Chapter 608: Chapter 608

After a long time, I saw my father again... As I was having a trivial conversation with the Emperor, I suddenly noticed something strange.

I cautiously pointed it out.

"Father, your eyes right now..."

"Hm? Ah, this you mean."

The Emperor gestured to his own eyes with his hand.

"They've changed color, haven't they?"

The golden eyes that once emitted the sovereign's majestic aura... had significantly lost their color.

They had turned into a shade that was a mix of black and a little gold, becoming similar to those of an ordinary human.

"Didn't I mention it before we parted last time? That the divinity I forcibly acquired is fading away."

The Emperor smiled with the eyes of an ordinary middle-aged man.

"It's only natural, since we no longer burn people as offerings."

Last winter.

Before returning to New Terra, the Emperor had said here.

- I gained divinity by burning the lives of my subjects as offerings. And with that power, I sustained the frontline against the deities.

- As the offerings and burnt sacrifices stopped, the divinity I forcibly acquired is also fading away. I am gradually losing my qualification as the representative of humanity.

The Everblack Empire no longer sacrifices the innocent. And the Emperor gradually lost the power of the transcendents.

And, the fact that the Emperor did not prevent his power from waning...

"Yes. Finally, even the northern frontline against the deities, that battle has ceased."


"The negotiations with the deities are complete."

It meant that the empire's northern frontline had finally regained peace.

"The deities have also agreed to help us. I've unlocked the northern front, and the deities will head southward... and they'll reach here soon."

The concept of direction in the spirit realm is still confusing, but anyway, it seems the racial deities of the four major species are also coming to the Crossroad as reinforcements.

Certainly, they are powerful beings, so it's a welcome development.

"But how can a deity from the spirit realm help us?"

"They've chosen their representatives... Avatars, through whom they'll exert their power. The power they wield is different from ours, so even I don't fully understand the method."

"I see..."

"So, you might be happy thinking of me as a powerful ally. Unfortunately, I am no longer a transcendent. I am becoming an ordinary human."

Jokingly said.

Even if he loses the power of a guardian deity, the Emperor, among all the heroes gathered at the front, remains an unbeatable force.

If we were to rank him in game terms, he'd be at the level of SSSR or UR.

Apart from that, without the power of a transcendent, it would be difficult to recklessly join the battlefield. After all, he is the leader of the largest country in the world.

"Don't be too disappointed. Instead, I've brought plenty of gifts."

The Emperor pointed to the southern plains. I looked in that direction too.

Boom, boom...

Airships were diligently setting down containers they had brought. I gestured towards them.

"What are those?"

"Didn't Lady Serenade request something on your behalf from me?"

With a flick of his fingers, the Emperor had the soldiers in front of the containers unlock the magical locks and open the container doors.

And what was revealed inside was...


They were dismantled parts of a fortress wall.

"...Excuse me?"

As I let out a dumbfounded response, the Emperor burst into laughter.

"Didn't you request it? Since the fortress walls had crumbled, to send the best technicians and materials. But, after my calculation, it seemed impossible to finish a new wall before the next monster invasion."


"I simply brought over the southern wall of New Terra. There's no immediate need for it over there."

It was the very southern wall of the Imperial Capital, New Terra, that our World Guardian Front had directly confronted during the Imperial Capital Conquest – moved in its entirety!

"New Terra is a city that's constantly expanding and swelling... The concept of the existing fortifications couldn't keep up with the city's expansion. Thus, after the victory in the racial wars a hundred years ago, it was built with new technology that allowed for assembly, disassembly, and relocation."

As I stood with my mouth agape at the beyond-conventional solution, the Emperor calmly added,

"Well, actually, the cost of dismantling and relocating was higher, so this is the first time it's really been moved."

"...I've never even thought of such a thing. Moving fortifications."

"There's still more parts left in New Terra to bring over, and assembling them here will also be a major project. But even so, it'll be faster than building anew."

The Emperor grinned like a father who's brought a hidden toy gift, then winked at me mischievously.

"How about it? Will it help?"

"Absolutely, Father. One of our biggest problems has been solved...!"

The site for the southern walls was just finishing up clearing the ground.

Assembling New Terra's walls here would undoubtedly be far easier than starting construction from zero base.

Moreover, being the walls of the Imperial Capital, they would naturally have high defensive power, and various defensive magics would also be in place. It would be impossible to have better fortification repairs during the remaining defensive battles.

As I genuinely rejoiced, the Emperor laughed heartily and stroked his beard, then gestured behind him.

"And, there's one more gift. You'll probably be very happy and glad about it."

"Excuse me?"

I tilted my head in confusion. A gift that would make me glad?

Following the Emperor's gesture, five people walked forward from among the imperial soldiers standing behind.

Step, step...

Four massive knights in flawless Everblack Empire ceremonial armor.

And in their midst, walking lightly with steps...

A young woman in a fluttering white dress and red shoes, with lush beige hair.

She was holding a white parasol, and rather boldly, she didn't close it even in front of the Emperor.

And the Emperor didn't bother to point out this impoliteness.

The Emperor gestured towards them and introduced.

"These are my personal guard - the Glory Knights."


"They're assigned to the southern front. Make good use of them. And have some enjoyable reunion time after so long."

After bowing to the Emperor and passing by, she narrowed her red eyes and greeted me.

"It's been a while, Prince Ash. Is this our first meeting since graduation?"


Were we acquainted? It's my first time seeing her?

