Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 108 - Chapter 108: Chapter 105: We’ve Got Your Back!

Chapter 108: Chapter 105: We’ve Got Your Back!

Translator: 549690339 |

Shenhua Group.

“To rely on such meager connections and dare to stir up trouble?” Lin Chang closed the folder handed to him by his secretary, puzzled.

The information made it clear that among these people, except for Du Chuan who had some abilities, the rest were what, misfits?

Ensuring the Eve broadcast wasn’t shut down was all Du Chuan could muster?

Didn’t he consider the subsequent impact?

“If they really had strong connections, why would they resort to such despicable tactics? They’re clearly desperate,” the secretary pondered seriously. “Indeed,” Lin Chang nodded, then asked, “Can we get them imprisoned for infringing portrait rights?”

“Wen…” The secretary found himself in a difficult position. He understood what

Lin Chang implied but explained anyway, “Imprisonment usually results from criminal offenses. Infringing portrait rights is a general illegal act that can be settled privately or through filing a lawsuit, demanding an apology and compensation for losses, but the odds of imprisonment… not high.” “Not high?” Lin Chang raised an eyebrow and spoke leisurely, “What if it caused a terrible social impact?”

“Willful destruction of the environment?”

“Indiscriminately amassing wealth and disturbing the industry norms?

“Intentionally insulting veterans?”

“Stealing military enterprise trade secrets?”

With each statement Lin Chang made, the secretary’s eyelid twitched.

He got it, he understood everything!

Especially the last point, it was lethal!

This time, Shenhua’s prototype was merely an assembly model; at most, it sacrificed comfort and aesthetics for strength and toughness, and it only used civilian satellite signals.

There wasn’t any special information technology in essence, and to maintain the signal, some other functions were even compromised. It wasn’t prepared for commercialization, thus unguarded, and leaking it wasn’t a big deal; the incident itself was not an issue.

But whose hands it fell into was a problem!

“Do you think this is serious?”

“Serious, very serious!” the secretary declared earnestly, “Just the act of insulting and cursing at veterans is unlawful, up to three years…” “Ten years!” Lin Chang interjected directly, “At the very least, ten years! Moreover, take care of the ring leader yourself!”


The secretary nodded, slowly backed away, then closed the office door and strode towards the company’s legal department.

As a Fortune 500 company, they had an entire team of lawyers, all elite fighters!

To kill a chicken, one must use a butcher’s knife!

And finely chop it to mincemeat!

Lin Chang turned to look out the floor-to-ceiling window. From the top floor, he overlooked the smaller buildings.

Rest assured, Bi Fang, I’ve got your back!

Wolf Fang TV.

“Are all the press releases ready?” At Wolf Fang TV, Wang Yongbo looked at the


“Yes, we’ve contacted everyone we could, this incident will surely explode! “Good!” Wang Yongbo patted the staff member on the shoulder, very satisfied, “Give everyone a day off tomorrow; work hard today. The bigger the fuss, the better. I want to make them suffer an everlasting infamy!”

“Understood, President Wang!”

Wang Yongbo nodded contentedly.

Rest assured, Bi Fang, I’ve got your back!


“Brother Long, I’m counting on you this time!” Yao Jun said earnestly.

“Leave it to me. We’ll dig three feet into the ground if necessary to bring them back and break every single one of their legs!” A middle-aged man and several others in black clothing nodded in unison.

In this line of work, they were professionals.

“When you handle things, I’m at ease!”

Yao Jun nodded, watched the group board the plane, and then lowered his head to look at the live broadcast.

Rest assured, Bi Fang, I’ve got your back!

Meanwhile, Bi Fang, who was being protected by three men, still knew nothing. He was staring at the people constantly rehydrating, silently counting the number of water bottles and then shaking his head with a smile.

What a bunch of fools.

Water intoxication.

Drinking too much water increases the water content in the blood, which lowers sodium levels, leading to an imbalance between salts and fluids.

