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--- Chapter 135 ---

After a brief encounter with Fran, Yu Long and Chu Yuechan went to the Heavenly Sword Villa. Yume the Butterfly Kaiju has returned to the Kaiju's Inner World, recovering her strength and energy.

Of course, the Fairy Queen followed them back.

'Yu Long, don't you think this princess deserves some explanation about this situation?' Jasmine suddenly voiced her thoughts.

Yu Long halted his step on the running water and glanced at Fran, who innocently smiled at him. He also wanted to explain a few things to Jasmine, but this wasn't the time.

'Not now, Jasmine. Go to sleep, or you won't grow bigger.' Yu Long tried to trick her. 

Jasmine frowned and said, 'Fine, if you don't want to answer my question, then forget it. I don't care about your stupid problem anyway.' After that, Jasmine threw herself on the bed and covered herself in a thick blanket.

Yu Long groaned helplessly and felt Chu Yuechan's gaze on his back. He shook his head and uttered, "If you want to say something, then say it, Yuechan." 

"I..." Chu Yuechan hesitated for a second. "The strength you used at that last attack, how long until it take for you to reach such a realm?" 

"Oh, that? It took me nine years of research and cultivation to bring [Art of Ghost] to its current potential." Yu Long gave Chu Yuechan a small smile.

"Still, aren't you curious about my relationship with this irritating fellow?"

"Hey!" Fran complained immediately. 

Chu Yuechan fumbled with her fingers and answered, "Nine years. That's quite long." 

"I don't know how fast I can catch up to you, young master... But I will try my best not to disappoint you." 

"As for your question. I'm not a person who would snuff around other's problems unless you'd like me to know about it. Not to mention, I'm just your maid." She recalled her helplessness when facing that tree root's ambush and added in a somewhat self-deprecating manner.

'What a low self-esteem she has. Well, she must have compared herself with my master, poor girl.' Fran thought to herself. 

Girl, you're the cause of it.

Yu Long sighed, "Don't sell yourself short. You're a talented woman with a spirit to climb higher. Compared to you, Lily would be lucky enough if she could maintain her current progress as she has been slacking off." 

"I see..." Chu Yuechan mumbled.

"Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day." Yu Long patted Chu Yuechan's shoulder and made her cheeks flush slightly. 

"Also, take this. I was planning to teach you a Sword Technique, but you know someone ruined the moment." 

"Just say it's me!" Fran rolled her eyes.

Chu Yuechan received a modified version of [Heavenly Wolf God's Series] and blinked in awe. Such a profound art about heavy swords actually exists in this world. 

If Chu Yuechan knew Yu Long successfully modified this profound art in less than a day, she would be dumbfounded.

"Thank you, young master." Chu Yuechan excitedly bowed. She excused herself, allowing Yu Long to see her skip over the street back to the courtyard.

'How adorable.' Yu Long smiled a little. It seems Chu Yuechan wasn't so emotionless after all.

Fran crossed her arms beside Yu Long and commented, "Are you going to fuck her?" 

"She's adorable, why not? It will happen eventually." Yu Long answered straightforwardly.

"You didn't even hesitate." Fran was speechless.

Yu Long shook his head gently and returned, "But I will let things take course naturally. She's a good woman. We have known each other for roughly three months." 

"Wow, what a gentleman. I wonder what your past lovers thought about this?" Fran nudged Yu Long's elbow, noticing his expression change drastically. 

"Eh, what's with the face? Did I say something wrong?" 

"No." Yu Long sat on a rock nearby. "It's just that a great portion of my past life's memory hasn't returned." 

Fran's eyes widened in disbelief. 

No wonder she felt her master's temperament and personality changed quite a bit. At first, she felt something was off, and this basically confirmed it.

"[Kaiju Maker] should be able to do something about this." Fran gazed at Yu Long's golden eyes. She understood the complexity of Yu Long's innate ability, and its wonder is still unexplored in their previous world.

"If it's really that easy, I wouldn't develop myself from scratch." Yu Long refuted calmly. He gazed at the distance and continued, "I'm sure [Kaiju Maker] could help brute-force my way through the memory line, but I felt like I would lose something in return." 

"Something precious." 

He rubbed his forehead and gazed at Fran back, "Anyway, let's stop this conversation at this stage. Tell me everything that happened to you in the last 16 years." 

"Warning, this will be a long story." Fran took a rock nearby to sit on.

"Go on." Yu Long closed his eyes. 

Fran started presenting Yu Long about her journey in the Primal Chaos. 

Sixteen years ago, Fran was awakened in a dark space of Primal Chaos and drifted by several wormholes. She landed on a few low-star realms, but those planets don't have inhabitants.

It's not until the 34th low-star realm Fran met with her current host, a young lady named Meng Yiran. She was a slave of a dark merchant company on that planet, dying from hunger.

It was Fran's bold idea to see if her Essence Sphere could join a new host. And tada, it's a huge success.

Unfortunately, Fran and her host quickly noticed their vitality was draining rapidly. 

