Just as Mu Jianyu said, he continued to visit Li Chuntao, still not recognizing her as his sister-in-law and not his wife. Li Chuntao initially thought that the man would come to his senses once he was sober enough to look at her without the alcohol affecting him but once again, Mu Jianyu failed her. 

He still believed that the woman in front of him was his wife, Li Xiuying, and not his sister-in-law. How was he supposed to know that it was Li Chuntao when he'd never even paid any real attention to his wife before. Otherwise, even if he doesn't recognise Li Chuntao, he could have at least noticed that she wasn't Li Xiuying.

Li Chuntao tried her best not to roll her eyes at his stupidity. How can he be so dumb? No wonder Gu Changge managed to fool him to this extent. If he wasn't this stupid then they wouldn't have lost Li Xiuying this early. The mere thought of her sister's pain was enough for her blood to boil. 

"Ying, are you sure you feel okay? You can just tell me if you're not feeling well." Mu Jianyu told her during one of his visits. 

Li Chuntao ignored him as she sat on the couch and stared outside. She didn't need Mu Jianyu's concern. She was able to look after herself and if ever she needed medical intervention Shen Zichen would be there to help her. 

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. With Mu Jianyu around, she needed to be careful not to betray herself. She needed to seek the answers and the truth behind Ying's death and if she had to play the villain role to get it, Li Chuntao wouldn't mind it at all. 

'Mu Jianyu, let's see who's better at pretending. The one who lowers his guard first would be the loser.'

Li Chuntao refused to believe that this man would suddenly have a change of heart just because Li Xiuying was involved in an accident. He probably had an ulterior motive for him to seek Ying out even after continuous rejections by the Li family. 

She hadn't fully grieved for her dead sister and had yet to find out the truth from her Uncle Yuren but this man kept getting in her way by showing up at her door. She was told by her Auntie Yue that they were still looking for the divorce papers Ying had signed before her departure the day of her accident. 

"Mr. Mu, I'm fine. You really don't have to do this. Su Ling and Hou Chen are here to help me anyway." She was starting to get annoyed looking at Mu Jianyu and couldn't wait for him to leave her penthouse. She hated that he kept intruding this sacred place she shared with Ying.

"But…" Mu Jianyu didn't like the way she talked to him like he was a total stranger. 

"I'm tired. You've already proven your claim that I'm your wife. It's just that I need some time to think." 

Mu Jianyu had brought an album filled with his wedding photos with Li Xiuying and the bright smile her sister had in those pictures gave Li Chuntao's heart a painful clench inside her chest. She was reminded yet again that she would never see her sister's warm smile anymore and the man responsible for her death was Mu Jianyu himself. 

He didn't dare to push his luck and left at once, bidding her goodbye, telling her he would visit again as soon as their home was ready for occupancy again. It was enough for him to prove his claims because sooner or later, Li Xiuying would come home with him and Shen Zichen wouldn't be able to stop him then. 

Li Xiuying might have forgotten him but that didn't mean he would allow Shen Zichen to whisk his wife away. 

Once he was gone, Li Chuntao finally relaxed and removed the irritating bandage on her head. Her head wound wasn't that serious and was already healing well.

"So irritating," she muttered to herself before pulling herself back on her feet to go to her sister's room. Ever since she thrashed her own room, Li Chuntao had decided to stay at Ying's room. 

A sudden thought crossed her mind, reminding her of what needed to be done. She strolled down the hallway and went to the study she barely used since they purchased this place but it was locked. 

"Hou Chen, why's this room locked?" She called out to her temporary assistant. Hou Chen had been working with Li Xiuying for years and Li Chuntao never bothered to hire her own personal assistant as she preferred to do things on her own. 

"It's locked?" Hou Chen came to her and turned the doorknob herself. She was also confused. Li Xiuying never had a habit of locking this study since she always let Hou Chen and Su Ling come and go into this room to get important files that she needed. 

"Su Ling!" Hou Chen called the head security of the Li twins' house. "Can you unlock this room for Miss Chuntao?" 

Su Ling appeared from the kitchen, one hand holding a can of iced coffee he took from the fridge. 

"I don't have a copy of the key for that room. Miss Ying didn't give me one," he responded. This was the only place Su Ling couldn't enter at will aside from Li Chuntao's room which had been locked when she migrated overseas for her studies. 

Li Chuntao cupped her chin. She wasn't sure if she managed to bring her copy with her when she left her apartment before the air force took her away the day before her sister's passing. She went back to her room again to find it. 

She opened the door and saw that it was spotlessly clean. There was no trace of the chaos caused by her breakdown. Her Aunt Yue probably had someone to help to fix this room while she was gone. 

She went to her dresser and searched for her keys which she found on one of the side drawers of her night stand and went back to the study room where she found Hou Chen and Su Ling talking to each other. 

"Su Ling, did they manage to retrieve Ying's personal belongings after the accident?" She asked as she unlocked the door. 

"Yes, Master Yuren has made sure Miss Ying's belongings are retrieved. As far as I know it was left at the Li Mansion. Should I call someone to bring them here?" Su Ling replied. 

Li Chuntao declined his suggestion, telling him that she would see it herself once she visited the Li Mansion later. She looked around, impressed by her sister's style of decoration. 

She looked outside the large windows which offered a great scenery. The rain pattering on the glass, the droplets making a thin trail as they dripped down. Lately, Li Chuntao felt like her days had been filled with gray clouds but it seemed that the weather today had managed to catch up with her mood. 

The pain from Li Xiuying's death was still fresh but unlike before, where she had wanted to end her own life, she was now driven by the need to seek revenge for Ying's sake. Her twin's sudden death wrenched and clawed her cold heart. 

Feeling something warm running down her cheek, she slowly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. Sniffling slightly, Li Chuntao shook her head and tried to stop her sadness. 

She didn't need this right now, not when she had to weave a trap for Mu Jianyu and Gu Changge. 

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