Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 886 Battle For The Forward Base: Round Two

The Irason commander pondered for a moment before speaking, "Regardless of the reasons behind the system's decision, it seems we're left in the dark about our adversaries' identities. We must adapt to this uncertainty and focus on our mission."

Reign nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we can't afford to let such mysteries distract us. Theron, continue monitoring the area. We need to be ready for any possible return of the otherworlders or additional enemy forces."

"We also cannot afford to simply ignore the fact that the system has concealed their identities, as well as ours, we need to be vigilant about it, if the chance shows itself, we should try talking to them as well."

Theron nodded and returned to his monitoring duties, keeping a vigilant eye on the magical communication channels and scanning for any signs of approaching threats. The atmosphere in the base remained tense, with the memory of the recent encounter fresh in everyone's minds.

Meanwhile, the Elais forces, having regrouped with the mysterious team, assessed the situation from a safe distance. The hooded leader addressed his team, "We underestimated them, and that mistake could have cost us dearly. The nature of the system's interference is troubling, I never expected that the system would actually do such a thing."

One of the team members spoke up, "What's our next move, Captain?"

The hooded leader contemplated for a moment. "We need to gather more intelligence about our adversaries. The system's interference might hide their appearances, but we can still study their abilities and tactics. We'll devise a strategy that exploits their weaknesses and minimizes the risk to our mission."

"Did any of you notice anything familiar with any of those otherworlders?" The leader spoke as the men shook their heads, all except for one person.

"That leader, she was a bit familiar." The person spoke before glancing at the others.

"It's not a person I know, that is for sure, but she did remind me of a teammate back on my planet, of course, my teammate, to be more exact, the leader of the team is a man, not a woman, so I am certain it's not him or anyone I know of."

"You did mention him in the past, but it is as you said, the person that seemed to be their leader, the one that spoke to us, the one that told us to surrender, was definitely a woman, the voice was without a doubt a female voice." The leader said before sighing.

"You're only second to me in strength amongst us all, so tell me, how do I fare compared to that person?"

"Your strength needs to be about 20 times higher than what you showed during our initial competition if you hope to match him at his full strength." The person spoke before she placed her sword back in the sheath and smiled at the team leader who sighed before shaking his head.

"Prepare for a concentrated assault from the southeast. Theron, any details on their composition?"

Theron's voice conveyed urgency, "The magical signatures match those of the otherworlders, but there's something different. It's as if their magical essence is veiled or altered. They've learned from their previous encounter."

The Irason commander, coordinating with Reign, issued orders, "Redirect manpower to the southeast. We can't afford any breaches. Hold the line!"

As the Irason forces mobilized to reinforce the southeastern defenses, the mysterious team and the Elais forces, shrouded in magical concealment, approached with caution. The hooded leader, addressing his team, said, "Remember what we've learned. Exploit their strengths, and be cautious of their puppets."

The Elais commanding officer, observing the concealed approach, communicated with the hooded leader, "We'll support your advance. Let's coordinate our efforts and break through their defenses."

The tension in the air escalated as the opposing forces prepared for another clash. The southeastern defenses, reinforced but still vulnerable, awaited the imminent assault. Reign, standing alongside the Irason commander, watched as the magical signatures drew nearer to Theron's magical display.

"It's time," Reign said, his eyes focused on the approaching threat. "Hold the line and be prepared for anything."

The mysterious team and the Elais forces, employing advanced concealment techniques, closed in on the southeastern defenses. The Irason forces, armed and vigilant, braced for impact. Theron, monitoring the situation, relayed information to Reign, "They're about to engage. Brace for impact!"

As the opposing forces collided, the clash was intense and unpredictable. The otherworlders, having adapted to the tactics used against them, demonstrated a more strategic and coordinated approach. The Elais forces, too, fought with determination, knowing the stakes of the mission.

The battlefield echoed with the clash of magic, the clash of blades, and the strategic maneuvers of both sides. Theron, constantly updating Reign on the evolving situation, reported, "They've learned from our previous encounter. Their concealment techniques make it challenging to anticipate their movements."

Reign, assessing the situation, directed his team, "Adapt to their strategies. Use the puppets strategically, and let's exploit any weaknesses we can find. Theron, focus on disrupting their magical concealment."

As the battle unfolded, Theron unleashed magical disruptions aimed at the concealment techniques employed by the otherworlders. The once-veiled magical signatures became clearer, allowing Reign's team and the Irason forces to pinpoint the enemy positions.

The mysterious team, now facing a more informed and prepared opposition, adjusted their tactics. The hooded leader, leading the charge, communicated with the Elais commanding officer, "Their defenses are resilient. We need to concentrate our efforts and break through their lines. The longer we engage, the more they'll adapt."

The Elais commanding officer acknowledged, "Agreed. Let's focus on disrupting their coordination. I'll coordinate with my forces to target key positions."

As the battle raged on, the Irason forces and Reign's team showcased their adaptability and resilience. The puppets, strategically deployed, added to the confusion among the otherworlders. Theron's magical disruptions continued to peel away layers of concealment, revealing the true extent of the enemy forces.

Reign, engaged in combat with one of the otherworlders, assessed their abilities and tactics. The dual bladesman, agile and skilled, proved to be quite powerful. Reign, drawing upon his own combat expertise, countered the attacks and analyzed potential vulnerabilities while the others started fighting as well.

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