I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 656 The Quest For The Whisperer's Medallion (1)

Upon meeting with Rose and getting some intel from her, Ashton headed towards the town hall meeting room where Flintmace and Vulcan were waiting for him. 

Though they weren't all that hopeful that Ashton would find something from Rose, they were surprised when Ashton revealed the two phrases to them. 

The clues provided by Rose were the key to unravelling the mystery of the shadowy organisation. They needed to decipher the meaning behind "the key to the hidden path" and "the guardian of whispers."

Unfortunately, none of them had the slightest idea of what those words meant. Ashton had hoped they would know something after all; they were literally over a thousand years old and should have known about long-forgotten secrets. 

However, Ashton didn't speak his mind because they were in that situation because of him. Even if they weren't, he was standing amongst his masters, and that alone meant he couldn't treat them as he used to treat those working under him. 

After hours of wasteful research, Flintmace was the first to break the silence. 

"I know that we must decipher these phrases quickly as time is of the essence, but I'm afraid we are merely wasting time on these... phrases which could mean nothing!"

Ashton nodded in agreement, but his words didn't match his expressions. "Agreed, but it's not like we have any other clue or anything else to do on Earth. So we might as well try and decipher the meaning."

"The 'key to the hidden path' could refer to a literal or metaphorical key," Vulcan leaned forward, his sharp eyes focused on the notepad containing the phrases. 

He continued, "It might unlock a doorway, portal, or access to knowledge. But I don't think the Precursors needed things like portal keys because they could always construct portals with a wave of their hands."

Flintmace tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the table. "Indeed. The thing about precursors aside, the phrase could be signalling towards being a physical artefact or a symbolic representation of a hidden truth. We should explore both possibilities."

While Vulcan and Flintmace pondered about their theories, Ashton took a backseat. What they were doing there was similar to blindly shooting arrows in the dark, hoping it would strike the mark... when they didn't even know if a mark existed!

If it was a competition of coming up with random theories, he could have even participated and probably won. If they needed to learn more about what "the key to the hidden path" and "the guardian of whispers" meant, they needed someone with knowledge of the entire galaxy. 

[Oh yeah? How many people like those do you know?]


[I'm talking about your summons. Maybe they can help you with it?]

'That's... hm, alright. I get it. Thanks for the assistance.'

Ashton had a plan... well, it was more like a thought, but he considered it a plan. 

"We'll divide our efforts," Ashton mumbled while looking at Vulcan. "Master, search our archives for references to hidden paths, keys, or guardians. Meanwhile, Master Flint should reach out to our contacts in the supernatural world. Someone among them might have encountered similar phrases or have information about this organisation."

"And what will you do? Laze around?" Vulcan retorted.

"Master Vulcan... give the kid a break," Flintmace interjected before turning towards Ashton. "But what will you do?"

"I'll do my own inquiry..."

As soon as Vulcan heard that, he rolled his eyes. But then Flintmace reminded Vulcan that Ashton had ONI's support and they might find out more about their unknown enemies with Otiga's help.

With a plan in place, the trio set to work. Vulcan delved into ancient texts and scrolls, scouring the archives for any mention of the cryptic phrases.

Flintmace, on the other hand, reached out to his network of contacts. He contacted seers, historians, and supernatural beings with knowledge of the past and present. He shared the phrases with them, hoping to uncover any leads.

Even Otiga and the ONI had dedicated themselves to the task. But there seemed to be little hope for them to uncover anything substantial without alarming the godforsaken organisation they were up against. 

Days turned into weeks as they pursued their research, their determination unyielding. The cryptic phrases remained an enigma, stubbornly refusing to reveal their secrets.

One evening, as the trio gathered to share their findings, Flintmace was the first to speak. "I've contacted several sources, but none of them have encountered these phrases before. It's as if they've been carefully hidden from the supernatural world."

"Our research hasn't yielded much either," Otiga sighed, frustration evident through her holographic self. "We've found references to hidden paths and guardians but nothing that directly connects to our situation."

Vulcan slammed his hand on the table, his impatience reaching its peak. "This is maddening! We're chasing shadows, and time is slipping away."

Just as their frustration threatened to overwhelm them, a soft knock echoed through the chamber. The door creaked open, revealing a cloaked figure with an aura of mysticism.

"I believe I may be of assistance," the figure spoke like a gentle breeze.

