Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 109 - Chapter 109: Chapter 106 A Different Kind of Desert

Chapter 109: Chapter 106 A Different Kind of Desert

Translator: 549690339 |

Nine days?

The Sahara Desert?

Blood as thick as asphalt?

Thinking of these points, Yao Lina subconsciously wanted to reach for her water cup to drink.

Even though it was November and the weather was getting cooler, she still felt as uncomfortable as if she were standing under the summer sun.

Pan Wei and the others were even more horrified, subconsciously touching their wrists, only to realize it was a false alarm after a moment.

Felt like their heads were getting dizzy from the sun.

Pan Wei mocked his own overreaction, then pushed his seat further back, trying to avoid the sunlight coming from the front of the car, but was kicked hard in the back of his seat by a tall guy behind him.

“Don’t fucking squeeze!” the tall guy said irritably. Even though the Jeep had a lot of space, it was not meant to be squeezed like this, “If you want to avoid the sun, why don’t you just block it with your clothes?”

How could they film if they blocked it?

Their viewer count had just broken thirty thousand; blocking the view could lose them more than half their audience, a wasteful loss indeed.

Pan Wei was speechless too; his skin had peeled from the sun, and how could he be content if he didn’t earn more?

Just peeling skin, right?

Not a big problem, could still continue!

After that, Pan Wei worked even harder. They had been hawking for less than half a day and their earnings had already surpassed six figures, a bloody fortune.

Wasn’t this faster than working a regular job?

There was no chance he would work a regular job; only by riding on the wave of fame could he sustain his life like this.

“Guys, the sun is really too harsh. As Wolf King said earlier, he might have to stay here until four in the afternoon before he can leave. All of us will suffer the sun’s heat without any motivation. Look at me, my skin is peeling off from the sun.”

“If you don’t reward me, where will the gas money for the Jeep come from? The money for our treatment? The money to charge our phones?”

[Awesome, this move, I’m willing to call it a legit reason!]

[Iron Egg gifts the host a rocket*l—Here’s your gas money!]


[Lol, you really know how to ask for gifts.]

[Pete the Non-Sticky gifts the host membership cards*10—I want to curse!

Give gifts and curse! Dare to silence me and I’ll stop giving!]

[Kid, you’re too young, don’t do this; it’s too cheap for this bunch of dogs]

Watching from the back seat, Du Chuan nodded. He had chosen Pan Wei from among the myriad of hosts because he was shameless enough.

Shameless enough, good at asking for gifts, and afterward acting as if nothing had happened.

This was by no means derogatory; it was an outright compliment. To do this job, one needed that kind of brazenness—the more shameless, the more one would earn.

Many viewers are like this; they need a bit of begging.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many authors on the Chinese web constantly begging—it’s because begging really works!

If you don’t push them, you’ll never know how many tickets and savings readers have!

“Alright, I need to sleep for the next few hours to recharge and continue the journey; I will have to pause the live stream for a few hours.”

Bi Fang paid no attention to the noisy group; instead, he turned off the live stream amidst the reluctance of the viewers and lay down in the sandy pit.

Great opportunity!

The previously woozy Du Chuan and others instantly revived at full health; their moves began to shine, rising a few degrees in the scorching desert.

They had been waiting for this moment!

The tall guy kicked Pan Wei’s seat back, and Pan Wei screamed with a voice that was about to smoke.

“Don’t miss out as you pass by! Master Fang’s live room is closed, but Brother Pan’s live room is still open! You all can come over here! Don’t you want to see if anyone will come to send supplies? Don’t the female fans want to see Master Fang’s sleeping posture? You’ll find everything here!”

As expected, the next moment, the popularity of their live rooms surged again, quickly breaking through the one million mark!

Rockets, fish balls pouring in; it was all so captivating.

[Wow, impressive, a different perspective.]

[Not for anything else, but to come in and curse you guys!]

[I’ll watch quietly, won’t say a word.]

[Gifting a rocket.]

[I don’t care if I get banned; I still want to loudly curse your shamelessness!]