In severe cases of imbalance, “hyponatremia” can occur, causing the patient to experience brain swelling, headaches, and even seizures, shock, and death.

In the desert, people only hydrate despite sweating profusely.

Watching the group continually rehydrate, Bi Fang took out his water bottle. Before coming to the desert, he had prepared just this one bottle of water, and no more.

Unscrewing the cap, Bi Fang took a sip of water, then started to dig a hole underneath him, as the sand on the surface was too hot to lie down on.

Holding a mouthful of water prevents dehydration. It not only forces him to breathe through his nose but also moistens the air he inhales, providing moisture for his body.

After digging through a layer of scorching hot sand, Bi Fang sat down on the ground, looking at the people scratching their heads frantically inside the car, and then swallowed the water in his mouth.

“During the daytime in the desert, you must remove the first layer of sand from your shelter; otherwise, it will feel unbearably hot and increase your rate of sweating,” he said.

“Moreover, if you can’t find a cave like I did, you can look for or create a shaded area and bury yourself in the sand to protect yourself from the sunlight.”

“Here, I must give everyone a piece of advice,” Bi Fang continued. “When trying to survive, you must stay calm, don’t panic, because that will only accelerate your energy consumption. Buried in the sand, you will just feel hotter and hotter, and these techniques will be of no use.”

[Everyone knows that, but when the time comes, things will be as they are regardless of whether you panic or not.]

[Not everyone is Master Fang; it’s like knowing there are no ghosts in the world but still shivering when watching horror movies.]

[The comment above is so spot on, it’s hard not to agree.]

[Just look at those guys over there; the contrast is clear. I think they’re starting to panic.]

[They’re seeking their own death. Who can they blame? Trying to gain popularity by riding on Old Fang’s coat-tails without any real talent?] Watching the live chat in Bi Fang’s streaming room, Du Chuan touched the fine flakes of skin on his own face and remained silent.

It’s just that his heart was beating a bit fast.

“If you’re really panicking, then think of your family, friends, draw strength from memories and dreams for the future, and above all, never give up-never underestimate humans’ will to survive!”

Seeing everyone’s pessimism, Bi Fang felt it was justified. The desert is nothing like a forest or a snowy landscape; here, there really seems to be no hope for life, with every minute the sun squeezing out your vitality.

After some thought, Bi Fang decided to inspire everyone with the story of a legendary figure.

“Moro Prosperi, an ultramarathon runner, and a top athlete, a reserve member of Italy’s modern pentathlon team who won the championship at the 1984. Olympics.”

“During a super marathon in the Sahara Desert, he was caught in a sudden sandstorm and got trapped in the Sahara.”

“Conditions there were even harsher, but despite this, without food, water, and unable to send a distress signal, he was found after a remarkable nine days missing. Yet, thanks to his strong survival instincts and willpower, he was still alive!”

“When they found Moro, his body was shrunken and wrinkled like a turtle. His digestive system had long stopped working. People tried to feed him, but his body couldn’t digest the food.”

“It was only after doctors injected more than 16 liters of IV nutrition that he gradually began to recover.”

[Damn, that’s hardcore!]>

[Strong, really strong!]

[Is this the equivalent of a cow doing a handstand, incredible to the skies?]

[More like a cow basking in the sun, impressively powerful.]

[Grass, only people from your village know how to show off with such idioms.] “That’s not even the most extraordinary part,” Bi Fang said, looking at the comments on the screen and shaking his head.

The miracles of human life go far beyond just this.

“You might find it hard to believe, but it is a fact that on the seventh day of being missing, Moro tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. Yet, miraculously, he woke up the next morning.”

“Doctors later analyzed that Moro was dehydrated from being lost in the desert. Due to the lack of fluid, his blood couldn’t flow into the finer vessels.” “So when Moro tried to end his life, his blood was as thick as tar, moving very slowly and quickly clotting. This condition saved his life.”

“Can you imagine?”

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