Blinking awkwardly, I eventually had to ask awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, but my memory of the past isn't complete..."

I was about to ask who she was.

Shiver shiver shiver.

Lucas, standing next to me, was trembling like a leaf. I looked at Lucas's face in wonder.

"Lucas? What's wrong?"

"My, my Lord. This woman is..."

"Oh my, Lucas!"

The woman covered her mouth with her hand, wearing white gloves, and laughed, then winked at Lucas.

"It really has been a long time. It seems like the first time since graduation. Have you been well?"

"Uh, uh uh uh!"

Cold sweat was streaming down Lucas's body.

Seeing Lucas so mentally cornered was unusual for me, and I was puzzled. Why is he like this?

"Lucas remembers me so well... but Your Highness doesn't remember me at all, that's disappointing. We spent 6 years together."

She stopped in front of me, elegantly flipped her lush hair back, and introduced herself.

"It's me, Hecate."


A name I've never heard in the game.

"A classmate of Your Highness at the academy, and also..."

She lowered her voice and whispered softly in my ear.

"The third of the inseparable trio throughout our school days - that Hecate!"


Her self-introduction went as follows.

Valedictorian of the 369th class of the Imperial Academy.

Commander of the Emperor's personal guard, the Glory Knights.

Hecate Whiteblossom.

'Something... incredibly lavish.'

Everything about her was stunning - her specs, her name, her appearance, she was breathtakingly opulent.

At a glance, she looked more like a noblewoman than a knight. Dressed in a gown, shoes, and carrying a parasol, without armor or weapons.

Yet, she was the top student of the academy, which trains knight cadets, and now she's the commander of the Glory Knights.

'The Glory Knights...'

A knightly order that has been around since the founding of the Everblack Empire, symbolizing one of the empire's many knightly orders.

And understandably so, as they directly protect the Emperor.

'I've never seen them in the game.'

Makes sense, though. There was no reason for the Emperor's personal guard, the Glory Knights, to show up at Crossroad in the game. Although their existence was known, there was no way to identify who was part of their ranks.

'Their commander is me and Lucas's schoolmate.'

Anyway, after the introductions.

The Emperor went to supervise the unloading of cargo brought by the airships. The four Glory Knights in black armor followed him.

Only Hecate was left to converse with our main party as we headed to the lord's mansion.

"So you really have lost your memories..."

Hecate shook her head in pity. I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

"So, sorry, but I really don't remember anything from our six years in school."

"Hehe. It's a pity I can't share those memories we had together with His Highness... But refreshing your memory little by little will also be a pleasure."

"Please do. Take your time."

Then I turned my head to the side.

"But why is Lucas acting like this?"

Lucas was walking far away from us.

Whether he was scared of Hecate or not, he was trembling and even hiding behind Evangeline... Evangeline also seemed visibly taken aback, having never seen Lucas like this before.

"Why are you like this, mister? Can't you act properly?!"

"But... but no..."

"We're supposed to be the face of the Monster Front! How can you shrink like this in front of someone visiting for the first time! Come on, straighten up! The senior is also looking at you!"

Only then, feeling my gaze, Lucas stammered out an excuse.

"...My, my Lord. The thing is, back then, there were some incidents..."

"Some incidents?"

What kind of incidents were they that made him like this? Spill the beans!

"Hehe. Oh, Lucas. Still hung up on something from years ago."

Hecate, covering her mouth and laughing, gave a slight nod, and Lucas cowered behind Evangeline with a 'Wooooh!' sound. Man, you're ruining your character! Snap out of it!

"Anyway, I miss those days. The three of us sticking together during our school days."

Hecate closed her eyes and reminisced about the past.

"Valedictorian, salutatorian, and the last rank, what a remarkable trio we were. We sure cooked up a lot of fun in those 6 years..."

Needless to say, the valedictorian was Hecate, the salutatorian was Lucas, and the last rank was Ash. Oh, my brave little rascal!

"I'd love to talk more, but my subordinates, the soldiers, and I have just arrived. We'll go unload and organize the camp."

As we arrived in front of the lord's mansion, Hecate smiled with her eyes.

"We'll continue our conversation next time."

"Let's do that. I have a lot of questions myself."

"Yes, Your Highness, then. See you soon."

Hecate gracefully bowed, holding the hem of her skirt.

That gesture was so elegant that, I must say again, and perhaps it's a bit job discriminatory, but she really doesn't look like a knight...

As she turned around, her dress spun in a circle.

Hecate, stepping lightly in her red shoes, headed south again-

"Oh, by the way. I heard there's going to be a martial arts tournament soon..."

She halted abruptly and turned her head back.

Underneath the slightly tilted white parasol, her red eyes briefly exposed.

"May our order also have a chance to shine in the tournament, Your Highness?"

Only then did she, fitting of a warrior, radiate a fierce light.

"Of course, Lady Hecate."

I smiled lightly as I added 'Lady' to her name.

"Now that you and your knights are also under my command, you are more than qualified to participate in the martial arts tournament."

"Hehe. I'll be looking forward to it."

Hecate gave Lucas a meaningful glance one last time, then really turned around and left.


As we watched her walk away, we all turned to look at Lucas at once. Lucas, who was wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, flinched in surprise.

I yelled out on behalf of everyone.

"Lucas! What exactly happened between you and that lady! Can't you come clean?!"

I have a hunch!

A hunch of an embarrassing past!

That this upright hero knight has an uncommon, embarrassing dark history!

I'll definitely dig it out and tease him with it forever! Spill it all out!

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