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--- Chapter 134 ---

"Am I right?"

"The Fairy Queen, Fran." Yu Long's sarcastic voice echoed in the field.

The young lady in a pure white dress was 'momentarily' stunned by Yu Long's remark. A sweet smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

"As expected of my dear master, you can tell my real identity at first glance."

Yu Long gazed at Fran calmly, recalling his past life's memory.

The Fairy Queen, Fran, was an S+ Kaiju made from a mutated treant and evolved as she accompanied his journey to wipe the mutated beast from the face of the earth.

Her control over nature is considered top-notch, overwhelming all awakened ones besides a handful of experts.

However, the true horror of Fran's abilities is called Overgrow.

Overgrow allowed the Fairy Queen Fran to mutate any plant-based or flora life she touched, evolving their latent potential. For example, the floating island in front of Yu Long should be a tree that gained control over gravity.

On top of that, the flora will overgrow and become terrifying mutated beasts themselves.

While Yu Long's previous life doesn't have profound energy, legacy, gods, and devils, they have countless mutated beasts with illogical abilities and can be considered godlike. And Fran surpassed those mutated beasts, staying on Yu Long until the end.

Now, the Fairy Queen Fran returned with a new host, maybe stronger than her previous self. Or weaker, considering the situation of her Essence Sphere.

'But this confirmed that my Kaiju could survive the Cosmic Wave and follow me into the Primal Chaos.' Yu Long thought to himself.

Well, he wasn't too happy about this news.

After all, a Kaiju like Pandora was roaming free out there.

Yu Long calmed down and said, "What are you doing here, Fran? I know your appearance means something."

"You even attacked my new and precious Kaiju."

Fran looked surprised before giggling, "Oh, no wonder this little butterfly could injure me so much. At first, I thought she was another Kaiju who survived the Cosmic Wave and possessed another host like me."

"I noticed her Essence Sphere is way too pure. It was amazing as I've never seen something like this before."

"Answer me..." Yu Long's voice becomes even colder.

Fran's body instinctively twitched as irresistible compulsion washed over her head. It was a familiar feeling she hadn't felt for sixteen years.

'Ah, I knew it... My dear master, he hasn't changed at all.' Fran's cheeks gained rosiness. Her body warmed up, feeling wistful for some reason.

She gazed at Yu Long's menacing golden eyes and gulped in fear, "Mm, don't get me wrong... I was roaming on the corner of the Primal Chaos when I sensed a familiar presence."

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

"This is purely coincidence. A good one, that is."

"Stop it. Do you think I would believe your nonsense?" Yu Long sneered, making Fran's expression twist into a smirk.

Fran covered her smirk with her hand and returned, "Oh, my. How could you say something like that, master? Am I not one of your creations?"

'Creation?' Jasmine blinked her eyes in shock.

Jasmine gazed at Yu Long and wanted to know more, but she was stunned when she saw his indifferent expression. She felt he was a completely different person than the Yu Long she knew.

Yu Long sighed and brushed his hair back, "I will count three to one. If you are still playing around with me, I will beat you up."

Fran nervously stepped back, "That's not funny, master. You shouldn't say something like that to a lady."

"Three." Yu Long started counting down.

"I don't want to fight you, master. Even though I'm not 100% your Kaiju anymore, there is still between us, no?"

"Two." Yu Long's black hair fluttered in the breeze.

Before Fran could negotiate even more, Yu Long arrived beside the Fairy Queen and gave her fair face a fistful of punches.

Chu Yuechan and Jasmine flinched, causing their cheeks to heat up at this sight. They didn't feel bad for Fran but were somewhat jealous instead.

'What am I even thinking?' Chu Yuechan and Jasmine shook their heads in embarrassment. They didn't expect seeing Yu Long abuse someone to awaken something in them.


A sonic boom permeated the sealed sky, and Fran got blown away like a broken kite.

"One." Yu Long blew off dirty air from his lungs and felt the gravity rapidly increasing around him.

Fran floated in the sky, flapping wings made of grass. She rubbed her cheek and pouted, "That hurts!"

"Master, you're cruel!"

Yu Long shrugged off the gravity as it was too weak to restrict his movement and flashed to Fran's side again.

Fran popped several seeds from her sleeve and flipped them off, creating these green fireworks. Yellow smoke exploded and covered the area with a potent poison.

Yu Long passed through the yellow smoke and choked Fran's fair neck, lifting her with ease. "It's over, Fran. Tell me your real intention for coming here."

"Cough! Wow, I missed the way you choked me." Fran longingly felt Yu Long's strong hand gripping her neck.

