Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 85 A Family of Fox-Kin Part 5

Chapter 85 A Family of Fox-Kin Part 5

The whole time, Daniel had been observing their cries, and knowing that he needed to take action, he walked towards the fox woman.

As Daniel approached the fox woman, her trembling with tears streaming down her face. Her ears drooped, indicating a deep sense of sorrow and despair.

Her tail flicked nervously from side to side, and her ears were pinned back.

He could see the pain and desperation in her eyes.

Daniel slowly reached out his hand in an attempt to console her and spoke in a gentle and reassuring tone.

He rested his palms on her shoulder and moments, essences of life began pouring inside her endlessly.

At the start, she had a questioning look but later on, her eyes widened in surprise.

The lifeforce that was as tiny as a grain of rice began to grow and it soon became a boulder of rock.

Her body soon regains its colour and she felt her body was filled with energy.

She was baffled and speechless by what just happened and she never heard of someone who could restore a person's lifeforce.

She had no words to describe her emotions at this point but gazing at the colour of his emotions which had a white in it, tears of gratitude began raining down.

"Thank you so much...I-I don't know how could I repay for what you've done"

Her voice was shaking and this time it wasn't because of fear or sadness but because of pure happiness.

She was still confused at how Daniel was able to restore her lifeforce but at this point in time, she didn't care about how he did it.

What matters the most to her was his willingness.

With his gentle and warm touch, it ignited a fire within her, awakening dormant emotions and desires that she never knew it existed.

With each breath she took, she could feel the weight of the world being lifted off from her shoulders.

He had saved her from the despair she could never have escaped and had restored her life from the doors of death.

What more could she ask for?

"It's alright. It's just a little small thing"

Daniel smiled in reply and he felt good about himself when seeing the happiness she had.

"M-Mom what's going on? A-Are you alright?"

Evelyn was perplexed by her mother's gratitude toward a man she had just noticed.

And looking at how her children were gazing at her, she explained her situation.

"I won't have to leave all of you and we could start all over again!"

She excitedly exclaimed while embracing all of them as tight as she could.

"Really Mom!? You won't leave us!?"

Eleona inquired with drops of tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, I won't leave all of you"

She replied to her daughter's concerns and she answered all of their questions for the next few minutes.

After all, her previous words had made them quite concerned, and they can't help but ask the same question again and again.

But they weren't to blame.

They were still children who still need their mothers to guide them. Moreover, they had yet to understand the concept of cultivating.

Thus, the matter of lifeforce might be a foreign topic to them which is why, she didn't explain much except by telling that Daniel was her benefactor.

"Once I really don't know how I could repay you benefactor but really, I thanked you from the bottom of my heart"

""Thank you, mister, for saving Mother!""

She bowed her head and her children followed her actions as well.

"It's really fine and I'm just glad you could live with your children"

Daniel smiled widely at their response and he finds the children's actions quite adorable.

"But how do you plan to live on from here on?"

He raised a specifically good question that the fox woman couldn't answer.


It was difficult for her to answer as she was aware that bringing her children to any city would result in slavery.

The Fox Kin were a race that was demanded by many nobles, thus, it wouldn't be wise for her to enter a city.

She already had learned her lesson, hence, she won't enter any city.

But looking for Fox Kin Habitat is hard as its location is not easy to be discovered.

Moreover, with the raids conducted by humans, she doubts there's any habitat nearby.

Looking at her difficult expression, he could tell that there was no place for her to seek shelter but if he openly offered her, she might be suspicious.

Although to the contrary, she wouldn't doubt anything.

"If you don't have any place...do you want to stay within my sect?" He questioned.

"Your Sect?"

She was surprised to know that he had a sect, but remembering the battle against that black figure, she didn't doubt it.

Moreover, she was even more eager to stay in his sect.

"To live within my sect you'd have to be my disciple with your children as well"

He explained the requirements.

"Yes please!"

She quickly agreed without any hesitation.

"Eh? So fast?"

Even Daniel was dumbfounded by her fast response and he didn't even explain what was his sect about.

"Are you sure you wish to join my sect? Think carefully. It's a sect which only allows women

to join and it is also because I want to have a huge harem. Despite having said that, do you still wish to join?"

He explained further about his sect for the fox woman to understand what she was signing up for.

"Yes! I still would like to join!"

Nevertheless, she was still firm with her decision and the reason why she didn't hesitate or have any slight doubt was that she trusts her perception of his emotions.

It was still white and she doesn't know why he wanted to help her that much.

It was the first time that she had seen such emotion from a human that not even her mating partner had.

Thus, she trusted her perception and put her life into it.

Moreover, she didn't have any other options to seek shelter which is why her only choice was him.

"If you're really sure about this choice then I won't stop you. I'm even more delighted that you'll be joining my sect"

He was delighted and liked her enthusiasm for joining his sect.

"Then for you to join simply declare your name to join my sect, Heavenly Harem Sect and I, Daniel Marz would be your Master"

He explained the process and once she understood completely, she began chanting the oath.

"I, Eva Mill would declare myself as the Disciple of Heavenly Harem Sect and would forever be loyal to my master, Daniel Marz"

As she declared her oath, Daniel answered her commitment and once they were done, he received a notification from the system and also some rewards he never expected to receive.

[: You have recruited Eva Hill as your disciple and have received 1 Card for every Spiritual Root, Physique, Bloodline, Cultivation Manual and Method :]

[: Congratulation, you have completed a secret mission, Recruit a Fox Kin and have received the following rewards. 1 Seed of Black Star Fruit and 1 Bloodline Card of Infinite Golden Tails :]

Without wasting any more time, he used all of the cards on Eva and the moment he did, Eva went through a cluster of enlightenment.

Her consciousness went through different dimensions and she was shocked out from her core when learning about her new gifts.

She had a glimpse of the newfound power of bloodline and she never thought she would live to see a fox that contains trillions of tails.

How she might have had no idea but each of the tails was as long as between 1 galaxy to another galaxy.

And each time the tails flapped, countless galaxies or even dimensions were destroyed.

'This...is....the Golden Fox...?'

She questioned with bewilderment.

By the time her enlightenment had ended, there were no changes to her body except she had grown to ten tails.

Her hair became longer and that was the only change it had.

However, her gaze towards Daniel had changed entirely.

It felt like she was ready to kneel and licked his foot without any second thoughts.

"Thank you master for the gifts!"

She said with a heavily devoted kind of cult voice with insanity in her eyes.

Even her children looked at her with questionable eyes but they didn't think too much of it.

"Master...then what would be of my children? Could they join the sect as well?"

Eva questioned with a passionate look and also expectation, but Daniel had other thoughts.

'Hmm...the purpose of recruiting disciples was to form a harem and I don't think of recruiting children as a disciples'

He was pondering deeply.

He had never thought that far of recruiting children as his disciples and even though age didn't matter since one could grow to thousands of years, they were still children.

Thus, there was only one choice he had for them.

"I will adopt them as my daughters"

He declared while looking at them with a caring gaze.

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