Leveling Up Through Eating

Chapter 603: First Teacher, First Friend

Chapter 603: First Teacher, First Friend

God of Snakes Elizabeth was completely different from all of the other beings that Minhyuk had faced before. She was several levels higher than Black Dragon Vormon, and unlike Demigod Asura, she was a true, complete Absolute God. She was also unsealed, unlike the case with Great Demon Verus.

Killing Elizabeth was practically impossible and unbelievable. After all, was there an existence in the entire world of Athenae that had killed a God? No. Such an existence did not exist.

[The Beyond the Heavens King, the Food God, has made a new achievement! He has slain a God!]

[Your name will be placed in the Hall of Gods and a statue will be made in your name!]

[You can decide the design of the statue yourself.]

[You can choose the location where the statue will be built yourself.]

[Those that will lay their eyes on the statue will receive buff effects depending on the meaning of the statue itself!]

The entire world was made aware that Food God Minhyuk had slain a God. At the same time, Minhyuk was able to gain a lot of cash for his MVP Shop. Actually, the notifications had been ringing constantly in his ears during his fight against Marquess Leona and God of Snakes Elizabeth.

The cash that he earned during this battle? A whopping 440,000 cash. It was a shocking amount. This was mainly because there were a lot of people present here that had witnessed the breath-taking scene of the hunt. Also, Minhyuk was able to gain additional cash after successfully killing Elizabeth.

[Many are in awe and admiration of your achievement: Cutting Down Even a God.]

[The scene of you wielding the thirteen Swords of Gods will be remembered as a legend!]

[You have earned 330,000 cash!]

[The Gods are very surprised at this moment!]

[You have earned 100,000 cash!]

[Those that are on the level of Absolute Gods are very surprised at this moment!]

[You have earned 300,000 cash!]

[The Unknown Being that Caused Everything is very surprised at this moment.]

[You have earned 100,000 cash!]

The unknown being, the main culprit of this disaster, was taken aback at the sudden turn of events. But Minhyuk still did not have a clue as to who he was. But the notifications did not end there.

[You have gained 126,311 platinum.]

[You have gained 99,000,000,000 EXP.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[…leveled up.]

[You have acquired the Six God Monsters’ Authority Chest.]

[You have acquired the God of Snakes’ Ring.]

[You have acquired the Absolute God’s Treasure Box(13).]

[You have acquired God of Snakes Elizabeth’s Egg.]

[You have acquired Aepazzi’s Longsword.]

[…acquired Kordo’s Winged Boots.]

[…acquired Vormi’s Longsword.]

These were Minhyuk’s personal notifications. Of course, Elizabeth was someone that everyone here had hunted together. Even though the surviving members of the Maserrati Guild and other players were only a small number, the NPCs were still there. This meant that all of them also received plenty of rewards.

[Sword Emperor Ellie’s potential has dramatically increased after successfully hunting God of Snakes Elizabeth.]

[Spear God Ben’s potential has dramatically…after…hunting God of Snakes Elizabeth.]

[Elpis’…hunting God of Snakes Elizabeth.]

The notifications rang continuously. But no one was cheering enthusiastically, especially Minhyuk, who had remained silent since the hunt ended. This was because Valen, who wielded the final sword with him, was slowly disappearing.

Minhyuk did not want to lose anyone anymore. He did not want to go through the same sorrow that he felt when he lost Ben back then. But they were always fighting a battle in Athenae and things would not work the way he wanted them to work.


Valen started to disappear. He placed a gentle hand on Minhyuk’s cheeks and smiled softly at the boy. Minhyuk hurriedly clasped Valen’s hand with both of his hands. Valen’s hand was rough yet big, warm, and comfortable.

“Thank you.”

With those words, Valen’s body turned completely into light. Then, he slowly soared into the skies. However, something unexpected happened.

[The God of Origin is very surprised by the achievements that the first master and first disciple had made.]

[God of Origin Athenae is bestowing a gift to the two people.]

At that moment, Sword God Valen, who soared to the skies, suddenly turned into the shape of a sword. The sword was so beautiful and spectacular that everyone could not take their eyes off of it.

[The God that has become a Sword bids his goodbye to you.]

[The God that has become a Sword tells you that you will meet again.]

[The God that has become a Sword tells you to become a True God.]

“…I will, without a doubt, find you again, Instructor.”


