Chapter 609: Chapter 609

Five years ago.

Imperial Academy, the day of the 369th graduation ceremony.

『Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum』

'Let justice be done though the heavens fall.'

Underneath the plaque bearing the academy's motto, bathed in the clear morning sunlight shining down the academy's hallway.


19-year-old Hecate gasped for breath, trying to stay calm.

The girl with short beige hair was impeccably dressed in her cadet uniform, which hugged her neck tightly. The perfectly ironed uniform looked as flawless as military attire.

"Ah, it's Senior Hecate!"

"Awesome, the valedictorian of the 369th class...!"

"She looks so dignified today as well..."

Passing underclassmen and classmates sent her looks of admiration.

Even in this academy, where the most talented children from the empire gathered, she stood out with her overwhelming skills, making her a figure of envy not just for her abilities.

Her neat physique, tightly packed muscles, hair cut short to not interfere with her swordsmanship training, and her introspective expression combined to exude an androgynous charm, making her immensely popular among the cadets, regardless of gender.

And then-


From the opposite hallway, someone appeared, warping the sunny corridor with a grim darkness.

A uniform with the top unbuttoned to reveal the neck, luscious black hair in disarray, and deep black eyes shadowed underneath. The scent of nicotine and alcohol wafted from him.

Walking with his hands shoved in his pants pockets, in a posture that screamed troublemaker, 20-year-old Ash made his appearance.

The juniors gasped in horror.

"Yikes! It's the prince!"

"The walking disaster of the 369th class!"

"The imperial family's disgrace...!"

"But, somehow, his reckless look is appealing...!"

Excluding a few with unique tastes, everyone in the academy feared and avoided Ash, the imperial family's problem child. He casually crossed the hallway towards Hecate.

"Hey, valedictorian."

"Ah, Your Highness. Good morning."

Ash casually slapped Hecate's shoulder, and she responded with a bright, friendly smile.

The juniors watched from a distance as the two of them talked.

"How can the top student be friends with a thug?"

"The school's model student and the worst problem child... such a weird pair."

"If only the prince didn't cause trouble, he'd actually fit the part."

"But causing trouble is exactly the problem..."

"There's bound to be a huge incident at the graduation ceremony today...!"

As Ash glanced over at the whispering juniors,


He suddenly screamed and threw his arms up.



"Run awayyy! If he catches you, it'll be terrible!"

The terrified juniors scattered in panic. Ash snorted.

"Really now. You'd think I eat people the way they run. Just how bad do they think I am?"


Hecate laughed awkwardly. It wasn't as if she didn't know why.

Originally, Ash was a kind and gentle young lord. Though he was the oldest among his peers, he was loved for his good nature and deep consideration.

But after losing his mother around the age of fifteen... he completely changed. His personality turned into that of a total delinquent.

Causing all sorts of trouble within the school, he gradually stopped attending classes properly.

Unlike other cadets who lived in dorms, Ash, being a prince, commuted from his separate palace... making him and his escort, Lucas, increasingly isolated at school.

Despite his harsh demeanor towards everyone, Ash always treated Hecate well.

Not just well, but he clung to her uninvitedly, forcibly sharing his routines and becoming friends with her.

Though they had no particular interaction before, being dragged around by the prince eventually led to Ash, Lucas, and Hecate spending their school days together.

Remembering the past six years filled with Ash's troubles, Hecate chuckled.

"Speaking of which, aren't you planning something for today? I was worried you'd cause a huge scene at the graduation ceremony."

Hecate didn't know.

That the man before her had ruined his own graduation ceremony in every possible way in the past.

And that all those troubles were necessary for that iteration. This time, there was no need to ruin the graduation, so he decided to leave it be.

She couldn't have known, and Ash didn't bother to explain. Instead, he yawned, looking utterly exhausted.

"I'm just really sleepy today... Yawn. I've decided to be a well-behaved prince for a day. I still need to receive my diploma, after all."

"Huhu. A well-behaved prince, huh? That's quite the oxymoron."

"There's a demand for everything... Anyway, valedictorian. Why such a determined look on your face this morning? Heading off to war?"

Ash casually threw his arm over Hecate's shoulder, prompting her to flinch.

Hecate shyly looked down, then stammered.

"...Your Highness. Um... where is... Lucas?"


Realizing the situation, Ash whistled.

"Are you trying to steal my escort? Such a sly youth."

"No, it's not like that..."

It was an open secret that Valedictorian Hecate had a crush on Salutatorian Lucas.

Aside from Lucas, the academy's official spy, nearly everyone was aware of it. The only issue was that Lucas himself was clueless...

"Are you going to confess today?"

"Uh, well..."

"You've been suffering in silence for six years. If you graduate now, won't you lose your chance?"

"I know. But..."

Hecate smiled bitterly and lowered her head.

"I wonder if it's better to leave it as a beautiful memory, since we'll hardly see each other after this."

"...You're going to the Glory Knights, right?"

Ash clicked his tongue, reaching for a cigarette before remembering they were inside and instead, quietly unwrapped a candy and put it in his mouth.

"You know, right? Joining that knight order... comes with its own 'price.'"

"...Yes, I'm aware."

The Imperial Guard's Glory Knights.

Joining them was an honor every knight dreamed of, but it demanded a harsh 'price' from the individual knights.

That 'price' was a closely guarded secret, but Ash seemed to know it as a matter of course, probably because he was a prince, Hecate guessed.

"But, my life has already been devoted to the empire... and to His Majesty the Emperor."

Hecate smiled sadly.

"I've always been prepared for this, and I maintained my position as valedictorian for that very reason."


Ash grumbled softly.

"...I try to stop this every time by getting close. But I couldn't stop it this time either. Knights are so damn stubborn..."


