This is the leader of the monsters who stood out like a bloody sore thumb. Literally bloody... This humanoid monster was covered head to toe in the red stuff, and he seemed to be having the time of his life.

He was lying down, just chilling amidst all the chaos, like he was taking a nap on a sunny beach or something. His face had this twisted grin, like he was getting a kick out of the whole situation. Blood, guts, and destruction all around, and there he was, acting all laid back and carefree.

Now, what was really attention-seeking was how the other monsters looked at him. These S-ranked creatures, usually so fierce and terrifying, were giving this dude a wide berth. They kept a good one-meter distance from him, as if they were scared he might bite their heads off or something.

And you could see it in their eyes. Fear and respect, all rolled into one. They didn't dare make eye contact with him, just sneaking quick glances in his direction. It was like they knew this guy was on a whole different level of power, and they didn't want to mess with him.

So, there he was, covered in blood, his eyes shining yellow like a freaking wild animal. You could tell he was loving every second of the chaos he had unleashed. The way he carried himself, with that air of superiority, it was clear he thought he was the king of the world.

And the other monsters? They were like his loyal subjects, bowing down to him without even being asked. They knew better than to challenge this dude, 'cause they knew he could wipe them out in an instant. It was like they could sense the danger oozing from him, man.

But here's the thing, despite all the power and authority he wielded, he didn't seem bothered at all. Nah, he was just lounging there, lying down in the air enjoying the show, as if he was watching some epic battle on TV. The chaos, the destruction, it was all just one big game to him.

'Boring...' The leader of the monsters closed his eyes. Suddenly, the blood all over his body became deeper red.

Seeing this, the monsters around him took two meters step back as if afraid to disturb him. The blood-filled had his eyes shut tight, as if he couldn't be bothered to open them and witness the madness around him. Talk about being oblivious!

Meanwhile, the rest of those S-ranked monsters thought they were the hottest thing since sliced bread. They began blabbering away, flaunting their power and looking down on us humans like we were dirt on their shoes. You could practically taste the arrogance dripping from their voices.

"We're feeling generous, you puny humans," one of those overgrown lizard-looking creatures sneered. "You've got a measly three months to gather your best fighters from all over the continent. Consider it our 'kind' offer to let you assemble your little defense."

Some degu users in the crowd couldn't believe the nerve of the monsters. Because the monsters totally made it sound like they were doing the humans a favor by giving them time to scramble and come up with a plan. It was like they saw them as nothing more than ants scurrying around, and they were just playing with them for their own amusement.

They laughed in the faces of humans, mocking their feeble attempts to escape. The sound of their laughter sent chills down the humans' spines.

And then there was Mr. Blood-Covered Chillax himself, lying there without a care in the world. The dried blood on his body was like a fashion statement of brutality, but he couldn't be bothered to lift a finger or open an eye. It was as if he was saying, "Yawn, wake me up when it's over."

His closed eyes spoke volumes, silently telling the humans and the monsters around him that he didn't give a damn about what was happening. While the other monsters reveled in their superiority, he just lay there, detached from the whole scene. It was like he had checked out mentally, leaving the chaos to unfold without a flicker of interest.

His indifference was like a punch to the degu users. They felt helpless and small, crushed by the combine aura of hundreds of S-rank monsters. 

The monsters announcement echoed through the city, panic spread like wildfire among the people of Earl Harbor. Fear and anxiety painted their faces, mirroring the uncertainty that gripped their hearts. But amidst the panic, a group of S-rank degu users emerged from the crowd, their aura shining through.

"Did you hear that? Those slimy bastards think they can just waltz in here and take over?" A tall, muscular degu user with fiery red hair bellowed, his voice laced with defiance. His eyes blazed with a fiery determination, he was the kind of person that look totally impulsive and reckless.

"Yeah, well, they've got another thing coming!" A feisty female degu user chimed in, her hands clenched into fists. Her eyes, filled with unwavering resolve, scanned the area, seeking allies among the chaos. She refused to back down in the face of such overwhelming odds.

The group of S-rank degu users formed a tight circle, their gazes locked in a silent agreement. They knew the stakes were high, but they were not about to let their city crumble without a fight. Their degus, loyal and fierce companions, stood by their sides, emanating an aura of readiness.

"We've trained for this, haven't we?" A calm and collected degu user with silver hair spoke up, his voice steady and composed. His piercing blue eyes surveyed his comrades, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. He exuded an air of strategic thinking, the kind born from countless battles fought.

The S-rank degu users exchanged determined glances, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew that their fight was not just for their own survival but for the people of Earl Harbor. They were the last line of defense, the beacon of hope in a darkened world.

"We've faced tough opponents before, but this... this is on a whole different level," a seasoned degu user with scars crisscrossing his face remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of caution and excitement. The lines etched on his weathered face spoke of battles fought and won, a testament to his experience.

The group's leader stepped forward, his expression a mixture of steel and determination. "We've got three months to gather our forces, to unite all the strength the continent has to offer. We'll face these monsters head-on, with everything we've got."

The S-rank degu users nodded in agreement, their fists tightening around their weapon handles. They were ready to face the incoming storm. They were aware of the daunting task ahead, but they stood firm, unwilling to let their city fall into the clutches of the arrogant intelligent monsters.


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