Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 560 - Reverse Interrogation - Part 1

"What do you say now, doctors? Take a look at the reports yourself and tell me." The lady constable handed the post mortem report to Aria after getting a nod from her superior.

The policeman smirked at the three people as he rejoiced at their misery in his heart. Even though he tried to be as discrete as possible, none among the three missed the slight gleam in his eyes, conveying his state of happiness. His reaction only added more to their suspicions, and nobody believed him not to be involved in this matter. He had to have a hand in it somehow to be hot on their trails and accuse them even before he had any proof.

"The report clearly says that Linda died of anaphylaxis and the reason that triggered her allergy was the dosage of aspirin given to her by you."

Aria smiled at the stubborn yet stupid man, unable to believe how she had missed such an important matter about him. His foolishness knew no bounds, and the man was adept at giving away secrets himself, making it quite easy for them to handle the matter. 

"You sure know how to read a report." Aria mused, closing the report even before she finished reading it completely.. "May I know what you majored in, Sir, during your studies?"

The policeman frowned in confusion at her question. Even the other constables in the room could not help but give her a puzzled look. They sure had not expected her to ask such a bizarre question. Even Stuart and Ian did not know where this going. Yet, they stayed calm, handing over the reins to the formidable woman with them.

"Do not try to deviate from the topic, Dr. West. We are talking about your misdeeds, not about my educational qualification." The policeman gritted his teeth, not quite understanding what was happening. His eyes squinted in anger, and Aria realized that he was just short of snapping his thin thread of control.

"You answer a few questions of mine before I answer yours, Inspector. They won't take much of your time, and I insist you do so for your own good." Aria persisted, unfazed by the man's frost-filled glare. She had seen and dealt with a lot of people of his kind, and every one of them was nothing but dirt in her eyes.

The police inspector's gaze dimmed for a moment as he stared at the trio in wonder. He could not comprehend what game they were playing. Their faces did not show any traces of anxiety, nor did they seem to be apprehensive about the situation they were in. It was as though they were more in control of everything than him. And just this thought alone was enough to frustrate him all the more.

"But if you do not have the guts to go ahead and answer my questions, I cannot do anything."

This was a hard blow to the arrogant man's ego, and even if he wanted to, he could not back off from what the three doctors had planned for him. Somewhere in his mind, he had an inkling that he would regret going ahead with this. But his ego was wounded, and he now wanted to show who held the control ultimately.

"Fine, ask away, doctor. Let me see what you have in mind."

"I have already asked you, Inspector. You are to give me an answer for it." Aria folded her hands and leaned back on her seat. Her mere stance screamed of regality and power, and for a moment, everyone was entranced by her.

It took some time for the policeman to gather his wits and recall what her question was before he answered her with a confused expression. "I studied political science before I took up the exam to join the police force."

"I see." Aria placed her hand under her chin and nodded in response. "How knowledgeable are you in chemistry or biology or any similar subject?"

Again Aria's question rendered the police speechless and they gaped at each other, unable to decipher the context of the matter. 

Seeing the man hesitate, Aria leaned forward, her smile not leaving her face. "I just have three more questions after this. I suggest we get over with it soon, Inspector, so that we can continue with your work."

"No." The man gave her a skeptical look before he answered her. "I do not have much knowledge in these subjects."

"How about the other people here? I would like to know if anyone here has studied these subjects in-depth, not just briefly." Aria continued, still not giving away what she upto.

Ian and Stuart just stared at her, wondering what was running through her mind. This was completely not what they had discussed and how they had planned to handle the matter for now. Yet, they did not stop her, allowing her to do as she pleased, trusting her to maneuver the situation well.

Everybody shook her heads in reply, and Aria's smile only widened at this. "Let me ask my next question. Can anybody among the police tell me what 2-Acetoxybenzoic acid is?" 

This time, both Ian and Stuart understood what Aria was up to, and they could not help but marvel at her intelligence. She had trapped the cunning policeman in his own plan, and the poor man did not even know what was happening to him.

"What the heck is that? How would I know what it is? I told you I do not have much knowledge in chemistry." The policeman cursed in anger while the constables nodded in agreement.

"I see." Aria did not probe further into this matter, giving the man a breather. "How about acetylsalicylic acid? Do you know what that is?" She asked her next question calmly, only to agitate the policeman all the more.

He stood up in anger, pointing his finger at the three doctors. "Are you fucking playing with me, doctors? You know what? I am done wasting my time. I am done answering your questions. Now it is my turn to interrogate and you better answer them honestly." He spat but none among the three reacted to his nonsense.

"So nobody knows what the two chemicals I just mentioned are. Am I right?" Aria continued, taking a look around the room, making sure to look at each policeman in the eye.

"Stop this nonsense, doctor. Fucking hell!" The Inspector continued to curse in anger.

Aria stood up immediately, her eyes blazing in fury. "If neither of you knows what acetylsalicylic acid or 2-Acetoxybenzoic acid is, how did you know that Linda died after consuming aspirin when they are nothing but the other names of aspirin? Moreover, nowhere in the report has aspirin been mentioned for your reference."

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