"Nothing. The candy's just tasteless."

Ash often muttered to himself, so Hecate didn't think much of it.

Hecate took a long look around the academy, knowing she wouldn't see it again after today's graduation.

"I'll miss the days I spent here."


Surprisingly, Ash agreed. It was unlike him, always seeming to want to tear the school down.

"As much as I've been sick of it... I think I'll miss it a bit too."

His final cycle allowed.

Looking around the school on the eve of his graduation ceremony, Ash's expression became distant. Hecate, seeing such an expression on Ash for the first time, widened her eyes.

"...That's all the more reason."

Suddenly, Ash flashed his trademark dangerous smile and gestured with his eyes towards Hecate.

"Wouldn't it be better to convey your feelings to Lucas?"


"Unsaid things, you'll have a lot of regrets. Think as if the world will end tomorrow, and go for it today. What do you say?"

"That, that's..."

As Hecate stammered, unsure of what to do,


From the other end of the hallway, heavy footsteps approached, and a boy with golden hair and piercing eyes appeared.

Lucas McGregor, the salutatorian of the 369th class.

Nineteen-year-old Lucas was a tall boy, already surpassing adult men in stature. His uniform seemed a bit small due to his continuous growth, revealing his solid wrists beyond the sleeves.

Seeing Lucas, Hecate unknowingly blushed.

'What should I do, what can I do...'

Should she part as good friends, leaving behind only beautiful memories?

Or... should she gather her courage and move forward?

Between the uncertain outcomes of success and failure, should she take the challenge?

Ash watched the adorable pair, covering his mouth to hide his laughter. Soon, Lucas walked straight up to Ash and Hecate.

"Hecate. I was actually looking for you."

"Oh, yes?"

Lucas spoke indifferently, and Hecate, startled, eventually clenched her fists.

"That, that's right. Lucas. I also have something to say to you-"

Hecate couldn't finish her sentence.


Lucas suddenly threw something he was holding at Hecate.

Startled, Hecate caught it and examined it. It was... a sheath.

And inside the sheath, there was a practice sword, not sharpened.

"Before graduation, I want to challenge you one last time."

Lucas growled as he drew his practice sword.

"Draw your sword, Hecate."


"I've never beaten you in six years, but today, I will surpass you."

Hecate stared blankly at Lucas, and Ash couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Pff, pffhahahah! Seriously! Hey, escort!"

Ash pointed at Lucas with his index fingers and declared.

"I've said it before, but you're really an idiot!"

Used to Ash's inexplicable outbursts, Lucas simply bowed deeply to him before turning back to face Hecate.

Hecate unwittingly held her breath.

Ah, yes.

Those earnest blue eyes.

Pursuing only martial arts and loyalty to his master, that unwavering gaze...

She had been captivated by that straightforward, unswerving look.


She wouldn't avoid this moment when that straightforwardness was directed at her.

Hecate slowly drew the sword from the sheath. The morning sunlight shattered around the practice sword's blade.

The gathered cadets around them couldn't help but let out exclamations of awe.

After completing her draw, Hecate looked straight into Lucas's eyes and spoke.

"I'll accept that challenge. Lucas."

"Thank you. Hecate."

"But. If I win this duel..."

Hecate took a deep breath and smiled faintly.

"Then don't avoid my feelings, face them squarely."


Not only the surrounding cadets but even Ash, who had sneakily joined them, cheered softly at that remark.

Only Lucas, the academy's officially oblivious, tilted his head in confusion.

"Are you asking me to listen to your story? Fine. I accept the condition."

"Good, salutatorian."

Gripping the handle of her sword with both hands, Hecate slowly raised it above her head.

"Let's have a match."

Lucas lowered the tip of his sword and crouched slightly.

Hecate aiming high and Lucas aiming low, the two knights adopted completely opposite stances, staring fiercely at each other.

And then-

The duel was decided in an instant.


Lucas, kicking off the ground, charged at Hecate with a terrifying momentum, unleashing a strike.

And then...

Dodging the charge as smoothly as a bullfighter, Hecate gently brought her sword down.


Hecate's practice sword, sparking brilliant flames, sliced through Lucas's practice sword as easily as if cutting through paper.

Although it was a practice sword, it was without a doubt a high-quality steel sword refined by a master craftsman, just not sharpened.

When the two swords collided, not a single scratch appeared on Hecate's, while Lucas's was cut cleanly in two.

The severed tip of Lucas's sword twirled in the air before plunging into the ground.


Standing still after the strike, Lucas slowly straightened up and stared at the broken longsword in his hand.

"I've lost."

Lucas succinctly admitted defeat and sighed, slotting the severed longsword back into its sheath.

"After all this time, I couldn't win even once, Hecate. You truly are remarkable."

"It's thanks to your relentless challenges. Without you, I wouldn't have been honed to this extent."

Having sheathed her sword, Hecate took a deep breath.

"So, Lucas. Now it's my turn."

She felt more nervous now than during the sword fight.

Hecate swallowed hard and chose her words, while Lucas looked at her, puzzled.

And then, Hecate- just as in their sword duel, without dodging, launched straight into it.

"I like you. I've liked you for the past six years."


"Even though it'll be hard to see each other after graduation, I still wanted to convey these feelings."

Lucas, surprised, widened his eyes and stood frozen, simply facing Hecate.

With her face flushed as if about to burst, Hecate took a step towards Lucas.

"Lucas. What... what do you think of me?"


"Please, be honest. It's okay."

All the surrounding cadets held their breath.

Meanwhile, Ash kept pulling candies from his pocket and munching on them. Crunch! Crunch!


After a long silence, Lucas... finally slowly opened his mouth.

His response would be one for the history books of his life and the Imperial Academy's 369th class.

That response was-

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