'Yes? Who are you?' Li Chuntao thought, 'How dare you show your face here pretending you care for Ying!' 

Mu Jianyu was momentarily stunned at Li Chuntao's question. He was confused. Why didn't his own wife recognize him? As he looked at Li Chuntao's appearance, he was startled to find her arms and legs covered with bandages, that even her head had one. 

His poor wife must have suffered a lot these days. He could see that she somewhat lost some weight compared to the last time he'd seen her. She was wearing a huge nightshirt that made her thinner than she already was. Her skin was pale as if she wasn't receiving enough nutrients lately.

Did she.. Did Li Xiuying forgot about him? How could this be? Was this some kind of sick joke that fate is playing on him? 

"Ying, it is me. Your husband. Don't you recognize me?" Mu Jianyu tested the waters. He needed to know if she'd really forgotten who he was to her. He wasn't sure what he would do if Ying really had forgotten about him. 

What was he supposed to do now? 

Li Chuntao furrowed her brows and looked at Shen Zichen who was watching them intently. Her eyes then slightly lowered, trying to hide her disgust upon seeing Mu Jianyu. 

"Husband? I don't know who you are." She told Mu Jianyu then hurriedly went to Shen Zichen, held onto his arm, and hid behind him much to Mu Jianyu's shock. 

"Brother Zichen, I have a husband? Why am I not aware of this?" She questioned him.

Shen Zichen looked at her face and saw the sinister smile Li Chuntao hid behind him. What the hell was this witch playing this time? 

Even Zheng Yue and Li Xiuying's subordinates were left flabbergasted over Li Chuntao's act. Their jaws dropped as they tried to understand what she was up to. Mu Jianyu had a misunderstanding here but now Li Chuntao was playing along with him? 

"You don't know who he is?" Shen Zichen asked Li Chuntao and she shook her head in response. 

"Ying!" Mu Jianyu called out. Why was she seeking Shen Zichen's company over him? Did Li Xiuying really forget about him? "I'm Mu Jianyu, your husband. We've been married for years now. Do you really not know who I am?" 

His beloved wife indeed returned to him but he was nothing but a stranger to her now. Instead, she rather stands by Shen Zichen's side than to acknowledge him as her husband.

"Amnesia? Is this why you didn't want her to meet me?" Mu Jianyu glared at Shen Zichen then to Su Ling. "You want my Ying to treat me as a stranger?" 

He came up to that conclusion. There was no way Lii Xiuying would be able to forget who he was unless she lost her memories after the accident. This also meant that Shen Zichen was taking advantage of his wife's delicate condition to easily erase his existence in Ying's mind.

Shen Zichen didn't respond but he didn't allow Mu Jianyu to touch even a single hair on Li Chuntao. He'd already lost Li Xiuying because of Mu Jianyu, he refused to hand Li Chuntao over to this man. 

"Mister, you should leave. Please… please don't cause a scene here. Don't blame Brother Zichen because I really don't know who you are." Li Chuntao's pitiful voice took their attention. 

Zheng Yue's lips pursed. She thought that Li Chuntao was doing a good job deceiving everyone here. If she hadn't known that Li Xiuying died, she would've also mistaken Chuntao as Ying. 

If Li Chuntao didn't want to be a doctor anymore, she would surely give other aspiring actresses a run for their money because right now, her performance was impeccable. 

'Mu Jianyu, I really thought you're stupid. Now, you've proven to me you could be worse!' Li Chuntao sneered inwardly. 'Ying, if you are seeing your husband like this, I wonder if you'll regret not being alive to slap the hell out of him.' 

As if wanting to infuriate Mu Jianyu further, Shen Zichen wrapped his arm around Li Chuntao's shoulders and hid her from the other man. 

"Shen Zichen, you—" Mu Jianyu wanted to argue that she should stay away from Shen Zichen but the latter cut him off. 

"Mu Jianyu, you heard what she said. Leave now or do we need to use force to show you the way out?" Shen Zichen glared at him. He could feel Li Chuntao's malicious smile curling her lips as she pressed her face on his chest. 

'This woman…' Shen Zichen lowered his gaze and looked down at the woman in his arms. 

Li Chuntao was really bold to pretend to be her dead twin sister to spite Mu Jianyu. Did she really have to do this? Shen Zichen wondered. However, since Mu Jianyu had a debt he needed to settle, Shen Zichen wouldn't mind playing accomplice in Li Chuntao's game. 

After all, he was the one who pushed her to get revenge instead of letting her life cease because of immense grief. If they could find evidence against Mu Jianyu about Li Xiuying's accident then it would be better. 

"I'll leave for now but this doesn't mean you can keep my wife away from me," Mu Jianyu told Shen Zichen. He was still annoyed seeing his wife in another man's arms. "Ying is my wife. You cannot stop me from taking her home next time," he added before leaving with a trail of fury. 

Once he was gone and Su Ling locked the door, Shen Zichen released Li Chuntao from his hold. Zheng Yue went to them, her face one with confusion. 

"Chuntao. He is still your brother-in-law. How can you pretend as Ying? What would happen if he finds out you are deceiving him?" 

Li Chuntao sighed and slumped on the leather couch near her. Not only did Mu Jianyu betray her sister, but he also disturbed her sleep which Li Chuntao had always treated as a luxury. Ever since she started attending medical school, even now as a doctor, sleep was something Li Chuntao rarely does. This was why a complete six to hour sleep was already a luxury for someone as busy as her. 

"He should only blame himself later, Auntie Yue. What kind of husband is he if he couldn't tell the difference between me and Ying." She shook her head and snorted which was unladylike for her status. "What's more, this would be a perfect chance for me to teach him a lesson he would never forget." She spat out with such unconcealed hatred. 

Dare to bully her sister? Disrespect the Li family despite all the good things they'd given to him? Taking a whore and impregnating it while pretending to be a caring husband right in her face? 

Mu Jianyu was the one who forced his way here, mistakenly assuming that she, Li Chuntao, was his deceased wife. Not that he was aware of it. Since he had the audacity to pretend that he still cared for Ying, he should pay for such impertinence. 

The moment he entered the witch's cabin, Mu Jianyu had already casted an illusion and a curse upon himself.. There was no other way as all routes were already leading to his downfall. 

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