Leveling Up Through Eating

Chapter 604: First Teacher, First Friend

Chapter 604: First Teacher, First Friend

The players were interested in a lot of things regarding the aftermath of Elizabeth’s hunt. The first was the statue erected in the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. The players, who saw Valen’s sacrifice through the broadcasted video, rushed to see the said statue.

“Wow… the statue looks plain and average, but it’s still cool and wonderful.”

“I’m actually crying right now…”

“Have you read the words written on the stone table in front of the statue? Isn’t the Beyond the Heavens’ King so cool?”

The people were in awe and admiration. It was just a simple statue depicting the first meeting between the two, but the meaning was so beautiful that they could not help but appreciate the emotions behind it. Then, the notifications rang in the ears of the throngs of people that saw the statue.

[You have seen the statue: My Precious Friend and Honorable Teacher.]

[When playing with a party, you will be able to receive a 15% increase in item drop rate and EXP acquisition rate and a 9% increase in all stats.]

[The buff duration is two hours.]


“Did you see that?!”

“It’s freaking amazing!”

Countless people from all over the world crowded in the plaza to get a glimpse of the statue that would give anyone that saw it a buff effect.

As for the second thing that the players were paying attention to, it was none other than…

[Abyss, the tomb of the twelve Gods. What kind of place is this and what is it for?]

[Is there someone who knows who exactly the twelve Gods that appeared before are?]

The people could not help but be curious about the identity of the twelve Gods that suddenly appeared to help Minhyuk defeat Elizabeth. Because of that, plenty of people began to dig and delve deeper into information regarding the Abyss.

The global number one dungeon explorer, Ian, announced the results of his research.

[Abyss. The Tomb of the Gods. All of the Gods that laid to rest there are known as Continental Gods. Continental Gods were beings that were once human and had ascended and reached godhood.

The Gods that laid to rest in the Abyss were beings that tried so hard to protect the world by trying to rise to the realm of the Absolute Gods. But they eventually failed and breathed their last, taking their eternal rest in the Abyss.

According to the records in the ancient books, the Abyss is riddled with trials. For each trial that you clear, you will be able to get a special reward.]

[The twelve Gods did their best to protect the world? Did they lend their powers before to protect the world?]

[They’re really cool and wonderful Gods.]

With that information at hand, the people began to guess at the Abyss’ true purpose. The twelve Gods that laid to rest in the Abyss struggled to reach the realm of the Absolute Gods. But in the end, they failed and laid in eternal rest.

[Is the Abyss the path to become an Absolute God…?]

Indeed. Based on all of the facts and information at hand, the Abyss might be the only path and clue that they had to reaching the realm of the Absolute Gods.

With that, the world’s leading God Class players began on a global chase to search for the whereabouts of the Abyss.


Minhyuk felt a heavy weight settle down on his chest.

“It’s the uncle that was with Daddy!” Valen’s daughter chirped after recalling the statue that Minhyuk created.

Roina, who held the girl tightly, said, “Don’t blame yourself. He did what he wanted to do.”

But no matter what they said, Minhyuk still felt a heavy weight pressing down on him. He felt guilty toward Valen’s wife and daughter. After all, Roina had to live without her husband and their daughter had to live without their father.

“What’s your name?”


Minhyuk could only smile bitterly as he patted the girl on her head. Then, Roina said, “He was always thinking about you. Whenever he turned silent while pondering by himself, he would always look at the direction that you left in.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. He doesn’t want you to be sad.”

Minhyuk nodded at Roina. It seemed like those that needed to be comforted were the ones comforting him instead. It was something that Minhyuk was very grateful for.

“Instead of wallowing in my sadness, I’ll just put my energy into trying to find him.”

“That’s right.”

Only then did Roina smile at him. Roina and her daughter, Ronnie, decided to stay in Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. Minhyuk had decided to let the two live freely and without any inconvenience. He would also try to become a father-figure to Ronnie.

After the two stepped out of the room, Minhyuk looked somewhere, ‘Perhaps, you’re in…’

There was a chance that he was there, in the ‘Abyss’.

The twelve Gods of the Abyss were all Continental Gods that challenged the realms of the Absolute Gods to gain power at a higher level and to protect the world from outer threats. They eventually laid to rest there. Perhaps, Valen, who had turned into a sword, was also sleeping in the ‘Abyss’.

