Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 887 Ruse and Retaliation: Enemy Tactic Unveiled

Chapter 887 Ruse and Retaliation: Enemy Tactic Unveiled

The Elais commanding officer, coordinating with the mysterious team, directed the Elais forces to intensify their assault on key positions. The sniper, hidden in the shadows, took aim at strategic targets, while the mage unleashed powerful arcane spells to disrupt the Irason defenses.

Amidst the chaos, Theron's voice cut through the magical channels, "Reign, I've identified a vulnerability in their concealment array. If we can disrupt it, we'll expose their true positions."

Reign, seizing the opportunity, relayed the information to the Irason forces. "Focus on the concealed mages. Theron has identified a weakness in their array. Break their concentration, and we can unravel their concealment."

"Hey, do you really think you should be focusing on other things while fighting me?" The bladesman asked as he slashed down, only for Reign to block the attack without much trouble and smirk at him.

"Yeah, you don't present that much of a challenge, so I can relax and enjoy the light sparring with you."

The bladesman's eyes constricted as a dangerous smile appeared on his face out of anger.

"Well let me indulge myself as well in this 'sparring' session."

The Irason forces, armed with this critical information, targeted the concealed mages with precision. Spells and attacks aimed at disrupting the concealment array intensified, creating a ripple effect through the otherworlders' defenses.

The mysterious team, now facing a coordinated and informed opposition, found themselves on the defensive. The hooded leader, realizing the gravity of the situation, made a strategic decision, "Retreat! We've exposed too much. Withdraw and regroup!"

The Elais commanding officer, observing the unfolding battle, signaled the retreat to the Elais forces. The joint force of otherworlders and Elais combatants, recognizing the need to reassess their strategy, disengaged and retreated from the southeastern defenses.

"See you next time lady." The bladesman said as he jumped back and waved at Reign before retreating, causing him to narrow his eyes at him and the rest suspiciously.

'Did this bastard say lady?'

"Don't go after them, they might be trying to lure us into a trap." Reign said before a powerful explosion suddenly shook the battlefield.

It came from the west, from the other side of the base, and a huge cloud of dust rose while flames soared high up in the sky from it.

"Dammit, Reign, they tricked us, they never planned on attacking us like this, it was all a rouse to get someone on the other side and blast it open!" Theron's voice echoed through the communication device as Reign nodded his head.

"One of them had a better concealment array, even my wards were unable to sense the person coming closer, we need to be careful, there might be more of them around!"

Reign's expression hardened. "They played us. Theron, assess the damage and organize a response team."

"Use all the canons we have, blast the entire forest if you need, and do the same with the west side." Reign suddenly said as the Irason commander nodded before instructing his men.

The canons were something that had been present in the base for a long time, but when it came to fighting against Tier V enemies, they simply were not that effective.

They had great destructive power, but it took a while for them to activate, and the enemy was able to sense the mana fluctuations and dodge them ahead of time.

"Do we use everything?" The commander asked as Reign nodded.

"All the things we brought from the other forward base, the old and new canons, even the mana bomb launchers, use them all, raise the forest to the ground if you need to."

The forest gave Reign and the Irason forces an advantage when it came to leaving the base without being noticed and attacking the Elais forces, but it also worked against them in this case.

Since the enemy was using it to hide their advance, it was better to not have it present at all.

As the Irason forces mobilized their heavy artillery, the air was filled with anticipation and tension. The canons, old and new, were positioned strategically along the walls, and mana bomb launchers were readied for a devastating assault

The enemy mages and the sniper had previously targeted the canons and the other artillery, so part of it was lost, but there were still plenty that remained.

As the otherworlders entered the effective range of the Irason forces' artillery, Reign gave the order, "Fire!"

A barrage of magical projectiles, explosive canons, and mana bombs erupted from the walls, hurtling toward the approaching enemy forces. The sky lit up with the fiery display of destruction as the forest in the southeast trembled under the relentless assault.

The hooded leader, detecting the incoming barrage, quickly assessed the situation. "Evade! Spread out and minimize casualties. We can't afford to be caught in the open."

The Elais commanding officer, communicating with his forces, added, "Maintain formation. We expected heavy resistance. Brace for impact and press forward."

"Dammit, the number of shells and bombs is much higher than anticipated, they definitely brought a lot more artillery in the base!"

The enemy forces, employing advanced magical techniques, evaded the initial onslaught with agility and precision. The southeastern forest, however, bore the brunt of the assault, turning into a chaotic sea of flames and explosions.

Reign, observing the outcome of the barrage, spoke, "Theron, assess the damage. We need to exploit any weaknesses created by the bombardment."

"No, there is no weakness that I can sense, we need to continue applying pressure and bombing the place if we want to hope to gain an advantage, after all, this wouldn't work that well on us either, but it's better than nothing," Theron said with a sigh as the artillery continued firing from both the southeast, as well as the west side.

Previously, Reign and the others wanted to see more of their abilities, so they didn't use any of them.

The second attack came quickly and thus they didn't have time to use them, but now, they were going to utilize everything to blast them apart and weaken them before they reached the base.

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