In the Jeep, Du Chuan and the others exchanged joyful glances, all breaking into smiles, with the tall guy even starting to moderate the comments.

Even though they were dizzy from the sun and starting to peel, at this moment.

It was worth it!

As for negative reviews.

Who cares about negative reviews when you’re serious?

In the afternoon, Bi Fang slowly awoke, he turned his head towards the cave entrance, only to see several blood-red figures staring intently at him from outside the cave.

Blood corpses?

Just awakened and still groggy, Bi Fang was startled by the sight, thinking some creature from a novel had found its way to the desert, almost plastering himself to the rock wall.

What the hell?

But once Bi Fang gathered his wits, he finally realized what those blood corpse-like things were, he rubbed his face, and after confirming he wasn’t dreaming, couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

A few meters away in the jeep, Du Chuan and the others were staring at Bi Fang without blinking.

No one was shouting anymore, and the only noise left was the howling of the wind whipping up the sand inside and outside the vehicle.

The air was filled with a deathly silence.

Their skin was blood-red and swollen.

Pan Wei and the fat man in the front had dense white blisters like clustered grapes on their foreheads, and large flakes of white dead skin peeling off from both sides of their cheeks.

They looked exactly like blood corpses from a movie whose skin had been peeled off!

“Damn it!”

The fat man hammered the steering wheel hard, and the wail of the car horn carried far through the sand.

To have gotten sunburned like this, won’t it ruin my face? Although I wasn’t much to look at to begin with, but…


If it weren’t for the gifts already amounting to several hundred thousand, and I could get several tens of thousands afterwards, I wouldn’t be suffering like this for anything!

Even my wife won’t recognize me!

“Be patient, you can get it treated when we return, and furthermore, it will cool down when it gets dark. You all know that evening is prime time for live streaming, and the revenue could easily double,” Du Chuan tried to calm the restless spirits with a shot of encouragement.

On the other side, Bi Fang had started live streaming and heard what Du Chuan had said.


Do I really have that opportunity?

Having started the live stream, Bi Fang narrowed his eyes, greeted his audience with a quick hello, and without further ado, got up and left the cave, climbing up to stand on the highest sand dune with sand slipping under his feet.

Atop the dune, Bi Fang gazed into the distance.

The sun was setting in the west, turning the earth fiery red.

The sandy ground was barren, with nothing but endless sand dunes and scorching air.

There was no water, no shade of trees, only the sweeping sandstorms that provided temporary relief from the blazing sun.

The ferocious sandstorm enveloped everything, burying everything in its path.

It was as if the whole world was a furnace.

This time Bi Fang wasn’t trying to find his way; he was searching, determined to find a piece of the “desert” that was different.

Finally, within his field of vision, a patch of noticeably darker sand stood out.

It was a bit far, but worth it.

Bi Fang quickly slid down the dune and headed in that direction without explanation or conversation.

[Why isn’t Master Fang talking?]

[Yeah, didn’t he used to tell stories when traveling before…]

[It’s so serious, feels like Master Fang is getting down to business.]

[A serious Master Fang is also handsome!]


As evening approached, Pan Wei and the others finally felt a bit better, they rolled down the windows; the air was still hot but no longer scorching their nostrils and throat.

However, Bi Fang’s silence was causing them some worry.

“Hey, hey! Don’t fall asleep!” Pan Wei initially wanted to ask the fat man, but when he turned his head, he saw the fat man constantly “nodding off” and quickly shook him awake.

“Hmm? Huh!” The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead and regained consciousness, seeing Pan Wei calling him, he shook his head, “No problem, I’m fine, just a bit tired.”

“Have some water and take a moment, we’ll switch soon,” Du Chuan also noticed the fat man was off.

“Okay, okay!” The fat man took the water and nodded repeatedly.

Better switch soon.

For some reason, he felt like vomiting, and his head was spinning.

Could it be carsickness?

I’ve been driving for so many years, an old hand behind the wheel, how could I get carsick?

Trying to suppress the rising acid, the fat man took another sip of water..

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