Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 070 - One Sword Exterminates All!

Chapter 070 - One Sword Exterminates All!

Yun Xiao stood atop a hill of seventy thousand demon corpses, his azure demon-slaying sword tightly gripped in his hand! Behind him were three thousand Azure Spirit Sword Cultivators. Up ahead were seven unyielding souls on a path from which there was no return! Dark clouds shrouded the moon, and a melancholy wind whispered through.

Thousands of large demons, fierce demons, and Demon Kings crawled across mountain walls, peaked tops, and rivers, letting out mournful and brutal howls, with thick, venomous drool continuously dripping from their maws.

The Demon Emperor Moon Fairy, amidst the horde, emanated a chilling aura, enshrouded in a mist of demonic energy. This was the eerie silence before the ultimate battle!

“Slay!” With a roar from Yun Xiao, akin to a thunderbolt upon flatland, a storm bathed in a bloody red hue spiraled towards the cluster of demons! Riding his Sovereign Sword with Azure Sky Will, he thrust his blade into the midst of the demonic swarm!

Behind him, Zhao Xuanran, Chen Dong, Li Chenlong, Elder Wang, and other Sword Cultivators—except for Shangguan Yu, who was still caring for Zhao Jianxing at the Azure Spirit—unsheathed their swords and charged towards the Northern Wastelands demons!

Hatreds born of life and death, all lay beneath the sword! Facing these ferocious, blood-thirsty demons, only slaughter could vent their hatred, vindicate their swords, and clear their conscience to the common folk! This was the unyielding spirit of the sword path!

After three years, they had finally broken free from the shadowy, overpowering hand of petty men and carved out a sword of righteousness and bravery! Each person, their minds ablaze with fury!

“Brother! Brother! I'm not afraid of demons anymore, can you see me? I'm here to bring you home, Brother!” Once, under his brother’s protection, Cai Maomao was timid and weak, but these three years had subjected him to numerous humiliations, yet he always steadfastly remained in the Sword Pavilion!

Today, he wanted that departed soul to witness him! In his eyes, there was only that Bluedrop Flag! All Sword Cultivators focused on that flag, slaying their way toward it. Three thousand individuals, following a single white silhouette!

With three thousand Sword Souls, they directly blazed a bloody path of corpses to the peak of Dark Abyss Mountain!

“Yun Xiao must be utterly exhausted by now, nothing more than a spent force, merely being propped up by sheer willpower!” Moon Fairy’s demonic eyes iced over, pointing towards that white silhouette, “Whoever kills him can replace the Serpent Emperor and become the second Demon Emperor of the Northern Wastelands!”

These words were precisely for those ten eight-hundred-year-old Demon Kings!

“He's nothing more than a brat!”

“Even if he were Zhao Jianxing from three years ago, after killing seventy thousand demons, he’d also be nearly depleted to death.”

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The Green Fox King, White Vulture King, Spider Queen, and others exchanged a rapid glance, greed surfacing in their eyes.

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! Instantly revealing their true forms, the ten eight-hundred-year-old Demon Kings transformed into various beastly and tainted demons, breaking through the demonic crowd, and charging directly towards Yun Xiao!

Such a change immediately shocked the entire field!

Ten Demon Kings, besieging an exhausted Yun Xiao?

“Hehehe...” Moon Fairy’s gaze was eerie as it settled on Yun Xiao, “Did you think this was a mortal nation's battle, where soldiers first duel?”

Demons were selfish! Even if all its underlings were to perish, as long as they could pile atop Yun Xiao's dead body, it would be worth the sacrifice!

Moon Fairy's cunning eyes slid past Yun Xiao, landing upon a woman in a black gown behind him.

“This woman means so much to you,” Moon Fairy sneered. “Capturing her is akin to having your life in my grasp, no?”

BUZZ! The words had barely left its lips when it, still shrouded in a sinister smile, turned into a wisp of white mist, quietly sliding over the mountains of corpses and seas of blood beneath its feet, heading stealthily towards the woman in the black gown.

Foxes were, after all, cunning creatures. Who would engage in a blood-boiling duel with you? Even if Moon Fairy didn't fear Yun Xiao, it wouldn't willingly place itself in danger! That was its way!

