The soft glow of lamplight bathed the room in a warm, comforting ambience as Ashton stood outside Rose's door. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before gently knocking. The door creaked open, revealing Rose, her eyes brightening at the sight of him.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "Looks like you finally got the time to visit me," she greeted with a warm smile, her voice still carrying traces of exhaustion from her recent ordeal. "Come on in; I don't remember you being a shy guy before."

"What can I say? I turn that way in the presence of someone as beautiful as you," Ashton joked while shutting the doors behind him. 

"You and your silver tongue," Rose mumbled as she rolled her eyes. 

Ashton stepped forward. Rose's hospital room was an exact replica of her room at the academy.

It was probably Mera's idea to have it arranged as it would provide her with a sense of familiarity and could help Rose recover faster. 

It had been a rough time for her, and she had missed their interactions and the bond they shared since their days at the academy. 

Ashton felt the same as she had once been his mentor, guiding him through the complexities of the supernatural world. It was safe to say that he wouldn't have made it this far without her help in the early stages of his life as a tribrid.

The memories of their time together flooded back as Ashton settled into a chair beside Rose's bed. He recalled the countless lessons, the late-night conversations, and the friendship they had developed over his time at the academy.

"You're looking better," Ashton remarked, his gaze softening as he studied Rose's face. Her cheeks had regained some colour, and her eyes, though tired, held a spark of life, unlike when he found her shackled.

"Well, thanks to all of you, I'm on the mend," Rose chuckled softly, a hint of her former strength shining through. "Had it not been for you, who knows what-"

"Relax, no need to get all sentimental on me now." Ashton laughed while pouring a glass of water for her. 

"God, I never thought you, of all people, would turn out to be a gentleman like this," Rose chuckled. 

Their conversations had always flowed naturally, a testament to the bond they had forged as a teacher and student and, later, as allies in their world.

Ashton's thoughts briefly drifted to their days at the academy, where Rose had been his mentor. She had guided him through the intricacies of magic, the history of supernatural beings, and how to maintain the delicate balance of power among his genes.

"You know," Ashton began, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "I still remember those late-night study sessions you used to force me into. Though I was a bit annoyed about it back then, it proved to be very helpful to me."

"Of course, you found it annoying," Rose chuckled, a fondness in her eyes. "You were a talented but stubborn student, Ashton. Someone who only lived to fight. Thanks to that, I had to ensure you lived up to your potential."

"You taught me more than just abilities and history, Rose," Ashton leaned back in his chair, a sense of nostalgia washing over him. "You taught me about survival, the importance of geopolitics, and most importantly... trust."

"And look how far you've come, Ashton," Rose's gaze softened as she regarded Ashton. "You've grown into a formidable man, and I couldn't be prouder. Look around you; you managed to change the world for the better and did it by yourself."

"Oh, come on, I had lots of help-"

"People don't help someone out of mere kindness anymore, Ashton," Rose interrupted Ashton, taking his hands in hers. "They saw something in you... For them, you became a leader and a symbol of excellence. Someone whom they could put their trust in. So do not put yourself down ever again."

Ashton was quiet for a while, but then he smiled. Maybe Rose knew he was having a rough day, or perhaps she didn't. But at that moment, her words meant the world to Ashton.

The trip down memory lane was comforting. But the purpose of Ashton's visit weighed heavily on his mind, and he knew he should probably get down to the topic.

"Rose," Ashton began hesitantly, "I need to discuss something with you. It's about your brother and the Conundrum."

Rose's expression shifted, a mix of emotions crossing her face. She knew it was only a matter of time before someone began asking her questions, and she was glad it was Ashton because she didn't think she would be able to open up to anyone except him or Mera. 

"I'm listening, Ashton."

"Before he died, your brother mentioned something," Ashton cleared his throat, his voice gentle but resolute. "He spoke of an organisation, people with unimaginable powers, and while he didn't reveal their name, I was hoping you had some idea about it?"

Rose's brows furrowed as she tried to recall the snippets of conversation she had overheard during her captivity. 

"He was always secretive about his dealings with anything related to him," she began, "But I do remember him saying a few things while he extracted my blood for himself, though they didn't make much sense to me."

"Anything you remember could be valuable to us," Ashton leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Please, Rose, try to remember what you can."

Rose closed her eyes for a moment, focusing on retrieving the memories of her brother's 'cryptic' words. 

"He often mentioned something about 'the key to the hidden path,' and then there was 'the guardian of whispers.' I'm not sure what any of it means, but he used those phrases almost daily while mumbling to himself."

Ashton scribbled down the phrases on a notepad he had brought with him. "Anything else that you remember?"

"Ashton, I wish I could provide you with more information, but my brother was always so secretive," Rose sighed before shaking her head, her gaze distant. "I never truly understood the depths of his involvement with the Conundrum or this organisation."

Ashton placed a reassuring hand on Rose's shoulder. "It's all right, Rose. We appreciate any information you can provide. I'll deal with this mess when the time's right. For now, you should focus on recovering."

"I have faith in you, Ashton. Always had..." Rose gave him a small, appreciative smile. "You've grown so much since your days at the academy. I know you'll do whatever it takes to protect those around you."

Ashton nodded and thanked Rose again. Although he wasn't sure what the phrases meant just yet, it was better than having nothing. 

"Take care, Rose," Ashton said with a warm smile as he rose to leave. "We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise."

"I'll be here, Ashton, ready to help in any way I can," Rose smiled. "And remember, you're not alone in this. You have allies who believe in you, including me now!"

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