Chapter 82: Chapter 80 End of Broadcast

Translator: 549690339 I

The incessant snap of flashbulbs was so painful to Bi Fang’s eyes that he almost cried.

He hadn’t suffered from snow blindness during the day in Mohe, but now the bright lights made his eyes turn bloodshot. Moreover, everywhere he looked, there were swarms of people, so packed it was suffocating.

The journalists engulfed everyone like a tidal wave, eager to start asking questions.

“Mr. Bi, I’m a reporter from XXX. Can you talk about your experience saving people this time?”

“Mr. Bi, I heard you’re a retired soldier…”

“Miss Lin…”

“Come on, make way, everybody make way, we have injured people here!” Captain Chen felt his anger rising when he saw so many reporters crowding together, just like dogs, acting as if they didn’t even notice the obviously injured.

[Wow, so many reporters?]

[Master Fang is going to be famous now, marrying a rich and pretty girl, and reaching the pinnacle of life!]

[He’s already famous, okay? With just this livestream, I bet Master Fang made at least a million!]

[That’s true. Young Master Lin alone tipped no less than three million. Really a tycoon. ]

I Now Master Fang is a tycoon too. One livestream and he’s got it made.]

[No comparison, this is what Master Fang deserves.]

I Right, no comparison, add one to that.]

Faced with so many reporters, the online friends were stunned; the livestream room suddenly became extraordinarily lively. Even smaller stars might not have this kind of scene!

Doesn’t that mean Bi Fang is pretty much a star now?


However, Bi Fang was in no mood to idle chat with reporters, not to mention Wu Mingtao, as he was suffering from his own injuries.

Bi Fang simply pushed through the crowd, letting Captain Chen lead them to the hospital.

But it wasn’t over yet. Even as they boarded the ambulance, the reporters still pursued them relentlessly, and at the hospital entrance, many still followed.

Captain Chen and the others promptly issued a dismissal order at the entrance to stop the reporters.

The several others who hadn’t been injured also needed to be checked. They had narrowly escaped death and needed rest – they just wanted to lie down and sleep, even if it had to be on a hospital bed.

The sound of screeching brakes, gasps, and hurried footsteps suddenly filled the hall. Captain Chen glanced at the entrance and was startled.

A dozen black Mercedes-Benz cars drove into the hospital and came to a neat stop in front of the entrance. Men in black suits flooded into the lobby, all well-built, with bulges at their waists, possibly hiding batons or something. These men shoulder to shoulder formed a human wall, effectively separating all the reporters. Those trying to push through were deterred by their intimidating gazes.

Captain Chen understood. With such a grand entrance, there was only one possibility.

At the end of the human wall, a man and a woman were escorted over, followed by a dozen black-clad men spreading out like the wings of a black hawk, with the couple serving as the “eyes” of this spreading wing.

Everyone in the lobby was taken aback, the previously noisy environment suddenly dropped by several dozen decibels, filled with whispers all around.

Lin Chang and Lin Zhou strode into the hospital and walked straight towards Bi Fang. Just as the onlookers thought some gang rivalry was unfolding, the two gave Bi Fang a deep bow.

The reporters all reached a collective climax, the flashbulbs firing even faster, almost turning night into day!

These were business tycoons, coming forward and bowing like that – the reporters had never seen anything like it and were ecstatic.

Just the image of them bowing was worth the top spot on the trending search list.

Bi Fang too was startled by this and quickly helped the two of them up. As soon as Lin Chang stood up, he tightly grasped Bi Fang’s hand with an emotional tone, “Mr. Bi, thank you very much. Without you, Lin Xue and the others would never have been able to come back. I’m truly, deeply grateful!” These past few days, the affair with his sister had left their whole family anxious and sleepless, especially at the sight of the wolf pack charging. No one could understand the despair they felt in their hearts.

But when they saw Bi Fang turn the tide and bring everyone to safety, that despair turned into profound gratitude. Lin Zhengnan was so moved that he nearly needed oxygen at the hospital. Otherwise, it wouldn’t just have been the two siblings visiting – it would have been the entire family coming en masse.

“My father is getting on in years and can’t thank you in person, but he said that once Mr. Bi recovers from his injuries, he will definitely thank you in person and prepare a generous gift!” Lin Zhou also promptly added.

