Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 71 More Disciples

Chapter 71 More Disciples

Once Kira had absorbed all of the enlightenment, she gazed at Daniel with an intensified emotion.

Her revenge which she had been longing to achieve is now not far away and all she left is to find the Nobleman.

"Master, I'll forever be in gratitude for what you have done for me and from this day onwards, I'll do whatever command you want me to do"

She kneeled on the ground and spoke her honest feelings.

The amount of loyalty she had for him had been over the threshold of her limits.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. As long as you can respect the rules, then, there's nothing for you to worry about"

He was pleased with her act, but he wouldn't want her to kneel all the time.

As Kira stood up, her mouth curved into a smile.

She no longer regrets her decision and she had no doubts about her master.

'I wonder what kind of fortune I have to have such an encounter?'

Even though it was the reality, she couldn't help but deny how absurd this situation was.

Nevertheless, she accepted it with an open smile.

Afterwards, she went back to her position in the hall as there was no place a seat to accommodate those who had joined his sect.

Still, after undergoing the evolution, Kira experienced minor changes.

Most of her features remained the same as there were no alterations to her appearance or body parts.

Having said that, there was a white circle mark on her forehead.

And the mark represents the Bloodline that she had.

Afterwards, Daniel began accepting more disciples left and right.

As much as he can, he tried in having small conversations with them, trying to form a link between him and the disciples.

Eventually, after 1 hour of accepting disciples, the system notification rang up.

[: Congratulations, the Host has completed the Mission: Accept 100 Disciples. Reward: 2 Random Sect Functions and 3 Random Cards :]

[: The host has received a new chain mission: Accept 500 Disciples. Reward: 1 Star Seed, 1 Evolusi Grape Seed, 2 Random Sect Functions and 3 Random Cards :]

Looking at the notification, Daniel smiled widely as he received new gifts and now that he recalled it, he had yet to check out his previous rewards.

'Now that I thought about it, I haven't even checked that reward yet. Let's just check it all out after this'

He decided to check later since his hands were busy with recruiting.

Nevertheless, after a few more hours, he completed the mission once again.

[: The host has completed the mission: Accept 500 Disciples. Reward: 1 Star Seed, 1 Evolusi Grape Seed, 2 Random Sect Functions and 3 Random Cards :]

[: The host has received a new chain mission: Accept 1000 Disciples. Reward: 1 Rainbow Seed, 1 Elemental Seed, 2 Random Sect Functions and 3 Random Cards :]

He received yet another mission once again, but he knew that he couldn't complete the mission.

After all, a few hours had passed and he had recruited every disciple that he can, and it all amounted to nearly a thousand.

[: Sect Status :]

Name: Heavenly Harem

Elders: 12

Disciple: 998

Grade: 1

Reputation: 5875

He gaze at his sect status and nodded with pride.

After waiting for quite some time, he finally achieved in recruiting a decent amount of disciples.

Although he could have reached more than a thousand, he couldn't force that refused to join.

He could only shrug his shoulders and give a warm farewell.

Since the Pink Lotus Sect would no longer exist, the hundreds who had missed such an opportunity would be forced to fend for themselves.

Nevertheless, Daniel had a feeling they would change their minds after a few days.

But by the time they changed their minds, they would be treated entirely differently from today.

For Daniel, he's giving all of these benefits purely to spread the influence of the sect, and once the sect could be independent, he would no longer rely on such a method.

This was just a beginner's privilege, the first generation and the root of the sect, and those future disciples would have started from the lowest rank which is a Servant.

But rest assured that the treatment they would receive would be even better than the top sects.

Now that everyone had settled down, Daniel could see the enthusiastic gaze within their eyes, but how does he say this?

It looked quite intense as if they wanted to devour him, but he wasn't the one to back down.

He'll be the predator and they will be the prey.

"Now that you have become my disciples, then, it's time for us to return to our sect, and as for those that didn't join, I could only wish you the best of luck"

He announced as he give a nod to Fresia who understood her given assignment.

Immediately, she created a massive wide teleportation that covered the whole area before all of those who are part of the sect was teleported.


"Is...this the Heavenly Harem Sect...?

"Why is the Spiritual Qi here so pure and dense...?"

"This isn't a sect but a paradise!"

The disciples were awed by the beauty and the atmosphere of the sect.

"As you can see, we have arrived at my sect and now that we're here, let me give you a congratulatory gift not for the Elders but also for my Disciples"

All of the disciples gulped their salivae in anticipation as they wondered what could their master give them.

'Even after all of that, there is still more!?' Their thoughts synchronized.

For starters, he summoned the Function of Harem Position Support which he never even used once, and for easier management, he gave the lowest rank which is Interest to every member except his 5 disciples.

And the Skill he selected to share was Eternal Universal Regeneration.

His first 5 Disciples were given the highest level which was 'Wife', however, he doesn't have any more skills to share.

Moreover, what they had was enough, thus, they were given only the benefit of more power.

Afterwardsward, he moved on to the Function of Disciple Harem Position and decided to place all of the Disciples at the 'Disciple' grade which is 2 Grades higher than a Servant.

And just like that, they received 3% of his prowess and a share of his skills which he had chosen Primordial Nexus Qi, God's Body and Gaia's Passive.

As for his first 5 Disciples, they were entitled to Heavenly Disciple Rank.

On the other hand, Daniel had assigned the lowest rank from the function he was rewarded after recruiting Stelia as an Elder to all Elders.

And they were given the same position which is an 'Elder' which is the lowest rank, but they received a maximum of 100% of his prowess and a share of his skill which he gave God's Body.

Last but not least, he cut his wrist and his action caused quite a stir.

"Don't panic, this is my blood too and if you drink it and you will be engraved a mark that will prove that you belong to my bloodline"

He saw the panic and concern in their eyes and if he hadn't explained, they would have jumped on him.

But it was amusing for him to witness their emotions as soon as they noticed the power rising through their bodies.

In an instant, they had become monsters that in terms of raw physical and defence, they could destroy a continent with a punch and shatter the sky with their roars.

Having said that, Daniel manipulated his blood where each drop went to each disciple and elder, and seeing the drop in front of them, they wondered what they have to do.

"Swallow it"

Immediately, they didn't hesitate to swallow and Daniel instantly assigned every member who have ingested his blood to the Nobility Grade of 'Lady'.

And the Skill he shared was Immunity to Physical and Elemental Damage.

At the same time, a mark of infinity began forming below their knuckles and It was coloured as white.

"The Mark that you see on your hand is a sign that represents that all of you are a Royalty that belongs to the Family of 'Marz"

"Meaning to say, your surname would be replaced by mine"

Daniel explained and he thought that they would frown, however, to his contrast they did not.

Instead, they loved it and cherished it.

"Now that we have completed everything, why not all of you have some rest in your dorms? Cecilia would guide all of you and we'll have a Celebration tonight"

Now that he has pretty much had a decent amount of disciples, he needed time and space to manage the disciples and how the Sect should move forward.

And while he was in his thoughts, Cecilia and her sisters began guiding the disciples while only the Elders were left behind as they awaited for his next command.

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