The sword made of light resonated loudly before flying away swiftly. Not long after, the sword dug deep and buried itself in the ground somewhere, waiting for Minhyuk to come and meet it.

Those who meet must part and those who part shall meet again[1]. In other words, the people that meet must break up at some point and those that left would always return.


Joy Co. Ltd.’s Event Management Team Leader Park Yi-Hyeon could not hide how flustered he was.

‘He earned over a million cash…?’

That was ridiculous! Common sense would dictate that it was an impossible feat. But no matter how much he wanted to deny it, Park Yi-Hyeon had witnessed how it happened with his very own eyes. He saw how Minhyuk made the impossible possible, with the power of the thirteen Gods.

‘What rewards would he get for earning over a million in cash?!’

Even Management Team Leader Park Yi-Hyeon did not know that. This was because the event management team leader was allowed to set the rewards for only up to 200,000 cash. If the range of cash earned exceeded 500,000, the MVP Shop itself would generate the range of rewards that it could give.

Team Leader Park’s hands trembled as he took the cup of coffee from the vending machine and took a sip, ‘What kind of rewards will he choose? What statue will he make?’

Minhyuk had accumulated more than a million cash. On top of that, he also made a new achievement by cutting down a god and was given the chance to build a statue with special effects by himself.

At that moment, Team Leader Park Minggyu, who just got out of the bathroom, approached Yi-Hyeon and placed his hand on his shoulders.

“Team Leader Park.”

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Ah, Team Leader Park Minggyu, what do you think would the Food God choose for the rewards? Also, what kind of statue do you think he would make?” Park Yi-Hyeon asked, his heart shaking from trepidation.

Yi-Hyeon thought that he would already be shaking from excitement to the point that he would have gone crazy if he was the one in Minhyuk’s shoes. After all, the worth of the MVP Shop and the things that he could take from there were astronomical in value. And, if he could make a cool statue, there would obviously be a tremendous impact on him and his guild.

“He’s going to choose something amazing, right?”

But Park Minggyu shook his head when he heard those words.

“…Eh? Are you telling me that he’s not going to choose something like that?”

“You’ll know it when you see it,” Team Leader Park Minggyu said, a meaningful smile on his face as he entered the meeting room.

Park Yi-Hyeon immediately followed and took a seat inside. He thought, ‘What’s with that look? Why does he look like he’s sure that the Food God will not choose something amazing?’

Park Yi-Hyeon was a realist. For him, it was only natural for players to want good artifacts and higher stats.

Then, President Kang Taehoon said, “As far as I know…” a smile hanging on the corner of his lips. Even the other board members and executives all had small smiles on their faces.

At the same time, Minhyuk, who finally returned to the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom, chose the first item from the MVP Shop. And the item was none other than…

[Player Minhyuk has purchased the ‘A Dish that will Reach My Precious Person’ from the MVP Shop.]


Park Yi-Hyeon could not understand what was happening.

‘Yes, he was obviously close with the man called Sword God Valen. But wasn’t he just an NPC…?’ Yi-Hyeon thought.

But it did not end there. Minhyuk also set up a gigantic statue in the center of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s plaza. When Park Yi-Hyeon saw the statue, his heart could not help but throb. The statue was neither gorgeous nor charismatic. However, the meaning of the statue was so deep and beautiful that he could only sigh at the sight.

“So, this… is the world that the Food God wants to create…”

Kang Taehoon, who heard Yi-Hyeon’s murmur, said, “That’s the reason why everyone loves him.”


Minhyuk thanked everyone that came and fought with him. He also shook hands with Richard before parting ways with the Maserrati Guild.

‘It was a glorious and honorable battle.’

With those words, everyone dispersed, waiting excitedly for the day that they would all meet again. Before Minhyuk returned, Gremory told him, ‘Always remember. Sword God Valen has always thought of you. He never stopped worrying about you.’

Minhyuk actually did not see Roina anywhere. At some point in time, she went missing. However, no matter what happened, Minhyuk would always remember Valen. And he vowed that he would definitely meet him again, even when he was in the form of a sword.

Gremory also told him quite a few more things, ‘You know, I always wondered what in the world did you cook for him? He always kept on yapping about wanting to eat that dish that you cooked for him again.’


A small smile curled at the corners of Minhyuk’s lips. The dish that he made for him when they first met was also the first dish that Minhyuk cooked for someone.