‘Just wait for me, Instructor.’

Minhyuk had already planned on going to the Abyss. However, there were a lot of things that he needed to do before he could go. He finally started to look through and check the rewards that he received from Elizabeth.

‘I’ve gained almost 130,000 platinum…’

Considering that one platinum is equivalent to a hundred million gold, the sum of money that he gained could only be described as one hell of an amount.

‘It will definitely help with the kingdom’s expansion.’

There was also a remarkable selection of rewards. The Six Monster Gods’ Power Chest, the God of Snakes’ Ring, the Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chest, God of Snakes Elizabeth’s Egg and many more. The first thing that Minhyuk checked was the Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chest.

(Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chest)

Rank: God

Special Effects:

?One of the items in the hands of the Absolute Gods will randomly appear every time you open the treasure chest.

?There’s a high chance of getting gold.

Description: This is a treasure chest that can allow you to steal(?) a lot of things in the Absolute Gods’ possession.

‘It’s remarkably unique.’

There was bound to be something special if he could take one of the things in the Absolute Gods’ possessions. The amount of this item he gained as a reward was a whopping thirteen treasure chests, a very generous amount if he would say so.

Next was the Six Monster Gods’ Power Chest.

(Six Monster Gods’ Power Chest)

Rank: God

Special Effects:

?Each of the Six Monster Gods has one special, shocking power.

?You can randomly acquire one of the Six Monster Gods’ powers.

Minhyuk could tell that this was also a remarkable item. He had been a witness to the shocking power and innate ability of the other Monster Gods through Elizabeth.

Wolf King Loraudi’s ‘Wolf Fangs’ was able to inflict and leave behind bite marks on the bodies of each and every single one of the thousands of troops that they had without even directly attacking them.

Monster God Beleg’s power allowed Elizabeth to command around seven million monster corps. These were just examples, but one could tell how special and powerful the Six Monster Gods’ powers were.

The God of Snakes’ Ring also had a special effect. Elizabeth had the power to control the system. It was possible for her to give penalties like the inability to use skills by controlling the system. This ring was able to allow the user to control the system like Elizabeth once per day. The item user could choose to disable the use of skills for a few minutes, turn their opponents to stone, or even disable the use of return scrolls and potions.

In short, it was a very, very useful item.

As for Elizabeth’s Egg… Minhyuk gulped nervously.

‘It’s going to hatch soon.’

According to the description, once Elizabeth’s Egg hatched, she would be given the form of a young girl. The problem was that she would awaken with the memories of ‘Elizabeth’. In other words, there was a high chance that having this in their possession was going to bring them a disaster.

If that was the case, then did Minhyuk have to bury the egg somewhere deep and unknown?

‘Then, Elizabeth will just regain her powers and come looking for me later.’

That was right. Elizabeth had her memories. This meant that even if Minhyuk decided to abandon her somewhere, she would still seek him out for revenge, after she had sharpened her blade.

In other words…

“I have to kill her here.”

It was said that Elizabeth was much weaker than before with her in the form of a young girl. Of course, she would still be able to exert a tremendous force even if she was weakened. So if he let the egg to hatch in Beyond the Heavens Kingdom, then he could ask everyone to help out and lynch her.

But then…

[You really know only one thing but not the other. Hey, are you a f*cking m*r*n?]


It was the first time in a long time that Minhyuk had heard this voice. The owner of this voice was someone that Minhyuk still remembered. He was none other than the ego of the ‘Grumpy Gochujang’, who fell asleep inside the ‘Puzzling Seasoning Jar’. Based on the Puzzling Seasoning Jar’s description, it would not be strange for him to hear the ego’s voice since it would awaken randomly. However, there was one thing that Minhyuk was sure of.

‘He’s not an ordinary guy…’

[Of course, of course. I’m a great and noble being. So, you better kneel down and worship me.]

It was also clear that the ego was a very narcissistic and self-absorbed being.

“What did you mean when you said that I only know one thing and not the other?”

At Minhyuk’s question, the Seasoning Jar’s lid opened and…

[Tch, tch.]

This was unbelievable! A mere seasoning jar was clicking its tongue at Minhyuk, the Beyond the Heavens’ King!!!