Everyone was confused about who the lady was and how she entered the meeting room without permission. Flintmace got up to ask her those questions when Ashton appeared behind her.

"No need to be alarmed; I'm the one who invited her," he said, revealing the woman as Seraphina, a foreseer of great renown.

Seraphina possessed an ethereal beauty that defied earthly standards. Her luminous skin shimmered with a pale, silvery hue, resembling moonlight cast glow on a human form. 

Slender, graceful, and adorned in flowing robes of iridescent fabric, her features were delicate yet captivating. Large, almond-shaped eyes, with irises resembling swirling galaxies, held a profound wisdom that hinted at her ageless existence. 

Silver tendrils of hair cascaded down her back like liquid metal. Her presence exuded an aura of otherworldly grace, leaving an unforgettable impression on those who encountered her.

At first, it didn't click Flintmace who the lady was, but when Ashton introduced her, he immediately went to his knees. Vulcan and Otiga were confused as to what was happening.

After all, it wasn't every day one would see a Xyran greeting someone from a different race with such respect and reverence. 

"Am I missing something?" Vulcan mumbled to Otiga.

"I was hoping you'd tell me..." Otiga replied, shrugging. 

"No need for pleasantries, O' great Xyran~" Seraphina's mystic voice echoed through the room. 

"I am, but a soldier, Madame..." Flintmace replied before getting back to his feet and turning towards Vulcan. "Madame Seraphina is an Oracle, the one who predicted the downfall of the Precursors."

He continued, "She is also known as the Lady of a Million Mysteries who lives inside the Astral plane and only appears before those who are truly desperate for guidance."

At that moment, Vulcan wanted to know how Ashton was about to contact someone who had ascended to the Astral realm. However, he knew it wasn't the time for that, so he embraced silence as usual. 

"You praised me too much, young one," Seraphina smiled as she approached their table, her presence imbued with ancient wisdom. "I couldn't help but overhear your disciple talking about your predicament. 

While that alone wouldn't have gathered my attention... this kid happens to be the child of someone who I held dear once and couldn't reject his plea for help."

[Was your dad banging her or something?]

'...I don't think so.'

[Just to be safe, don't mention her in front of your mom.]

'Let's focus on our work here first.'

[Don't say I didn't warn you~]

Ignoring Astaroth's words, Ashton leaned forward, his eyes filled with hope. "Can you help us, Madame Seraphina? Can you solve the mystery behind these phrases?"

"The answers you seek come at a cost," Seraphina nodded, her gaze focused as she studied the notepad containing the phrases. "I can provide insights, but it will require a sacrifice."

Flintmace's brow furrowed with concern. "What kind of sacrifice are you referring to?"

"I must relinquish a part of my gift, my ability to see the hidden truths," Seraphina's eyes held a hint of sadness. "It is not a decision I take lightly, but since I am indebted to you, father... I'll happily sacrifice myself."

"I-I don't know how to thank you," Ashton spoke with gratitude, understanding the gravity of Seraphina's sacrifice. 

Seraphina nodded, her decision made. With a solemn air, Seraphina closed her eyes and began to chant in a language that resonated with ancient power. 

"Wait, that's-" Vulcan got up from the shock of hearing the words of a forgotten civilisation.

"The language of the Precursors." Flintmace smiled wanly.

As Seraphina got to work, the chamber seemed to come alive with an ethereal energy, enveloping the trio as they watched in awe.

After what felt like an eternity, Seraphina's eyes fluttered open. But her legs gave away before she could speak anything, and Ashton rushed to grab her. 

Like madame Seraphina had predicted, she had lost a significant part of herself and was too weak to speak properly, let alone stand. 

In her weak state, she slowly gestured for Ashton to get closer to her. Ashton leaned in, eager to hear what Seraphina had uncovered.

"The 'key to the hidden path' refers to an artefact known as the 'Whisperer's Medallion.' It possesses the power to reveal hidden paths and gateways to other realms," Seraphina whispered slowly.

Vulcan and Flintmace exchanged intrigued glances. The mention of such an artefact held the promise of unlocking new avenues in their quest.

Seraphina continued, "As for the 'guardian of whispers,' it signifies the protector of this artefact, a being with knowledge of its secrets."

"Where can we find the Whisperer's Medallion and its guardian?"

"It's... on planet Euphoria..."

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