Minhyuk looked through the MVP Shop, which was filled with rare and special rewards. There was one thing that Minhyuk wanted from among these spectacular rewards.

[A Dish that will Reach My Precious Person. 30,000 cash.]

Minhyuk bought it without any hesitation. After all, this item would allow whatever dish he cooked to reach Valen.

He recalled the memories that he spent with the man as he cooked. Minhyuk grilled and baked the garlic bread that he enjoyed with him. He also cooked the instant soup that he had with him while they sat together in front of a small table. Minhyuk had always wanted to make this meal again for him if they met again, since he was not able to make the complete meal before.

This time, he made sure to include the carbonara.

After he finished cooking everything, Minhyuk triggered the ‘Joy of Eating Together’ to create the same dishes in front of him. Then, he used the A Dish that will Reach My Precious Person, the dishes disappearing on their own.

“Please enjoy your meal, Instructor,” Minhyuk said, a soft smile on his face. Then, he took a spoonful of the hot instant soup and took a sip. The savory flavor and smooth texture of the soup lingered in his mouth. After sipping a few spoonfuls of the soup, Minhyuk turned his attention to the garlic bread and took a bite.


The garlic bread was freshly made, so it was still crispy on the outside yet soft and warm on the inside. Even the savory and sweet flavor created a shocking harmony in his mouth. Next, he dipped the garlic bread in the soup before placing it in his mouth. A smile slowly curled at the corner of his lips the moment the smooth texture of the soup met with the soft, yet crispy, garlic bread.

Then, Minhyuk held the fork with his right hand as he gently rolled a mouthful of carbonara on top of a spoon. The soft and creamy flavor of the well-cooked carbonara danced freely in his mouth. After eating a few mouthfuls of the pasta, Minhyuk grabbed some crunchy pickled cucumbers.

Crunch, crunch, crunch—

The sourness mingled with a hint of sweetness from the pickled cucumbers immediately washed away the greasiness that lingered in his mouth. Minhyuk’s smile widened at the taste.

Minhyuk smiled happily as he looked at the horizon and asked, “Is it delicious, Instructor?”

He asked as if he was going to get an answer. After eating the last mouthful of carbonara, Minhyuk stared into the empty horizon for a very long time. Then, he smiled softly and said, “Thank you.”

At the same time, a sword engulfed in light that was embedded somewhere unknown, resonated and emitted a more dazzling and brilliant light. It was as if the sword was answering: “Yes, that was very amazing.”


Instructor Roina was one of the novice village’s hunting instructors. She was also the wife of Sword God Valen. Right now, she was walking slowly toward the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom.

Roina immediately left after the hunt for Elizabeth ended. Of course, she had cried with anguish. Her beloved died after all. That was also the reason why she left as fast as she could. She could not guarantee that she would not lash out at Minhyuk and release her anger toward the boy.

However, Roina, with her hands tightly holding her four-year-old daughter’s hand, still walked slowly toward the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom.

‘He did what he wanted to do…’

But as his wife, she still could not bring herself to understand. She was not convinced by the choice that he made. And she was still very sad. Roina tried so hard to suppress her sorrow and anger but she felt like they were about to burst again the moment she arrived. Roina stood motionless and cried her heart out.

‘My husband is a complete fool. What am I supposed to do? Why did you leave me alone with our child?’

As she continued to cry with those thoughts flashing in her head…

“Woaaaaaaaah! It’s daddy!!!”

…her daughter’s voice rang in her ears. Roina raised her head and looked at the direction where her child was pointing at. Roina collapsed on her feet the moment she saw the statue.


At the same time, a wide smile appeared on her face. There, in front of her were two gigantic and imposing statues. One of the statues looked like Minhyuk when he first started Athenae, holding a wooden sword and slashing at a scarecrow. Behind him stood Instructor Valen with his arms crossed, watching him closely with a happy smile on his face. It was their first meeting.

Minhyuk was allowed to create a statue to his own liking as a reward for the achievement of cutting down a God. And the statue that he chose to create was of his and Valen’s first meeting.

And the words written in front of the statue were…

[My Precious Friend and Honorable Teacher.]

[You Are Always By My Side Forever.]

1. ????????(會者定離去者必返). The idea comes from Buddhism. It says that all human relationships would end at some point because of the transient nature of life. ?

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