Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 83 - Chapter 83: Chapter 81 Ineffectual Rage.jpg

Chapter 83: Chapter 81 Ineffectual Rage.jpg

Translator: 549690339 I

“What! You want me to collaborate with Bi Fang!?”

Lu Wentao wondered if he hadn’t cleaned his ears out lately because he couldn’t seem to hear clearly anymore. He quickly asked again to be sure.

But the answer he received was still a firm one from Lu Junming.

Due to Bi Fang’s standout performances and explosive popularity, Wang Weifeng planned to have the two collaborate to expand the “Wilderness Survivalist” market.

Basically, he wanted to take advantage of the situation to ride the wave of popularity.

It sounded shameless, but hey, that’s business for you, no shame in it.

Lu Wentao’s face twisted with anger. Just thinking about having to ask Bi Fang for help, and imagining the latter’s arrogant smirk, made the savagery and rage on his face grow by a fraction, until a handsome face was completely overtaken by the tempest of his fury.

Although Lu Junming was also displeased, the sight of Lu Wentao’s contorted expression frightened him too much to dare to approach and offer consolation.

Meanwhile, Lu Wentao grew angrier and angrier until, finally, his anger dissipated…

He realized that no matter how angry he got, it wouldn’t change his situation with Bi Fang, let alone with Shark TV, who had set these tasks.

Lu Junming watched as Lu Wentao inflated with anger like a balloon, nearing the point of explosion, only to deflate on his own, and he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Powerless rage.JPG

Luckily, Lu Junming managed to hold it in, because, after all, it was his suggestion to begin with. He was afraid that if he laughed out loud, he might get hit. And thinking about the tasks set by Shark TV, he also began to frown with worry.

“Wait a second! Bi Fang is with Wolf Fang, and I’m with Shark. We’re both under contract. How can we possibly stream together?” Having regained his composure, Lu Wentao momentarily had an intelligent insight, pinpointing the crux of the issue.

This kind of thing would violate their contracts; there was simply no condition for them to interact!

“It’s not about streaming ‘Wilderness Survivalist.’ It’s just about starting a stream, chatting together. Shark received information that the contract Bi Fang signed is very loose. Apart from ‘Wilderness Survivalist,’ he’s basically free to do as he pleases,” explained Lu Junming with a sigh. When he first learned some of the contents of Bi Fang’s contract, he was green with envy.

Jealousy twisted his features—a breaking point of matter, a quantum entanglement, a theory of black holes.

Wolf Fang is treating Bi Fang like a god!

They offer him light restrictions and high benefits; why don’t such things ever happen to them?

Now, not only have they not made much money, but they’re also at the beck and call of Wang Weifeng.

“Damn it!” Lu Wentao slammed his mug down so hard it shattered. He had never felt so stifled in his life.

His boss and rival were like two mountains pressing down on him, and he was just a tiny balloon. No matter how much he inflated, it would still burst in the end.

The shards of the cup scattered near Lu Junming’s feet, startling him, but he quickly regained his composure.

Getting angry now wouldn’t solve anything. Thinking of ways to keep their jobs was what truly mattered. Although they certainly didn’t earn as much as Bi Fang from their ‘Wilderness Survivalist’ streams, they still had full pots and bowls, which was far more respectable than before by countless times.

“Actually, the ‘Wilderness Survivalist’ pie is quite large. Bi Fang can only stream for four to five days at most, and there’s a nearly twenty-day gap in between. We can totally compete with staggered timings. Our threat to him is minimal, which gives us a foundation for collaboration,” Lu Junming tried to rationalize Wang Weifeng’s thinking.

At the end of the day, a businessman prioritizes profit. If there’s money to be made, everything else can be put aside, and conflicts can be resolved.

The so-called dignity and face are just another form of capital and cost. If enough money is made, even an apology is not out of the question.

Right now, there are only two names in the wilderness streaming market. Filling the market is more than manageable, and it’s certainly not a cutthroat competition.

And Bi Fang could even be considered a pioneer. As long as they put on a reconciliatory front in front of the audience, Lu Wentao would be seen as receiving an unofficial endorsement. Even if his performance was slightly lacking, the audience would tolerate it.

Every time after Bi Fang finished streaming and left the audience longing for more, his fans could divert their enthusiasm toward them, potentially earning even more.

