Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 069 - Time To Send You On Your Way!

Chapter 069 - Time To Send You On Your Way!

In a western ridge of the mountains, a bewitching woman in a black dress, stirred by the commotion, departed, only to return. Her delicate body quivered when her eyes absorbed the unfolding scene, and she found herself somewhat dazed. Recalling her words just moments ago, a wash of embarrassment brushed over her.

“This young man does indeed possess commendable combat power! But his lack of intellect is also a stark reality! Going on like this, he will eventually be drained dry! Then, waiting for death will be his only option!

“However, he truly is quite handsome. Amongst the young talents of the Sea of Swords, not a single one can compare to even a tenth of his appearance. But the low intellect, that’s really the unfortunate stroke of the pen!”

Looks, for a cultivator, weren't much of a utility. However, intelligence was invaluable! So, she was rendered somewhat speechless. How could such a fatal flaw exist?

THUD THUD THUD! In her view, those densely packed one hundred thousand demons on Dark Abyss Mountain, in merely a brief moment, were split into ten bloody paths!

If it were one hundred thousand people, they would have been scared senseless by now. But these lesser demons wouldn’t be; they were already governed by brutality, having no concept of what fear was!

“Surround him! Pile atop him!” In the chilling and ghastly voice of Moon Fairy, a noticeable hint of apprehension seeped through. Clearly, this scene also delivered quite a shock to her!

Under her enveloping demonic fog, the remaining over ninety thousand demons finally reached Yun Xiao, almost forming a flesh mound, instantaneously piling into a demon mountain atop him! All were fangs and claws, a symphony of ghosts howling and wolves crying! The other ferocious demons pounced, transforming the mountain of demons into a demon tornado!

“Yun Xiao!” Three thousand Sword Cultivators had yet to hear Yun Xiao’s order for the decisive battle, and upon seeing this, their hearts leaped wildly, boundlessly anxious.

THUD THUD THUD! In the next moment, from within the demon mountain, azure light, like an angry dragon, rampaged and slaughtered ruthlessly! Each stroke of the sword unleashed a hundred-foot azure dragon!

One sword stroke reaped a thousand lives! One sword stroke obliterated the demons into mists of blood!

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Within the demon mountain, the young man in white danced with his sword, swings broad and open, his blade slicing in all directions, sweeping across the heavens!

One after another, fierce demons pounced! Countless demon corpses, demon blood, and demon bones splattered out! The earth roared, ten thousand demons howled. Claws and severed arms flew together, blood and filth melded as one!

Yun Xiao was completely focused! With each stroke of his sword, hundreds up to a thousand ferocious demons died.

Three years ago, when Zhao Jianxing and the Seven Prodigies of the Sword Pavilion slew the demons, the scene was similar, yet none were as shocking as Yun Xiao with a sword alone!

Yun Xiao had the support of three thousand Sword Cultivators, but he didn't need or want their help. In the eyes of onlookers, his actions might scream arrogance, a manifestation of individual heroism. However, he knew it was the optimal choice.

"Continue!" Moon Fairy's chilling voice echoed, reverberating in the ears of the demon horde. She harbored no pity for the lives of the lesser demons! Each sword stroke Yun Xiao unleashed, in her eyes, was a mere hastening of his own demise. Hadn’t this same scene unfolded three years ago? Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

“All Sword Cultivators are the same... They really never learn, hehe...” Moon Fairy sneered, her scorn permeating through Dark Abyss Mountain.

Under the Bluedrop Flag, individuals like Ye Tiance and Jiang Yue, despite their dire straits, still found the time to mock Yun Xiao, who was seemingly digging his own grave.

Back on the mountain to the west, the lady in the black dress sighed and shook her head in dismay.

Only the three thousand Sword Cultivators, gritting their teeth as they wielded their swords, continued to await Yun Xiao’s kill command.

Amidst the demon swarm, the young man carried on his wild slashing. With a boundless protective magical force surrounding him, how could these petty demons draw close?

Up until now, he hadn’t sustained the slightest injury! With every stroke of his sword, mountains of corpses and oceans of blood emerged. With every strike, blood splattered across the horizon.

At least ten thousand demons met a gruesome end on the spot, their bodies shattered into countless pieces, and yet his zeal for battle remained unbridled.

“Just a few days ago, I fought against one hundred and twenty Sword Cultivators alone, without fatigue!”

“Today, with the support of the entire Azure Spirit treasure vault, do you think a mere hundred thousand demons can exhaust me?” Yun Xiao chuckled coldly. Clutching a Heavenly Dao Sarira, he fed it into his mouth. The magical power he had just expended was instantly replenished, returning him to a state of full potency.

This thing was just that phenomenal! Even with the gentlest medicines like the Divine Sea Pill and Dragon Spring Pill, one would need to sit and refine them to potentially replenish their energy.

