Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 84 Family Of Fox-Kin Part 4

Chapter 84 Family Of Fox-Kin Part 4

"If you're fine that's good. But how did you end up in such a situation?"

Daniel showed sighed in relief as he was genuinely concerned with her.

Although he was aware of the commotion earlier on since he was observing, he wanted to start getting to know her by understanding her situation.

Moreover, since he had saved her, his impact on her was quite influencing as the fox-woman was behaving shyly.


Being reminded of the chase, she furrowed her eyebrows, and only then did she just remember her three daughters.

"I-I need to see my daughters!"

She panicked and began running in the direction where her daughters had left.

Knowing that her life would end in just a few hours, she realized that she couldn't spend any more time with the man who had saved her.

She felt awful for leaving behind the man, but from her perspective, she only had a few hours before her life ceased to exist due to the side effect of forcibly activating Illumination.

She was in doubt and feels gratitude for what the man has done, but at this moment, she prioritizes more of her daughters.

Hence, without turning back, she ran quickly with breathlessly.

'I need to see my daughters before the spark of my life runs out'

She can't use any more of her cultivation techniques nor could she gather Spiritual Qi due to the side effects.

All of her pathways, veins, and banks for Spiritual Qi were all damaged.

Even her meridians could no longer be restored as the side effects were severed to handle.

Hence, she was running by relying on her legs without the use of any spiritual qi.

Without much to explain, Daniel followed her from behind. He wasn't ignorant to understand why she was more concerned about her daughters.

He wasn't that cruel to prevent the fox woman from seeing her daughters. Moreover, he could see that her life force was hanging on a small string of rope.

At any point in time, she could just disappear and die without anyone knowing and she would leave her daughters clueless.

He could have manipulated to give an endless amount of life, but he felt it wasn't the time yet.

'It'll only be beneficial and impactful if it was at the last moment'

He wasn't being evil but finding the perfect cue and situation where his actions would be impactful for the fox-woman.

But of course, at the rate they're running, they won't be able to reach on time.

"Here let me help you"

Without any hesitation, he carried her body like a princess manner and dashed onwards while leaving behind a trail of his afterimages.

He added an extra caution about placing an energy shield around her body so that she won't be harmed due to his speed.

"Thank you..."

It was the only words she could spurt out at this moment. But the amount of gratitude she had for Daniel now is absolutely astronomical.

Right now, his help is what she needed, thus, she didn't stop him from doing what he needs to do.

Moreover, with his firm hands, she felt that nothing in this world could harm her.

She felt protected and safe and that was a rare feeling she had come from a human.

But what even stunned her eyes was the color of emotion that was reflecting on her eyes.

'So beautiful...'

She was charmed by the color of his emotions and she can't help but look away from it.

And it was the first time in her life that she had seen such a mixture of colors, and she remembered her grandmother's words.

"Child remember that if you see a man with the Colour of White...make sure that you'll do anything to make him fall in love with you"

Her grandmother said while caressing her hair, but she who was still a child couldn't comprehend the meaning behind her words.

"But why grandma? What does the White represent?"

She tilted her head while questioning innocently.

"Because the one who shows you the color white is the kind of man that will do anything to protect you, and even if that white appeared for a moment, you can be ensured that you'll be loved and treasured for life"

She answered with a smile to the clueless her.

"Hmmm...I don't get it but I'll make to remember it"

she cheerfully answered with a smile.

"You would understand one day..."

Her grandmother smiled with the love that she had for her grandchild hoping that one day she would truly meet the person that would love and treasure her.

And now, she couldn't help but recall those memories as the color she was seeing was White.

And that color overwhelmed the rest of the colors and it was mixed, creating a breathtaking view that wouldn't leave his eyes.

"Is that your daughters?"

She was too focused on the colors that she wasn't aware she had reached near where her daughters were.

As Daniel pointed his fingers towards where the girls were, she quickly leave his embrace and run towards them.




She shouted their names with all of her might to get their attention since her children were still running without looking back.

From the perspective of the three children, Eliana who was the youngest heard the echoes of their names being called out.

"I-Isn't that sounds like mom's voice calling our name?"

"You're right...that sounds like mom"

Evelyn being the Eldest agreed and when all of them turned their heads behind, they widened their eyes.

"I-It's Mom!"

Eleona being the middle child didn't hesitate to run towards her mom and all of them followed as well with tears running down their face.


All of them screamed for her and once they were a few steps away, they jumped on her and she managed to hug and embrace all of them at once.

"Oh my children, you were all scared, right? Don't worry, your mother is here"

She knew that they were beyond just scared. Perhaps, they were even aware that she won't come back alive.

But now surprisingly, her mother was still alive and they couldn't be happier than that.

"I was so scared of losing you, Mom!"

Evelyn cried and she was the one who was the most affected and emotional.

Being the Eldest, her responsible to take care of her younger sisters were heavier and without her mother on her side, the world seems scary to her.

With nowhere to go and clueless about how to protect them, she was afraid of what was to come. But now that her mother is there, she felt their life is brighter.

"Don't worry Evelyn. I'm still here right aren't I?"

Her mother tried to comfort her, but only she knows the truth. But now, she didn't have the heart to tell.

"Yes, Mother...with you here...there's nothing for us to worry about," Evelyn said.

For the next half an hour, they were comforting each other with their worries and after she felt that it was time for her to reveal the truth, she separated herself from them.

"Evelyn...Eleona...and Eliana...please listen carefully to me now"

She said with a firm tone.

"From now on... Mother wouldn't be able to live with all of you now"

Her voice trembled and she tried her hardest not to let her tears out.

"Why Mom!?"

Evelyn questioned and all of them wanted to cry again. They couldn't understand why their mother couldn't love them.

And the thought of abandoning them frightened them.

At the thought of abandoning them, they began clinging to their mother, afraid that she would leave them forever.

Seeing her children's tears, she doesn't want more than just to hug and comfort them.

But this time, she can't comfort them since after day, she no longer is able to live with them.

Thus, steeling her heart, she revealed the truth.

"Listen to me Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana...my life is running out after using Illumination...and Mother won't able to accompany all of your journeys...which is why you have to stay strong..."

She hugged her children while explaining.

"N-No way..."

Evelyn's voice trembled because she and her sisters knew what would be the consequences of using Illumination.

They wanted to deny it but with her pale-looking expression, they knew that her life was about to end.

"T-There must be something that we can do!"

Eliana tried to be optimistic but it was a way to cover up the hopelessness of her mother's situation.

And it wasn't convincing with her tears strimming down her face.

"M-Mom p-please don't go! W-We still need you"

Eleona's voice shivered and she grabbed her mother's clothes as though by holding part of her, she would stay by her side.

"Oh how I wish I could accompany and live with all of you just as we did...but I'm afraid that my journey with all of you will end here"

"Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana, I know that it's scary to live alone and walk on a journey without you by my side...but as far as I can see, all of you are strong enough to survive"

She tried encouraging, but instead, their tears poured out even stronger.

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