminate both Gale and Mariv simultaneously.

Ill tell you a secret about Mariv that I hold.


Gale seemed to instinctively understand what the other party desired. He was drawing Ian in very carefully yet decisively. Ian raised an eyebrow, appearing slightly surprised and amused.

A secret?

While I havent revealed it due to lack of definitive proof, the investigation has been ongoing for quite some time. I believe it will greatly pique your interest.


Gale pulled out a small piece of paper from his inner pocket. Unfolding the intricately folded paper revealed a powder inside, as white and fine as flour. Ian glanced at Gale with a puzzled expression. What was he getting at?

Do you know what this is?

As Gale gestured for Ian to smell it, Ian lowered his head. The moment his nose drew close, he could retrieve a memory deeply etched in his mind.

It was the sleeping hallucinogen Lady Rien of Mereloth had smuggled in from Hawan. A kind of drug and poison that reportedly induced death by sleep apnea.

This is a new type of sleeping hallucinogen circulated by merchant groups in foreign lands. If you take a closer sniff, youll notice its distinctive odor.

Gale naturally assumed Ian would be unaware. And rightfully so, as he had not received any reports regarding the Mereloth incident. Ian looked up at him, feeling as if his words were caught in his throat.

Why is this appearing here?

He also possessed it. In the attic of Romandros house, the box gifted by Lady Rien for practical use in the capital remained stored intact.

Your Highness, what on earth

Have you lost the flow of the conversation?

Gale chuckled softly, as if unsure whether Ian didnt understand or was feigning ignorance. But Ian stammered, inadvertently blurting out those words.

Are you implying that this is related to Mariv?

Mariv, ah, what a pleasant way to address him.

Please answer me.

Yes. At some point, Fathers health began to rapidly deteriorate. In truth, for an elderly man, it could be attributed to the indifference of time, but I sensed something strange no more than a few months ago.

Gale, too, had no inkling until Dilaina, the consort who attended to the Emperors bedchamber, frantically ransacked the imperial pharmacy.

Only then did he belatedly realize. Father had been frequently choking in his sleep, calling out the name of Gales birth mother, and even experiencing hallucinations while awake.

Family hallucinations.

Come to think of it, Berik had a similar experience. Although he had fainted immediately upon inhaling the scent, hadnt he clearly seen visions of his family?

Ian leaned against a tree, unconsciously shaking his head. It was a completely unexpected move. For Ian himself, as well as for both Gale and Mariv.

I propose this with certainty. If you involve yourself in the production of the truth serum, and should an opportunity arise for me once more, I will share with you everything I have investigated thus far. This means we shall jointly grasp the hilt of the blade aimed at Mariv.

Ian quickly gathered his thoughts and glared at Gale.

At this point, it was evident that Gale was a formidable foe. Even if Ian were to refuse now, Gale would undoubtedly target Mariv head-on through rebellion or fabrication of evidence.

That, too, would be a clear act of rebellion. A storm of blood would sweep through the palace, and variables beyond Ians calculations could emerge.

I can hardly believe it, Your Highness.

Is that so?

Gale laughed, exhaling smoke from his cigarette. He raised both hands to the side, as if to show his intentions.

In what sense?

Thats right, precisely in that sense. The preconceived notion of rebellion and that indulgent attitude. If someone were to harm the Emperor, one would undoubtedly suspect Gale, not Mariv. Werent their dispositions vastly different?

You may not know this, but Father favors me over Mariv. This is the foundation and source of my power, so why would I engage in such an act? Perhaps the only one who would rejoice at Fathers death in the palace would be Mariv.

Because he would become the next Emperor.

However, for Dilaina and the twin princes, who relied on the current Emperors influence, as well as for Gale, it would undeniably be a setback.

Indeed. Without the Emperor, the others would have to live as if dead after leaving the palace. To avoid provoking Marivs temper.

Ian sighed, brushing his hair back with a sense of complexity. Gale then offered him a cigarette, as if urging him to take it.

And I am one who may smoke cigarettes but stays far from drugs.

I shall decline. I am one who stays far from cigarettes as well.

Is that so? Youll live a long life then. As long as you tread carefully.

Ian suddenly recalled Gale causing a commotion at the nobles drug party. By killing all the slaves at that time, he had solidified his power and effectively declared his stance on drugs.

In this situation, I must proceed with utmost caution. Gale is formidable, but Mariv must not be allowed to grow beyond control.

There was only one way.

I have no choice but to deal with both of them simultaneously. Gain what I can, and cut what needs to be cut.

Ian slowly raised his head to look up at Gale. Their eyes met, and the two men smiled faintly, remaining silent. The knowing glances that conveyed their inner thoughts were evident.

Your Highness, theres one thing. Everything youve said thus far, can I truly believe it all? In truth, if it were all a lie, I would have no way of discerning it.

I expected you to say that.

Gale, with the cigarette still in his mouth, snapped his fingers. At that, one of Gales subordinates, hidden in the shadows of the trees, approached very discreetly.

Ian briefly wondered what scheme was afoot.

But he soon recognized the familiar potion in the subordinates hand.

Isnt that the truth serum?

Youve already experienced it, Sir Ian, so you know how accurate it is. Its my turn to drink it this time.

Without hesitation, Gale tossed the truth serum into his mouth. He then raised an eyebrow, inviting Ian to question him. After glancing at the empty bottle, Ian parted his lips.

Your Highness, do you swear that everything youve told me is the absolute truth?

Blood trickled down the corner of Gales mouth. He wiped it roughly with the back of his hand and grinned bitterly. The cigarette smoke grew thicker, filling the surroundings.

Yes. I swear, it is my truth.

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