The city of Earl Harbor bustled with its usual activity. People hurriedly went about their daily routines, passing by a man standing in front of the church. He appeared calm and composed, a stark contrast to the frenetic energy surrounding him.

With a serene expression, the man delicately scattered pellets on the ground, attracting a small flock of doves. Their gentle coos and fluttering wings created a momentary respite from the bustling streets. Yet, as the man continued his peaceful gesture, the oblivious passersby paid him no mind. They hurried past, consumed by their own concerns.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere shattered, replaced by a terrifying spectacle that unfolded in the sky above. Portals materialized, their ethereal blue glow standing in stark contrast to the peaceful backdrop. Waves of monstrous creatures poured forth, their grotesque forms blotting out the sky. Among them, hundreds of S-ranked threats emerged, their malevolent presence put heavy pressure to the entire city.

But it was the sight of a single monstrosity, drenched in blood and oozing with an aura of pure evil, that ignited panic in the man's eyes. The world around him seemed to blur as fear gripped his heart. His cool demeanor shattered, replaced by a frantic urgency.

"What... What's happening?!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with anxiety. He cast desperate glances around, searching for answers, but found none. The air crackled with tension as chaos erupted, shattering the tranquility that once filled the city.

Abandoning his peaceful task, the man abandoned his post, his steps faltering as he sprinted away from the church. Panic took hold, spreading like wildfire through the streets of Earl Harbor. The once bustling thoroughfare became a scene of terror as people screamed and scrambled to find safety.

The echoes of terror reverberated through the city as panic consumed the inhabitants. Fear painted their faces with wide-eyed expressions, their features contorted with terror and disbelief. The ordinary, mundane activities of their lives had been shattered by an unimaginable threat.

In the face of impending doom, the man joined the throngs of desperate citizens, his footsteps drowned out by the cacophony of screams and cries for help. It was a scene of pandemonium, a stark reminder of the fragility of everyday life and the suddenness with which chaos can descend.

As the man fled, his heart pounding in his chest, he became just another face in the sea of terrified onlookers. The once tranquil city of Earl Harbor had became chaotic in just an instant.

Amidst the crazy chaos in Earl Harbor, those stuck-up S-ranked monsters were having a grand old time, flaunting their superiority. With smirks plastered across their monstrous mugs, they looked down on the poor folks of the city like they were ants. Arrogant jerks, the lot of them.

Gathering in their little monster huddle, they couldn't help but show off their superiority with snide remarks and condescending tones. Their voices carried through the air, mocking and belittling anyone unfortunate enough to hear them.

The streets became a terrifying spectacle of monstrous beings. Among the countless S-ranked creatures that swarmed the city, their appearances varied, each one more grotesque than the last.

Claws glinted in the sunlight, sharp and deadly, as some of the monsters prowled the streets with predatory grace. Their talons, as long as daggers, were capable of tearing through steel and flesh alike. These wicked appendages spoke volumes about the destruction they were capable of wreaking upon the unsuspecting city.

Tentacles slithered and writhed, like serpents hungry for prey. Some of the creatures boasted multiple tentacles, each one ending in a suction cup lined with tiny, razor-sharp teeth. With lightning-fast movements, they could ensnare their victims, constricting them with an iron grip.

Eyes, dark and foreboding, caught the attention of onlookers. Some monsters had deep blue orbs that seemed to possess an otherworldly glow, a chilling reminder of their sinister nature. These eyes, filled with an insatiable hunger, scanned the surroundings, searching for their next target.

Among the monstrous horde, humanoid figures with bluish skin emerged. Towering over the terrified humans, their muscular frames hinted at their immense strength. Their presence alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to cross their path.

But amidst the throng of menacing creatures, one figure stood out from the rest. This humanoid monster, covered in fresh blood, exuded an aura of cruelty that sent shivers down the spines of even his fellow monsters. With piercing yellow eyes that gleamed with sadistic delight, he embodied a perfect blend of power and malevolence.

Dark green hair cascaded down his shoulders, adding a touch of wildness to his already fearsome appearance. His physique, chiseled and honed to perfection, hinted at the devastating strength that lay within his sinewy frame. Yet, despite his formidable presence, he behaved with an unexpected air of relaxation and nonchalance.

"Check out these pathetic humans, scurrying around like scared little bunnies. It's almost too easy," one of the monsters jeered, his voice dripping with disdain. He surveyed the chaos, clearly getting a sick kick out of the terror he was causing.

Another one, towering above the rest with all its grotesque glory, chuckled in that eerie way monsters do. "Ha! Look at them, thinking they stand a chance. They have no clue what's coming behind the portals."

Their big mouths unwittingly spilled the beans about their origins. Turns out, these monsters weren't just mindless brutes. They hailed from another world and had their beady little eyes on the precious resources of Germundia Continent. Yeah, you heard right, they had a whole invasion plan cooked up.

"We're gonna take this land for ourselves," one of the crafty S-ranks declared, flashing a grin that showcased a set of razor-sharp teeth. "All the goodies hiding in this continent will be ours to enjoy. These puny humans are nothing but pesky speed bumps on our path to greatness."

Those monsters, man. They oozed arrogance like nobody's business. They looked down on the people of Earl Harbor, seeing them as nothing more than insignificant bugs beneath their monstrous feet. It was sickening, really.

Their twisted expressions twisted even further, their sick glee on full display. They loomed over the terrified citizens, casting a dark shadow over the once-bustling streets. The monsters got a kick out of the people's fear, finding it downright hilarious how they crumbled under their monstrous might.

As they babbled on, their words hung in the air like a death sentence, a reminder of the impending doom looming over the city. The portals in the sky opened up to reveal another world, overflowing with riches and power. And these monsters? They saw conquering Germundia as their ticket to all that sweet, sweet loot.

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