Meng Yiran was an Emperor Profound Realm, so she technically could live up to 500 years, and her fusion with Fran siphoned her lifespan like sand to an hourglass.

Unfortunately, even with Fran's help to advance Meng Yiran's cultivation to increase her lifespan, it still doesn't work. 

Only by fixing the crack on Fran's essence sphere Meng Yiran's lifespan would stop declining. Even then, they knew it would be too late.

They roamed around the Primal Chaos together, becoming a famous thorn princess. 

Fran 'borrowed' the Death Knight Dullahan's essence spheres to gain more time. At the time, Meng Yiran was three months away from death.

It took Fran and Meng Yiran two months and a half to find the Blue Pole Planet while getting chased by Dullahan. 

"If I could be here, then you should be around. With that logic, I persist and convince my host to find you." Fran said proudly.

"What if you couldn't find me?" Yu Long opened his eyes, meeting Fran's calm silver eyes.

Fran smiled and said with double voices, "Then, so be it. Meng Yiran has accepted her fate. And my stubbornness is the only reason she wanted to come along." 

"Was that her?" Yu Long tilted his head.

Fran nodded and closed her eyes. A moment later, a pair of brown eyes greeted Yu Long.

"Nice to meet you, your majesty." A humble voice comes out of the young lady's mouth. "My name is Meng Yiran. I hope Sister Fran doesn't bother you too much." 

Yu Long observed Meng Yiran silently and answered, "That depends on what you consider as a bother. After all, she attacked one of my lovely subordinates." 

"But Sister Fran didn't kill her." Meng Yiran said thoughtfully.

"I also didn't kill Fran..." Yu Long returned indifferently. 

Meng Yiran covered her mouth and giggled, "I must thank you for that." 

"You don't know how much mess I have on my shoulder because of her." 

"She's such a troublemaker." 

"She is..." Yu Long nodded in understanding. 

Yu Long and Meng Yirang stared at each other before smiling in amusement. 

'What the hell, you guys know I can hear your discussion!' Fran is grumbling inside Meng Yiran.

Yu Long extended his hand and suddenly grabbed Meng Yiran's left hand, frowning slightly. "This is worse than I thought. Your lifespan has reduced extremely. At this rate, you can't live past this night." He mumbled to himself.

"A 'normal' human couldn't handle the power of the Essence Sphere. Although the cultivator of this world has a stronger physique and mind, you will get corrupted by Essence Sphere's power sooner or later." 

"The reason is that the Essence Sphere could alter one's essence into pure vitality and eat it slowly from inside. I, [Kaiju Maker], is different because my vitality is practically endless." 

"To put it shortly, bonding with Fran is no different than poisoning yourself to death." 

Fran curled into a ball and felt guilty about this matter. She knew the reason for Meng Yiran's loss of vitality was her Essence Sphere. On top of that, the broken Essence Sphere increased the danger even more.

Meng Yiran gave Yu Long a calm smile and stared at the bright white moon in the night sky. "I know, and as Sister Fran said earlier, I've accepted my fate." 

"She has shown me what it means to have freedom, giving me a chance to see a larger world. I was but a mere slave sixteen years ago, but now the Divine Realm recognized me as the Thorn Princess, and that sounds amazing for an achievement." 

'Yiran, switch with me.' Fran demanded.

Meng Yiran closed her eyes and allowed Fran to take over.

Fran huffed and bowed before Yu Long, even wanting to kiss his shoes, but he stopped her.

"Master, please." 

"Can you help Yiran? She's a good girl and deserves to live longer." 

"I will do anything, so please..." Fran said with a strong determination.

Yu Long flicked Fran's forehead and replied, "Even if I wanted to help you, I can't. Your essence and her essence have fully merged." 

"You will devour her essence and recover the 'crack' in the essence sphere. On the bad side, Meng Yiran will lose her life sooner or later."

"And on the good side, she will become one with you. You know about this. You just denied it..." 

"The question is, will the fusion of you two give birth to a new personality?" He said calmly.

Fran's expression becomes pale. She bit her lips and squeezed one final attempt, "Is there no way?" 

"Why don't you turn her into a new Kaiju? I know you can do that." 

"Please, master." 

Yu Long maintained a calm expression and said, "No." 

One might think Yu Long was heartless, but he couldn't do anything in this situation. If Meng Yiran still shows a spirit of survival, she might be able to create a miracle. However, she has already accepted her fate.

She resigned peacefully and gave herself entirely to Fran. 

Yes, they are literally one being now.

In Meng Yiran and Fran's shared consciousness, Meng Yiran hugged the crying Fairy Queen and comforted her warmly. Fran was guilty, but Meng Yiran never blamed her.

Dark clouds gathered above the Heavenly Sword Mountain Region, and a storm began.

Yu Long brought out an umbrella and shielded the Fairy Queen from heavy rain, giving her peace of mind in this storm. 

'They say the day after a rainy night will be sunny. I wish Fran and Meng Yiran a better future.' Yu Long prayed silently.

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