Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 164 - Ni Qing Pregnancy

"I am not going to go anywhere… I am here trapped inside your palace… where am I going?" Ni Qing is telling her husband without any avail remorse.

"Why did I hear about someone else proposal and you will think about it? I am not deaf yet," Jin Yu is interrogating his wife for her intention. It likes there is a thick wall inside her mind and blocks him to read her mind. It is devastating for him to always find out her plan later on the way.


"You are too possessive… I am still here, and we always argue into your insecurity… I am tired and I am going into my room," NI Qing is walking back to her bed-chamber.

She really left the puzzled emperor in the common room and close the door to her room before she is rushing to close her mouth. This time, she feels nausea come out from her stomach. Ni Qing is rushing to her wardrobe to take out her citrus candy. The sourness and sugary citrus candy can ease the feeling of nausea on her body.

She is rubbing her flat stomach to comfort the little human grow inside her stomach. As soon as she finds out about her weakness and dizziness in the kitchen. She checks her own pulse to find out about her pregnancy. No wonder, she got a craving for something that she hates. The public kitchen congee taste reminds her of all the painful memory of her childhood.

"Be good, little bean… your mother tries to protect you…" Ni Qing keeps rubbing her stomach. She is sitting on the nearby chair as the dizziness come again.

The emperor comes back from his shock and realises his wife already left him in the common room. He is standing up and tries to get his wife in her bed-chamber but the door lock. He tries to shake it open, but it is not successful.

Eunuch Wang is telling him about his next meeting to do farewell with the crown prince of Yin. He really does not want to attend, but he has the responsibility to bear on his shoulder. He can not let his private matter intervene with the country ordeal.

"let's go and get ready…" Jin Yu is leaving Ni Qing's palace with a heavy step. He is sitting in his carriage toward his palace.

Eunuch Li on behalf of Eunuch Wang is knocking to the bed-chamber of the empress.

"Yes…." Ni Qing is answering the door and walk to open the lock. Her nauseous is easing up so she can answer the person or her own husband.

"Your highness, there is the farewell dinner with the Yin Crown Prince. You need to attend it with the emperor…" Eunuch Li is reporting to the empress as instructed by Eunuch Wang.

"I am not feeling well… How about you ask consort Yin or Consort Liang?" Ni Qing is telling him to approach the two other candidates. She wants to shoulder her husband responsibility, but her body will not allow her to do it.

"Are you sure, your highness…" Eunuch Li is asking again toward the empress politely. This is the first time; he got the rejection by the empress with her nature to be together with the emperor.

"Yes… I am tired and I want to rest early…" Ni Qing is telling Eunuch Li to leave her alone. She is closing the door of her room. Eunuch Li left puzzled. He is going to consort Yin palace to relay the message to get rejection also. She still enchanted sutra as punishment for her outrageous acts.

He did not have any other option rather than going to the consort Liang palace to relay the messages. As soon as she accepts the request, she gets confused with the sudden request and decides to join the emperor for the farewell dinner.

Jin Yu is really surprised by the presence of consort Liang at the party. He is hoping his wife will be present at the party, but it seems everything looks really far away. He is at the party with an absent mind.

The Crown prince from the Yin Kingdom will return in empty hands. Apparently, no one knows the position of the daughter of the Ni family. She is disappearing after the broken-up engagement with the General. he already dispatches all her informants to trace the girl, but it seems that nothing is coming as positive.

In the end, he decides to go back to his country after a weeklong searching for her position. The Ni family also becoming really empty when he goes to investigate the mansion. He already dispatches the spy to keep digging for her whereabouts. He is going back to his country to check all his work.

In her room, Ni Qing is sitting enjoying her dinner. She is eating something light as her mouth seem can't swallow the food. it seems that she can't hide her pregnancy any longer.

"Madame, why did you do that to the emperor?" Xiao Nie is asking her master to find out her plan.

"I am pregnant, you silly… I have to protect my baby this time… no one can know about my pregnancy this time, or every villain will come in every corner to attack me again.. this is the emperor direct descendant, so I need to protect little bean," Ni Qing is explaining to her loyal maid.

"However, you will be found sooner or later…. You have been accusing the emperor of infidelity and push him away to another woman… do you think that your life will be saved by then with the temper of your husband?" Xiao Nie timid reaction is coming to question her master.

"I think at that time, the baby is already strong enough and little bean can coax his father…." Ni Qing is rubbing her flat stomach. Xiao Nie is bringing out her robe to cover her master thin body. She is getting happy to hear the happy news from her master.


In the morning, in the Liang crown prince palace, the spied person is relaying all the reports to the crown prince. He is getting furious to hear about the pregnancy of her sister. He was going to kidnap her and destroy the country to make the stupid emperor life to be hard.

"Your highness, it is still a rumour, and we are not yet sure… do not be angry over the rumour," his eunuch reminds him of something that is not a hundred per cent sure.

"I want to crush that stupid emperor to take my lover…" The Crown prince is smashing his teacup to vent his anger.

"Why don't you make a trip to meet with the princess in the Dayu Kingdom?" the eunuch is suggesting the crown prince who is getting angry with the news get a little appease with his anger.

"You are so smart… change my robe into my court so I can seek permission from my royal father to visit Princess Yun Xin," the crown prince is getting a little bit enthusiastic with his loyal eunuch idea.

The crown prince is changing his robe and walk into the courtroom with a high spirit. He is going to persuade his royal father with all his might to check into her sister condition. He can't accept his sweetheart to get taint by some other man. In his heart, Yun Xin is a little girl who is sweet and obedient. She is always there to coax him and help him when he is at his lowest point.

Apparently, the king also hears about the pregnancy rumour from his daughter. he is concerned for her condition. However, he can't leave the country and the only option is to send his son to the neighbouring country to check into his daughter's condition.

The crown prince will go to visit the Dayu Kingdom with the yearly present from the Liang kingdom. Their royal mother is preparing some gifts for the pregnant princess in the Dayu Kingdom. The convoy will take the day to reach the capital of the Dayu Kingdom.

They are going to go as soon as the court finish, but his plan got rebukes by his father. They are setting to leave the capital of Liang Kingdom the day after. The king is sending the official letter to the emperor of the Dayu Kingdom about the crown prince visit with the fastest soldier from the capital.

Jin Yu is receiving the letter in the evening. He is accepting the letter without any expression on his face. as soon as the soldier is getting out of the study room, he throws the letter from the king of Liang. This pregnancy issue and the whole record is haunting him the whole night. He feels down and does not want to meet with anyone.

He can't believe his body betrays his heart and sleep with another woman. If it corrects as the record, it is perfectly fine for his wife that she is angry toward him. he has betrayed her with his disloyalty.

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