in the consort Liang palace, Mo Yan is nurturing his wife inside her palace. she has been having a huge blow in the morning from the morning sickness. It was so bad until she is laying down on the bed without any energy.

Ni Qing still has the heart for the pregnant lady even though she will use her on her advantages, but she still needs to nurture her. she is sending a ginger citrus tea with a chicken dates tonic soup to give her stomach some warmest. Ni Qing understand really well the feeling of morning sickness. Thankfully, this pregnancy gives her mild symptom of morning sickness.


However, she feels so tired and got her energy drain on her body. She is actually taking a long nap after her breakfast. Xiao Nie is covering her sleepiness with someone posing as the empress. She is kneeling in the small room next to the common room and enchanted some sutra to the Buddha.

As expected, the spy from the emperor reports back the empress send some tonic in the morning before she goes to pray and chanted sutra to the Buddha. Jin Yu feels something is a missed to see his wife who always never stop moving get to chanted sutra.

He got disturbed by the report about the convoy arrival into the border of Dayu Kingdom. He can't let another blunder to intervene with his private life. He got a throbbing headache to hear for another dark storm in his kingdom. Gu Man is already going to check all the people under his connection to trace about the missing rice.

Mr Zhou already inform Xiao Nie about the condition of Consort Yin under Ah Tio. She is becoming submissive after a while and become one of the top girls inside the brothel.

After her long nap, her imposter is missing in through the bed chamber secret door to outside the palace and Ni Qing is giving her a letter to relay toward brother Ah Seh. She wants to know the loss rice in the capital.

The only person can find out about the missing rice in the capital will be brother Seh with his power in the underground and his prowess in the capital. No one will dare to trifle with him in his territory. However, brother Seh power and territory get spread until the whole Dayu Kingdom lately. No one can refute with his word when he lifts his little finger up.

Ni Qing is going through all her daily job as the empress and make sure everyone is receiving their payment daily. Jin Yu actually gives them a generous allowance for every member of the harem.

Her job also makes sure all the transactions and balances of the household department get a check and accountable. She needs to make the plan for the next events held based on the emperor schedule. She is also checking the whole salary for the eunuch and palace maids. She is scratching Xiao Nie, Zhang, Eunuch Wang and Eunuch Li out from the palace wages into her company wager. It is for compensation for her guilt toward her husband. however, she really does not want to lose her baby anymore.

She is cooking for her lunch and no longer eats the food and snack from the kitchen. She is getting her own water to send out from the spring water by Wang Bo. This is the extra mile for her own safety. She is sending Xiao Nie to gather some herb tonic from Mo Feng which prompt him a visit this afternoon during lunchtime.

"Master Mo, sit down and have lunch with us…" Ni Qing is commanding her master to join her for their lunch.  The emperor spy is running back to the emperor study to report the whole situation.

"Wang, I will have lunch in empress Qing palace," Jin Yu is standing up and strode out from his study as soon as he hears about the luncheon between Ni Qing and Mo Feng. Eunuch Wang is cancelling the emperor luncheon on the study and follow him into his wife palace.

In Ni Qing palace, the dining table is set outdoor near the big open space kitchen. The ambience of her palace seems like an ordinary household.

"Are you pregnant again?" Mo Feng is asking her without any restrain where Ni Qing straight away coming toward him and closing his mouth.

"Do you know the wall have ear and eyes….? yes, I am in my six weeks," Ni Qing is whispering to his ear when Jin Yu stands in the front gate entrance of her palace.

"Ni Qing…!" Jin Yu is screaming with his anger express toward his tone to witness his wife get too close to his love opponent. He has been feeling down because of his own mistake and he saw his wife get intimate with another man makes his blood boil.

"Your highness…" Ni Qing and Mo Feng are curtsying to see the emperor. Jin Yu is striding inside the palace and sit down in between Ni Qing and Mo Feng.

"I am having lunch in here, Wang…" Jin Yu said it to his loyal eunuch.

"Yes, your highness… I will have a kitchen to send all your food to Empress Qing palace," Eunuch Wang is replying to his master when Ni Qing is stopping him.

"Any objection? You are not allowing the owner of this whole place to have his lunch?" Jin Yu is asking toward Ni Qing with the full taste of sourness.

"No… No… but I am cooking so many dishes already. We can eat my food," Ni Qing is telling her husband when she goes back to the kitchen to cook few extra dishes. Meanwhile, she asks Ni Qing to get special cutlery for her husband. she is cooking few more dishes for everyone.

Xiao Nie is placing more cutleries and rice in a bowl for everyone.

"Should I also join the lunch together when the emperor is present or…? No, I will wait until you all finished madame," Xiao Nie is telling her master.

"Why should you wait? Prepare everything for you and eunuch Wang…" Ni Qing is instructing toward her loyal maid.

"your highness, the empress, we are not allowed to join the emperor table for lunch… I do not dare…" Eunuch Wang is telling the empress to explain everything.

"Then let him eat by himself… I am hungry and if the law does not permit him to share his table with anyone… set another table for us…" Ni Qing is instructing her loyal maid and ignoring the pity wrongly emperor on the table.

"Who has said it? I did not make any comment since I come here even though I caught someone with some other man.

"See… no objection from the big, majestic person in there… let's eat peacefully…" Ni Qing said the word to Xiao Nie and Eunuch Wang who were still scared to look at their interaction.

Ni Qing is cooking two more dishes to be serve on the table. There is lotus root with sugar cane, winter grout stir fry, sweet and sour pork, steam fish and fish with mushroom sauce. Ni Qing is making a ginseng chicken soup. She originally cooks only soup, one type of fish and one type of vegetable. She is adding extra dishes when she knows her husband is coming to join her. the sweet and sour pork and the winter grout are Jin Yu favourite dishes.

She is putting it on the table just in front of Jin Yu before she sits down next to her husband. Mo Feng is moving next to Ni Qing in the place of Xiao Nie. It makes eunuch Wang sit next to the emperor. Mo Feng is scooping the soup before putting it in front of Ni Qing.

Jin Yu is looking at the bowl of soup directly he takes it and drinks it. Ni Qing wants to cry nor laugh to see her husband childish behaviour. No one knows if the black-bellied cold emperor sit at this dining table acts like a small kid.

Mo Feng is scooping another bowl of chicken soup for Ni Qing and put it in front of her when Jin Yu is drinking it again.

"Stop it, please… I will get myself the soup…." Ni Qing is taking the ladle from Mo Feng's hand and take a bowl for herself. She is taking some pork and vegetable for Jin Yu to make him a little happy. She is eating slowly from her bowl to make her stomach settle with the food.

She knows if she eats too full and her little bean will have the complaint. However, Mo Feng does not yield and keep giving her some food in her bowl when Jin Yu keeps eating the food.

Xiao Nie and Eunuch Wang are biting their chopstick to see the fierce fight between Mo Feng and the Emperor. Ni Qing is ignoring both of the men who are fighting for the food on her bowl. Ni Qing is keeping eating the food on her table before she was full and ask Xiao Nie to clean up and serve the fruit.

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