"Let the generations to come sing the tale of a young Sword Immortal, named Yun Xiao, who alone swept across thirty thousand malevolent demons with his sword!"

But asserting the number thirty thousand seemed premature. Yes, for Yun Xiao was still slaying demons left and right!

“Senior Sister Zhao, how can he endure for so long?” Cai Maomao questioned with a bewildered air.

“How should I know?” Zhao Xuanran’s cheeks flushed a subtle pink as she hastily shook her head.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? Doesn’t everyone’s magic power have a limit?” Cai Maomao persisted in confusion.

“Oh, you’re talking about magic power...” Zhao Xuanran mumbled absentmindedly.

WHOOSH! All the surrounding elders and fellow disciples gazed at her, agape.

“What are you all looking at me for? Look at him! Isn’t he so handsome and cool?” Zhao Xuanran snapped back, her eyes wide.

“Yes, yes, yes...!” The crowd muttered, exchanging glances.

COUGH COUGH COUGH! A chorus of deliberate coughs rang through the group. This was but a small interlude! From start to finish, everyone’s gaze never strayed from Yun Xiao. They were entranced!

In the blink of an eye, it was forty thousand! Nearly half of the lesser demons had already become fragments beneath the white-robed young man! The mountain of corpses grew ever higher! Dark Abyss Mountain turned an ever-deeper shade of red!

“He must be nearing his limit; keep killing!” Moon Fairy insisted, her mindset teetering on the edge. But, after already throwing forty thousand into the fray, what else could be done? Keep piling them on! Bury him!

“He’s still killing?” The black-dressed beauty atop the western mountain felt her eyes going numb from watching. “It’s a good thing those two men left!” Otherwise, she would've felt her face heat up in humiliation. “Anyway, there’s no way he can keep this up!”

But then, it was fifty thousand, sixty thousand, and then seventy thousand!

“Damn it!” The black-dressed beauty didn’t want to watch anymore. “This guy definitely has something wrong with him! Without some serious issues, there’s no way he could do this!”

Though she cursed and ranted, her extremity of speech emanated from inner turmoil. For she was repeatedly coming back to check! She'd continuously said Yun Xiao was an idiot with no intelligence! But now, as the young man stood unscathed, a sweeping embarrassment flooded her. Thankfully, there was no one else around to witness this.

With only thirty thousand lesser demons remaining, surrounded by an endless sea of bodies, Moon Fairy's confidence finally began to falter, just a smidge. "Dammit! Why won't he just drop dead?!"

As far as the eye could see, this was no longer Dark Abyss Mountain! This was a demon burial ground! An expanse stained with the blood of the fallen, where seventy thousand lay defeated!

And there, the youth in white, with his azure sword... still slew onward! His arm must have been aching, surely! Later on, he simply took a seat, dispatching the demons solely with his Flying Sword. After all, their numbers had significantly dwindled.

Witnessing this scene, the initial fervent blood of those three thousand Sword Cultivators, always at the ready, cooled. They hadn’t done a thing! Yun Xiao had slain them all single-handedly. Fervor was replaced with speechlessness! Speechless amidst the shock!

“Junior Brother Yun is freaking epic!” Cai Maomao found himself at a loss for words to describe this almost god-like being!

A lone swordsman slicing through seventy thousand demons! And still continuing! Not only did he persist, from this moment on, he surged towards the demon nest of Dark Abyss Mountain! There resided the truly ferocious demons of the Northern Wastelands! Thousands of them, having assumed a human form! They were at least equivalent to the late Late Dragon Spring Realm, none of them easily extinguishable! They were the confidants of Moon Fairy! Inside the demon nest!

“My Empress...” Thousands of fierce demons looked toward Moon Fairy, “Seventy thousand lesser demons have fallen. Shall we continue?” The issue was that they still hadn’t found Yun Xiao’s limit!

Moon Fairy took a deep breath, a chilling intent to kill flooding her eyes. “Enough of this. Let's decide life and death!” This opponent was much more troublesome than she had imagined!

“Yes!” They could finally act. Watching the lesser demons get slaughtered, this group of fierce demons had long had their anger simmering. They were not like the unintelligent lesser demons!

These fierce demons were real malevolence unleashed! Those thousands of fierce demons, in this moment, crawled from their den, countless scarlet eyes fixing upon the youth in white.

HUM! The youth in white sharply lifted his head! In that moment, seeing that group of Demon Kings and Emperor, myriad rays of sword light surged within his eyes!

THUD THUD THUD! Treading upon a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, with the three-foot azure blade in his hand, he violently pointed towards the heavens!

"Your time has come!" Yun Xiao's words barely fell when sword lights howled above, three thousand shadows of Azure Spirit Swords shattered the heavenly clouds, piercing down!

BOOM BOOM BOOM! A total of three thousand Sword Cultivators precipitously landed behind Yun Xiao, following this youth in white, every one of them with eyes sternly murderous, swords pointing at the horde of demons!

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