“No, please, just call me by my name. Besides, Lin Ge, you’ve already donated millions in my livestream. There’s really no need for this.” Bi Fang repeatedly shook his head, vividly recalling the scene of Lin Chang’s lavish tipping.

In both his past life and this one, he had never earned so much money in one go, suddenly becoming a millionaire was still something he couldn’t quite accept; asking for more made him feel embarrassed.

And with Shenhua Group mentioning it as a generous gift, the value must be considerable, and Bi Fang felt it was too much for him to accept.

“How could that be acceptable!” Lin Chang’s face changed instantly, “If my dad finds out, he’ll have my hide.”

“Cough cough.” Lin Zhou coughed twice to cut Lin Chang off, her brother was good in all aspects, except sometimes his speech was a bit too unhinged.

She brushed her hair back and bowed again, “No matter what, our whole family is very grateful, and when Mr. Bi is discharged, we will definitely be ready to welcome you.”

In the end, since Bi Fang still needed treatment, they didn’t stay long. Besides, blocking the hospital entrance was not a good look. They simply exchanged phone numbers and scheduled a time to have a meal together before leaving.

Before leaving, Lin Xue gave Bi Fang a hug to express her gratitude once again. [Holy crap, I feel like this is gearing up to a long-term thing! ]

[Isn’t this normal? Master Fang is so handsome, and he’s so awesome. If I were a woman, I’d be smitten too.]

[Is Master Fang’s blissful life about to start?)

[My heart is shattered]

[Hahaha, Sister Na is depressed]

[Master Fang: I am the man you can’t have]

[He’s really made it this time, but I don’t feel envious at all] freē

[Nonsense, Old Fang got there by real skills. If you have the guts to risk your life, you’d also deserve Shenhua Group’s gratitude!]

(Speaking of which, now that Master Fang is famous, don’t forget to livestream!]

“Don’t worry, no matter what, Wilderness Survivalist livestreaming is my day job, how could I possibly forget?”

Bi Fang shook his head, indicating that the concerns of his online friends were unwarranted, but this did remind him that the livestream was nearing its end. “Now that we’ve fully returned to human civilization, it’s time to say goodbye to everyone. To be honest, this livestream was far more thrilling than my last one, completely off plan, and could even be called one of the few unforgettable experiences in my life.”

“These four days, I’ve faced severe cold, hunger, natural disasters, and even being pursued by wolves, but I’ve also demonstrated how to survive in extreme conditions.”

Moreover, if you were to ask what the greatest accomplishment of this journey is, without a doubt, it’s bringing the victims out safely. This is undoubtedly the greatest fortune. However, this incident also demonstrates the dangers of wilderness survival, and I sincerely hope everyone will pay attention to safety when venturing out and try to avoid similar incidents. Nature, although beautiful, still deserves our respect.”

“Alright, I won’t say much else. Partings are always sad, but today’s farewell is for a better reunion. Please remember me. I am Bi Fang, a professional explorer. See you in the next livestream!”

[No, don’t go! It’s not satisfying at all!]

[Don’t leave! Stream for a bit longer! You don’t even have to say anything!]

[I gave you my treasured meatballs, please don’t leave.]

Inside the livestream, the online friends collectively tried to convince him to stay, but it didn’t change Bi Fang’s decision at all.

If every time he ended the livestream, he did so because of fans’ requests for an encore, wouldn’t that be chaos? So Bi Fang was accustomed to it, and couldn’t indulge it.

One could never be truly satisfied; things we love can never be too much, just like when reading a favorite novel, there’s always someone feeling the author updates too slowly, a cliffhanger fiend.

But how could I be a cliffhanger fiend?

It’s impossible to have every update be a complete story arc!

Looking at the now darkened livestream room, the four roommates in Cao Lifeng’s dormitory sighed in unison. Ever since they started watching Master Fang’s livestream, they were hooked, not even willing to miss it for a trip to the bathroom, feeling lost with the screen now black.

“Sigh, now we’ve got to wait another ten days or so.”

The same sentiment resonated with many others just like Cao Lifeng.

It couldn’t be helped, the livestream was too awesome. You couldn’t find a second one like it, not in the whole of Wolf Fang, not even in the entire world. Forget about the Lu Wentaos, but to the audience who had watched both, they all saw him now as nothing but a clown mimicking others!

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