By next year, they could be lounging in clubs, villas, and rolling in velvet.

But now, the issue lay with Bi Fang. Wang Weifeng still vividly remembered the words Bi Fang said when he left Shark, and knew that Bi Fang would not soften easily.

“So he wants us to apologize?” Lu Wentao glared, struggling to accept it. He felt like a puppet manipulated by capital, with no freedom of his own.

“Brother, it’s the only way now,” sighed Lu Junming, understanding and even sympathizing with Lu Wentao’s feelings.

Ever since Lu Wentao knew the gap between him and Bi Fang, he had been striving to close it. Now, his study was filled with books on botany, primitive survival skills, and he had almost turned into a bookworm—just to be able to answer the barrage of questions from the audience and avoid lacking interaction during the streams.

But as the saying goes, you can forgo pride, but you still have to make money.

“Why would he agree?”

“Who doesn’t love money?” Lu Junming appeared very confident, raising his right hand and extending one finger.

Seeing this gesture, Lu Wentao was shocked, “One million?”

“Ten million!”

“Whew, that was terrifying.” In the hospital room, Wu Mingtao recalled the reporters’ frenzied behavior, still feeling uneasy.

“Can’t help it, who would have thought the incident would get so big, especially with Lin Xue being one of the rescued, the princess of Shenhua Group. It’s impossible for the media not to go crazy.” Zheng Tianfang seemed to understand, reporters were more persistent than flies, always flocking to the hotspots.

For a behemoth like Shenhua Group, even a casual remark from the president could trend on search engines, let alone his daughter being trapped. Normally speaking, it would definitely rank number one on trending searches.

“Speaking of which, why didn’t anyone come to pick you up?” Wu Mingtao tilted his head, looking over at Zheng Tianfang, who was sitting beside him.

“Me? I’m all alone in this world, no wife, and my aging parents don’t really follow the news. They probably don’t even know I was in an accident,” Zheng Tianfang spread his hands and pointed at Bi Fang, whispering, “What’s up with Brother Fang? He fell asleep as soon as he lay down?”

“Probably too tired?” Wu Mingtao guessed. On the way here, if anyone was the most exhausted, it was certainly Bi Fang, who was busy crafting tools and traps, and leading everyone against wolf packs. Now that he hit the bed, it was normal for him to fall asleep immediately.

In fact, Bi Fang wasn’t asleep at all.

The moment he entered the hospital, the long-missed electronic voice sounded again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: Small Test of Skill! Calculating task completion…]

Similar to before.

His mind began replaying the past few days of survival experiences.

Escaping Glacier Valley, blizzard rescue, wolf pack assault, traps, darts, hunting knife, blood sprayed…

In the rapidly shifting lights and shadows, the originally sad, struggling, and subdued emotions seemed to evaporate, leaving behind only the sense of achievement and joy from a successful survival.

[Ding! Calculation completed.]

[Main tasks one and two completed, side task: Blizzard Rescue completed 80%, total time 4 days, no bonus rewards.]


Why isn’t it one hundred percent? Weren’t all four people saved?

Bi Fang was startled by this data, but he quickly realized the system must have included all five people, but the situation at that time simply didn’t allow for saving everyone, right?

It wasn’t a fault of war, could that really be counted?

Could it be that there actually was a way to save them?

Bi Fang furrowed his brows, pondering carefully, but even after thinking for a long time, he couldn’t come up with any good methods. The bleeding was simply too severe at the time, unless he had equipment and matching blood bags for on-site transfusions, there was only a slim chance of survival. And even then, the odds weren’t good, how could you save someone who had lost their legs?

It would have required not only specialized equipment but also superior medical skills to possibly grab a chance at life, but that was the wilderness, not a hospital!

Even in a hospital, such severe injuries might not be survivable, let alone in the wild mountains.


Although he felt some regret, Bi Fang had to admit that he had done his best. Losing points was just losing points, it wasn’t a loss.

With that thought, he directly checked the rewards for this mission.

[Detection of no reward upgrade, your final rewards are: Skill Upgrade Coupon*2, Enhancement Points*3, Wilderness Points*i6oo]

[Ding! The shop has been unlocked and refreshed.]

[Ding! Detecting that you have engaged in hunting wolves, would you like to generate the spoils of war?]

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