“With a sword, he slew seventy thousand demons, and with a single strike, decimated ten Demon Kings! Who in this world can compare, huh?” Elder Wang bellowed, his tears cascading unabashedly down his face. He had endured humiliation in Sword Heaven! Now, all the emotions he'd held back burst forth unrestrained. “I truly wish that upturned-nose woman could witness this with her own eyes!”

Yun Xiao’s sword, dispatching enemies with each swing, instantly elevated the morale of three thousand Azure Spirit Sword Cultivators to an unparalleled peak! Their blood boiled, frenzy took them! Conversely, the morale of the Northern Wastelands demons was undoubtedly trampled underfoot and ruthlessly crushed!

These great demons and Demon Kings, all of them were sentient; they might be stronger, yes, but they couldn’t face death with the same disregard as their lesser brethren! They panicked! Their hearts, finally, quivered! “The issue is, where is our Demon Emperor?”

The new leader of Azure Spirit was slashing through a hundred thousand demons! Where was the Demon Emperor of the Northern Wastelands? It was ambushing Zhao Xuanran!

“What?” Moon Fairy was still on the way! When it swung around, witnessing ten Demon Kings failing to hold even for an instant, its expression darkened completely!

“Just what realm is this kid in?!” It trembled inwardly. Even more disturbing for it was, after that young man finished off the ten Demon Kings, his head snapped up! Those eyes of his, as vast as a sea of swords, somehow pierced through the masses of demons, accurately locking onto its mist of demonic aura!

Two mighty monarchs, on this battlefield, their eyes met!

Yun Xiao's contained fury that could shake the heavens! Meanwhile, there was a deep furrow in Moon Fairy's brow

“You, you still dare to target my Senior Sister Zhao?!" Yun Xiao roared. That night three days ago, the image of Zhao Xuanran caught in the mouth of that Serpent Emperor surged into his heart again.

The blood rushed to his head! Harming the one he loved was something he absolutely could not forgive. Yet, the demons were trying this for a second time!

Yun Xiao radiated a tempest of sword aura. Merely the oscillation of his magic power pulverized hundreds of lesser demons into dust!

Azure Sky Will!

Solitarily wielding his sword, Yun Xiao bolted like a cerulean storm, instantly soaring over the heads of thousands of lesser demons

POP POP POP! En route, the heads of countless lesser demons exploded in a symphony of gore! Another bloody path was carved! And this time, it led straight to Moon Fairy.

Moon Fairy didn't stand a chance to get anywhere near Zhao Xuanran.

Yun Xiao was too swift! He was swift in demon-slaying, and swift in confronting Moon Fairy!

"You dare underestimate me?" Moon Fairy was also enraged. She was the sovereign of the Northern Wastelands! She was adept at employing deceit, but that did not imply an inability to fight! She simply delighted in malevolently using schemes!

HUM! That white mist fiercely materialized into a three-tailed demon fox! Cloaked in pure white with sharp fangs and claws as piercing as Sword Souls, its three snowy tails swayed ominously through the pinkish-white demonic mist, enveloping its vicinity in a dense fog, making it impossible to see even one’s own hand before them.

Those three thousand Sword Cultivators were still slaughtering the remaining demons! If it did not stabilize the situation soon, the Northern Wastelands would be thoroughly doomed!

"Yun Xiao!" Moon Fairy screeched, its celestial demonic fog swooping towards him!

Yun Xiao, wielding his sword with Azure Sky Will, dove headfirst into that demonic mist! Nothing could be seen. Yet, his eyes held no trace of fear! His white robes fluttering, he forcefully landed, transforming the Sword Soul into a three-foot-long azure blade in his hand, instantly slashing toward the left!

KLANG! That slash collided with Moon Fairy's claw!

Moon Fairy let out a pained shriek as its claw shattered, the black poison fog, originating from the thousand-year-old Serpent Emperor, already coiling around it!

This young man was terrifyingly strong!

Demons were proficient in demon magic, and Moon Fairy’s magic was this bewitching world of demonic fog, where it could slaughter whomever it wished within its domain!

Why could Yun Xiao, upon entering, pinpoint its location so precisely?

After the sword struck Moon Fairy, he even directly locked onto it, brandishing his sword and assaulting it once more! "Moon Fairy, your end is nigh."

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