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--- Chapter 149 ---

After some pleasantries, Su Meiling invited Yu Long into the Grandwake Clan. And the entire time, Su Ling'er was hugging his arm tightly.

Right now, they are sitting inside a bamboo forest. This place is the little heroine's favorite place. 

Well, Su Ling'er loves bamboo.

"Big Brother, drink this tasty bamboo tea~!" Su Ling'er shoved a bamboo cup at Yu Long. 

She also handed a small plate to him, "Oh, don't forget about these pickled bamboo shoots. They are so good~!"

Yu Long puts on a troubled expression as he drinks and eats everything Su Ling'er gives him. He stared at Su Meiling, finding a guilty look on her face.

Even though they hadn't said anything yet, they communicated through gazes. And Su Meiling felt sorry for her daughter's actions.

"Hmm, hmm~!" Su Ling'er hummed happily, pressing her cheek against Yu Long's arm. 

Su Meiling coughed awkwardly, "S-Sorry..." 

"Haa, whatever." Yu Long responded casually. 

"Can you tell more about the conflict between your Grandwake Clan and Blackwood Stronghold?" 

Su Meiling nodded and explained, "It started nine years ago. My late husband got conferred the leader of Grandwake Clan, which gave him access to the Grandwake Clan's treasure ground." 

"Many people dislike this, including the clan elders..." 

"Still, my late husband fought and fought until he got stabbed in the back." She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

"This..." Yu Long glanced at Su Ling'er beside him.

Is it okay to say such a thing in front of a child?

Su Meiling noticed Yu Long's awkwardness and replied, "Ling'er already knew. She might look naive but attentive when it comes to the clan."

Su Ling'er pouted, "I'm not naive. Ling'er is cute, that's it..." 

Su Meiling giggled and continued, "Well, as my husband passed away, he gave the leader position to me. I tried my best to protect the Grandwake Clan, shaving the enemy's force one way after another." 

"Yet they are still too overbearing." 

"Well, that's weird. Your Grandwake Clan's force shouldn't be too weak compared to Blackwood Stronghold." Yu Long commented with a frown.

"Unless the Blackwood Stronghold has the support of another faction." 

'Ah, how sharp.' Su Meiling staggered at Yu Long's guess. It hits the bullseye.

She sighed and responded, "Indeed. The Blackwood Stronghold has an ambiguous connection with one of three superpowers, the Seven Stars Divine Palace." 

"I've been trying to pinpoint the person, but the Blackwood Stronghold's master always kept his mouth tight." 

"Oh, that guy. Don't worry, I've dealt with him." Yu Long recalled the person he killed a moment ago. 

"Eh?" Su Meiling was taken aback. 

Su Ling'er waved her little fist and suddenly responded, "That's right, Mom."

"Big Brother is so cool~! He flicked his finger, and the big bad guy was gone!"

"Poof and a mountain go boom!" 

Hearing such a childish explanation, Su Meiling couldn't help but take a second look at Yu Long. Contrary to her stunned look, Su Meiling was calm inside because she knew Yu Long couldn't be an ordinary young man.

Su Ling'er has told Su Meiling anout how Yu Long saved her from seven bad guys. It was almost instantaneous, with no trace behind it.

From this alone, Su Meiling concluded Yu Long as an Emperor Profound Realm Expert. He might be even higher than that. 

'He can't be an old monster, right?' Su Meiling thought to herself. After all, someone who reached a high realm could return to their youthful appearance.

'No, that can't be. This young man is overflowing with vitality and youthfulness.' 

'He's less than twenty years old...' The more Su Meiling thought about it, the more stunned she became. 'Young, very young.' 

After praising Yu Long in her heart, Su Meiling grabbed a bamboo cup and sipped the well-made tea. "Savior, if I may know, are you from one of the superpowers?" She asked immediately. 

"Oh, you're not playing tricks first?" Yu Long smiled a little.

Su Meiling shook her head and returned, "In front of your power, trickery could only do so little." 

Yu Long nodded in acknowledgment, "That's true. I like how you were straight to the point." 

"To answer your question, I'm not from any superpowers." 

"Well, not from this continent, at least..." 

"You..." Su Meiling was speechless. Her serene heart was 'momentarily' knotted by Yu Long's words because she understood what he meant.

He was an outsider!

"H-How did you traverse over such a vast ocean? I mean, even if you flew over it, the ocean is simply boundless." She wasn't dumb as many people tried to cross the sea, but no one succeeded.

Yu Long shrugged, "Unfortunately, I can't tell you the method yet. Unless the Grandwake Clan agrees to my term." 