"But I'm afraid I can't tell you anything if this was the limit of your current power, master."

"The Primal Chaos isn't as simple as you thought."

"Are you going to say it or not?" Yu Long emotionlessly said.

Fran closed her silver eyes, and her body exploded into a thousand flower petals, dispersing from Yu Long's grasp. She appeared at the top of the floating island and gazed at Yu Long silently.

She rubbed her sore neck and murmured, "Show me your full power, master..."

"If not, you cannot protect your loved ones again."

"Hehe~! Senior, you will get your ass beaten." Yume suddenly commented on Fran's silliness. She might be trapped, but her mouth is still open.

Fran narrowed her eyes and threatened, "Little Butterfly, maybe I should tighten your bind."

Yume laughed cheerfully and continued, "I don't know much about My Lord's past self, but I guarantee you the current him is a hot-blooded young man who is quite impatient."

'Especially if his opponent was annoying.' Yume didn't voice that, but she could see Fran was 'inwardly' shaken.

Fran waved her hand and controlled the floating island, creating a dome with countless thick vines. She watched Yu Long far ahead, seeing his aura change abruptly.

A ghostly image appears behind Yu Long, overshadowing her and the floating island. It was a grim reaper with a long black scythe and a scary sharp-toothed filled white mask.

Fran's heart skipped a beat as she sensed imminent danger ahead.

She clenched her hand and felt her hair standing up. The feeling of death is not something one wants to feel.

Yu Long grasped the air with his empty left hand and twisted it around, creating a spear out of Yin(Darkness) Energy.

"T-That is..." Fran's eyes dilated. "Devil's power, how could a master wield the devil's power?! I thought they were extinct."

"Don't tell me the Kaiju Maker has recovered its full strength and could manipulate even a trace of existence into a real thing."

"Master, you're ridiculous as always." Fran clenched her hand. She could have admitted her defeat here and now but wants to see more of Yu Long's current power.

Yes, until she was confident he could surpass his past self.

Yu Long pointed his spear at Fran and released a sharp purple light. The light traveled in the atmosphere and pierced through the vine's dome, shredding them apart.

Fran felt her world get rocked upside down. Her vision was overwhelmed with a sharp light, feeling every bit of her skin pricked by ominous energy.

She saw Yu Long teleported before her very eyes and casually stabbed her in the chest. It doesn't just pierce her host's heart but also seals her Essence Sphere.

She was speechless, puking a mouthful of blood.

"How? What happened?" She asked in confusion.

Fran knew she wasn't weak. Yu Long is just too damn strong!

"This is my Profound Art, [Art of Ghost]." Yu Long answered casually.

"Upon reaching a greater stage of a profound way, I can overwhelm the fabric of reality around me and usher darkness as the Emperor of all Ghosts."

"You looked down on me too much, Fran."

"Do you think I'm just your good old master? No, I also have experienced a metamorphosis thanks to this world's influence, but you don't." After saying this, Fran could see countless images of creatures roaring behind Yu Long.

He shook the spear and added, "Your host is dying. She couldn't handle the power of the Essence Sphere."

Fran stared at Yu Long dumbly and then laughed, "Pfft-! Hahaha~!"

"As expected of my dear master, you also could tell I was in bad shape."

"You're right. My host-! No, we are dying."

"She's just a weak lady on the verge of death that I luckily encountered when arriving in this world. She accompanied me for years, but maybe this is the time to say goodbye."

Fran wiped the blood from her mouth and continued, "You want to know the reason why I'm here? Sure, I will tell you. I'm dying and in a dire situation to fix my cracked Essence Sphere."

"But it's not just that. I've offended one of our past comrades, and he's chasing me to this low-star planet. If you're too weak, I will run away and give you more time to grow, but it seems my efforts weren't needed."

Yu Long furrowed his brow, "Who is it?"

"I... Can you get this spear away first?" Fran painfully winked at Yu Long.

"I know you can handle this little pain." Yu Long's lips curved slightly.

Fran complained inwardly because her master had become more evil in his third life. Ultimately, she could only resign to her fate.

"It's Dullahan!"

"The Death Knight is coming here to kill me."

"Just what have you done to anger him?" Yu Long couldn't help but marvel at Fran's reply. From all of the Kaiju he made in the past, the Death Knight Dullahan won't attack if one doesn't provoke it.

Fran caressed her neck and replied, "I, how to say it... I wanted to borrow some blank essence spheres(since they are limited in the Divine Realm) from him."

"I need them to heal my Essence Sphere."

"So, you steal those essence spheres?"

"Steal is a strong word... I'm just borrowing them without permission."

"..." Yu Long.

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