‘I should definitely disinfect it in some boiling water later.’

After Minhyuk vowed to retaliate, the Seasoning Jar’s voice turned solemn.

[Elizabeth is a very pitiful woman. Of the Six Monster Gods and the noble Gods that Athenae gave birth to, Elizabeth was the one that loved Athenae the most.]

It was a very shocking story. From what Minhyuk had seen, Elizabeth was just a violent woman that loved slaughter. But she was the one that loved Athenae the most?

[She did anything and everything to win Athenae’s heart. But the Gods said that Elizabeth and the rest of the Six Monster Gods should be banished. And the one that Athenae banished first was ‘Elizabeth’.]


There was no way for Minhyuk to guess what went on in Athenae’s mind for her to banish the woman that loved her the most.

[Elizabeth was not born as the God of Snakes. In fact, she was born perfect for the role of the God of ‘Love and Faith’. But after being abandoned, her tears flowed in the Stars’ Path for a day, then two days, then a hundred days. In the end, she changed. That’s why she’s a woman of misfortune. A very pitiful woman.]

The Puzzling Seasoning Jar’s tone as he narrated the events back then was very bitter. And…

“How the hell do you know that?”

[Didn’t I tell you? I’m a great and noble being. Kyahahahahahahahahahaha!]

“You’re full of hot air…”

[What does full of hot air mean?]

“It’s you, or something like that.”

[Huh? Why do I feel like it means something bad?]

It was clear that the Puzzling Seasoning Jar was greater than what Minhyuk initially thought. Furthermore…

“I knew one thing but I don’t know the other. What did you mean by that?”

[You still don’t get it? Elizabeth is a pitiful woman.]

“That’s why I’m asking you, what does that have… huh?”

That was when Minhyuk realized it. That was right. Elizabeth was said to be a God that suited the God of Love and Faith.

[Why are you trying to kill her?]

The Puzzling Seasoning Jar continued to drive in his point.

[You can bring her to your side, right?]


Yes, Elizabeth could truly be on his side. But how?

‘Let me think.’

As of the moment, Minhyuk was her enemy. Elizabeth might try to slit his throat the moment he appeared in front of her. She could also be considered as the one to have caused Valen’s death. How would he coax her to come over to his side? Also, what if she did not join?

‘I have the special items in the MVP Shop.’

Indeed, there were many special and unique items inside the MVP Shop. Perhaps there was something in there that could appease her anger. Besides, Minhyuk still had some time before she hatched and awakened.

‘Before everything else, I have to open and look at the Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chests.’

Throwing all thoughts aside, Minhyuk decided to open the treasure chests first, since he wanted to know what he could get out of them.

[Hurry and open it. It’s been a long time since I last opened an Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chest.]

Was there anything that this guy did not know? Anyway, Minhyuk looked at the treasure chests with great anticipation. Then, a golden treasure chest popped up and rattled fiercely in front of Minhyuk.

[You are opening the first Absolute Gods’ Treasure Chest.]

Then, a notification immediately followed.

[You have acquired 513 gold.]



The two of them were speechless. But Minhyuk was undeterred. He opened another one.

[…the second Absolute God’s…]

[You have acquired 420 gold.]

[…the third Absolute God’s…]

[You have acquired 333 gold.]

[…the sixth Absolute God’s…]

[You have acquired 100 gold.]

[Hey, why does the amount keep on decreasing?]



[You are opening the seventh Absolute God’s Treasure Chest.]

[Congratulations. You have acquired one of the Absolute God’s most cherished books, the ‘Book Owned by God’.]


Minhyuk could not help but tremble. He had acquired one of the most cherished books owned by God! Perhaps…

‘Maybe there’s a clue about another Absolute God’s Secret. Or maybe it will create a foothold for another growth. Maybe it’s a method for creating an artifact? If not that, then maybe it’s a record of the location where I can get great and awesome ingredients?’

The thought alone made Minhyuk’s mouth water. Then, the book appeared in Minhyuk’s eyes. He immediately checked the ‘title’ of the book.

[Why Did the Prince Go Out Tonight?]

[Author: Aruvel]


Minhyuk’s body shook. Then, at that moment, the Puzzling Seasoning Jar spoke in a voice that sounded more serious than ever…

[Can I rent it from you?]


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