Chapter 72 Future Plans

"Alright. Now that the Disciples have left, let's go to my Palace"

Wanting to discuss more the matters of the sect, Daniel invited all of the Elders to his palace.

Without the need the say more, they heeded his words and followed him from behind while wondering what matters would they need to discuss.

Eventually, they arrived at his palace where they marvelled at its exterior and interior designs.

They were speechless by how extraordinary it was built and they could feel pressure coming from the statues that were placed at certain places.

Afterwards, they were brought into a room where there was a round table made from the highest sacred wood.

As he sat in the middle, he began conversing with his 12 Elders.

"Now that we have over 900 Disciples which is not too huge nor too small, but even, we'll have to start creating an outline for the Disciples"

"Not all of the Disciples pursue the same path, but we could develop the basic path for them to be guided"

"As far as I can give them the powers, someone will need to guide them at some point and I would declare openly that I would need your assistance in this matter"

He raised his concerns as the sect master, and he wanted the Elders to be involved since they were also the Sect's managers.

"Master, you don't have to ask for our assistance as we'll naturally obey your words without any hesitation" Stelia spoke.

"That's right Master. Whatever concerns you have, we'll ensure to relieve any stress that you may have"

Lydia joined and she flirted with Daniel.

"Thanks for the words and I would sure call all of you in regarding my 'stress"

He replied and the Elders blushed as they were eager in pleasing their master without any thoughts.

"Alright, then, what I would love to implement is that we'll create the Timetable for the Disciples to follow"

"Perhaps from Lunch till Dinner, they would be taught by all of you about the basics of cultivation and even pursue the path"

"Right now, we're still in the Early Phase, and we'll need more Manpower for the Elders"

Daniel explained.

"I don't have to worry about them when it comes to their cultivation since they were enlightened by 'it' and I'm sure that all of you know what I'm talking about"

The Elders nodded their head in agreement as even those who have never cultivated before would be genius if they had been enlightened.

"So as of now, my priorities for the disciples is their pursuit of the path and basically managing their powers"

"Moreover, I have the facilities where they could challenge and discover their limits or even control their powers"

"However, it's still in the experiment phase, thus, before we can try any of this, I will require all of you in guiding the disciples"

"We'll gladly follow your orders, Sect Master"

They replied together and they spent the next hour discussing more about the developments of the world.

And Daniel even introduced the wonders of the sect and Divinities which shocked their souls.

However, since their resistance towards his godly abilities, they were less surprised than when they were enlightened.

Once they had left his palace to start building on the structure of the disciples, Daniel was left all alone as he could finally check his rewards.

'Let's see what I have gathered so far...1 Physique Card, 8 Random Cards and 4 Sect Random Functions Cards. Let's use the Sect Random Functions and see what I'll have'

He was excited about what kind of function would he receive for the Sect, and he wasn't disappointed at all.

[: Battle Arena :]

- A function that would determine the strength of each disciple through a fight -

[: Fox Tribe Habitat :]

- A land that's designated to accommodate all Fox tribe types -

[: Sect's Taskboard :]

- A taskboard that will issue missions for Disciples to take and be awarded upon accomplishment -

[: Sect Classes :]

- Classes that will help to improve the learning aspects for the Disciples -

Daniel wasn't dissatisfied with the sect's functions at all.

He went deeper and inquired more about the functions, and he was deeply amazed by their functions.

Moving on, he used all of the cards available for himself and the moment he did, waves of chaotic aura were unleashed.

[: Physique of the Blank Cosmo :]

- The Blank Cosmo was an entity that nobody could understand its uniqueness. The 'Blank' has once enwrapped all realms and taken away their cultivation -

[: Due to 2 Physique clashing, both of them would be fused to form a compatible physique :]

[: Initiating the fusion..1%...10%...50%...100% :]

[: Fusion has been completed and the Host has unlocked a new Original Physique :]

[: Physique of Hymn of Doom :]

- One-of-a-kind Physique that has never been heard of or ever existed, but the might it possesses is enough to cause death among all -

[: 8 Random Card has been used and the Host has received the Beast Bone of Heavenly Monkey, Spiritual Beast of Radiant Fairy, Law of Dark, Blacksmith Talent, Talisman Talent, Intent of Spear, Spiritual Root of Devourer and Law of Equality :]

[: Heavenly Monkey :]

- The Heavenly Monkey once destroyed the Heavens and claimed its spot and he was one of the most powerful beings that ever existed -

[: Radiant Fairy :]

- The Radiant Fairy has once twinkled its glitters from its wings, and each glitter caused a miracle as it answered the wishes of all beings -

[: Law of Dark :]

- With full mastery over the dark, there's nothing that you're afraid of. Every darkness there is, it'll belong to you -

[: Blacksmith :]

- Just as a swordmaster who has his sword, there is the Blacksmith who created the sword. With the godly talent of blacksmith, creations are within your hands -

[: Talisman :]

- Talismans are great weapons that could be used in all situations and with supreme mastery, destroying a continent with a talisman is no longer a dream -

[: Spear :]

- Spear is fear and there's not a single thing that a spear can't penetrate. A single thrust could break the Dimensions and Realms -

[: Spiritual Root of Devourer :]

- The previous holder of the Devourer was unbelievably strong that he could devour any being it ate and would be given all of the power from the prey it ate :]

[: Due to 2 Spiritual Roots clashing, both of them would be fused to form a compatible Spiritual Root :]

[: Initiating the fusion..1%...10%...50%...100% :]

[: Fusion has been completed and the Host has unlocked a new Original Spiritual Root :]

[: Spiritual Root of Calamity Breaker :]

- A new Spiritual Root that has surpasses even the rarest types. A spiritual root that grants the ability to steal a being whole power with just a glance and could control all types of Elements :]

[: Law of Equality :]

- The law of equality grants full control over the fairness and unfairness to each being -

After hours of changing, Daniel opened his eyes and glanced over his body as he felt power surging through his body.

"This feels amazing..." He murmured.

He tried manipulating the dark and he discovered that the room had turned Black.

There was no speck of light and it was just him and his existence of darkness.

It is not an exaggeration if Daniel feel like he could control all of the darkness within the world and he could declare 'Let there be no light'.

If he did that, perhaps more chaos would follow, thus, he held back his desires.

With his new intent unlocked, Daniel felt a surreal feeling that there was an invisible spear in the air and as he tried grabbing it, he could feel all connection in his surroundings.

And if he trusted through each connection, perhaps he might discover an unbelievable effect of the space tearing.

Eventually, he went over his Talents as Blacksmith and Talisman and he discovered a horrifying truth about it.

It wasn't just about knowing it, but rather, he was enlightened to all knowledge regarding all kinds of things he could create or make.

He was even surprised that there was a 'Gun' he could create and he thought it was pretty interesting in having a gun in the concept of a cultivation world.

Perhaps one day he would love to try.

Once Daniel was done going through with his newfound abilities, he discovered that it was already night and the moment he was on his way to his room, he discovered that the 12 Elders were waiting for him.

However, that wasn't the most surprising fact.

They wore see-through robes and as much as he was smiling widely, he knew what they wanted.

And of course, he won't hesitate to reply to their request.

"Master...we have been waiting for you"

Lydia was blushing and although she was experienced, she felt shy right in front of Daniel.

It was as though it was the first time that she was going to do the deed with someone that she loved.

Even the Elders behind her were behaving the same as her.

"Then, why don't we go inside and 'Explore' further?"

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