"Don't tell me this was your intention from the beginning. How convenient was it for you to save my daughter?" Su Meiling solemnly said.

"Haha, don't be too serious. I just found Grandwake Clan's situation interesting." Yu Long laughed. "As for saving Ling'er, it was merely a coincidence as I roamed around randomly." 

Even though it was a lie, Yu Long doesn't care. He only wanted to test the water. The Azure Cloud Continent he knew changed so much because of Ancestral God's interference.

"Seven Stars Divine Palace is a strong enemy, but I don't see them as a threat. I know you can't trust me yet." 

"However, You should know about the Thousand Weapons Association nearby. That place is one of my faction's branches." Yu Long patted Su Ling'er and bade his farewell.

"You can visit me there." 

"Well, see you soon." 

Su Ling'er suddenly hugged empty air, "Uwaa, is this magic??" 

"Mom, Big Brother is gone!"

Su Meiling wryly smiled while staring at the empty spot on the bench beside her daughter. If Yu Long wanted, he could have kidnapped Su Ling'er just like those people from the Blackwood Stronghold.

However, he didn't. 

It shows just how confident Yu Long was. 

"He really didn't put the Seven Stars Divine Palace in his eyes..." Su Meiling murmured.

"Incredible confidence, unknown power and background, and handsome face. What an interesting young man." 

"Ack, Mom! Big Brother Yu Long is my prince!" Su Ling'er complained. 

"Ling'er will be his bride in the future!" 

"Sure, sure." Su Meiling giggled, hugging her daughter. Although she said that, she couldn't imagine a few wild things.

Nevertheless, Su Meiling sighed because she was a widow. Yu Long couldn't possibly be interested in her.

"Ling'er, stay here, and don't play at the back of the mountain again." She warned her daughter. 

"Okay!" Su Ling'er sensibly responded. "B-But can we visit Big Brother Yu Long later?" 

Su Meiling smiled and rubbed her daughter's head lovingly, "Okay. Mom will hold a meeting with the elder first." 

"Mm." Su Ling'er sat back and munched pickled bamboo shoots. 

After pampering her daughter, Su Meiling left the bamboo forest and returned to the Grandwake Clan's compound. Her bearing and composition suddenly changed into that of a Cold CEO.

Su Meiling called one of her loyal attendants, "Check the condition of Blackwood Stronghold." 

"Yes, Clan Leader." Said an individual in a black cloth. 

Su Meiling walked to the clan's compound and entered a room filled with Grandwake Clan's elders. "Elders, I have good news. The crowd of people that Heimu Qingya led has gotten defeated." She said calmly. 

"Heimu Qingya is also confirmed dead..." 

"Impossible!" The grand elder of the Grandwake Clan, Su Wangji, stood up.

"Meiling, if you want to lie, at least make it believable..." 

'Even if I want to lie, I don't think a shameless old man like you has a word about it.' Su Meiling sneered in her heart.

"Sister-in-law, are you telling the truth?" One man stood up as well. He's the brother of Su Meiling's husband, Su Hengyue.

Su Meiling stared at the elders silently, as half of them weren't on her side. 

She coldly answered, "You can confirm my statement by sending your attendant to the Blackwood Mountain Range." 

"But you guys won't do it because you are a bunch of cowards..." 

"SU MEILING, HOW DARE YOU CALL ME COWARD!" Su Wangji shouted at Su Meiling.

Su Meiling released her cultivation and chuckled, "Because you're a coward from the inside out."

"For nine years, how many times have you helped the Grandwake Clan fight against the Blackwood Stronghold? I could barely count it with my one hand." 

"My husband died in the battle while you were hiding in the clan..." 

"Mother." A young man who shared some qualities with Su Meiling called out. "Calm down, let's talk this out." 

He's none other than Su Meiling's firstborn, Su Haoran.

However, Su Meiling was 'immediately' disgusted when Su Haoran called her mother. 

"You do not qualify to call me your mother. Since that day you left behind Su Hengshan in the Blackwood Mountain Range to save your life, I already disowned you." Su Meiling emotionlessly stated.

She gazed at Su Haoran like he was a piece of trash, "If you dare to call me that again, there will be a consequence..." 

"Elder Hengjun, Elder Hengmei, and Elder Hengkui, follow me." Su Meiling turned around and walked out of the room. As she left the room, three elders followed behind. 

Su Wangji, Su Hengyue, and Su Haoran have a frown on their faces. 

What happened to Su Meiling?

Has she become mad?

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